1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2015-2017, J. Riesmeier, Oldenburg, Germany
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation are maintained by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module: dcmsr
15  *
16  *  Author: Joerg Riesmeier
17  *
18  *  Purpose:
19  *    classes: DSRRootTemplate
20  *
21  */
24 #ifndef DSRRTPL_H
25 #define DSRRTPL_H
27 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"   /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
29 #include "dcmtk/dcmsr/dsrdoctr.h"
30 #include "dcmtk/dcmsr/dsrctpl.h"
33 /*-----------------------*
34  *  forward declaration  *
35  *-----------------------*/
37 class DSRSubTemplate;
40 /*---------------------*
41  *  class declaration  *
42  *---------------------*/
44 /** Class managing an SR document tree that is based on an SR root template.
45  *  This class provides a more template-specific API than the general document tree class
46  *  and should be used for root templates only.
47  ** @note The main focus of this class currently lies in the creation of SR documents that
48  *        are based on an SR root template.  Support for reading SR documents into the
49  *        underlying structures might be added in the future.
50  */
51 class DCMTK_DCMSR_EXPORT DSRRootTemplate
52   : protected DSRDocumentTree,
53     public DSRTemplateCommon
54 {
56   public:
58     /** constructor
59      ** @param  documentType        document type of the associated document
60      *  @param  templateIdentifier  identifier of the template
61      *  @param  mappingResource     mapping resource that defines the template
62      *  @param  mappingResourceUID  uniquely identifies the mapping resource (optional)
63      */
64     DSRRootTemplate(const E_DocumentType documentType,
65                     const OFString &templateIdentifier,
66                     const OFString &mappingResource,
67                     const OFString &mappingResourceUID = "");
69     /** copy constructor.
70      *  Also see notes on DSRDocumentTree's copy constructor.
71      ** @param  rootTemplate  template to be copied
72      */
73     DSRRootTemplate(const DSRRootTemplate &rootTemplate);
75     /** destructor
76      */
77     virtual ~DSRRootTemplate();
79     /** clone this template.
80      *  Internally, the copy constructor is used, so the corresponding comments apply.
81      ** @return copy of this template
82      */
83     virtual DSRRootTemplate *clone() const;
85     /** clone the internally stored document tree of this template.
86      *  Internally, the copy constructor of DSRDocumentTree is used, so the corresponding
87      *  comments apply.  In addition, the template identification is set for the root node
88      *  of the cloned tree (if applicable).
89      ** @return copy of the internally stored document tree
90      */
91     virtual DSRDocumentTree *cloneTree() const;
93     /** clear internal member variables.
94      *  Also see notes on the clear() method of the base classes.
95      */
96     virtual void clear();
98     /** check whether the current internal state is valid.
99      *  That means, whether both the internally stored document tree and the template
100      *  identification are valid.
101      ** @return OFTrue if valid, OFFalse otherwise
102      */
103     virtual OFBool isValid() const;
105     /** check whether this template is a root template, i.e.\ describes a complete SR
106      *  document tree starting from the root node
107      ** @return always returns OFTrue since this class handles root templates
108      */
isRootTemplate()109     inline OFBool isRootTemplate() const
110     {
111         return OFTrue;
112     }
114     /** get read-only access to internally stored document tree.
115      *  This method is not "const" because the template identification is set/updated
116      *  automatically for the root node of the document tree (if applicable).
117      ** @return constant reference to internally stored document tree
118      */
119     virtual const DSRDocumentTree &getTree();
121     /** add extra content item to the current one (if the template is extensible).
122      *  See DSRDocumentTree::addContentItem() for details.
123      ** @param  relationshipType  relationship type of node to be added with regard to
124      *                            the current one
125      *  @param  valueType         value type of node to be added
126      *  @param  addMode           flag specifying at which position to add the new node
127      *                            (e.g. after or below the current node)
128      ** @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
129      */
130     virtual OFCondition addExtraContentItem(const E_RelationshipType relationshipType,
131                                             const E_ValueType valueType,
132                                             const E_AddMode addMode = AM_afterCurrent);
134     /** insert tree from given extra template to internally stored document tree.
135      *  If possible, this method adds a copy of the given tree to the current content item.
136      *  However, in case this template is non-extensible, an error code will be returned.
137      ** @param  subTemplate     template that contains the tree that should be inserted
138      *  @param  addMode         flag specifying at which position to add the new subtree
139      *                          (e.g. after or below the current node)
140      *  @param  defaultRelType  default relationship type between the top-level nodes of
141      *                          the given subtree and the current node.  This relationship
142      *                          type is used if the one of a top-level node is "unknown".
143      ** @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
144      */
145     virtual OFCondition insertExtraTemplate(const DSRSubTemplate &subTemplate,
146                                             const E_AddMode addMode = AM_belowCurrent,
147                                             const E_RelationshipType defaultRelType = RT_unknown);
150   // --- introduce some methods from base class to public API
152     using DSRDocumentTree::isEmpty;
153     using DSRDocumentTree::isCursorValid;
154     using DSRDocumentTree::getDocumentType;
155     using DSRDocumentTree::print;
156     using DSRDocumentTree::writeXML;
157     using DSRDocumentTree::countNodes;
158     using DSRDocumentTree::countChildNodes;
159     using DSRDocumentTree::hasParentNode;
160     using DSRDocumentTree::hasChildNodes;
161     using DSRDocumentTree::hasPreviousNode;
162     using DSRDocumentTree::hasNextNode;
163     using DSRDocumentTree::hasSiblingNodes;
164     using DSRDocumentTree::iterate;
165     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoRoot;
166     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoFirst;
167     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoLast;
168     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoPrevious;
169     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoNext;
170     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoParent;
171     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoChild;
172     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoNamedNode;
173     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoNextNamedNode;
174     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoAnnotatedNode;
175     using DSRDocumentTree::gotoNextAnnotatedNode;
176     using DSRDocumentTree::getCurrentContentItem;
177     using DSRDocumentTree::updateByReferenceRelationships;
180   protected:
182     /** read SR document tree from DICOM dataset
183      ** @param  dataset       dummy parameter
184      *  @param  documentType  dummy parameter
185      *  @param  flags         dummy parameter
186      ** @return always returns EC_IllegalCall since this method is not yet implemented and
187      *          should, therefore, never be called for this class
188      */
189     virtual OFCondition read(DcmItem &dataset,
190                              const E_DocumentType documentType,
191                              const size_t flags = 0);
193     /** read XML document tree
194      ** @param  doc     dummy parameter
195      *  @param  cursor  dummy parameter
196      *  @param  flags   dummy parameter
197      ** @return always returns EC_IllegalCall since this method is not yet implemented and
198      *          should, therefore, never be called for this class
199      */
200     virtual OFCondition readXML(const DSRXMLDocument &doc,
201                                 DSRXMLCursor cursor,
202                                 const size_t flags);
204     /** update the tree for subsequent output, e.g.\ for being printed or added to an SR
205      *  document.  This function is called automatically by the affected output methods.
206      */
207     virtual void updateTreeForOutput();
210   private:
212  // --- declaration of default constructor and assignment operator
214     DSRRootTemplate();
215     DSRRootTemplate &operator=(const DSRRootTemplate &);
216 };
219 #endif