1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (c) 2008-2012, OFFIS e.V. and ICSMED AG, Oldenburg, Germany
4  *  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, J. Riesmeier, Oldenburg, Germany
5  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
6  *
7  *  Header file for class DRTTypes
8  *
9  *  Generated manually based on dsrtypes.h
10  *  File created on 2008-12-05
11  *  Last modified on 2016-02-12 by Riesmeier
12  *
13  */
16 #ifndef DRTTYPES_H
17 #define DRTTYPES_H
19 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"   /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
21 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/oftypes.h"
22 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofcond.h"
23 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofvector.h"
24 #include "dcmtk/oflog/oflog.h"
26 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dctk.h"
28 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofdefine.h"
31 #ifdef dcmrt_EXPORTS
33 #else
35 #endif
38 // include this file in doxygen documentation
40 /** @file drttypes.h
41  *  @brief type definitions, constants and helper functions for the dcmrt module
42  */
45 /*-----------------------*
46  *  contant definitions  *
47  *-----------------------*/
49 /** @name specific error conditions for module dcmrt.
50  *  These error codes can be used in addition to the general purpose
51  *  codes defined in module dcmdata.
52  */
53 //@{
55 /// error: a value is invalid according to the standard
56 extern DCMTK_DCMRT_EXPORT const OFConditionConst RT_EC_InvalidValue;
58 /// error: a value is not supported by this implementation
59 extern DCMTK_DCMRT_EXPORT const OFConditionConst RT_EC_UnsupportedValue;
61 /// error: the object is invalid, see isValid() method in IOD class
62 extern DCMTK_DCMRT_EXPORT const OFConditionConst RT_EC_InvalidObject;
64 //@}
67 // global definitions for logging mechanism provided by the oflog module
69 extern DCMTK_DCMRT_EXPORT OFLogger DCM_dcmrtLogger;
71 #define DCMRT_TRACE(msg) OFLOG_TRACE(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
72 #define DCMRT_DEBUG(msg) OFLOG_DEBUG(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
73 #define DCMRT_INFO(msg)  OFLOG_INFO(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
74 #define DCMRT_WARN(msg)  OFLOG_WARN(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
75 #define DCMRT_ERROR(msg) OFLOG_ERROR(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
76 #define DCMRT_FATAL(msg) OFLOG_FATAL(DCM_dcmrtLogger, msg)
79 /*---------------------*
80  *  class declaration  *
81  *---------------------*/
83 /** General purpose class hiding global functions, constants and types from the
84  *  global namespace.  Some of them might be moved to 'ofstd' or 'dcmdata' later on.
85  *  All functions and constants are static and can, therefore, be accessed without
86  *  creating an instance of this class.
87  */
89 {
91   public:
93   // --- destructor ---
95     /** destructor. (only needed to avoid compiler warnings)
96      */
97     virtual ~DRTTypes();
100   // --- DICOM data structure access functions ---
102     /** add given element to the dataset.
103      *  The element is only added if 'result' is EC_Normal and the 'element' pointer is not NULL.
104      *  @param  result      reference to status variable (checked before adding and updated afterwards!)
105      *  @param  dataset     reference to DICOM dataset to which the element should be added
106      *  @param  element     pointer to DICOM element which should be added. deleted if not inserted.
107      *  @param  vm          value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
108      *                      (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
109      *                      Interpreted as cardinality (number of items) for sequence attributes.
110      *  @param  type        value type (valid value: "1", "2" or something else which is not checked)
111      *  @param  moduleName  optional module name to be printed (default: "RT object" if NULL)
112      *  @return current value of 'result', EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
113      */
114     static OFCondition addElementToDataset(OFCondition &result,
115                                            DcmItem &dataset,
116                                            DcmElement *element,
117                                            const OFString &vm,
118                                            const OFString &type,
119                                            const char *moduleName = NULL);
121     /** get element from dataset
122      *  @param  dataset  reference to DICOM dataset from which the element should be retrieved.
123      *                   (Would be 'const' if the methods from 'dcmdata' would also be 'const'.)
124      *  @param  element  reference to DICOM element which should be retrieved.  The return value
125      *                   is also stored in this parameter.
126      *  @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
127      */
128     static OFCondition getElementFromDataset(DcmItem &dataset,
129                                              DcmElement &element);
131     /** get string value from element
132      *  @param  element      reference to DICOM element from which the string value should be retrieved
133      *  @param  stringValue  reference to character string where the result should be stored
134      *  @param  pos          index of the value to get (0..vm-1), -1 for all components
135      *  @return reference character string if successful, empty string otherwise
136      */
137     static OFCondition getStringValueFromElement(const DcmElement &element,
138                                                  OFString &stringValue,
139                                                  const signed long pos = 0);
141     /** get string value from dataset
142      *  @param  dataset      reference to DICOM dataset from which the string should be retrieved.
143      *                       (Would be 'const' if the methods from 'dcmdata' would also be 'const'.)
144      *  @param  tagKey       DICOM tag specifying the attribute from which the string should be retrieved
145      *  @param  stringValue  reference to character string in which the result should be stored.
146      *                       (This parameter is automatically cleared if the tag could not be found.)
147      *  @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
148      */
149     static OFCondition getStringValueFromDataset(DcmItem &dataset,
150                                                  const DcmTagKey &tagKey,
151                                                  OFString &stringValue);
153     /** put string value to dataset
154      *  @param  dataset      reference to DICOM dataset to which the string should be put.
155      *  @param  tag          DICOM tag specifying the attribute to which the string should be put
156      *  @param  stringValue  character string specifying the value to be set
157      *  @param  allowEmpty   allow empty element to be inserted if OFTrue.
158      *                       Do not insert empty element otherwise.
159      *  @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
160      */
161     static OFCondition putStringValueToDataset(DcmItem &dataset,
162                                                const DcmTag &tag,
163                                                const OFString &stringValue,
164                                                const OFBool allowEmpty = OFTrue);
166     /** check element value for correct value multiplicity and type
167      *  @param  element     DICOM element to be checked
168      *  @param  vm          value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
169      *                      (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
170      *                      Interpreted as cardinality (number of items) for sequence attributes.
171      *  @param  type        value type (valid value: "1", "1C", "2" or something else which is not checked)
172      *  @param  searchCond  optional flag indicating the status of a previous 'search' function call
173      *  @param  moduleName  optional module name to be printed (default: "RT object" if NULL)
174      *  @return OFTrue if element value is correct, OFFalse otherwise
175      */
176     static OFBool checkElementValue(DcmElement &element,
177                                     const OFString &vm,
178                                     const OFString &type,
179                                     const OFCondition &searchCond = EC_Normal,
180                                     const char *moduleName = NULL);
182     /** get element from dataset and check it for correct value multiplicity and type.
183      *  This functions calls the above one to check the element value.
184      *  @param  dataset     reference to DICOM dataset from which the element should be retrieved.
185      *                      (Would be 'const' if the methods from 'dcmdata' would also be 'const'.)
186      *  @param  element     DICOM element used to store the value
187      *  @param  vm          value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
188      *                      (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
189      *                      Interpreted as cardinality (number of items) for sequence attributes.
190      *  @param  type        value type (valid value: "1", "1C", "2" or something else which is not checked)
191      *  @param  moduleName  optional module name to be printed (default: "RT object" if NULL)
192      *  @return status, EC_Normal if element could be retrieved and value is correct, an error code otherwise
193      */
194     static OFCondition getAndCheckElementFromDataset(DcmItem &dataset,
195                                                      DcmElement &element,
196                                                      const OFString &vm,
197                                                      const OFString &type,
198                                                      const char *moduleName = NULL);
200     /** get string value from dataset and check it for correct value multiplicity and type.
201      *  This functions calls the above one to check the element value.
202      *  @param  dataset      reference to DICOM dataset from which the element should be retrieved.
203      *                       (Would be 'const' if the methods from 'dcmdata' would also be 'const'.)
204      *  @param  tagKey       DICOM tag specifying the attribute from which the string should be retrieved
205      *  @param  stringValue  reference to character string in which the result should be stored.
206      *                       (This parameter is automatically cleared if the tag could not be found.)
207      *  @param  vm           value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
208      *                       (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
209      *                       Interpreted as cardinality (number of items) for sequence attributes.
210      *  @param  type         value type (valid value: "1", "1C", "2" or something else which is not checked)
211      *  @param  moduleName   optional module name to be printed (default: "RT object" if NULL)
212      *  @return status, EC_Normal if element could be retrieved and value is correct, an error code otherwise
213      */
214     static OFCondition getAndCheckStringValueFromDataset(DcmItem &dataset,
215                                                          const DcmTagKey &tagKey,
216                                                          OFString &stringValue,
217                                                          const OFString &vm,
218                                                          const OFString &type,
219                                                          const char *moduleName = NULL);
220 };
223 #endif