1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 1998-2012, OFFIS e.V.
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module: dcmpstat
15  *
16  *  Author: Marco Eichelberg
17  *
18  *  Purpose:
19  *    classes: DVPSReferencedImage
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef DVPSRI_H
24 #define DVPSRI_H
26 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
27 #include "dcmtk/dcmpstat/dpdefine.h"
28 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcvrui.h"
29 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcvris.h"
31 /** an item of the referenced image sequence in a presentation state (internal use only).
32  *  This class manages the data structures comprising one item
33  *  of the Reference Image Sequence which is contained
34  *  in the Referenced Series Sequence in a Presentation State object.
35  */
37 class DCMTK_DCMPSTAT_EXPORT DVPSReferencedImage
38 {
39 public:
40   /// default constructor
41   DVPSReferencedImage();
43   /// copy constructor
44   DVPSReferencedImage(const DVPSReferencedImage& copy);
46   /** clone method.
47    *  @return a pointer to a new DVPSReferencedImage object containing
48    *  a copy of this object.
49    */
clone()50   DVPSReferencedImage *clone() { return new DVPSReferencedImage(*this); }
52   /// destructor
53   virtual ~DVPSReferencedImage();
55   /** reads an image reference from a DICOM dataset.
56    *  The DICOM elements of the referenced image item are copied
57    *  from the dataset to this object.
58    *  The completeness of the item (presence of all required elements,
59    *  value multiplicity) is checked.
60    *  If this method returns an error code, the object is in undefined state afterwards.
61    *  @param dset the item of the ReferencedImageSequence from which the data is to be read
62    *  @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
63    */
64   OFCondition read(DcmItem &dset);
66   /** writes the image reference managed by this object to a DICOM dataset.
67    *  Copies of the DICOM element managed by this object are inserted into
68    *  the DICOM dataset.
69    *  @param dset the the item of the ReferencedImageSequence to which the data is written
70    *  @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
71    */
72   OFCondition write(DcmItem &dset);
74   /** check if the passed SOP Class UID is equal to the one stored in this object.
75    *  If sopclassuid is empty, the referencedSOPClassUID is assigned to it and the method returns
76    *  OFTrue. Otherwise the passed UID is compared with the referencedSOPClassUID.
77    *  OFTrue is returned if they are equal, OFFalse otherwise.
78    *  This method is used to check whether all image references in a presentation state
79    *  share the same SOP Class UID.
80    *  @param sopclassuid the SOP class UID to be validated
81    *  @return OFTrue if successful, OFFalse if unsuccessful.
82    */
83   OFBool validateSOPClassUID(OFString& sopclassuid);
85   /** set SOP Class UID of this image reference.
86    *  @param uid a pointer to the UID, which is copied into this object.
87    */
88   void setSOPClassUID(const char *uid);
90   /** set SOP Instance UID of this image reference.
91    *  @param uid a pointer to the UID, which is copied into this object.
92    */
93   void setSOPInstanceUID(const char *uid);
95   /** set the list of frame numbers of this image reference.
96    *  @param frames a list of frame numbers in DICOM IS format
97    *    (integer numbers separated by '\' characters)
98    */
99   void setFrameNumbers(const char *frames);
101   /** compare SOP Instance UID.
102    *  @param uid the UID to be compared
103    *  @return OFTrue if the referencedSOPInstanceUID of this object is
104    *    equal to uid, OFFalse otherwise.
105    */
106   OFBool isSOPInstanceUID(const char *uid);
108   /** gets the image reference managed by this object.
109    *  @param sopclassUID the SOP Class UID is returned in this string
110    *  @param instanceUID the SOP Instance UID is returned in this string
111    *  @param frames the list of frames is returned in this string
112    *  @return EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise.
113    */
114   OFCondition getImageReference(
115     OFString& sopclassUID,
116     OFString& instanceUID,
117     OFString& frames);
119   /** checks whether this image reference applies to the given frame number.
120    *  An image reference applies to a frame if the frame number is explicitly
121    *  listed in the referencedFrameNumber attribute or if the referencedFrameNumber
122    *  is empty.
123    *  @param frame frame number to be checked
124    *  @return OFTrue if the image reference applies to the given frame number, OFFalse otherwise.
125    */
126   OFBool appliesToFrame(unsigned long frame);
128   /** checks whether this image reference applies exactly to the given frame number.
129    *  This is the case if the referencedFrameNumber only contains the given frame number.
130    *  @param frame frame number to be checked
131    *  @return OFTrue if the image reference applies only to the given frame number, OFFalse otherwise.
132    */
133   OFBool appliesOnlyToFrame(unsigned long frame);
135   /** checks whether this image reference applies all frames
136    *  because the referencedFrameNumber is empty.
137    *  @return OFTrue if the image reference applies to all frames, OFFalse otherwise.
138    */
139   OFBool appliesToAllFrames();
141   /** update the reference such that the given frame is not referenced any more.
142    *  @param frame the frame reference
143    *  @param numberOfFrames the number of frames of the image reference
144    */
145   void removeFrameReference(unsigned long frame, unsigned long numberOfFrames);
147 private:
149   /** undefined private assignment operator
150    */
151   DVPSReferencedImage& operator=(const DVPSReferencedImage& source);
153   /** flushes the frame cache.
154    */
155   void flushCache();
156   /** updated the frame cache.
157    */
158   void updateCache();
160   /// VR=UI, VM=1, Type 1c
161   DcmUniqueIdentifier      referencedSOPClassUID;
162   /// VR=UI, VM=1, Type 1c
163   DcmUniqueIdentifier      referencedSOPInstanceUID;
164   /// VR=IS, VM=1-n, Type 1c
165   DcmIntegerString         referencedFrameNumber;
166   /// if exists, contains binary representation of referencedFrameNumber
167   Sint32 *frameCache;
168   /// describes array size of frameCache
169   unsigned long frameCacheEntries;
171 };
173 #endif