1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2001 - 2019 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_fe_dgq_h
17 #define dealii_fe_dgq_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/tensor_product_polynomials.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/thread_management.h>
24 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_poly.h>
28 // Forward declarations
29 #ifndef DOXYGEN
30 template <int dim, int spacedim>
31 class MappingQ;
32 template <int dim>
33 class Quadrature;
34 #endif
36 /*!@addtogroup fe */
37 /*@{*/
39 /**
40  * Implementation of scalar, discontinuous tensor product elements based on
41  * equidistant support points.
42  *
43  * This is a discontinuous finite element based on tensor products of
44  * Lagrangian polynomials. The shape functions are Lagrangian interpolants of
45  * an equidistant grid of points on the unit cell. The points are numbered in
46  * lexicographical order, with <i>x</i> running fastest, then <i>y</i>, then
47  * <i>z</i> (if these coordinates are present for a given space dimension at
48  * all). For example, these are the node orderings for <tt>FE_DGQ(1)</tt> in
49  * 3d:
50  *  @verbatim
51  *         6-------7        6-------7
52  *        /|       |       /       /|
53  *       / |       |      /       / |
54  *      /  |       |     /       /  |
55  *     4   |       |    4-------5   |
56  *     |   2-------3    |       |   3
57  *     |  /       /     |       |  /
58  *     | /       /      |       | /
59  *     |/       /       |       |/
60  *     0-------1        0-------1
61  *  @endverbatim
62  * and <tt>FE_DGQ(2)</tt>:
63  *  @verbatim
64  *         24--25--26       24--25--26
65  *        /|       |       /       /|
66  *      21 |       |     21  22  23 |
67  *      /  15  16  17    /       /  17
68  *    18   |       |   18--19--20   |
69  *     |12 6---7---8    |       |14 8
70  *     9  /       /     9  10  11  /
71  *     | 3   4   5      |       | 5
72  *     |/       /       |       |/
73  *     0---1---2        0---1---2
74  *  @endverbatim
75  * with node 13 being placed in the interior of the hex.
76  *
77  * Note, however, that these are just the Lagrange interpolation points of the
78  * shape functions. Even though they may physically be on the boundary of the
79  * cell, they are logically in the interior since there are no continuity
80  * requirements for these shape functions across cell boundaries. While
81  * discontinuous, when restricted to a single cell the shape functions of this
82  * element are exactly the same as those of the FE_Q element where they are
83  * shown visually.
84  *
85  * <h3>Unit support point distribution and conditioning of interpolation</h3>
86  *
87  * When constructing an FE_DGQ element at polynomial degrees one or two,
88  * equidistant support points at 0 and 1 (linear case) or 0, 0.5, and 1
89  * (quadratic case) are used. The unit support or nodal points
90  * <i>x<sub>i</sub></i> are those points where the <i>j</i>th Lagrange
91  * polynomial satisfies the $\delta_{ij}$ property, i.e., where one polynomial
92  * is one and all the others are zero.  For higher polynomial degrees, the
93  * support points are non-equidistant by default, and chosen to be the support
94  * points of the <tt>(degree+1)</tt>-order Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rule. This
95  * point distribution yields well-conditioned Lagrange interpolation at
96  * arbitrary polynomial degrees. By contrast, polynomials based on equidistant
97  * points get increasingly ill-conditioned as the polynomial degree
98  * increases. In interpolation, this effect is known as the Runge
99  * phenomenon. For Galerkin methods, the Runge phenomenon is typically not
100  * visible in the solution quality but rather in the condition number of the
101  * associated system matrices. For example, the elemental mass matrix of
102  * equidistant points at degree 10 has condition number 2.6e6, whereas the
103  * condition number for Gauss-Lobatto points is around 400.
104  *
105  * The Gauss-Lobatto points in 1D include the end points 0 and +1 of the unit
106  * interval. The interior points are shifted towards the end points, which
107  * gives a denser point distribution close to the element boundary.
108  */
109 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
110 class FE_DGQ : public FE_Poly<dim, spacedim>
111 {
112 public:
113   /**
114    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials of degree <tt>p</tt>. The
115    * shape functions created using this constructor correspond to Lagrange
116    * interpolation polynomials for Gauss-Lobatto support (node) points in each
117    * coordinate direction.
118    */
119   FE_DGQ(const unsigned int p);
121   /**
122    * Return a string that uniquely identifies a finite element. This class
123    * returns <tt>FE_DGQ<dim>(degree)</tt>, with <tt>dim</tt> and
124    * <tt>degree</tt> replaced by appropriate values.
125    */
126   virtual std::string
127   get_name() const override;
129   /**
130    * Return the matrix interpolating from the given finite element to the
131    * present one. The size of the matrix is then @p dofs_per_cell times
132    * <tt>source.n_dofs_per_cell()</tt>.
133    *
134    * These matrices are only available if the source element is also a @p
135    * FE_DGQ element. Otherwise, an exception of type
136    * FiniteElement<dim>::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented is thrown.
137    */
138   virtual void
139   get_interpolation_matrix(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &source,
140                            FullMatrix<double> &matrix) const override;
142   /**
143    * Return the matrix interpolating from a face of one element to the face
144    * of the neighboring element. The size of the matrix is then
145    * <tt>source.dofs_per_face</tt> times <tt>this->dofs_per_face</tt>.
146    *
147    * Derived elements will have to implement this function. They may only
148    * provide interpolation matrices for certain source finite elements, for
149    * example those from the same family. If they don't implement interpolation
150    * from a given element, then they must throw an exception of type
151    * FiniteElement<dim>::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented.
152    */
153   virtual void
154   get_face_interpolation_matrix(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &source,
155                                 FullMatrix<double> &                matrix,
156                                 const unsigned int face_no = 0) const override;
158   /**
159    * Return the matrix interpolating from a face of one element to the face
160    * of the neighboring element. The size of the matrix is then
161    * <tt>source.dofs_per_face</tt> times <tt>this->dofs_per_face</tt>.
162    *
163    * Derived elements will have to implement this function. They may only
164    * provide interpolation matrices for certain source finite elements, for
165    * example those from the same family. If they don't implement interpolation
166    * from a given element, then they must throw an exception of type
167    * FiniteElement<dim>::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented.
168    */
169   virtual void
170   get_subface_interpolation_matrix(
171     const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &source,
172     const unsigned int                  subface,
173     FullMatrix<double> &                matrix,
174     const unsigned int                  face_no = 0) const override;
176   /**
177    * Projection from a fine grid space onto a coarse grid space. Overrides the
178    * respective method in FiniteElement, implementing lazy evaluation
179    * (initialize when requested).
180    *
181    * If this projection operator is associated with a matrix @p P, then the
182    * restriction of this matrix @p P_i to a single child cell is returned
183    * here.
184    *
185    * The matrix @p P is the concatenation or the sum of the cell matrices @p
186    * P_i, depending on the #restriction_is_additive_flags. This distinguishes
187    * interpolation (concatenation) and projection with respect to scalar
188    * products (summation).
189    *
190    * Row and column indices are related to coarse grid and fine grid spaces,
191    * respectively, consistent with the definition of the associated operator.
192    */
193   virtual const FullMatrix<double> &
194   get_restriction_matrix(
195     const unsigned int         child,
196     const RefinementCase<dim> &refinement_case =
197       RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement) const override;
199   /**
200    * Embedding matrix between grids. Overrides the respective method in
201    * FiniteElement, implementing lazy evaluation (initialize when queried).
202    *
203    * The identity operator from a coarse grid space into a fine grid space is
204    * associated with a matrix @p P. The restriction of this matrix @p P_i to a
205    * single child cell is returned here.
206    *
207    * The matrix @p P is the concatenation, not the sum of the cell matrices @p
208    * P_i. That is, if the same non-zero entry <tt>j,k</tt> exists in two
209    * different child matrices @p P_i, the value should be the same in both
210    * matrices and it is copied into the matrix @p P only once.
211    *
212    * Row and column indices are related to fine grid and coarse grid spaces,
213    * respectively, consistent with the definition of the associated operator.
214    *
215    * These matrices are used by routines assembling the prolongation matrix
216    * for multi-level methods.  Upon assembling the transfer matrix between
217    * cells using this matrix array, zero elements in the prolongation matrix
218    * are discarded and will not fill up the transfer matrix.
219    */
220   virtual const FullMatrix<double> &
221   get_prolongation_matrix(
222     const unsigned int         child,
223     const RefinementCase<dim> &refinement_case =
224       RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement) const override;
226   /**
227    * @name Functions to support hp
228    * @{
229    */
231   /**
232    * If, on a vertex, several finite elements are active, the hp code first
233    * assigns the degrees of freedom of each of these FEs different global
234    * indices. It then calls this function to find out which of them should get
235    * identical values, and consequently can receive the same global DoF index.
236    * This function therefore returns a list of identities between DoFs of the
237    * present finite element object with the DoFs of @p fe_other, which is a
238    * reference to a finite element object representing one of the other finite
239    * elements active on this particular vertex. The function computes which of
240    * the degrees of freedom of the two finite element objects are equivalent,
241    * both numbered between zero and the corresponding value of
242    * n_dofs_per_vertex() of the two finite elements. The first index of each
243    * pair denotes one of the vertex dofs of the present element, whereas the
244    * second is the corresponding index of the other finite element.
245    *
246    * This being a discontinuous element, the set of such constraints is of
247    * course empty.
248    */
249   virtual std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>
250   hp_vertex_dof_identities(
251     const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe_other) const override;
253   /**
254    * Same as hp_vertex_dof_indices(), except that the function treats degrees
255    * of freedom on lines.
256    *
257    * This being a discontinuous element, the set of such constraints is of
258    * course empty.
259    */
260   virtual std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>
261   hp_line_dof_identities(
262     const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe_other) const override;
264   /**
265    * Same as hp_vertex_dof_indices(), except that the function treats degrees
266    * of freedom on quads.
267    *
268    * This being a discontinuous element, the set of such constraints is of
269    * course empty.
270    */
271   virtual std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>
272   hp_quad_dof_identities(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe_other,
273                          const unsigned int face_no = 0) const override;
275   /**
276    * Return whether this element implements its hanging node constraints in
277    * the new way, which has to be used to make elements "hp compatible".
278    *
279    * For the FE_DGQ class the result is always true (independent of the degree
280    * of the element), as it has no hanging nodes (being a discontinuous
281    * element).
282    */
283   virtual bool
284   hp_constraints_are_implemented() const override;
286   /**
287    * @copydoc FiniteElement::compare_for_domination()
288    */
289   virtual FiniteElementDomination::Domination
290   compare_for_domination(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe_other,
291                          const unsigned int codim = 0) const override final;
293   /**
294    * @}
295    */
297   /**
298    * This function returns @p true, if the shape function @p shape_index has
299    * non-zero function values somewhere on the face @p face_index.
300    */
301   virtual bool
302   has_support_on_face(const unsigned int shape_index,
303                       const unsigned int face_index) const override;
305   /**
306    * Return a list of constant modes of the element. For this element, it
307    * simply returns one row with all entries set to true.
308    */
309   virtual std::pair<Table<2, bool>, std::vector<unsigned int>>
310   get_constant_modes() const override;
312   /**
313    * Implementation of the corresponding function in the FiniteElement
314    * class.  Since the current element is interpolatory, the nodal
315    * values are exactly the support point values. Furthermore, since
316    * the current element is scalar, the support point values need to
317    * be vectors of length 1.
318    */
319   virtual void
320   convert_generalized_support_point_values_to_dof_values(
321     const std::vector<Vector<double>> &support_point_values,
322     std::vector<double> &              nodal_values) const override;
324   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>>
325   clone() const override;
327 protected:
328   /**
329    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials based on an arbitrary vector
330    * of polynomials. This constructor is used in derived classes to construct
331    * e.g. elements with arbitrary nodes or elements based on Legendre
332    * polynomials.
333    *
334    * The degree of these polynomials is <tt>polynomials.size()-1</tt>.
335    */
336   FE_DGQ(const std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>> &polynomials);
338 private:
339   /**
340    * Only for internal use. Its full name is @p get_dofs_per_object_vector
341    * function and it creates the @p dofs_per_object vector that is needed
342    * within the constructor to be passed to the constructor of @p
343    * FiniteElementData.
344    */
345   static std::vector<unsigned int>
346   get_dpo_vector(const unsigned int degree);
348   /**
349    * Compute renumbering for rotation of degrees of freedom.
350    *
351    * This function rotates a tensor product numbering of degrees of
352    * freedom by 90 degrees.  It is used to compute the transfer
353    * matrices of the children by using only the matrix for the first
354    * child.
355    *
356    * The direction parameter determines the type of rotation. It is one
357    * character of @p xXyYzZ. The character determines the axis of rotation,
358    * case determines the direction. Lower case is counter-clockwise seen in
359    * direction of the axis.
360    *
361    * Since rotation around the y-axis is not used, it is not implemented
362    * either.
363    */
364   void
365   rotate_indices(std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
366                  const char                 direction) const;
368   /*
369    * Mutex for protecting initialization of restriction and embedding matrix.
370    */
371   mutable Threads::Mutex mutex;
373   // Allow access from other dimensions.
374   template <int dim1, int spacedim1>
375   friend class FE_DGQ;
377   // Allow @p MappingQ class to access to build_renumbering function.
378   template <int dim1, int spacedim1>
379   friend class MappingQ;
380 };
384 /**
385  * Implementation of scalar, discontinuous tensor product elements based on
386  * Lagrange polynomials with arbitrary nodes. The primary purpose of this
387  * class is to provide an element for which the mass matrix can be made
388  * diagonal by choosing basis functions that are not either zero or one at the
389  * vertices of the cell, but instead are zero or one at a given set of
390  * quadrature points. If this set of quadrature points is then also used in
391  * integrating the mass matrix, then it will be diagonal. The number of
392  * quadrature points automatically determines the polynomial degree chosen for
393  * this element. The typical applications are the Gauss quadrature or the
394  * Gauss-Lobatto quadrature (provided through the base class).
395  *
396  * See the base class documentation in FE_DGQ for details.
397  */
398 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
399 class FE_DGQArbitraryNodes : public FE_DGQ<dim, spacedim>
400 {
401 public:
402   /**
403    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials based on Polynomials::Lagrange
404    * interpolation of the support points in the quadrature rule
405    * <tt>points</tt>. The degree of these polynomials is
406    * <tt>points.size()-1</tt>.
407    */
408   FE_DGQArbitraryNodes(const Quadrature<1> &points);
410   /**
411    * Return a string that uniquely identifies a finite element. This class
412    * returns <tt>FE_DGQArbitraryNodes<dim>(degree)</tt>, with <tt>dim</tt> and
413    * <tt>degree</tt> replaced by appropriate values.
414    */
415   virtual std::string
416   get_name() const override;
418   /**
419    * Implementation of the corresponding function in the FiniteElement
420    * class.  Since the current element is interpolatory, the nodal
421    * values are exactly the support point values. Furthermore, since
422    * the current element is scalar, the support point values need to
423    * be vectors of length 1.
424    */
425   virtual void
426   convert_generalized_support_point_values_to_dof_values(
427     const std::vector<Vector<double>> &support_point_values,
428     std::vector<double> &              nodal_values) const override;
429   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>>
430   clone() const override;
431 };
435 /**
436  * Implementation of scalar, discontinuous tensor product elements based on
437  * Legendre polynomials, described by the tensor product of the polynomial
438  * space Polynomials::Legendre. As opposed to the basic FE_DGQ element, these
439  * elements are not interpolatory and no support points are defined.
440  *
441  * See the base class documentation in FE_DGQ for details.
442  */
443 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
444 class FE_DGQLegendre : public FE_DGQ<dim, spacedim>
445 {
446 public:
447   /**
448    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials based on Polynomials::Legendre
449    * interpolation.
450    */
451   FE_DGQLegendre(const unsigned int degree);
453   /**
454    * Return a list of constant modes of the element. For the Legendre basis,
455    * it returns one row where the first element (corresponding to the constant
456    * mode) is set to true and all other elements are set to false.
457    */
458   virtual std::pair<Table<2, bool>, std::vector<unsigned int>>
459   get_constant_modes() const override;
461   /**
462    * Return a string that uniquely identifies a finite element. This class
463    * returns <tt>FE_DGQLegendre<dim>(degree)</tt> with <tt>dim</tt> and
464    * <tt>degree</tt> replaced by the values given by the template parameter
465    * and the argument passed to the constructor, respectively.
466    */
467   virtual std::string
468   get_name() const override;
470   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>>
471   clone() const override;
472 };
476 /**
477  * Implementation of scalar, discontinuous tensor product elements based on
478  * Hermite-like polynomials, described by the polynomial space
479  * Polynomials::HermiteLikeInterpolation. As opposed to the basic FE_DGQ
480  * element, these elements are not interpolatory and no support points are
481  * defined.
482  *
483  * Note that Hermite polynomials are only available for degrees larger or
484  * equal to three, and thus the beneficial properties of
485  * Polynomials::HermiteLikeInterpolation with only two basis functions having
486  * a non-trivial value or derivative on a face per dimension is only present
487  * for higher degrees. To facilitate usage also for degrees zero to two, a
488  * usual Lagrange basis is constructed by this class.
489  *
490  * See the base class documentation in FE_DGQ for details.
491  */
492 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
493 class FE_DGQHermite : public FE_DGQ<dim, spacedim>
494 {
495 public:
496   /**
497    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials based on
498    * Polynomials::HermiteLikeInterpolation.
499    */
500   FE_DGQHermite(const unsigned int degree);
502   /**
503    * Return a string that uniquely identifies a finite element. This class
504    * returns <tt>FE_DGQHermite<dim>(degree)</tt>, with <tt>dim</tt> and
505    * <tt>degree</tt> replaced by the values given by the template parameter
506    * and the argument passed to the constructor, respectively.
507    */
508   virtual std::string
509   get_name() const override;
511   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>>
512   clone() const override;
513 };
516 /*@}*/
520 #endif