1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2005 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_utilities_h
17 #define dealii_utilities_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <tuple>
26 #include <type_traits>
27 #include <typeinfo>
28 #include <utility>
29 #include <vector>
32 #  include <Epetra_Comm.h>
33 #  include <Epetra_Map.h>
34 #  include <Teuchos_Comm.hpp>
35 #  include <Teuchos_RCP.hpp>
36 #  ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
37 #    include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
38 #  else
39 #    include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
40 #  endif
41 #endif
45 #include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
46 #include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
47 #include <boost/core/demangle.hpp>
48 #include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
49 #include <boost/serialization/complex.hpp>
50 #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
53 #  include <boost/iostreams/device/back_inserter.hpp>
54 #  include <boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp>
55 #  include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
56 #  include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
57 #endif
63 // forward declare Point
64 #ifndef DOXYGEN
65 template <int dim, typename Number>
66 class Point;
67 #endif
69 /**
70  * A namespace for utility functions that are not particularly specific to
71  * finite element computing or numerical programs, but nevertheless are needed
72  * in various contexts when writing applications.
73  *
74  * @ingroup utilities
75  */
76 namespace Utilities
77 {
78   /**
79    * Return a string of the form "deal.II version x.y.z" where "x.y.z"
80    * identifies the version of deal.II you are using. This information
81    * is also provided by the DEAL_II_PACKAGE_NAME and
82    * DEAL_II_PACKAGE_VERSION preprocessor variables.
83    */
84   std::string
85   dealii_version_string();
87   /**
88    * Assign to each point in @p points an index using the Hilbert space filling curve.
89    * To that end, a bounding box for @p points will be determined, based on which their
90    * integer coordinates are calculated.
91    * The linear index is given as a dim-collection of bits, from high to low.
92    * This is done in order to keep the maximum resolution in terms of bit depth
93    * along each axis. Note that this dim-integer index can still be easily used
94    * for sorting and ordering, for example using the lexicographic ordering of
95    * tuples of integers.
96    *
97    * The depth of the Hilbert curve (i.e. the number of bits per dimension) by
98    * default is equal to <code>64</code>.
99    *
100    * @note This function can also handle degenerate cases, e.g. when the bounding
101    * box has zero size in one of the dimensions.
102    */
103   template <int dim, typename Number>
104   std::vector<std::array<std::uint64_t, dim>>
105   inverse_Hilbert_space_filling_curve(
106     const std::vector<Point<dim, Number>> &points,
107     const int                              bits_per_dim = 64);
109   /**
110    * Same as above, but for points in integer coordinates.
111    */
112   template <int dim>
113   std::vector<std::array<std::uint64_t, dim>>
114   inverse_Hilbert_space_filling_curve(
115     const std::vector<std::array<std::uint64_t, dim>> &points,
116     const int                                          bits_per_dim = 64);
118   /**
119    * Pack the least significant @p bits_per_dim bits from each element of @p index
120    * (starting from last) into a single unsigned integer. The last element
121    * of @p index will be used to set the first @p bits_per_dim bits in the
122    * resulting integer, the second to last element is used to set the next @p bits_per_dim bits,
123    * etc.. To fit all the data into the output, the following should hold
124    * <code>bits\_per\_dim * dim <= 64</code>.
125    *
126    * The function is useful in debugging and visualization of indices returned
127    * by inverse_Hilbert_space_filling_curve().
128    *
129    * @note There is no need to use this function in order to compare indices
130    * returned by inverse_Hilbert_space_filling_curve(), as that can easily be
131    * done via <code>std::lexicographical_compare()</code>.
132    */
133   template <int dim>
134   std::uint64_t
135   pack_integers(const std::array<std::uint64_t, dim> &index,
136                 const int                             bits_per_dim);
138   /**
139    * If the library is configured with ZLIB, then this function compresses the
140    * input string and returns a non-zero terminated string containing the
141    * compressed input.
142    *
143    * If the library was not configured with ZLIB enabled, the returned string
144    * is identical to the input string.
145    *
146    * @param[in] input The string to compress
147    *
148    * @return A compressed version of the input string
149    */
150   std::string
151   compress(const std::string &input);
153   /**
154    * If the library is configured with ZLIB, then this function assumes that the
155    * input string has been compressed using the compress() function, and returns
156    * the original decompressed string.
157    *
158    * If the library was not configured with ZLIB enabled, the returned string
159    * is identical to the input string.
160    *
161    * @param[in] compressed_input A compressed string, as returned by the
162    * function compress()
163    *
164    * @return The original uncompressed string.
165    */
166   std::string
167   decompress(const std::string &compressed_input);
169   /**
170    * Encodes the binary input as a base64 string.
171    *
172    * Base64 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary
173    * data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64
174    * representation. Base64 is designed to carry data stored in binary formats
175    * across channels that only reliably support text content. It is used also
176    * to store binary formats in a machine independent way.
177    *
178    * @param binary_input A vector of characters, representing your input as
179    * binary data.
180    * @return A string containing the binary input as a base64 string.
181    */
182   std::string
183   encode_base64(const std::vector<unsigned char> &binary_input);
185   /**
186    * Decodes a base64 string into a binary output.
187    *
188    * This is the inverse of the encode_base64() function above.
189    *
190    * @param base64_input A string that contains the input in base64 format.
191    * @return A vector of characters that represents your input as binary data.
192    */
193   std::vector<unsigned char>
194   decode_base64(const std::string &base64_input);
196   /**
197    * Convert a number @p value to a string, with as many digits as given to
198    * fill with leading zeros.
199    *
200    * If the second parameter is left at its default value, the number is not
201    * padded with leading zeros. The result is then the same as if the standard
202    * C++ `std::to_string` (or the older C function `itoa()`) had been called.
203    *
204    * This function takes an `unsigned int` as argument. As a consequence,
205    * if you call it with a `signed int` (which is of course the same
206    * type as `int`), the argument is implicitly converted to
207    * unsigned integers and negative numbers may not be printed as you had
208    * hoped. Similarly, if you call the function with a `long int`, the
209    * printed result might show the effects of an overflow upon conversion
210    * to `unsigned int`.
211    *
212    * @note The use of this function is discouraged and users should use
213    * <code>Utilities::to_string()</code> instead. In its current
214    * implementation the function simply calls <code>to_string@<unsigned
215    * int@>()</code>.
216    */
217   std::string
218   int_to_string(const unsigned int value,
219                 const unsigned int digits = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
221   /**
222    * Convert a number @p value to a string, with @p digits characters. The
223    * string is padded with leading zeros, after a possible minus sign.
224    * Therefore the total number of padding zeros is @p digits minus any signs,
225    * decimal points and digits of @p value.
226    *
227    * If the second parameter is left at its default value, the number is not
228    * padded with leading zeros. The result is then the same as if the C++
229    * function `std::to_string()` had been called (for integral types),
230    * or if `boost::lexical_cast()` had been called (for all other types).
231    */
232   template <typename number>
233   std::string
234   to_string(const number       value,
235             const unsigned int digits = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
237   /**
238    * Determine how many digits are needed to represent numbers at most as
239    * large as the given number.
240    */
241   unsigned int
242   needed_digits(const unsigned int max_number);
244   /**
245    * This function allows to cut off a floating point number @p number
246    * after @p n_digits of accuracy, i.e., after @p n_digits decimal places
247    * in scientific floating point notation. When interpreted as rounding
248    * operation, this function reduces the absolute value of a floating point
249    * number and always rounds towards zero, since decimal places are simply
250    * cut off.
251    */
252   template <typename Number>
253   Number
254   truncate_to_n_digits(const Number number, const unsigned int n_digits);
256   /**
257    * Given a string, convert it to an integer. Throw an assertion if that is
258    * not possible.
259    */
260   int
261   string_to_int(const std::string &s);
263   /**
264    * Return a string describing the dimensions of the object. Often, functions
265    * in the deal.II library as well as in user codes need to define a string
266    * containing the template dimensions of some objects defined using two
267    * template parameters: dim (the topological dimension of the object) and
268    * spacedim (the dimension of the embedding Euclidean space).  Since in all
269    * deal.II classes, by default spacedim is equal to dimension, the above
270    * string is usually contracted to "<dim>", instead of "<dim,spacedim>".
271    * This function returns a string containing "dim" if dim is equal to
272    * spacedim, otherwise it returns "dim,spacedim".
273    */
274   std::string
275   dim_string(const int dim, const int spacedim);
277   /**
278    * Given a list of strings, convert it to a list of integers. Throw an
279    * assertion if that is not possible.
280    */
281   std::vector<int>
282   string_to_int(const std::vector<std::string> &s);
284   /**
285    * Given a string, convert it to an double. Throw an assertion if that is
286    * not possible.
287    */
288   double
289   string_to_double(const std::string &s);
292   /**
293    * Given a list of strings, convert it to a list of doubles. Throw an
294    * assertion if that is not possible.
295    */
296   std::vector<double>
297   string_to_double(const std::vector<std::string> &s);
300   /**
301    * Given a string that contains text separated by a @p delimiter, split it
302    * into its components; for each component, remove leading and trailing
303    * spaces. The default value of the delimiter is a comma, so that the
304    * function splits comma separated lists of strings.
305    *
306    * To make data input from tables simpler, if the input string ends in a
307    * delimiter (possibly followed by an arbitrary amount of whitespace), then
308    * this last delimiter is ignored. For example,
309    * @code
310    *   Utilities::split_string_list("abc; def; ghi; ", ';');
311    * @endcode
312    * yields the same 3-element list of output <code>{"abc","def","ghi"}</code>
313    * as you would get if the input had been
314    * @code
315    *   Utilities::split_string_list("abc; def; ghi", ';');
316    * @endcode
317    * or
318    * @code
319    *   Utilities::split_string_list("abc; def; ghi;", ';');
320    * @endcode
321    * As a consequence of this rule, a call like
322    * @code
323    *   Utilities::split_string_list(" ; ", ';');
324    * @endcode
325    * yields a one-element list. Because of the trimming of whitespace, the
326    * single element is the empty string.
327    *
328    * This function can digest the case that the delimiter is a space. In this
329    * case, it returns all words in the string. Combined with the rules above,
330    * this implies that
331    * @code
332    *   Utilities::split_string_list("abc def ghi ", ' ');
333    * @endcode
334    * yields again the 3-element list of output
335    * <code>{"abc","def","ghi"}</code> from above despite the presence of space
336    * at the end of the string. Furthermore,
337    * @code
338    *   Utilities::split_string_list("      ", ' ');
339    * @endcode
340    * yields an empty list regardless of the number of spaces in the string.
341    */
342   std::vector<std::string>
343   split_string_list(const std::string &s, const std::string &delimiter = ",");
346   /**
347    * Specialization of split_string_list() for the case where the delimiter
348    * is a single char.
349    */
350   std::vector<std::string>
351   split_string_list(const std::string &s, const char delimiter);
354   /**
355    * Take a text, usually a documentation or something, and try to break it
356    * into individual lines of text at most @p width characters wide, by
357    * breaking at positions marked by @p delimiter in the text. If this is not
358    * possible, return the shortest lines that are longer than @p width.  The
359    * default value of the delimiter is a space character. If original_text
360    * contains newline characters (\n), the string is split at these locations,
361    * too.
362    */
363   std::vector<std::string>
364   break_text_into_lines(const std::string &original_text,
365                         const unsigned int width,
366                         const char         delimiter = ' ');
368   /**
369    * Return true if the given pattern string appears in the first position of
370    * the string.
371    */
372   bool
373   match_at_string_start(const std::string &name, const std::string &pattern);
375   /**
376    * Read a (signed) integer starting at the position in @p name indicated by
377    * the second argument, and return this integer as a pair together with how
378    * many characters it takes up in the string.
379    *
380    * If no integer can be read at the indicated position, return
381    * (-1,numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
382    */
383   std::pair<int, unsigned int>
384   get_integer_at_position(const std::string &name, const unsigned int position);
386   /**
387    * Return a string with all occurrences of @p from in @p input replaced by
388    * @p to.
389    */
390   std::string
391   replace_in_string(const std::string &input,
392                     const std::string &from,
393                     const std::string &to);
395   /**
396    * Return a string with all standard whitespace characters (including
397    * '<tt>\\t</tt>', '<tt>\\n</tt>', and '<tt>\\r</tt>') at the beginning and
398    * end of @p input removed.
399    */
400   std::string
401   trim(const std::string &input);
403   /**
404    * Generate a random number from a normalized Gaussian probability
405    * distribution centered around @p a and with standard deviation @p sigma.
406    * The returned number will be different every time the function is called.
407    *
408    * This function is reentrant, i.e., it can safely be called from multiple
409    * threads at the same time. In addition, each thread will get the same
410    * sequence of numbers every time. On the other hand, if you run
411    * Threads::Task objects via the Threading Building Blocks, then tasks will
412    * be assigned to mostly random threads, and may get a different sequence of
413    * random numbers in different runs of the program, since a previous task
414    * may already have consumed the first few random numbers generated for the
415    * thread you're on. If this is a problem, you need to create your own
416    * random number generator objects every time you want to start from a
417    * defined point.
418    *
419    * @note Like the system function rand(), this function produces the same
420    * sequence of random numbers every time a program is started. This is an
421    * important property for debugging codes, but it makes it impossible to
422    * really verify statistical properties of a code. For `rand()`, you can call
423    * `srand()` to "seed" the random number generator to get different sequences
424    * of random numbers every time a program is called. However, this function
425    * does not allow seeding the random number generator. If you need this, as
426    * above, use one of the C++ or BOOST facilities.
427    */
428   double
429   generate_normal_random_number(const double a, const double sigma);
431   /**
432    * Return a string description of the type of the variable @p t.
433    *
434    * In general, C++ uses mangled names to identify types. This function
435    * uses boost::core::demangle to return a human readable string describing
436    * the type of the variable passed as argument.
437    */
438   template <class T>
439   std::string
440   type_to_string(const T &t);
442   /**
443    * Calculate a fixed power, provided as a template argument, of a number.
444    *
445    * This function provides an efficient way to calculate things like
446    * <code>t^N</code> where <code>N</code> is a known number at compile time.
447    *
448    * Use this function as in <code>fixed_power@<dim@> (n)</code>.
449    */
450   template <int N, typename T>
451   T
452   fixed_power(const T t);
454   /**
455    * A replacement for <code>std::pow</code> that allows compile-time
456    * calculations for constant expression arguments. The @p base must
457    * be an integer type and the exponent @p iexp must not be negative.
458    */
459   template <typename T>
460   constexpr T
pow(const T base,const int iexp)461   pow(const T base, const int iexp)
462   {
463 #if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(DEAL_II_CXX14_CONSTEXPR_BUG)
464     // Up to __builtin_expect this is the same code as in the 'Assert' macro.
465     // The call to __builtin_expect turns out to be problematic.
466     if (!(iexp >= 0))
467       ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::issue_error_noreturn(
468         ::dealii::deal_II_exceptions::internals::abort_or_throw_on_exception,
469         __FILE__,
470         __LINE__,
471         __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
472         "iexp>=0",
473         "ExcMessage(\"The exponent must not be negative!\")",
474         ExcMessage("The exponent must not be negative!"));
475 #endif
476     // The "exponentiation by squaring" algorithm used below has to be
477     // compressed to one statement due to C++11's restrictions on constexpr
478     // functions. A more descriptive version would be:
479     //
480     // <code>
481     // if (iexp <= 0)
482     //   return 1;
483     //
484     // // avoid overflow of one additional recursion with pow(base * base, 0)
485     // if (iexp == 1)
486     //   return base;
487     //
488     // // if the current exponent is not divisible by two,
489     // // we need to account for that.
490     // const unsigned int prefactor = (iexp % 2 == 1) ? base : 1;
491     //
492     // // a^b = (a*a)^(b/2)      for b even
493     // // a^b = a*(a*a)^((b-1)/2 for b odd
494     // return prefactor * dealii::Utilities::pow(base*base, iexp/2);
495     // </code>
497     static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types supported");
499     return iexp <= 0 ?
500              1 :
501              (iexp == 1 ? base :
502                           (((iexp % 2 == 1) ? base : 1) *
503                            dealii::Utilities::pow(base * base, iexp / 2)));
504   }
506   /**
507    * Optimized replacement for <tt>std::lower_bound</tt> for searching within
508    * the range of column indices. Slashes execution time by approximately one
509    * half for the present application, partly because the binary search is
510    * replaced by a linear search for small loop lengths.
511    *
512    * Another reason for this function is rather obscure: when using the GCC
513    * libstdc++ function std::lower_bound, complexity is O(log(N)) as required.
514    * However, when using the debug version of the GCC libstdc++ as we do when
515    * running the testsuite, then std::lower_bound tests whether the sequence
516    * is in fact partitioned with respect to the pivot 'value' (i.e. in essence
517    * that the sequence is sorted as required for binary search to work).
518    * However, verifying this means that the complexity of std::lower_bound
519    * jumps to O(N); we call this function O(N) times below, making the overall
520    * complexity O(N**2). The consequence is that a few tests with big meshes
521    * completely run off the wall time limit for tests and fail with the
522    * libstdc++ debug mode
523    *
524    * This function simply makes the assumption that the sequence is sorted,
525    * and we simply don't do the additional check.
526    */
527   template <typename Iterator, typename T>
528   Iterator
529   lower_bound(Iterator first, Iterator last, const T &val);
532   /**
533    * The same function as above, but taking an argument that is used to
534    * compare individual elements of the sequence of objects pointed to by the
535    * iterators.
536    */
537   template <typename Iterator, typename T, typename Comp>
538   Iterator
539   lower_bound(Iterator first, Iterator last, const T &val, const Comp comp);
541   /**
542    * Given a permutation vector (i.e. a vector $p_0\ldots p_{N-1}$ where each
543    * $p_i\in [0,N)$ and $p_i\neq p_j$ for $i\neq j$), produce the reverse
544    * permutation $q_i=N-1-p_i$.
545    */
546   template <typename Integer>
547   std::vector<Integer>
548   reverse_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> &permutation);
550   /**
551    * Given a permutation vector (i.e. a vector $p_0\ldots p_{N-1}$ where each
552    * $p_i\in [0,N)$ and $p_i\neq p_j$ for $i\neq j$), produce the inverse
553    * permutation $q_0\ldots q_{N-1}$ so that $q_{p_i}=p_{q_i}=i$.
554    */
555   template <typename Integer>
556   std::vector<Integer>
557   invert_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> &permutation);
559   /**
560    * Given an arbitrary object of type T, use boost::serialization utilities
561    * to pack the object into a vector of characters and append it to the
562    * given buffer. The number of elements that have been added to the buffer
563    * will be returned. The object can be unpacked using the Utilities::unpack
564    * function below.
565    *
566    * If the library has been compiled with ZLIB enabled, then the output buffer
567    * can be compressed. This can be triggered with the parameter
568    * @p allow_compression, and is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
569    *
570    * If many consecutive calls with the same buffer are considered, it is
571    * recommended for reasons of performance to ensure that its capacity is
572    * sufficient.
573    */
574   template <typename T>
575   size_t
576   pack(const T &          object,
577        std::vector<char> &dest_buffer,
578        const bool         allow_compression = true);
580   /**
581    * Creates and returns a buffer solely for the given object, using the
582    * above mentioned pack function.
583    *
584    * If the library has been compiled with ZLIB enabled, then the output buffer
585    * can be compressed. This can be triggered with the parameter
586    * @p allow_compression, and is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
587    */
588   template <typename T>
589   std::vector<char>
590   pack(const T &object, const bool allow_compression = true);
592   /**
593    * Given a vector of characters, obtained through a call to the function
594    * Utilities::pack, restore its content in an object of type T.
595    *
596    * This function uses boost::serialization utilities to unpack the object
597    * from a vector of characters, and it is the inverse of the function
598    * Utilities::pack().
599    *
600    * The @p allow_compression parameter denotes if the buffer to
601    * read from could have been previously compressed with ZLIB, and
602    * is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
603    *
604    * @note Since no arguments to this function depend on the template type
605    *  @p T, you must manually specify the template argument when calling
606    *  this function.
607    *
608    * @note If you want to pack() or unpack() arrays of objects, then the
609    *  following works:
610    *  @code
611    *    double array[3] = {1,2,3};
612    *    std::vector<char> buffer = Utilities::pack(array);
613    *  @endcode
614    *  However, the converse does not:
615    *  @code
616    *    array = Utilities::unpack<double[3]>(buffer);
617    *  @endcode
618    *  This is because C++ does not allow functions to return arrays.
619    *  Consequently, there is a separate unpack() function for arrays, see
620    *  below.
621    */
622   template <typename T>
623   T
624   unpack(const std::vector<char> &buffer, const bool allow_compression = true);
626   /**
627    * Same unpack function as above, but takes constant iterators on
628    * (a fraction of) a given packed buffer of type std::vector<char> instead.
629    *
630    * The @p allow_compression parameter denotes if the buffer to
631    * read from could have been previously compressed with ZLIB, and
632    * is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
633    */
634   template <typename T>
635   T
636   unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cbegin,
637          const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cend,
638          const bool                               allow_compression = true);
640   /**
641    * Given a vector of characters, obtained through a call to the function
642    * Utilities::pack, restore its content in an array of type T.
643    *
644    * This function uses boost::serialization utilities to unpack the object
645    * from a vector of characters, and it is the inverse of the function
646    * Utilities::pack().
647    *
648    * The @p allow_compression parameter denotes if the buffer to
649    * read from could have been previously compressed with ZLIB, and
650    * is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
651    *
652    * @note This function exists due to a quirk of C++. Specifically,
653    *  if you want to pack() or unpack() arrays of objects, then the
654    *  following works:
655    *  @code
656    *    double array[3] = {1,2,3};
657    *    std::vector<char> buffer = Utilities::pack(array);
658    *  @endcode
659    *  However, the converse does not:
660    *  @code
661    *    array = Utilities::unpack<double[3]>(buffer);
662    *  @endcode
663    *  This is because C++ does not allow functions to return arrays.
664    *  The current function therefore allows to write
665    *  @code
666    *    Utilities::unpack(buffer, array);
667    *  @endcode
668    *  Note that unlike the other unpack() function, it is not necessary
669    *  to explicitly specify the template arguments since they can be
670    *  deduced from the second argument.
671    */
672   template <typename T, int N>
673   void
674   unpack(const std::vector<char> &buffer,
675          T (&unpacked_object)[N],
676          const bool allow_compression = true);
678   /**
679    * Same unpack function as above, but takes constant iterators on
680    * (a fraction of) a given packed buffer of type std::vector<char> instead.
681    *
682    * The @p allow_compression parameter denotes if the buffer to
683    * read from could have been previously compressed with ZLIB, and
684    * is only of effect if ZLIB is enabled.
685    */
686   template <typename T, int N>
687   void
688   unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cbegin,
689          const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cend,
690          T (&unpacked_object)[N],
691          const bool allow_compression = true);
693   /**
694    * Convert an object of type `std::unique_ptr<From>` to an object of
695    * type `std::unique_ptr<To>`, where it is assumed that we can cast
696    * the pointer to `From` to a pointer to `To` using a `dynamic_cast`
697    * -- in other words, we assume that `From` and `To` are connected
698    * through a class hierarchy, and that the object pointed to is in
699    * fact of a type that contains both a `From` and a `To`. An example
700    * is if either `To` is derived from `From` or the other way around.
701    *
702    * The function throws an exception of type `std::bad_cast` if the
703    * `dynamic_cast` does not succeed. This is the same exception you
704    * would get if a regular `dynamic_cast` between object types (but not
705    * pointer types) does not succeed.
706    *
707    * An example of how this function works is as follows:
708    * @code
709    *   // A base class. Assume that it has virtual
710    *   // functions so that dynamic_cast can work.
711    *   class B
712    *   {
713    *     ...
714    *   };
715    *
716    *   // A derived class
717    *   class D : public B
718    *   {
719    *     ...
720    *   };
721    *
722    *   // A factory function
723    *   std::unique_ptr<B> create_object (...)
724    *   {
725    *     ...
726    *   }
727    *
728    *   void foo (...)
729    *   {
730    *     std::unique_ptr<B> b = create_object (...);
731    *
732    *     // Assume that we know for some reason that the object above must
733    *     // have created a D object but returned it as a std::unique_ptr<B>.
734    *     // In order to access the D functionality, we need to cast the
735    *     // pointer. Use the equivalent to dynamic_cast:
736    *     std::unique_ptr<D> d = dynamic_unique_cast<D>(std::move(b));
737    *
738    *     // If the object really was a D, then 'd' now points to it. Note
739    *     // also that in accordance with the semantics of std::unique_ptr,
740    *     // it was necessary to std::move the 'b' object, and indeed 'b'
741    *     // now no longer points to anything -- ownership has been
742    *     // transferred to 'd'!
743    * @endcode
744    *
745    * @note This function does not try to convert the `Deleter` objects stored
746    *   by `std::unique_ptr` objects. The function therefore only works if the
747    *   deleter objects are at their defaults, i.e., if they are of type
748    *   `std::default_delete<To>` and `std::default_delete<From>`.
749    */
750   template <typename To, typename From>
751   std::unique_ptr<To>
dynamic_unique_cast(std::unique_ptr<From> && p)752   dynamic_unique_cast(std::unique_ptr<From> &&p)
753   {
754     // Let's see if we can cast from 'From' to 'To'. If so, do the cast,
755     // and then release the pointer from the old
756     // owner
757     if (To *cast = dynamic_cast<To *>(p.get()))
758       {
759         std::unique_ptr<To> result(cast);
760         p.release();
761         return result;
762       }
763     else
764       throw std::bad_cast();
765   }
767   /**
768    * A namespace for utility functions that probe system properties.
769    *
770    * @ingroup utilities
771    */
772   namespace System
773   {
774     /**
775      * Return the CPU load as returned by "uptime". Note that the
776      * interpretation of this number depends on the actual number of
777      * processors in the machine. This is presently only implemented on Linux,
778      * using the /proc/loadavg pseudo-file, on other systems we simply return
779      * zero.
780      */
781     double
782     get_cpu_load();
784     /**
785      * Return the instruction set extension for vectorization as described by
786      * DEAL_II_VECTORIZATION_WIDTH_IN_BITS in vectorization.h as a string. The
787      * list of possible return values is:
788      *
789      * <table>
790      * <tr>
791      *   <td><tt>VECTORIZATION_LEVEL</tt></td>
792      *   <td>Return Value</td>
793      *   <td>Width in bits</td>
794      * </tr>
795      * <tr>
796      *   <td>0</td>
797      *   <td>disabled</td>
798      *   <td>64</td>
799      * </tr>
800      * <tr>
801      *   <td>1</td>
802      *   <td>SSE2/AltiVec</td>
803      *   <td>128</td>
804      * </tr>
805      * <tr>
806      *   <td>2</td>
807      *   <td>AVX</td>
808      *   <td>256</td>
809      * </tr>
810      * <tr>
811      *   <td>3</td>
812      *   <td>AVX512</td>
813      *   <td>512</td>
814      * </tr>
815      * </table>
816      */
817     const std::string
818     get_current_vectorization_level();
820     /**
821      * Structure that hold information about memory usage in kB. Used by
822      * get_memory_stats(). See man 5 proc entry /status for details.
823      */
824     struct MemoryStats
825     {
826       /**
827        * Peak virtual memory size in kB.
828        */
829       unsigned long int VmPeak;
831       /**
832        * Current virtual memory size in kB.
833        */
834       unsigned long int VmSize;
836       /**
837        * Peak resident memory size in kB. Also known as "high water mark" (HWM).
838        */
839       unsigned long int VmHWM;
841       /**
842        * Current resident memory size in kB. Also known as "resident set size"
843        * (RSS).
844        */
845       unsigned long int VmRSS;
846     };
849     /**
850      * Fill the @p stats structure with information about the memory
851      * consumption of this process. This is only implemented on Linux.
852      */
853     void
854     get_memory_stats(MemoryStats &stats);
857     /**
858      * Return the name of the host this process runs on.
859      */
860     std::string
861     get_hostname();
864     /**
865      * Return the present time as HH:MM:SS.
866      */
867     std::string
868     get_time();
870     /**
871      * Return the present date as YYYY/MM/DD. MM and DD may be either one or
872      * two digits.
873      */
874     std::string
875     get_date();
877     /**
878      * Call the system function posix_memalign, or a replacement function if
879      * not available, to allocate memory with a certain minimal alignment. The
880      * first argument will then return a pointer to this memory block that can
881      * be released later on through a standard <code>free</code> call.
882      *
883      * @param memptr The address of a pointer variable that will after this
884      * call point to the allocated memory.
885      * @param alignment The minimal alignment of the memory block, in bytes.
886      * @param size The size of the memory block to be allocated, in bytes.
887      *
888      * @note This function checks internally for error codes, rather than
889      * leaving this task to the calling site.
890      */
891     void
892     posix_memalign(void **memptr, std::size_t alignment, std::size_t size);
893   } // namespace System
897   /**
898    * This namespace provides some of the basic structures used in the
899    * initialization of the Trilinos objects (e.g., matrices, vectors, and
900    * preconditioners).
901    */
902   namespace Trilinos
903   {
904     /**
905      * Return a Trilinos Epetra_Comm object needed for creation of
906      * Epetra_Maps.
907      *
908      * If deal.II has been configured to use a compiler that does not support
909      * MPI then the resulting communicator will be a serial one. Otherwise,
910      * the communicator will correspond to MPI_COMM_WORLD, i.e. a communicator
911      * that encompasses all processes within this MPI universe.
912      */
913     const Epetra_Comm &
914     comm_world();
916     /**
917      * Return a Trilinos Epetra_Comm object needed for creation of
918      * Epetra_Maps.
919      *
920      * If deal.II has been configured to use a compiler that does not support
921      * MPI then the resulting communicator will be a serial one. Otherwise,
922      * the communicator will correspond to MPI_COMM_SELF, i.e. a communicator
923      * that comprises only this one processor.
924      */
925     const Epetra_Comm &
926     comm_self();
928     /**
929      * Return a Teuchos::Comm object needed for creation of Tpetra::Maps.
930      *
931      * If deal.II has been configured to use a compiler that does not support
932      * MPI then the resulting communicator will be a serial one. Otherwise,
933      * the communicator will correspond to MPI_COMM_SELF, i.e. a communicator
934      * that comprises only this one processor.
935      */
936     const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int>> &
937     tpetra_comm_self();
939     /**
940      * Given a communicator, duplicate it. If the given communicator is
941      * serial, that means to just return a copy of itself. On the other hand,
942      * if it is %parallel, we duplicate the underlying MPI_Comm object: we
943      * create a separate MPI communicator that contains the same processors
944      * and in the same order but has a separate identifier distinct from the
945      * given communicator. The function returns a pointer to a new object of a
946      * class derived from Epetra_Comm. The caller of this function needs to
947      * assume ownership of this function. The returned object should be
948      * destroyed using the destroy_communicator() function.
949      *
950      * This facility is used to separate streams of communication. For
951      * example, a program could simply use MPI_Comm_World for everything. But
952      * it is easy to come up with scenarios where sometimes not all processors
953      * participate in a communication that is intended to be global -- for
954      * example if we assemble a matrix on a coarse mesh with fewer cells than
955      * there are processors, some processors may not sync their matrices with
956      * the rest because they haven't written into it because they own no
957      * cells. That's clearly a bug. However, if these processors just continue
958      * their work, and the next %parallel operation happens to be a sync on a
959      * different matrix, then the sync could succeed -- by accident, since
960      * different processors are talking about different matrices.
961      *
962      * This kind of situation can be avoided if we use different communicators
963      * for different matrices which reduces the likelihood that communications
964      * meant to be separate aren't recognized as such just because they happen
965      * on the same communicator. In addition, it is conceivable that some MPI
966      * operations can be parallelized using multiple threads because their
967      * communicators identifies the communication in question, not their
968      * relative timing as is the case in a sequential program that just uses a
969      * single communicator.
970      */
971     Epetra_Comm *
972     duplicate_communicator(const Epetra_Comm &communicator);
974     /**
975      * Given an Epetra communicator that was created by the
976      * duplicate_communicator() function, destroy the underlying MPI
977      * communicator object and reset the Epetra_Comm object to a the result of
978      * comm_self().
979      *
980      * It is necessary to call this function at the time when the result of
981      * duplicate_communicator() is no longer needed. The reason is that in
982      * that function, we first create a new MPI_Comm object and then create an
983      * Epetra_Comm around it. While we can take care of destroying the latter,
984      * it doesn't destroy the communicator since it can only assume that it
985      * may also be still used by other objects in the program. Consequently,
986      * we have to take care of destroying it ourselves, explicitly.
987      *
988      * This function does exactly that. Because this has to happen while the
989      * Epetra_Comm object is still around, it first resets the latter and then
990      * destroys the communicator object.
991      *
992      * @note If you call this function on an Epetra_Comm object that is not
993      * created by duplicate_communicator(), you are likely doing something
994      * quite wrong. Don't do this.
995      */
996     void
997     destroy_communicator(Epetra_Comm &communicator);
999     /**
1000      * Return the number of MPI processes there exist in the given
1001      * @ref GlossMPICommunicator "communicator"
1002      * object. If this is a sequential job (i.e., the program
1003      * is not using MPI at all, or is using MPI but has been started with
1004      * only one MPI process), then the communicator necessarily involves
1005      * only one process and the function returns 1.
1006      */
1007     unsigned int
1008     get_n_mpi_processes(const Epetra_Comm &mpi_communicator);
1010     /**
1011      * Return the number of the present MPI process in the space of processes
1012      * described by the given communicator. This will be a unique value for
1013      * each process between zero and (less than) the number of all processes
1014      * (given by get_n_mpi_processes()).
1015      */
1016     unsigned int
1017     get_this_mpi_process(const Epetra_Comm &mpi_communicator);
1019     /**
1020      * Given a Trilinos Epetra map, create a new map that has the same
1021      * subdivision of elements to processors but uses the given communicator
1022      * object instead of the one stored in the first argument. In essence,
1023      * this means that we create a map that communicates among the same
1024      * processors in the same way, but using a separate channel.
1025      *
1026      * This function is typically used with a communicator that has been
1027      * obtained by the duplicate_communicator() function.
1028      */
1029     Epetra_Map
1030     duplicate_map(const Epetra_BlockMap &map, const Epetra_Comm &comm);
1031   } // namespace Trilinos
1033 #endif
1036 } // namespace Utilities
1039 // --------------------- inline functions
1041 namespace Utilities
1042 {
1043   template <int N, typename T>
1044   inline T
fixed_power(const T x)1045   fixed_power(const T x)
1046   {
1047     Assert(
1048       !std::is_integral<T>::value || (N >= 0),
1049       ExcMessage(
1050         "The non-type template parameter N must be a non-negative integer for integral type T"));
1052     if (N == 0)
1053       return T(1.);
1054     else if (N < 0)
1055       return T(1.) / fixed_power<-N>(x);
1056     else
1057       // Use exponentiation by squaring:
1058       return ((N % 2 == 1) ? x * fixed_power<N / 2>(x * x) :
1059                              fixed_power<N / 2>(x * x));
1060   }
1064   template <class T>
1065   inline std::string
type_to_string(const T & t)1066   type_to_string(const T &t)
1067   {
1068     return boost::core::demangle(typeid(t).name());
1069   }
1073   template <typename Iterator, typename T>
1074   inline Iterator
lower_bound(Iterator first,Iterator last,const T & val)1075   lower_bound(Iterator first, Iterator last, const T &val)
1076   {
1077     return Utilities::lower_bound(first, last, val, std::less<T>());
1078   }
1082   template <typename Iterator, typename T, typename Comp>
1083   inline Iterator
lower_bound(Iterator first,Iterator last,const T & val,const Comp comp)1084   lower_bound(Iterator first, Iterator last, const T &val, const Comp comp)
1085   {
1086     // verify that the two iterators are properly ordered. since
1087     // we need operator- for the iterator type anyway, do the
1088     // test as follows, rather than via 'last >= first'
1089     Assert(last - first >= 0,
1090            ExcMessage(
1091              "The given iterators do not satisfy the proper ordering."));
1093     unsigned int len = static_cast<unsigned int>(last - first);
1095     if (len == 0)
1096       return first;
1098     while (true)
1099       {
1100         // if length equals 8 or less,
1101         // then do a rolled out
1102         // search. use a switch without
1103         // breaks for that and roll-out
1104         // the loop somehow
1105         if (len < 8)
1106           {
1107             switch (len)
1108               {
1109                 case 7:
1110                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1111                     return first;
1112                   ++first;
1113                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1114                 case 6:
1115                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1116                     return first;
1117                   ++first;
1118                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1119                 case 5:
1120                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1121                     return first;
1122                   ++first;
1123                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1124                 case 4:
1125                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1126                     return first;
1127                   ++first;
1128                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1129                 case 3:
1130                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1131                     return first;
1132                   ++first;
1133                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1134                 case 2:
1135                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1136                     return first;
1137                   ++first;
1138                   DEAL_II_FALLTHROUGH;
1139                 case 1:
1140                   if (!comp(*first, val))
1141                     return first;
1142                   return first + 1;
1143                 default:
1144                   // indices seem
1145                   // to not be
1146                   // sorted
1147                   // correctly!? or
1148                   // did len
1149                   // become==0
1150                   // somehow? that
1151                   // shouldn't have
1152                   // happened
1153                   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
1154               }
1155           }
1159         const unsigned int half   = len >> 1;
1160         const Iterator     middle = first + half;
1162         // if the value is larger than
1163         // that pointed to by the
1164         // middle pointer, then the
1165         // insertion point must be
1166         // right of it
1167         if (comp(*middle, val))
1168           {
1169             first = middle + 1;
1170             len -= half + 1;
1171           }
1172         else
1173           len = half;
1174       }
1175   }
1178   // --------------------- non-inline functions
1180   template <typename T>
1181   size_t
pack(const T & object,std::vector<char> & dest_buffer,const bool allow_compression)1182   pack(const T &          object,
1183        std::vector<char> &dest_buffer,
1184        const bool         allow_compression)
1185   {
1186     // the data is never compressed when we can't use zlib.
1187     (void)allow_compression;
1189     std::size_t size = 0;
1191     // see if the object is small and copyable via memcpy. if so, use
1192     // this fast path. otherwise, we have to go through the BOOST
1193     // serialization machinery
1194     //
1195     // we have to work around the fact that GCC 4.8.x claims to be C++
1196     // conforming, but is not actually as it does not implement
1197     // std::is_trivially_copyable.
1198 #if __GNUG__ && __GNUC__ < 5
1199     if (__has_trivial_copy(T) && sizeof(T) < 256)
1200 #else
1201 #  ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_CXX17
1202     if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable<T>() && sizeof(T) < 256)
1203 #  else
1204     if (std::is_trivially_copyable<T>() && sizeof(T) < 256)
1205 #  endif
1206 #endif
1207       {
1208         const std::size_t previous_size = dest_buffer.size();
1209         dest_buffer.resize(previous_size + sizeof(T));
1211         std::memcpy(dest_buffer.data() + previous_size, &object, sizeof(T));
1213         size = sizeof(T);
1214       }
1215     else
1216       {
1217         // use buffer as the target of a compressing
1218         // stream into which we serialize the current object
1219         const std::size_t previous_size = dest_buffer.size();
1220 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_ZLIB
1221         if (allow_compression)
1222           {
1223             boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream out;
1224             out.push(
1225               boost::iostreams::gzip_compressor(boost::iostreams::gzip_params(
1226                 boost::iostreams::gzip::default_compression)));
1227             out.push(boost::iostreams::back_inserter(dest_buffer));
1229             boost::archive::binary_oarchive archive(out);
1230             archive << object;
1231             out.flush();
1232           }
1233         else
1234 #endif
1235           {
1236             std::ostringstream              out;
1237             boost::archive::binary_oarchive archive(out);
1238             archive << object;
1240             const std::string s = out.str();
1241             dest_buffer.reserve(dest_buffer.size() + s.size());
1242             std::move(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(dest_buffer));
1243           }
1245         size = dest_buffer.size() - previous_size;
1246       }
1248     return size;
1249   }
1252   template <typename T>
1253   std::vector<char>
pack(const T & object,const bool allow_compression)1254   pack(const T &object, const bool allow_compression)
1255   {
1256     std::vector<char> buffer;
1257     pack<T>(object, buffer, allow_compression);
1258     return buffer;
1259   }
1262   template <typename T>
1263   T
unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator & cbegin,const std::vector<char>::const_iterator & cend,const bool allow_compression)1264   unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cbegin,
1265          const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cend,
1266          const bool                               allow_compression)
1267   {
1268     T object;
1270     // the data is never compressed when we can't use zlib.
1271     (void)allow_compression;
1273     // see if the object is small and copyable via memcpy. if so, use
1274     // this fast path. otherwise, we have to go through the BOOST
1275     // serialization machinery
1276     //
1277     // we have to work around the fact that GCC 4.8.x claims to be C++
1278     // conforming, but is not actually as it does not implement
1279     // std::is_trivially_copyable.
1280 #if __GNUG__ && __GNUC__ < 5
1281     if (__has_trivial_copy(T) && sizeof(T) < 256)
1282 #else
1283 #  ifdef DEAL_II_HAVE_CXX17
1284     if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable<T>() && sizeof(T) < 256)
1285 #  else
1286     if (std::is_trivially_copyable<T>() && sizeof(T) < 256)
1287 #  endif
1288 #endif
1289       {
1290         Assert(std::distance(cbegin, cend) == sizeof(T), ExcInternalError());
1291         std::memcpy(&object, &*cbegin, sizeof(T));
1292       }
1293     else
1294       {
1295         std::string decompressed_buffer;
1297         // first decompress the buffer
1298 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_ZLIB
1299         if (allow_compression)
1300           {
1301             boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream decompressing_stream;
1302             decompressing_stream.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor());
1303             decompressing_stream.push(
1304               boost::iostreams::back_inserter(decompressed_buffer));
1305             decompressing_stream.write(&*cbegin, std::distance(cbegin, cend));
1306           }
1307         else
1308 #endif
1309           {
1310             decompressed_buffer.assign(cbegin, cend);
1311           }
1313         // then restore the object from the buffer
1314         std::istringstream              in(decompressed_buffer);
1315         boost::archive::binary_iarchive archive(in);
1317         archive >> object;
1318       }
1320     return object;
1321   }
1324   template <typename T>
1325   T
unpack(const std::vector<char> & buffer,const bool allow_compression)1326   unpack(const std::vector<char> &buffer, const bool allow_compression)
1327   {
1328     return unpack<T>(buffer.cbegin(), buffer.cend(), allow_compression);
1329   }
1332   template <typename T, int N>
1333   void
unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator & cbegin,const std::vector<char>::const_iterator & cend,T (& unpacked_object)[N],const bool allow_compression)1334   unpack(const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cbegin,
1335          const std::vector<char>::const_iterator &cend,
1336          T (&unpacked_object)[N],
1337          const bool allow_compression)
1338   {
1339     // see if the object is small and copyable via memcpy. if so, use
1340     // this fast path. otherwise, we have to go through the BOOST
1341     // serialization machinery
1342     //
1343     // we have to work around the fact that GCC 4.8.x claims to be C++
1344     // conforming, but is not actually as it does not implement
1345     // std::is_trivially_copyable.
1346     if (
1347 #if __GNUG__ && __GNUC__ < 5
1348       __has_trivial_copy(T)
1349 #else
1350       std::is_trivially_copyable<T>()
1351 #endif
1352       && sizeof(T) * N < 256)
1353       {
1354         Assert(std::distance(cbegin, cend) == sizeof(T) * N,
1355                ExcInternalError());
1356         std::memcpy(unpacked_object, &*cbegin, sizeof(T) * N);
1357       }
1358     else
1359       {
1360         std::string decompressed_buffer;
1362         // first decompress the buffer
1363         (void)allow_compression;
1364 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_ZLIB
1365         if (allow_compression)
1366           {
1367             boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream decompressing_stream;
1368             decompressing_stream.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor());
1369             decompressing_stream.push(
1370               boost::iostreams::back_inserter(decompressed_buffer));
1371             decompressing_stream.write(&*cbegin, std::distance(cbegin, cend));
1372           }
1373         else
1374 #endif
1375           {
1376             decompressed_buffer.assign(cbegin, cend);
1377           }
1379         // then restore the object from the buffer
1380         std::istringstream              in(decompressed_buffer);
1381         boost::archive::binary_iarchive archive(in);
1383         archive >> unpacked_object;
1384       }
1385   }
1388   template <typename T, int N>
1389   void
unpack(const std::vector<char> & buffer,T (& unpacked_object)[N],const bool allow_compression)1390   unpack(const std::vector<char> &buffer,
1391          T (&unpacked_object)[N],
1392          const bool allow_compression)
1393   {
1394     unpack<T, N>(buffer.cbegin(),
1395                  buffer.cend(),
1396                  unpacked_object,
1397                  allow_compression);
1398   }
1402   template <typename Integer>
1403   std::vector<Integer>
reverse_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> & permutation)1404   reverse_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> &permutation)
1405   {
1406     const std::size_t n = permutation.size();
1408     std::vector<Integer> out(n);
1409     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1410       out[i] = n - 1 - permutation[i];
1412     return out;
1413   }
1417   template <typename Integer>
1418   std::vector<Integer>
invert_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> & permutation)1419   invert_permutation(const std::vector<Integer> &permutation)
1420   {
1421     const std::size_t n = permutation.size();
1423     std::vector<Integer> out(n, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
1425     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1426       {
1427         AssertIndexRange(permutation[i], n);
1428         out[permutation[i]] = i;
1429       }
1431     // check that we have actually reached
1432     // all indices
1433     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1434       Assert(out[i] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
1435              ExcMessage("The given input permutation had duplicate entries!"));
1437     return out;
1438   }
1439 } // namespace Utilities
1444 #ifndef DOXYGEN
1445 namespace boost
1446 {
1447   namespace serialization
1448   {
1449     // Provides boost and c++11 with a way to serialize tuples and pairs
1450     // automatically
1451     template <int N>
1452     struct Serialize
1453     {
1454       template <class Archive, typename... Args>
1455       static void
serializeSerialize1456       serialize(Archive &ar, std::tuple<Args...> &t, const unsigned int version)
1457       {
1458         ar &std::get<N - 1>(t);
1459         Serialize<N - 1>::serialize(ar, t, version);
1460       }
1461     };
1463     template <>
1464     struct Serialize<0>
1465     {
1466       template <class Archive, typename... Args>
1467       static void
1468       serialize(Archive &ar, std::tuple<Args...> &t, const unsigned int version)
1469       {
1470         (void)ar;
1471         (void)t;
1472         (void)version;
1473       }
1474     };
1476     template <class Archive, typename... Args>
1477     void
1478     serialize(Archive &ar, std::tuple<Args...> &t, const unsigned int version)
1479     {
1480       Serialize<sizeof...(Args)>::serialize(ar, t, version);
1481     }
1482   } // namespace serialization
1483 } // namespace boost
1484 #endif
1486 #endif