1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_exceptions_h
17 #define dealii_exceptions_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <exception>
22 #include <ostream>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <type_traits>
27 #  include <cusolverSp.h>
28 #  include <cusparse.h>
29 #endif
35 /**
36  * This class is the base class for all exception classes. Do not use its
37  * methods and variables directly since the interface and mechanism may be
38  * subject to change. Rather create new exception classes using the
39  * <tt>DeclException</tt> macro family.
40  *
41  * See the
42  * @ref Exceptions
43  * module for more details on this class and what can be done with classes
44  * derived from it.
45  *
46  * @ingroup Exceptions
47  */
48 class ExceptionBase : public std::exception
49 {
50 public:
51   /**
52    * Default constructor.
53    */
54   ExceptionBase();
56   /**
57    * Copy constructor.
58    */
59   ExceptionBase(const ExceptionBase &exc);
61   /**
62    * Destructor.
63    */
64   virtual ~ExceptionBase() noexcept override;
66   /**
67    * Copy operator. This operator is deleted since exception objects
68    * are not copyable.
69    */
70   ExceptionBase
71   operator=(const ExceptionBase &) = delete;
73   /**
74    * Set the file name and line of where the exception appeared as well as the
75    * violated condition and the name of the exception as a char pointer. This
76    * function also populates the stacktrace.
77    */
78   void
79   set_fields(const char *file,
80              const int   line,
81              const char *function,
82              const char *cond,
83              const char *exc_name);
86   /**
87    * Override the standard function that returns the description of the error.
88    */
89   virtual const char *
90   what() const noexcept override;
92   /**
93    * Get exception name.
94    */
95   const char *
96   get_exc_name() const;
98   /**
99    * Print out the general part of the error information.
100    */
101   void
102   print_exc_data(std::ostream &out) const;
104   /**
105    * Print more specific information about the exception which occurred.
106    * Overload this function in your own exception classes.
107    */
108   virtual void
109   print_info(std::ostream &out) const;
111   /**
112    * Print a stacktrace, if one has been recorded previously, to the given
113    * stream.
114    */
115   void
116   print_stack_trace(std::ostream &out) const;
118 protected:
119   /**
120    * Name of the file this exception happens in.
121    */
122   const char *file;
124   /**
125    * Line number in this file.
126    */
127   unsigned int line;
129   /**
130    * Name of the function, pretty printed.
131    */
132   const char *function;
134   /**
135    * The violated condition, as a string.
136    */
137   const char *cond;
139   /**
140    * Name of the exception and call sequence.
141    */
142   const char *exc;
144   /**
145    * A backtrace to the position where the problem happened, if the system
146    * supports this.
147    */
148   mutable char **stacktrace;
150   /**
151    * The number of stacktrace frames that are stored in the previous variable.
152    * Zero if the system does not support stack traces.
153    */
154   int n_stacktrace_frames;
157   /**
158    * array of pointers that contains the raw stack trace
159    */
160   void *raw_stacktrace[25];
161 #endif
163 private:
164   /**
165    * Internal function that generates the c_string. Called by what().
166    */
167   void
168   generate_message() const;
170   /**
171    * A pointer to the c_string that will be printed by what(). It is populated
172    * by generate_message()
173    */
174   mutable std::string what_str;
175 };
177 #ifndef DOXYGEN
179 /**
180  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase without parameters.
181  *
182  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
183  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
184  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
185  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
186  * will be name collisions (see
187  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
188  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
189  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
190  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
191  * deal.II headers have been included.
192  *
193  * @ingroup Exceptions
194  */
195 #  define DeclException0(Exception0)                \
196     class Exception0 : public dealii::ExceptionBase \
197     {}
200 /**
201  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase that can take one
202  * runtime argument, but if none is given in the place where you want to throw
203  * the exception, it simply reverts to the default text provided when
204  * declaring the exception class through this macro.
205  *
206  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
207  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
208  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
209  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
210  * will be name collisions (see
211  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
212  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
213  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
214  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
215  * deal.II headers have been included.
216  *
217  * @ingroup Exceptions
218  */
219 #  define DeclExceptionMsg(Exception, defaulttext)    \
220     class Exception : public dealii::ExceptionBase    \
221     {                                                 \
222     public:                                           \
223       Exception(const std::string &msg = defaulttext) \
224         : arg(msg)                                    \
225       {}                                              \
226       virtual ~Exception() noexcept                   \
227       {}                                              \
228       virtual void                                    \
229       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override    \
230       {                                               \
231         out << "    " << arg << std::endl;            \
232       }                                               \
233                                                       \
234     private:                                          \
235       const std::string arg;                          \
236     }
238 /**
239  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with one additional
240  * parameter.
241  *
242  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
243  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
244  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
245  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
246  * will be name collisions (see
247  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
248  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
249  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
250  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
251  * deal.II headers have been included.
252  *
253  * @ingroup Exceptions
254  */
255 #  define DeclException1(Exception1, type1, outsequence) \
256     class Exception1 : public dealii::ExceptionBase      \
257     {                                                    \
258     public:                                              \
259       Exception1(type1 const &a1)                        \
260         : arg1(a1)                                       \
261       {}                                                 \
262       virtual ~Exception1() noexcept                     \
263       {}                                                 \
264       virtual void                                       \
265       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override       \
266       {                                                  \
267         out << "    " outsequence << std::endl;          \
268       }                                                  \
269                                                          \
270     private:                                             \
271       type1 const arg1;                                  \
272     }
275 /**
276  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with two additional
277  * parameters.
278  *
279  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
280  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
281  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
282  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
283  * will be name collisions (see
284  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
285  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
286  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
287  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
288  * deal.II headers have been included.
289  *
290  * @ingroup Exceptions
291  */
292 #  define DeclException2(Exception2, type1, type2, outsequence) \
293     class Exception2 : public dealii::ExceptionBase             \
294     {                                                           \
295     public:                                                     \
296       Exception2(type1 const &a1, type2 const &a2)              \
297         : arg1(a1)                                              \
298         , arg2(a2)                                              \
299       {}                                                        \
300       virtual ~Exception2() noexcept                            \
301       {}                                                        \
302       virtual void                                              \
303       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override              \
304       {                                                         \
305         out << "    " outsequence << std::endl;                 \
306       }                                                         \
307                                                                 \
308     private:                                                    \
309       type1 const arg1;                                         \
310       type2 const arg2;                                         \
311     }
314 /**
315  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with three additional
316  * parameters.
317  *
318  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
319  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
320  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
321  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
322  * will be name collisions (see
323  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
324  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
325  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
326  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
327  * deal.II headers have been included.
328  *
329  * @ingroup Exceptions
330  */
331 #  define DeclException3(Exception3, type1, type2, type3, outsequence) \
332     class Exception3 : public dealii::ExceptionBase                    \
333     {                                                                  \
334     public:                                                            \
335       Exception3(type1 const &a1, type2 const &a2, type3 const &a3)    \
336         : arg1(a1)                                                     \
337         , arg2(a2)                                                     \
338         , arg3(a3)                                                     \
339       {}                                                               \
340       virtual ~Exception3() noexcept                                   \
341       {}                                                               \
342       virtual void                                                     \
343       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override                     \
344       {                                                                \
345         out << "    " outsequence << std::endl;                        \
346       }                                                                \
347                                                                        \
348     private:                                                           \
349       type1 const arg1;                                                \
350       type2 const arg2;                                                \
351       type3 const arg3;                                                \
352     }
355 /**
356  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with four additional
357  * parameters.
358  *
359  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
360  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
361  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
362  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
363  * will be name collisions (see
364  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
365  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
366  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
367  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
368  * deal.II headers have been included.
369  *
370  * @ingroup Exceptions
371  */
372 #  define DeclException4(Exception4, type1, type2, type3, type4, outsequence) \
373     class Exception4 : public dealii::ExceptionBase                           \
374     {                                                                         \
375     public:                                                                   \
376       Exception4(type1 const &a1,                                             \
377                  type2 const &a2,                                             \
378                  type3 const &a3,                                             \
379                  type4 const &a4)                                             \
380         : arg1(a1)                                                            \
381         , arg2(a2)                                                            \
382         , arg3(a3)                                                            \
383         , arg4(a4)                                                            \
384       {}                                                                      \
385       virtual ~Exception4() noexcept                                          \
386       {}                                                                      \
387       virtual void                                                            \
388       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override                            \
389       {                                                                       \
390         out << "    " outsequence << std::endl;                               \
391       }                                                                       \
392                                                                               \
393     private:                                                                  \
394       type1 const arg1;                                                       \
395       type2 const arg2;                                                       \
396       type3 const arg3;                                                       \
397       type4 const arg4;                                                       \
398     }
401 /**
402  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with five additional
403  * parameters.
404  *
405  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
406  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
407  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
408  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
409  * will be name collisions (see
410  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
411  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
412  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
413  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
414  * deal.II headers have been included.
415  *
416  * @ingroup Exceptions
417  */
418 #  define DeclException5(                                       \
419     Exception5, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5, outsequence) \
420     class Exception5 : public dealii::ExceptionBase             \
421     {                                                           \
422     public:                                                     \
423       Exception5(type1 const &a1,                               \
424                  type2 const &a2,                               \
425                  type3 const &a3,                               \
426                  type4 const &a4,                               \
427                  type5 const &a5)                               \
428         : arg1(a1)                                              \
429         , arg2(a2)                                              \
430         , arg3(a3)                                              \
431         , arg4(a4)                                              \
432         , arg5(a5)                                              \
433       {}                                                        \
434       virtual ~Exception5() noexcept                            \
435       {}                                                        \
436       virtual void                                              \
437       print_info(std::ostream &out) const override              \
438       {                                                         \
439         out << "    " outsequence << std::endl;                 \
440       }                                                         \
441                                                                 \
442     private:                                                    \
443       type1 const arg1;                                         \
444       type2 const arg2;                                         \
445       type3 const arg3;                                         \
446       type4 const arg4;                                         \
447       type5 const arg5;                                         \
448     }
450 #else /*ifndef DOXYGEN*/
452 // Dummy definitions for doxygen:
454 /**
455  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase without parameters.
456  *
457  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
458  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
459  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
460  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
461  * will be name collisions (see
462  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
463  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
464  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
465  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
466  * deal.II headers have been included.
467  *
468  * @ingroup Exceptions
469  */
470 #  define DeclException0(Exception0) \
471     /** @ingroup Exceptions */       \
472     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception0()
474 /**
475  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase that can take one
476  * runtime argument, but if none is given in the place where you want to throw
477  * the exception, it simply reverts to the default text provided when
478  * declaring the exception class through this macro.
479  *
480  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
481  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
482  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
483  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
484  * will be name collisions (see
485  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
486  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
487  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
488  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
489  * deal.II headers have been included.
490  *
491  * @ingroup Exceptions
492  */
493 #  define DeclExceptionMsg(Exception, defaulttext) \
494     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                     \
495     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{defaulttext} */    \
496     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception()
498 /**
499  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with one additional
500  * parameter.
501  *
502  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
503  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
504  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
505  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
506  * will be name collisions (see
507  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
508  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
509  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
510  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
511  * deal.II headers have been included.
512  *
513  * @ingroup Exceptions
514  */
515 #  define DeclException1(Exception1, type1, outsequence) \
516     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                           \
517     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{outsequence} */          \
518     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception1(type1 arg1)
521 /**
522  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with two additional
523  * parameters.
524  *
525  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
526  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
527  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
528  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
529  * will be name collisions (see
530  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
531  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
532  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
533  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
534  * deal.II headers have been included.
535  *
536  * @ingroup Exceptions
537  */
538 #  define DeclException2(Exception2, type1, type2, outsequence) \
539     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                                  \
540     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{outsequence} */                 \
541     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception2(type1 arg1, type2 arg2)
544 /**
545  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with three additional
546  * parameters.
547  *
548  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
549  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
550  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
551  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
552  * will be name collisions (see
553  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
554  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
555  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
556  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
557  * deal.II headers have been included.
558  *
559  * @ingroup Exceptions
560  */
561 #  define DeclException3(Exception3, type1, type2, type3, outsequence) \
562     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                                         \
563     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{outsequence} */                        \
564     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception3(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3)
567 /**
568  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with four additional
569  * parameters.
570  *
571  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
572  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
573  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
574  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
575  * will be name collisions (see
576  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
577  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
578  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
579  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
580  * deal.II headers have been included.
581  *
582  * @ingroup Exceptions
583  */
584 #  define DeclException4(Exception4, type1, type2, type3, type4, outsequence) \
585     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                                                \
586     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{outsequence} */                               \
587     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception4(type1 arg1,                      \
588                                              type2 arg2,                      \
589                                              type3 arg3,                      \
590                                              type4 arg4)
593 /**
594  * Declare an exception class derived from ExceptionBase with five additional
595  * parameters.
596  *
597  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
598  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
599  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
600  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
601  * will be name collisions (see
602  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
603  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
604  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
605  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
606  * deal.II headers have been included.
607  *
608  * @ingroup Exceptions
609  */
610 #  define DeclException5(                                       \
611     Exception5, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5, outsequence) \
612     /** @ingroup Exceptions */                                  \
613     /** @dealiiExceptionMessage{outsequence} */                 \
614     static dealii::ExceptionBase &Exception5(                   \
615       type1 arg1, type2 arg2, type3 arg3, type4 arg4, type5 arg5)
617 #endif /*ifndef DOXYGEN*/
620 /**
621  * Declare some exceptions that occur over and over. This way, you can simply
622  * use these exceptions, instead of having to declare them locally in your
623  * class. The namespace in which these exceptions are declared is later
624  * included into the global namespace by
625  * @code
626  * using namespace StandardExceptions;
627  * @endcode
628  *
629  * @ingroup Exceptions
630  */
631 namespace StandardExceptions
632 {
633   /**
634    * @addtogroup Exceptions
635    */
636   //@{
638   /**
639    * Exception denoting a division by zero.
640    */
641   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcDivideByZero,
642                    "A piece of code is attempting a division by zero. This is "
643                    "likely going to lead to results that make no sense.");
645   /**
646    * Exception raised if a number is not finite.
647    *
648    * This exception should be used to catch infinite or not a number results
649    * of arithmetic operations that do not result from a division by zero (use
650    * ExcDivideByZero for those).
651    *
652    * The exception uses std::complex as its argument to ensure that we can use
653    * it for all scalar arguments (real or complex-valued).
654    */
655   DeclException1(
656     ExcNumberNotFinite,
657     std::complex<double>,
658     << "In a significant number of places, deal.II checks that some intermediate "
659     << "value is a finite number (as opposed to plus or minus infinity, or "
660     << "NaN/Not a Number). In the current function, we encountered a number "
661     << "that is not finite (its value is " << arg1 << " and therefore "
662     << "violates the current assertion).\n\n"
663     << "This may be due to the fact that some operation in this function "
664     << "created such a value, or because one of the arguments you passed "
665     << "to the function already had this value from some previous "
666     << "operation. In the latter case, this function only triggered the "
667     << "error but may not actually be responsible for the computation of "
668     << "the number that is not finite.\n\n"
669     << "There are two common cases where this situation happens. First, your "
670     << "code (or something in deal.II) divides by zero in a place where this "
671     << "should not happen. Or, you are trying to solve a linear system "
672     << "with an unsuitable solver (such as an indefinite or non-symmetric "
673     << "linear system using a Conjugate Gradient solver); such attempts "
674     << "oftentimes yield an operation somewhere that tries to divide "
675     << "by zero or take the square root of a negative value.\n\n"
676     << "In any case, when trying to find the source of the error, "
677     << "recall that the location where you are getting this error is "
678     << "simply the first place in the program where there is a check "
679     << "that a number (e.g., an element of a solution vector) is in fact "
680     << "finite, but that the actual error that computed the number "
681     << "may have happened far earlier. To find this location, you "
682     << "may want to add checks for finiteness in places of your "
683     << "program visited before the place where this error is produced. "
684     << "One way to check for finiteness is to use the 'AssertIsFinite' "
685     << "macro.");
687   /**
688    * Trying to allocate a new object failed due to lack of free memory.
689    */
690   DeclException1(ExcOutOfMemory,
691                  std::size_t,
692                  "Your program tried to allocate some memory but this "
693                  "allocation failed. Typically, this either means that "
694                  "you simply do not have enough memory in your system, "
695                  "or that you are (erroneously) trying to allocate "
696                  "a chunk of memory that is simply beyond all reasonable "
697                  "size, for example because the size of the object has "
698                  "been computed incorrectly."
699                  "\n\n"
700                  "In the current case, the request was for "
701                    << arg1 << " bytes.");
703   /**
704    * A memory handler reached a point where all allocated objects should have
705    * been released. Since this exception is thrown, some were still allocated.
706    */
707   DeclException1(ExcMemoryLeak,
708                  int,
709                  << "Destroying memory handler while " << arg1
710                  << " objects are still allocated.");
712   /**
713    * An error occurred reading or writing a file.
714    */
715   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcIO,
716                    "An input/output error has occurred. There are a number of "
717                    "reasons why this may be happening, both for reading and "
718                    "writing operations."
719                    "\n\n"
720                    "If this happens during an operation that tries to read "
721                    "data: First, you may be "
722                    "trying to read from a file that doesn't exist or that is "
723                    "not readable given its file permissions. Second, deal.II "
724                    "uses this error at times if it tries to "
725                    "read information from a file but where the information "
726                    "in the file does not correspond to the expected format. "
727                    "An example would be a truncated file, or a mesh file "
728                    "that contains not only sections that describe the "
729                    "vertices and cells, but also sections for additional "
730                    "data that deal.II does not understand."
731                    "\n\n"
732                    "If this happens during an operation that tries to write "
733                    "data: you may be trying to write to a file to which file "
734                    "or directory permissions do not allow you to write. A "
735                    "typical example is where you specify an output file in "
736                    "a directory that does not exist.");
738   /**
739    * An error occurred opening the named file.
740    *
741    * The constructor takes a single argument of type <tt>std::string</tt> naming
742    * the file.
743    */
744   DeclException1(ExcFileNotOpen,
745                  std::string,
746                  << "Could not open file " << arg1 << ".");
748   /**
749    * Exception denoting a part of the library or application program that has
750    * not yet been implemented. In many cases, this only indicates that there
751    * wasn't much need for something yet, not that this is difficult to
752    * implement. It is therefore quite worth the effort to take a look at the
753    * corresponding place and see whether it can be implemented without too
754    * much effort.
755    */
756   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcNotImplemented,
757                    "You are trying to use functionality in deal.II that is "
758                    "currently not implemented. In many cases, this indicates "
759                    "that there simply didn't appear much of a need for it, or "
760                    "that the author of the original code did not have the "
761                    "time to implement a particular case. If you hit this "
762                    "exception, it is therefore worth the time to look into "
763                    "the code to find out whether you may be able to "
764                    "implement the missing functionality. If you do, please "
765                    "consider providing a patch to the deal.II development "
766                    "sources (see the deal.II website on how to contribute).");
768   /**
769    * This exception usually indicates that some condition which the programmer
770    * thinks must be satisfied at a certain point in an algorithm, is not
771    * fulfilled. This might be due to some programming error above, due to
772    * changes to the algorithm that did not preserve this assertion, or due to
773    * assumptions the programmer made that are not valid at all (i.e. the
774    * exception is thrown although there is no error here). Within the library,
775    * this exception is most often used when we write some kind of complicated
776    * algorithm and are not yet sure whether we got it right; we then put in
777    * assertions after each part of the algorithm that check for some
778    * conditions that should hold there, and throw an exception if they do not.
779    *
780    * We usually leave in these assertions even after we are confident that the
781    * implementation is correct, since if someone later changes or extends the
782    * algorithm, these exceptions will indicate to them if they violate
783    * assumptions that are used later in the algorithm. Furthermore, it
784    * sometimes happens that an algorithm does not work in very rare corner
785    * cases. These cases will then be trapped sooner or later by the exception,
786    * so that the algorithm can then be fixed for these cases as well.
787    */
788   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcInternalError,
789                    "This exception -- which is used in many places in the "
790                    "library -- usually indicates that some condition which "
791                    "the author of the code thought must be satisfied at a "
792                    "certain point in an algorithm, is not fulfilled. An "
793                    "example would be that the first part of an algorithm "
794                    "sorts elements of an array in ascending order, and "
795                    "a second part of the algorithm later encounters an "
796                    "element that is not larger than the previous one."
797                    "\n\n"
798                    "There is usually not very much you can do if you "
799                    "encounter such an exception since it indicates an error "
800                    "in deal.II, not in your own program. Try to come up with "
801                    "the smallest possible program that still demonstrates "
802                    "the error and contact the deal.II mailing lists with it "
803                    "to obtain help.");
805   /**
806    * This exception is used in functions that may not be called (i.e. in pure
807    * functions) but could not be declared pure since the class is intended to
808    * be used anyway, even though the respective function may only be called if
809    * a derived class is used.
810    */
811   DeclExceptionMsg(
812     ExcPureFunctionCalled,
813     "You (or a place in the library) are trying to call a "
814     "function that is declared as a virtual function in a "
815     "base class but that has not been overridden in your "
816     "derived class."
817     "\n\n"
818     "This exception happens in cases where the base class "
819     "cannot provide a useful default implementation for "
820     "the virtual function, but where we also do not want "
821     "to mark the function as abstract (i.e., with '=0' at the end) "
822     "because the function is not essential to the class in many "
823     "contexts. In cases like this, the base class provides "
824     "a dummy implementation that makes the compiler happy, but "
825     "that then throws the current exception."
826     "\n\n"
827     "A concrete example would be the 'Function' class. It declares "
828     "the existence of 'value()' and 'gradient()' member functions, "
829     "and both are marked as 'virtual'. Derived classes have to "
830     "override these functions for the values and gradients of a "
831     "particular function. On the other hand, not every function "
832     "has a gradient, and even for those that do, not every program "
833     "actually needs to evaluate it. Consequently, there is no "
834     "*requirement* that a derived class actually override the "
835     "'gradient()' function (as there would be had it been marked "
836     "as abstract). But, since the base class cannot know how to "
837     "compute the gradient, if a derived class does not override "
838     "the 'gradient()' function and it is called anyway, then the "
839     "default implementation in the base class will simply throw "
840     "an exception."
841     "\n\n"
842     "The exception you see is what happens in cases such as the "
843     "one just illustrated. To fix the problem, you need to "
844     "investigate whether the function being called should indeed have "
845     "been called; if the answer is 'yes', then you need to "
846     "implement the missing override in your class.");
848   /**
849    * This exception is used if some object is found uninitialized.
850    */
851   DeclException0(ExcNotInitialized);
853   /**
854    * The object is in a state not suitable for this operation.
855    */
856   DeclException0(ExcInvalidState);
858   /**
859    * This exception is raised if a functionality is not possible in the given
860    * dimension. Mostly used to throw function calls in 1d.
861    *
862    * The constructor takes a single <tt>int</tt>, denoting the dimension.
863    */
864   DeclException1(ExcImpossibleInDim,
865                  int,
866                  << "You are trying to execute functionality that is "
867                  << "impossible in " << arg1
868                  << "d or simply does not make any sense.");
870   /**
871    * This exception is raised if a functionality is not possible in the given
872    * combination of dimension and space-dimension.
873    *
874    * The constructor takes two <tt>int</tt>, denoting the dimension and the
875    * space dimension.
876    */
877   DeclException2(ExcImpossibleInDimSpacedim,
878                  int,
879                  int,
880                  << "You are trying to execute functionality that is "
881                  << "impossible in dimensions <" << arg1 << "," << arg2
882                  << "> or simply does not make any sense.");
885   /**
886    * A number is zero, but it should not be here.
887    */
888   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcZero,
889                    "In a check in the code, deal.II encountered a zero in "
890                    "a place where this does not make sense. See the condition "
891                    "that was being checked and that is printed further up "
892                    "in the error message to get more information on what "
893                    "the erroneous zero corresponds to.");
895   /**
896    * The object should have been filled with something before this member
897    * function is called.
898    */
899   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcEmptyObject,
900                    "The object you are trying to access is empty but it makes "
901                    "no sense to attempt the operation you are trying on an "
902                    "empty object.");
904   /**
905    * This exception is raised whenever the sizes of two objects were assumed
906    * to be equal, but were not.
907    *
908    * Parameters to the constructor are the first and second size, both of type
909    * <tt>int</tt>.
910    */
911   DeclException2(ExcDimensionMismatch,
912                  std::size_t,
913                  std::size_t,
914                  << "Dimension " << arg1 << " not equal to " << arg2 << ".");
916   /**
917    * The first dimension should be either equal to the second or the third,
918    * but it is neither.
919    */
920   DeclException3(ExcDimensionMismatch2,
921                  int,
922                  int,
923                  int,
924                  << "Dimension " << arg1 << " neither equal to " << arg2
925                  << " nor to " << arg3 << ".");
927   /**
928    * This exception indicates that an index is not within the expected range.
929    * For example, it may be that you are trying to access an element of a
930    * vector which does not exist.
931    *
932    * The constructor takes three <tt>int</tt> arguments, namely
933    * <ol>
934    * <li> the violating index
935    * <li> the lower bound
936    * <li> the upper bound plus one
937    * </ol>
938    */
939   DeclException3(
940     ExcIndexRange,
941     int,
942     int,
943     int,
944     << "Index " << arg1 << " is not in the half-open range [" << arg2 << ","
945     << arg3 << ")."
946     << (arg2 == arg3 ?
947           " In the current case, this half-open range is in fact empty, "
948           "suggesting that you are accessing an element of an empty "
949           "collection such as a vector that has not been set to the "
950           "correct size." :
951           ""));
953   /**
954    * This exception indicates that an index is not within the expected range.
955    * For example, it may be that you are trying to access an element of a
956    * vector which does not exist.
957    *
958    * The constructor takes three arguments, namely
959    * <ol>
960    * <li> the violating index
961    * <li> the lower bound
962    * <li> the upper bound plus one
963    * </ol>
964    *
965    * This generic exception differs from ExcIndexRange by allowing to specify
966    * the type of indices.
967    */
968   template <typename T>
969   DeclException3(
970     ExcIndexRangeType,
971     T,
972     T,
973     T,
974     << "Index " << arg1 << " is not in the half-open range [" << arg2 << ","
975     << arg3 << ")."
976     << (arg2 == arg3 ?
977           " In the current case, this half-open range is in fact empty, "
978           "suggesting that you are accessing an element of an empty "
979           "collection such as a vector that has not been set to the "
980           "correct size." :
981           ""));
983   /**
984    * A number is too small.
985    */
986   DeclException2(ExcLowerRange,
987                  int,
988                  int,
989                  << "Number " << arg1 << " must be larger than or equal "
990                  << arg2 << ".");
992   /**
993    * A generic exception definition for the ExcLowerRange above.
994    */
995   template <typename T>
996   DeclException2(ExcLowerRangeType,
997                  T,
998                  T,
999                  << "Number " << arg1 << " must be larger than or equal "
1000                  << arg2 << ".");
1002   /**
1003    * This exception indicates that the first argument should be an integer
1004    * multiple of the second, but is not.
1005    */
1006   DeclException2(ExcNotMultiple,
1007                  int,
1008                  int,
1009                  << "Division " << arg1 << " by " << arg2
1010                  << " has remainder different from zero.");
1012   /**
1013    * This exception is thrown if the iterator you access has corrupted data.
1014    * It might for instance be, that the container it refers does not have an
1015    * entry at the point the iterator refers.
1016    *
1017    * Typically, this will be an internal error of deal.II, because the
1018    * increment and decrement operators should never yield an invalid iterator.
1019    */
1020   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcInvalidIterator,
1021                    "You are trying to use an iterator, but the iterator is "
1022                    "in an invalid state. This may indicate that the iterator "
1023                    "object has not been initialized, or that it has been "
1024                    "moved beyond the end of the range of valid elements.");
1026   /**
1027    * This exception is thrown if the iterator you incremented or decremented
1028    * was already at its final state.
1029    */
1030   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcIteratorPastEnd,
1031                    "You are trying to use an iterator, but the iterator is "
1032                    "pointing past the end of the range of valid elements. "
1033                    "It is not valid to dereference the iterator in this "
1034                    "case.");
1036   /**
1037    * This exception works around a design flaw in the <tt>DeclException0</tt>
1038    * macro: exceptions declared through DeclException0 do not allow one to
1039    * specify a message that is displayed when the exception is raised, as
1040    * opposed to the other exceptions which allow to show a text along with the
1041    * given parameters.
1042    *
1043    * When throwing this exception, you can give a message as a
1044    * <tt>std::string</tt> as argument to the exception that is then displayed.
1045    * The argument can, of course, be constructed at run-time, for example
1046    * including the name of a file that can't be opened, or any other text you
1047    * may want to assemble from different pieces.
1048    */
1049   DeclException1(ExcMessage, std::string, << arg1);
1051   /**
1052    * Parallel vectors with ghost elements are read-only vectors.
1053    */
1054   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcGhostsPresent,
1055                    "You are trying an operation on a vector that is only "
1056                    "allowed if the vector has no ghost elements, but the "
1057                    "vector you are operating on does have ghost elements. "
1058                    "Specifically, vectors with ghost elements are read-only "
1059                    "and cannot appear in operations that write into these "
1060                    "vectors."
1061                    "\n\n"
1062                    "See the glossary entry on 'Ghosted vectors' for more "
1063                    "information.");
1065   /**
1066    * Some of our numerical classes allow for setting all entries to zero using
1067    * the assignment operator <tt>=</tt>.
1068    *
1069    * In many cases, this assignment operator makes sense <b>only</b> for the
1070    * argument zero. In other cases, this exception is thrown.
1071    */
1072   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcScalarAssignmentOnlyForZeroValue,
1073                    "You are trying an operation of the form 'vector=s' with "
1074                    "a nonzero scalar value 's'. However, such assignments "
1075                    "are only allowed if the right hand side is zero.");
1077   /**
1078    * This function requires support for the LAPACK library.
1079    */
1080   DeclExceptionMsg(
1081     ExcNeedsLAPACK,
1082     "You are attempting to use functionality that is only available "
1083     "if deal.II was configured to use LAPACK, but cmake did not "
1084     "find a valid LAPACK library.");
1086   /**
1087    * This function requires support for the MPI library.
1088    */
1089   DeclExceptionMsg(
1090     ExcNeedsMPI,
1091     "You are attempting to use functionality that is only available "
1092     "if deal.II was configured to use MPI.");
1094   /**
1095    * This function requires simplex support.
1096    */
1097   DeclExceptionMsg(
1098     ExcNeedsSimplexSupport,
1099     "You are attempting to use functionality that is only available "
1100     "if deal.II was configured with DEAL_II_WITH_SIMPLEX_SUPPORT enabled.");
1102   /**
1103    * This function requires support for the FunctionParser library.
1104    */
1105   DeclExceptionMsg(
1106     ExcNeedsFunctionparser,
1107     "You are attempting to use functionality that is only available "
1108     "if deal.II was configured to use the function parser which "
1109     "relies on the muparser library, but cmake did not "
1110     "find a valid muparser library on your system and also did "
1111     "not choose the one that comes bundled with deal.II.");
1113   /**
1114    * This function requires support for the Assimp library.
1115    */
1116   DeclExceptionMsg(
1117     ExcNeedsAssimp,
1118     "You are attempting to use functionality that is only available "
1119     "if deal.II was configured to use Assimp, but cmake did not "
1120     "find a valid Assimp library.");
1122 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_CUDA
1123   /**
1124    * This exception is raised if an error happened in a CUDA kernel.
1125    *
1126    * The constructor takes a single <tt>char*</tt>, the output of
1127    * cudaGetErrorString.
1128    */
1129   DeclException1(ExcCudaError, const char *, << arg1);
1130   /**
1131    * This exception is raised if an error happened in a cuSPARSE function.
1132    */
1133   DeclException1(ExcCusparseError,
1134                  std::string,
1135                  << "There was an error in a cuSPARSE function: " << arg1);
1136 #endif
1137   //@}
1139 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
1140   /**
1141    * Exception for MPI errors. This exception is only defined if
1142    * <code>deal.II</code> is compiled with MPI support. This exception should
1143    * be used with <code>AssertThrow</code> to check error codes of MPI
1144    * functions. For example:
1145    * @code
1146    * const int ierr = MPI_Isend(...);
1147    * AssertThrow(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS, ExcMPI(ierr));
1148    * @endcode
1149    * or, using the convenience macro <code>AssertThrowMPI</code>,
1150    * @code
1151    * const int ierr = MPI_Irecv(...);
1152    * AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
1153    * @endcode
1154    *
1155    * If the assertion fails then the error code will be used to print a helpful
1156    * message to the screen by utilizing the <code>MPI_Error_string</code>
1157    * function.
1158    *
1159    * @ingroup Exceptions
1160    */
1161   class ExcMPI : public dealii::ExceptionBase
1162   {
1163   public:
1164     ExcMPI(const int error_code);
1166     virtual void
1167     print_info(std::ostream &out) const override;
1169     const int error_code;
1170   };
1171 #endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
1172 } /*namespace StandardExceptions*/
1176 /**
1177  * In this namespace, functions in connection with the Assert and AssertThrow
1178  * mechanism are declared.
1179  *
1180  * @ingroup Exceptions
1181  */
1182 namespace deal_II_exceptions
1183 {
1184   namespace internals
1185   {
1186     /**
1187      * Setting this variable to false will disable deal.II's exception mechanism
1188      * to abort the problem. The Assert() macro will throw the exception instead
1189      * and the AssertNothrow() macro will just print the error message. This
1190      * variable should not be changed directly. Use disable_abort_on_exception()
1191      * instead.
1192      */
1193     extern bool allow_abort_on_exception;
1194   } // namespace internals
1196   /**
1197    * Set a string that is printed upon output of the message indicating a
1198    * triggered <tt>Assert</tt> statement. This string, which is printed in
1199    * addition to the usual output may indicate information that is otherwise
1200    * not readily available unless we are using a debugger. For example, with
1201    * distributed programs on cluster computers, the output of all processes is
1202    * redirected to the same console window. In this case, it is convenient to
1203    * set as additional name the name of the host on which the program runs, so
1204    * that one can see in which instance of the program the exception occurred.
1205    *
1206    * The string pointed to by the argument is copied, so doesn't need to be
1207    * stored after the call to this function.
1208    *
1209    * Previously set additional output is replaced by the argument given to
1210    * this function.
1211    *
1212    * @see Exceptions
1213    */
1214   void
1215   set_additional_assert_output(const char *const p);
1217   /**
1218    * Calling this function disables printing a stacktrace along with the other
1219    * output printed when an exception occurs. Most of the time, you will want
1220    * to see such a stacktrace; suppressing it, however, is useful if one wants
1221    * to compare the output of a program across different machines and systems,
1222    * since the stacktrace shows memory addresses and library names/paths that
1223    * depend on the exact setup of a machine.
1224    *
1225    * @see Exceptions
1226    */
1227   void
1228   suppress_stacktrace_in_exceptions();
1230   /**
1231    * Calling this function switches off the use of <tt>std::abort()</tt> when
1232    * an exception is created using the Assert() macro. Instead, the Exception
1233    * will be thrown using 'throw', so it can be caught if desired. Generally,
1234    * you want to abort the execution of a program when Assert() is called, but
1235    * it needs to be switched off if you want to log all exceptions created, or
1236    * if you want to test if an assertion is working correctly. This is done
1237    * for example in regression tests. Please note that some fatal errors will
1238    * still call abort(), e.g. when an exception is caught during exception
1239    * handling.
1240    *
1241    * @see Exceptions
1242    */
1243   void
1244   disable_abort_on_exception();
1246   /**
1247    * The functions in this namespace are in connection with the Assert and
1248    * AssertThrow mechanism but are solely for internal purposes and are not
1249    * for use outside the exception handling and throwing mechanism.
1250    *
1251    * @ingroup Exceptions
1252    */
1253   namespace internals
1254   {
1255     /**
1256      * Abort the program by printing the
1257      * error message provided by @p exc and calling <tt>std::abort()</tt>.
1258      */
1259     [[noreturn]] void
1260     abort(const ExceptionBase &exc) noexcept;
1262     /**
1263      * An enum describing how to treat an exception in issue_error_noreturn.
1264      */
1265     enum ExceptionHandling
1266     {
1267       /**
1268        * Abort the program by calling <code>std::abort</code> unless
1269        * deal_II_exceptions::disable_abort_on_exception has been called: in
1270        * that case the program will throw an exception.
1271        */
1272       abort_or_throw_on_exception,
1273       /**
1274        * Throw the exception normally.
1275        */
1276       throw_on_exception
1277     };
1279     /**
1280      * This routine does the main work for the exception generation mechanism
1281      * used in the <tt>Assert</tt> and <tt>AssertThrow</tt> macros: as the
1282      * name implies, this function either ends by throwing an exception (if
1283      * @p handling is throw_on_exception, or @p handling is try_abort_exception
1284      * and deal_II_exceptions::disable_abort_on_exception is false) or with a
1285      * call to <tt>abort</tt> (if @p handling is try_abort_exception and
1286      * deal_II_exceptions::disable_abort_on_exception is true).
1287      *
1288      * The actual exception object (the last argument) is typically an unnamed
1289      * object created in place; because we modify it, we can't take it by
1290      * const reference, and temporaries don't bind to non-const references.
1291      * So take it by value (=copy it) with a templated type to avoid slicing
1292      * -- the performance implications are pretty minimal anyway.
1293      *
1294      * @ref ExceptionBase
1295      */
1296     template <class ExceptionType>
1297     [[noreturn]] void
issue_error_noreturn(ExceptionHandling handling,const char * file,int line,const char * function,const char * cond,const char * exc_name,ExceptionType e)1298     issue_error_noreturn(ExceptionHandling handling,
1299                          const char *      file,
1300                          int               line,
1301                          const char *      function,
1302                          const char *      cond,
1303                          const char *      exc_name,
1304                          ExceptionType     e) {
1305       // Fill the fields of the exception object
1306       e.set_fields(file, line, function, cond, exc_name);
1308       switch (handling)
1309         {
1310           case abort_or_throw_on_exception:
1311             {
1312               if (dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::
1313                     allow_abort_on_exception)
1314                 internals::abort(e);
1315               else
1316                 {
1317                   // We are not allowed to abort, so just throw the error:
1318                   throw e;
1319                 }
1320             }
1321           case throw_on_exception:
1322             throw e;
1323           // this function should never return (and AssertNothrow can);
1324           // something must have gone wrong in the error handling code for us
1325           // to get this far, so throw an exception.
1326           default:
1327             throw ::dealii::StandardExceptions::ExcInternalError();
1328         }
1329     }
1331     /**
1332      * Internal function that does the work of issue_error_nothrow.
1333      */
1334     void do_issue_error_nothrow(const ExceptionBase &e) noexcept;
1336     /**
1337      * Exception generation mechanism in case we must not throw.
1338      *
1339      * @ref ExceptionBase
1340      *
1341      * @note This function is defined with a template for the same reasons as
1342      * issue_error_noreturn().
1343      */
1344     template <class ExceptionType>
1345     void
issue_error_nothrow(const char * file,int line,const char * function,const char * cond,const char * exc_name,ExceptionType e)1346     issue_error_nothrow(const char *  file,
1347                         int           line,
1348                         const char *  function,
1349                         const char *  cond,
1350                         const char *  exc_name,
1351                         ExceptionType e) noexcept
1352     {
1353       static_assert(std::is_base_of<ExceptionBase, ExceptionType>::value,
1354                     "The provided exception must inherit from ExceptionBase.");
1355       // Fill the fields of the exception object
1356       e.set_fields(file, line, function, cond, exc_name);
1357       // avoid moving a bunch of code into the header by dispatching to
1358       // another function:
1359       do_issue_error_nothrow(e);
1360     }
1361 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_CUDA
1362     /**
1363      * Return a string given an error code. This is similar to the
1364      * cudaGetErrorString function but there is no equivalent function for
1365      * cuSPARSE.
1366      */
1367     std::string
1368     get_cusparse_error_string(const cusparseStatus_t error_code);
1370     /**
1371      * Return a string given an error code. This is similar to the
1372      * cudaGetErrorString function but there is no equivalent function for
1373      * cuSOLVER.
1374      */
1375     std::string
1376     get_cusolver_error_string(const cusolverStatus_t error_code);
1377 #endif
1378   } /*namespace internals*/
1380 } /*namespace deal_II_exceptions*/
1384 /**
1385  * A macro that serves as the main routine in the exception mechanism for debug
1386  * mode error checking. It asserts that a certain condition is fulfilled,
1387  * otherwise issues an error and aborts the program.
1388  *
1389  * A more detailed description can be found in the
1390  * @ref Exceptions
1391  * module. It is first used in step-5 and step-6.
1392  * See also the <tt>ExceptionBase</tt> class for more information.
1393  *
1394  * @note Active in DEBUG mode only
1395  *
1396  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1397  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1398  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1399  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1400  * will be name collisions (see
1401  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1402  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1403  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1404  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1405  * deal.II headers have been included.
1406  *
1407  * @ingroup Exceptions
1408  */
1409 #ifdef DEBUG
1411 #    define Assert(cond, exc)                                            \
1412       {                                                                  \
1413         if (__builtin_expect(!(cond), false))                            \
1414           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_noreturn( \
1415             ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::                    \
1416               abort_or_throw_on_exception,                               \
1417             __FILE__,                                                    \
1418             __LINE__,                                                    \
1419             __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,                                         \
1420             #cond,                                                       \
1421             #exc,                                                        \
1422             exc);                                                        \
1423       }
1424 #  else /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1425 #    define Assert(cond, exc)                                            \
1426       {                                                                  \
1427         if (!(cond))                                                     \
1428           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_noreturn( \
1429             ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::                    \
1430               abort_or_throw_on_exception,                               \
1431             __FILE__,                                                    \
1432             __LINE__,                                                    \
1433             __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,                                         \
1434             #cond,                                                       \
1435             #exc,                                                        \
1436             exc);                                                        \
1437       }
1438 #  endif /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1439 #else
1440 #  define Assert(cond, exc) \
1441     {}
1442 #endif
1446 /**
1447  * A variant of the <tt>Assert</tt> macro above that exhibits the same runtime
1448  * behavior as long as disable_abort_on_exception was not called.
1449  *
1450  * However, if disable_abort_on_exception was called, this macro merely prints
1451  * the exception that would be thrown to deallog and continues normally
1452  * without throwing an exception.
1453  *
1454  * A more detailed description can be found in the
1455  * @ref Exceptions
1456  * module, in the discussion about the corner case at the bottom of the page.
1457  *
1458  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1459  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1460  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1461  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1462  * will be name collisions (see
1463  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1464  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1465  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1466  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1467  * deal.II headers have been included.
1468  *
1469  * @note Active in DEBUG mode only
1470  * @ingroup Exceptions
1471  */
1472 #ifdef DEBUG
1474 #    define AssertNothrow(cond, exc)                                    \
1475       {                                                                 \
1476         if (__builtin_expect(!(cond), false))                           \
1477           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_nothrow( \
1478             __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #cond, #exc, exc); \
1479       }
1480 #  else /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1481 #    define AssertNothrow(cond, exc)                                    \
1482       {                                                                 \
1483         if (!(cond))                                                    \
1484           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_nothrow( \
1485             __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #cond, #exc, exc); \
1486       }
1487 #  endif /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1488 #else
1489 #  define AssertNothrow(cond, exc) \
1490     {}
1491 #endif
1493 /**
1494  * A macro that serves as the main routine in the exception mechanism for
1495  * dynamic error checking. It asserts that a certain condition is fulfilled,
1496  * otherwise
1497  * throws an exception via the C++ @p throw mechanism. This exception can
1498  * be caught via a @p catch clause, as is shown in step-6 and all following
1499  * tutorial programs.
1500  *
1501  * A more detailed description can be found in the
1502  * @ref Exceptions
1503  * module. It is first used in step-9 and step-13.
1504  * See also the <tt>ExceptionBase</tt> class for more information.
1505  *
1506  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1507  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1508  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1509  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1510  * will be name collisions (see
1511  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1512  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1513  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1514  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1515  * deal.II headers have been included.
1516  *
1517  * @note Active in both DEBUG and RELEASE modes
1518  * @ingroup Exceptions
1519  */
1521 #  define AssertThrow(cond, exc)                                       \
1522     {                                                                  \
1523       if (__builtin_expect(!(cond), false))                            \
1524         ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_noreturn( \
1525           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::throw_on_exception, \
1526           __FILE__,                                                    \
1527           __LINE__,                                                    \
1528           __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,                                         \
1529           #cond,                                                       \
1530           #exc,                                                        \
1531           exc);                                                        \
1532     }
1533 #else /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1534 #  define AssertThrow(cond, exc)                                       \
1535     {                                                                  \
1536       if (!(cond))                                                     \
1537         ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_noreturn( \
1538           ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::throw_on_exception, \
1539           __FILE__,                                                    \
1540           __LINE__,                                                    \
1541           __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,                                         \
1542           #cond,                                                       \
1543           #exc,                                                        \
1544           exc);                                                        \
1545     }
1546 #endif /*ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT*/
1548 /**
1549  * Special assertion for dimension mismatch.
1550  *
1551  * Since this is used very often and always repeats the arguments, we
1552  * introduce this special assertion for ExcDimensionMismatch in order to keep
1553  * the user codes shorter.
1554  *
1555  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1556  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1557  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1558  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1559  * will be name collisions (see
1560  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1561  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1562  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1563  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1564  * deal.II headers have been included.
1565  *
1566  * @ingroup Exceptions
1567  */
1568 #define AssertDimension(dim1, dim2)                                            \
1569   Assert(static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(          \
1570              typename std::common_type<decltype(dim1),                         \
1571                                        decltype(dim2)>::type)>::type>(dim1) == \
1572            static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(        \
1573              typename std::common_type<decltype(dim1),                         \
1574                                        decltype(dim2)>::type)>::type>(dim2),   \
1575          dealii::ExcDimensionMismatch((dim1), (dim2)))
1578 /**
1579  * An assertion that tests whether <tt>vec</tt> has size <tt>dim1</tt>, and
1580  * each entry of the vector is itself an array that has the size <tt>dim2</tt>.
1581  *
1582  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1583  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1584  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1585  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1586  * will be name collisions (see
1587  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1588  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1589  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1590  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1591  * deal.II headers have been included.
1592  *
1593  * @ingroup Exceptions
1594  */
1595 #define AssertVectorVectorDimension(VEC, DIM1, DIM2) \
1596   AssertDimension(VEC.size(), DIM1);                 \
1597   for (const auto &subvector : VEC)                  \
1598     {                                                \
1599       (void)subvector;                               \
1600       AssertDimension(subvector.size(), DIM2);       \
1601     }
1603 namespace internal
1604 {
1605   // Workaround to allow for commas in template parameter lists
1606   // in preprocessor macros as found in
1607   // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13842468/comma-in-c-c-macro
1608   template <typename T>
1609   struct argument_type;
1610   template <typename T, typename U>
1611   struct argument_type<T(U)>
1612   {
1613     using type = U;
1614   };
1615 } // namespace internal
1617 /**
1618  * An assertion that tests that a given index is within the half-open
1619  * range <code>[0,range)</code>. It throws an exception object
1620  * <code>ExcIndexRange(index,0,range)</code> if the assertion
1621  * fails.
1622  *
1623  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1624  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1625  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1626  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1627  * will be name collisions (see
1628  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1629  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1630  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1631  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1632  * deal.II headers have been included.
1633  *
1634  * @ingroup Exceptions
1635  */
1636 #define AssertIndexRange(index, range)                                         \
1637   Assert(                                                                      \
1638     static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(               \
1639         typename std::common_type<decltype(index), decltype(range)>::type)>::  \
1640                   type>(index) <                                               \
1641       static_cast<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void(             \
1642         typename std::common_type<decltype(index), decltype(range)>::type)>::  \
1643                     type>(range),                                              \
1644     dealii::ExcIndexRangeType<typename ::dealii::internal::argument_type<void( \
1645       typename std::common_type<decltype(index), decltype(range)>::type)>::    \
1646                                 type>((index), 0, (range)))
1648 /**
1649  * An assertion that checks whether a number is finite or not. We explicitly
1650  * cast the number to std::complex to match the signature of the exception
1651  * (see there for an explanation of why we use std::complex at all) and to
1652  * satisfy the fact that std::complex has no implicit conversions.
1653  *
1654  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1655  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1656  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1657  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1658  * will be name collisions (see
1659  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1660  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1661  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1662  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1663  * deal.II headers have been included.
1664  *
1665  * @ingroup Exceptions
1666  */
1667 #define AssertIsFinite(number)               \
1668   Assert(dealii::numbers::is_finite(number), \
1669          dealii::ExcNumberNotFinite(std::complex<double>(number)))
1671 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
1672 /**
1673  * An assertion that checks whether or not an error code returned by an MPI
1674  * function is equal to <code>MPI_SUCCESS</code>. If the check fails then an
1675  * exception of type ExcMPI is thrown with the given error code as an
1676  * argument.
1677  *
1678  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1679  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1680  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1681  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1682  * will be name collisions (see
1683  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1684  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1685  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1686  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1687  * deal.II headers have been included.
1688  *
1689  * @note Active only if deal.II is compiled with MPI
1690  * @ingroup Exceptions
1691  */
1692 #  define AssertThrowMPI(error_code) \
1693     AssertThrow(error_code == MPI_SUCCESS, dealii::ExcMPI(error_code))
1694 #else
1695 #  define AssertThrowMPI(error_code) \
1696     {}
1697 #endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
1699 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_CUDA
1700 /**
1701  * An assertion that checks that the error code produced by calling a CUDA
1702  * routine is equal to cudaSuccess.
1703  *
1704  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1705  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1706  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1707  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1708  * will be name collisions (see
1709  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1710  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1711  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1712  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1713  * deal.II headers have been included.
1714  *
1715  * @ingroup Exceptions
1716  */
1717 #  ifdef DEBUG
1718 #    define AssertCuda(error_code)      \
1719       Assert(error_code == cudaSuccess, \
1720              dealii::ExcCudaError(cudaGetErrorString(error_code)))
1721 #  else
1722 #    define AssertCuda(error_code) \
1723       {                            \
1724         (void)(error_code);        \
1725       }
1726 #  endif
1728 /**
1729  * The non-throwing equivalent of AssertCuda.
1730  *
1731  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1732  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1733  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1734  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1735  * will be name collisions (see
1736  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1737  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1738  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1739  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1740  * deal.II headers have been included.
1741  *
1742  * @ingroup Exceptions
1743  */
1744 #  ifdef DEBUG
1745 #    define AssertNothrowCuda(error_code)      \
1746       AssertNothrow(error_code == cudaSuccess, \
1747                     dealii::ExcCudaError(cudaGetErrorString(error_code)))
1748 #  else
1749 #    define AssertNothrowCuda(error_code) \
1750       {                                   \
1751         (void)(error_code);               \
1752       }
1753 #  endif
1755 /**
1756  * An assertion that checks that the kernel was launched and executed
1757  * successfully.
1758  *
1759  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1760  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1761  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1762  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1763  * will be name collisions (see
1764  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1765  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1766  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1767  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1768  * deal.II headers have been included.
1769  *
1770  * @ingroup Exceptions
1771  */
1772 #  ifdef DEBUG
1773 #    define AssertCudaKernel()                                \
1774       {                                                       \
1775         cudaError_t local_error_code = cudaPeekAtLastError(); \
1776         AssertCuda(local_error_code);                         \
1777         local_error_code = cudaDeviceSynchronize();           \
1778         AssertCuda(local_error_code)                          \
1779       }
1780 #  else
1781 #    define AssertCudaKernel() \
1782       {}
1783 #  endif
1785 /**
1786  * An assertion that checks that the error code produced by calling a cuSPARSE
1787  * routine is equal to CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS.
1788  *
1789  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1790  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1791  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1792  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1793  * will be name collisions (see
1794  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1795  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1796  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1797  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1798  * deal.II headers have been included.
1799  *
1800  * @ingroup Exceptions
1801  */
1802 #  ifdef DEBUG
1803 #    define AssertCusparse(error_code)                                      \
1804       Assert(                                                               \
1805         error_code == CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS,                              \
1806         dealii::ExcCusparseError(                                           \
1807           dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::get_cusparse_error_string( \
1808             error_code)))
1809 #  else
1810 #    define AssertCusparse(error_code) \
1811       {                                \
1812         (void)(error_code);            \
1813       }
1814 #  endif
1816 /**
1817  * The non-throwing equivalent of AssertCusparse.
1818  *
1819  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1820  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1821  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1822  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1823  * will be name collisions (see
1824  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1825  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1826  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1827  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1828  * deal.II headers have been included.
1829  *
1830  * @ingroup Exceptions
1831  */
1832 #  ifdef DEBUG
1833 #    define AssertNothrowCusparse(error_code)                               \
1834       AssertNothrow(                                                        \
1835         error_code == CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS,                              \
1836         dealii::ExcCusparseError(                                           \
1837           dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::get_cusparse_error_string( \
1838             error_code)))
1839 #  else
1840 #    define AssertNothrowCusparse(error_code) \
1841       {                                       \
1842         (void)(error_code);                   \
1843       }
1844 #  endif
1846 /**
1847  * An assertion that checks that the error code produced by calling a cuSOLVER
1848  * routine is equal to CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS.
1849  *
1850  * @note This and similar macro names are examples of preprocessor definitions
1851  * in the deal.II library that are not prefixed by a string that likely makes
1852  * them unique to deal.II. As a consequence, it is possible that other
1853  * libraries your code interfaces with define the same name, and the result
1854  * will be name collisions (see
1855  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_collision). One can <code>\#undef</code>
1856  * this macro, as well as all other macros defined by deal.II that are not
1857  * prefixed with either <code>DEAL</code> or <code>deal</code>, by including
1858  * the header <code>deal.II/base/undefine_macros.h</code> after all other
1859  * deal.II headers have been included.
1860  *
1861  * @ingroup Exceptions
1862  */
1863 #  ifdef DEBUG
1864 #    define AssertCusolver(error_code)                                      \
1865       Assert(                                                               \
1866         error_code == CUSOLVER_STATUS_SUCCESS,                              \
1867         dealii::ExcCusparseError(                                           \
1868           dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::get_cusolver_error_string( \
1869             error_code)))
1870 #  else
1871 #    define AssertCusolver(error_code) \
1872       {                                \
1873         (void)(error_code);            \
1874       }
1875 #  endif
1877 #endif
1879 using namespace StandardExceptions;
1883 #endif