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3WARNING: This file is automatically generated. Do not edit!
5<Window xmlns="http://lincity-ng.berlios.de/gui" border="5" titlesize="25" width="700" height="200">
6  <title>
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8      <Paragraph style="title" translatable="yes" halign="center" name="DialogTitle">New Invention</Paragraph>
9    </Document>
10  </title>
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27            <Document style="message">
28              <p style="messagebold" translatable="yes">Fire Stations available</p>
29              <p xmlns="" translatable="yes">You have reached the tech level which enables you to build fire stations.
30	Fire stations prevent most fires from starting.
31		If you haven't had any fires yet, you might not
32	think	you need them.</p>
33              <p xmlns="" translatable="yes">See the help screen for more information.</p>
34              <p name="ExtraText"/>
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42            <Button name="Ok">
43              <text-caption style="dialogbutton" translatable="yes">Ok</text-caption>
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