1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_fe_series_h
17 #define dealii_fe_series_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/table.h>
26 #include <deal.II/base/table_indices.h>
27 #include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
29 #include <deal.II/hp/fe_collection.h>
30 #include <deal.II/hp/q_collection.h>
32 #include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
33 #include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
35 #include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_common.h>
37 #include <memory>
38 #include <string>
39 #include <vector>
45 /*!@addtogroup feall */
46 /*@{*/
49 /**
50 * This namespace offers functions to calculate expansion series of the
51 * solution on the reference element. Coefficients of expansion are often used
52 * to estimate local smoothness of the underlying FiniteElement field to decide
53 * on h- or p-adaptive refinement strategy.
54 */
55 namespace FESeries
56 {
57 /**
58 * A class to calculate expansion of a scalar FE field into Fourier series
59 * on a reference element. The exponential form of the Fourier series is
60 * based on completeness and Hermitian orthogonality of the set of exponential
61 * functions $ \phi_{\bf k}({\bf x}) = \exp(2 \pi i\, {\bf k} \cdot {\bf x})$.
62 * For example in 1D the L2-orthogonality condition reads
63 * @f[
64 * \int_0^1 \phi_k(x) \phi_l^\ast(x) dx=\delta_{kl}.
65 * @f]
66 * Note that $ \phi_{\bf k} = \phi_{-\bf k}^\ast $.
67 *
68 * The arbitrary scalar FE field on the reference element can be expanded in
69 * the complete orthogonal exponential basis as
70 * @f[
71 * u({\bf x})
72 * = \sum_{\bf k} c_{\bf k} \phi_{\bf k}({\bf x}).
73 * @f]
74 * From the orthogonality property of the basis, it follows that
75 * @f[
76 * c_{\bf k} =
77 * \int_{[0,1]^d} u({\bf x}) \phi_{\bf k}^\ast ({\bf x}) d{\bf x}\,.
78 * @f]
79 * It is this complex-valued expansion coefficients, that are calculated by
80 * this class. Note that $ u({\bf x}) = \sum_i u_i N_i({\bf x})$,
81 * where $ N_i({\bf x}) $ are real-valued FiniteElement shape functions.
82 * Consequently $ c_{\bf k} \equiv c_{-\bf k}^\ast $ and
83 * we only need to compute $ c_{\bf k} $ for positive indices
84 * $ \bf k $ .
85 */
86 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
87 class Fourier : public Subscriptor
88 {
89 public:
90 using CoefficientType = typename std::complex<double>;
92 /**
93 * Constructor that initializes all required data structures.
94 *
95 * The @p n_coefficients_per_direction defines the number of coefficients in
96 * each direction, @p fe_collection is the hp::FECollection for which
97 * expansion will be used and @p q_collection is the hp::QCollection used to
98 * integrate the expansion for each FiniteElement in @p fe_collection.
99 */
100 Fourier(const std::vector<unsigned int> & n_coefficients_per_direction,
101 const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe_collection,
102 const hp::QCollection<dim> & q_collection);
104 /**
105 * A non-default constructor. The @p n_coefficients_per_direction defines the
106 * number of modes in each direction, @p fe_collection is the hp::FECollection
107 * for which expansion will be used and @p q_collection is the hp::QCollection
108 * used to integrate the expansion for each FiniteElement
109 * in @p fe_collection.
110 *
111 * @deprecated Use a different constructor instead.
112 */
114 Fourier(const unsigned int n_coefficients_per_direction,
115 const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe_collection,
116 const hp::QCollection<dim> & q_collection);
118 /**
119 * Calculate @p fourier_coefficients of the cell vector field given by
120 * @p local_dof_values corresponding to FiniteElement with
121 * @p cell_active_fe_index .
122 */
123 template <typename Number>
124 void
125 calculate(const dealii::Vector<Number> &local_dof_values,
126 const unsigned int cell_active_fe_index,
127 Table<dim, CoefficientType> & fourier_coefficients);
129 /**
130 * Return the number of coefficients in each coordinate direction for the
131 * finite element associated with @p index in the provided hp::FECollection.
132 */
133 unsigned int
134 get_n_coefficients_per_direction(const unsigned int index) const;
136 /**
137 * Calculate all transformation matrices to transfer the finite element
138 * solution to the series expansion representation.
139 *
140 * These matrices will be generated on demand by calling calculate() and
141 * stored for recurring purposes. Usually, this operation consumes a lot of
142 * workload. With this function, all matrices will be calculated in advance.
143 * This way, we can separate their costly generation from the actual
144 * application.
145 */
146 void
147 precalculate_all_transformation_matrices();
149 /**
150 * Write all transformation matrices of this object to a stream for the
151 * purpose of serialization.
152 *
153 * Since any of its transformation matrices has to be generated only once
154 * for a given scenario, it is common practice to determine them in advance
155 * calling precalculate_all_transformation_matrices() and keep them via
156 * serialization.
157 */
158 template <class Archive>
159 void
160 save_transformation_matrices(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
162 /**
163 * Read all transformation matrices from a stream and recover them for this
164 * object.
165 */
166 template <class Archive>
167 void
168 load_transformation_matrices(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
170 /**
171 * Test for equality of two series expansion objects.
172 */
173 bool
174 operator==(const Fourier<dim, spacedim> &fourier) const;
176 private:
177 /**
178 * Number of coefficients in each direction for each finite element in the
179 * registered hp::FECollection.
180 */
181 const std::vector<unsigned int> n_coefficients_per_direction;
183 /**
184 * hp::FECollection for which transformation matrices will be calculated.
185 */
186 SmartPointer<const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim>> fe_collection;
188 /**
189 * hp::QCollection used in calculation of transformation matrices.
190 */
191 const hp::QCollection<dim> q_collection;
193 /**
194 * Angular frequencies $ 2 \pi {\bf k} $ .
195 */
196 Table<dim, Tensor<1, dim>> k_vectors;
198 /**
199 * Transformation matrices for each FiniteElement.
200 */
201 std::vector<FullMatrix<CoefficientType>> fourier_transform_matrices;
203 /**
204 * Auxiliary vector to store unrolled coefficients.
205 */
206 std::vector<CoefficientType> unrolled_coefficients;
207 };
211 /**
212 * A class to calculate expansion of a scalar FE field into series of Legendre
213 * functions on a reference element.
214 *
215 * Legendre functions are solutions to Legendre's differential equation
216 * @f[
217 * \frac{d}{dx}\left([1-x^2] \frac{d}{dx} P_n(x)\right) +
218 * n[n+1] P_n(x) = 0
219 * @f]
220 * and can be expressed using Rodrigues' formula
221 * @f[
222 * P_n(x) = \frac{1}{2^n n!} \frac{d^n}{dx^n}[x^2-1]^n.
223 * @f]
224 * These polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the $ L^2 $ inner
225 * product on the interval $ [-1;1] $
226 * @f[
227 * \int_{-1}^1 P_m(x) P_n(x) = \frac{2}{2n + 1} \delta_{mn}
228 * @f]
229 * and are complete.
230 * A family of $ L^2 $-orthogonal polynomials on $ [0;1] $ can be
231 * constructed via
232 * @f[
233 * \widetilde P_m = \sqrt{2} P_m(2x-1).
234 * @f]
235 *
236 *
237 * An arbitrary scalar FE field on the reference element $ [0;1] $ can be
238 * expanded in the complete orthogonal basis as
239 * @f[
240 * u(x)
241 * = \sum_{m} c_m \widetilde P_{m}(x).
242 * @f]
243 * From the orthogonality property of the basis, it follows that
244 * @f[
245 * c_m = \frac{2m+1}{2}
246 * \int_0^1 u(x) \widetilde P_m(x) dx .
247 * @f]
248 * This class calculates coefficients $ c_{\bf k} $ using
249 * $ dim $-dimensional Legendre polynomials constructed from
250 * $ \widetilde P_m(x) $ using tensor product rule.
251 */
252 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
253 class Legendre : public Subscriptor
254 {
255 public:
256 using CoefficientType = double;
258 /**
259 * Constructor that initializes all required data structures.
260 *
261 * The @p n_coefficients_per_direction defines the number of coefficients in
262 * each direction, @p fe_collection is the hp::FECollection for which
263 * expansion will be used and @p q_collection is the hp::QCollection used to
264 * integrate the expansion for each FiniteElement in @p fe_collection.
265 */
266 Legendre(const std::vector<unsigned int> &n_coefficients_per_direction,
267 const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe_collection,
268 const hp::QCollection<dim> & q_collection);
270 /**
271 * A non-default constructor. The @p size_in_each_direction defines the number
272 * of coefficients in each direction, @p fe_collection is the hp::FECollection
273 * for which expansion will be used and @p q_collection is the hp::QCollection
274 * used to integrate the expansion for each FiniteElement in @p fe_collection.
275 *
276 * @deprecated Use a different constructor instead.
277 */
279 Legendre(const unsigned int n_coefficients_per_direction,
280 const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim> &fe_collection,
281 const hp::QCollection<dim> & q_collection);
283 /**
284 * Calculate @p legendre_coefficients of the cell vector field given by
285 * @p local_dof_values corresponding to FiniteElement with
286 * @p cell_active_fe_index .
287 */
288 template <typename Number>
289 void
290 calculate(const dealii::Vector<Number> &local_dof_values,
291 const unsigned int cell_active_fe_index,
292 Table<dim, CoefficientType> & legendre_coefficients);
294 /**
295 * Return the number of coefficients in each coordinate direction for the
296 * finite element associated with @p index in the provided hp::FECollection.
297 */
298 unsigned int
299 get_n_coefficients_per_direction(const unsigned int index) const;
301 /**
302 * Calculate all transformation matrices to transfer the finite element
303 * solution to the series expansion representation.
304 *
305 * These matrices will be generated on demand by calling calculate() and
306 * stored for recurring purposes. Usually, this operation consumes a lot of
307 * workload. With this function, all matrices will be calculated in advance.
308 * This way, we can separate their costly generation from the actual
309 * application.
310 */
311 void
312 precalculate_all_transformation_matrices();
314 /**
315 * Write all transformation matrices of this object to a stream for the
316 * purpose of serialization.
317 *
318 * Since any of its transformation matrices has to be generated only once
319 * for a given scenario, it is common practice to determine them in advance
320 * calling precalculate_all_transformation_matrices() and keep them via
321 * serialization.
322 */
323 template <class Archive>
324 void
325 save_transformation_matrices(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
327 /**
328 * Read all transformation matrices from a stream and recover them for this
329 * object.
330 */
331 template <class Archive>
332 void
333 load_transformation_matrices(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
335 /**
336 * Test for equality of two series expansion objects.
337 */
338 bool
339 operator==(const Legendre<dim, spacedim> &legendre) const;
341 private:
342 /**
343 * Number of coefficients in each direction for each finite element in the
344 * registered hp::FECollection.
345 */
346 const std::vector<unsigned int> n_coefficients_per_direction;
348 /**
349 * hp::FECollection for which transformation matrices will be calculated.
350 */
351 SmartPointer<const hp::FECollection<dim, spacedim>> fe_collection;
353 /**
354 * hp::QCollection used in calculation of transformation matrices.
355 */
356 const hp::QCollection<dim> q_collection;
358 /**
359 * Transformation matrices for each FiniteElement.
360 */
361 std::vector<FullMatrix<CoefficientType>> legendre_transform_matrices;
363 /**
364 * Auxiliary vector to store unrolled coefficients.
365 */
366 std::vector<CoefficientType> unrolled_coefficients;
367 };
371 /**
372 * Calculate the @p norm of subsets of @p coefficients defined by
373 * @p predicate being constant. Return the pair of vectors of predicate values
374 * and the vector of calculated subset norms.
375 *
376 * @p predicate should return a pair of <code>bool</code> and <code>unsigned
377 * int</code>. The former is a flag whether a given TableIndices should be
378 * used in calculation, whereas the latter is the unrolled value of indices
379 * according to which the subsets of coefficients will be formed.
380 *
381 * Only those coefficients will be considered which are larger than
382 * @p smallest_abs_coefficient.
383 *
384 * @note Only the following values of @p norm_type are implemented and make
385 * sense in this case: mean, L1_norm, L2_norm, Linfty_norm. The mean norm ca
386 * only be applied to real valued coefficients.
387 */
388 template <int dim, typename CoefficientType>
389 std::pair<std::vector<unsigned int>, std::vector<double>>
390 process_coefficients(const Table<dim, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
391 const std::function<std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(
392 const TableIndices<dim> &)> & predicate,
393 const VectorTools::NormType norm_type,
394 const double smallest_abs_coefficient = 1e-10);
396 /**
397 * Linear regression least-square fit of $y = k \, x + b$.
398 * The size of the input vectors should be equal and more than 1.
399 * The returned pair will contain $k$ (first) and $b$ (second).
400 */
401 std::pair<double, double>
402 linear_regression(const std::vector<double> &x, const std::vector<double> &y);
404 } // namespace FESeries
406 /*@}*/
410 #ifndef DOXYGEN
412 // ------------------- inline and template functions ----------------
414 namespace internal
415 {
416 namespace FESeriesImplementation
417 {
418 template <int dim, typename CoefficientType>
419 void
fill_map_index(const Table<dim,CoefficientType> & coefficients,const TableIndices<dim> & ind,const std::function<std::pair<bool,unsigned int> (const TableIndices<dim> &)> & predicate,std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)420 fill_map_index(
421 const Table<dim, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
422 const TableIndices<dim> & ind,
423 const std::function<
424 std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(const TableIndices<dim> &)> &predicate,
425 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<CoefficientType>> &pred_to_values)
426 {
427 const std::pair<bool, unsigned int> pred_pair = predicate(ind);
428 // don't add a value if predicate is false
429 if (pred_pair.first == false)
430 return;
432 const unsigned int pred_value = pred_pair.second;
433 const CoefficientType &coeff_value = coefficients(ind);
434 // If pred_value is not in the pred_to_values map, the element will be
435 // created. Otherwise a reference to the existing element is returned.
436 pred_to_values[pred_value].push_back(coeff_value);
437 }
441 template <typename CoefficientType>
442 void
fill_map(const Table<1,CoefficientType> & coefficients,const std::function<std::pair<bool,unsigned int> (const TableIndices<1> &)> & predicate,std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)443 fill_map(
444 const Table<1, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
445 const std::function<
446 std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(const TableIndices<1> &)> &predicate,
447 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)
448 {
449 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coefficients.size(0); i++)
450 {
451 const TableIndices<1> ind(i);
452 fill_map_index(coefficients, ind, predicate, pred_to_values);
453 }
454 }
458 template <typename CoefficientType>
459 void
fill_map(const Table<2,CoefficientType> & coefficients,const std::function<std::pair<bool,unsigned int> (const TableIndices<2> &)> & predicate,std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)460 fill_map(
461 const Table<2, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
462 const std::function<
463 std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(const TableIndices<2> &)> &predicate,
464 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)
465 {
466 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coefficients.size(0); i++)
467 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < coefficients.size(1); j++)
468 {
469 const TableIndices<2> ind(i, j);
470 fill_map_index(coefficients, ind, predicate, pred_to_values);
471 }
472 }
476 template <typename CoefficientType>
477 void
fill_map(const Table<3,CoefficientType> & coefficients,const std::function<std::pair<bool,unsigned int> (const TableIndices<3> &)> & predicate,std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)478 fill_map(
479 const Table<3, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
480 const std::function<
481 std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(const TableIndices<3> &)> &predicate,
482 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<CoefficientType>> & pred_to_values)
483 {
484 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coefficients.size(0); i++)
485 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < coefficients.size(1); j++)
486 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < coefficients.size(2); k++)
487 {
488 const TableIndices<3> ind(i, j, k);
489 fill_map_index(coefficients, ind, predicate, pred_to_values);
490 }
491 }
495 template <typename Number>
496 double
complex_mean_value(const Number & value)497 complex_mean_value(const Number &value)
498 {
499 return value;
500 }
504 template <typename Number>
505 double
complex_mean_value(const std::complex<Number> & value)506 complex_mean_value(const std::complex<Number> &value)
507 {
508 AssertThrow(false,
509 ExcMessage(
510 "FESeries::process_coefficients() can not be used with "
511 "complex-valued coefficients and VectorTools::mean norm."));
512 return std::abs(value);
513 }
514 } // namespace FESeriesImplementation
515 } // namespace internal
519 template <int dim, typename CoefficientType>
520 std::pair<std::vector<unsigned int>, std::vector<double>>
process_coefficients(const Table<dim,CoefficientType> & coefficients,const std::function<std::pair<bool,unsigned int> (const TableIndices<dim> &)> & predicate,const VectorTools::NormType norm_type,const double smallest_abs_coefficient)521 FESeries::process_coefficients(
522 const Table<dim, CoefficientType> &coefficients,
523 const std::function<std::pair<bool, unsigned int>(const TableIndices<dim> &)>
524 & predicate,
525 const VectorTools::NormType norm_type,
526 const double smallest_abs_coefficient)
527 {
528 Assert(smallest_abs_coefficient >= 0.,
529 ExcMessage("smallest_abs_coefficient should be non-negative."));
531 std::vector<unsigned int> predicate_values;
532 std::vector<double> norm_values;
534 // first, parse all table elements into a map of predicate values and
535 // coefficients. We could have stored (predicate values ->TableIndicies) map,
536 // but its processing would have been much harder later on.
537 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<CoefficientType>> pred_to_values;
538 internal::FESeriesImplementation::fill_map(coefficients,
539 predicate,
540 pred_to_values);
542 // now go through the map and populate the @p norm_values based on @p norm:
543 for (const auto &pred_to_value : pred_to_values)
544 {
545 Vector<CoefficientType> values(pred_to_value.second.cbegin(),
546 pred_to_value.second.cend());
548 double norm_value = 0;
549 switch (norm_type)
550 {
551 case VectorTools::L2_norm:
552 {
553 norm_value = values.l2_norm();
554 break;
555 }
556 case VectorTools::L1_norm:
557 {
558 norm_value = values.l1_norm();
559 break;
560 }
561 case VectorTools::Linfty_norm:
562 {
563 norm_value = values.linfty_norm();
564 break;
565 }
566 case VectorTools::mean:
567 {
568 norm_value = internal::FESeriesImplementation::complex_mean_value(
569 values.mean_value());
570 break;
571 }
572 default:
573 AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
574 break;
575 }
577 // will use all non-zero coefficients
578 if (std::abs(norm_value) > smallest_abs_coefficient)
579 {
580 predicate_values.push_back(pred_to_value.first);
581 norm_values.push_back(norm_value);
582 }
583 }
585 return std::make_pair(predicate_values, norm_values);
586 }
590 template <int dim, int spacedim>
591 template <class Archive>
592 inline void
save_transformation_matrices(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)593 FESeries::Fourier<dim, spacedim>::save_transformation_matrices(
594 Archive &ar,
595 const unsigned int /*version*/)
596 {
597 // Store information about those resources which have been used to generate
598 // the transformation matrices.
599 // mode vector
600 ar &n_coefficients_per_direction;
602 // finite element collection
603 unsigned int size = fe_collection->size();
604 ar & size;
605 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
606 ar &(*fe_collection)[i].get_name();
608 // quadrature collection
609 size = q_collection.size();
610 ar &size;
611 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
612 ar &q_collection[i];
614 // Store the actual transform matrices.
615 ar &fourier_transform_matrices;
616 }
620 template <int dim, int spacedim>
621 template <class Archive>
622 inline void
load_transformation_matrices(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)623 FESeries::Fourier<dim, spacedim>::load_transformation_matrices(
624 Archive &ar,
625 const unsigned int /*version*/)
626 {
627 // Check whether the currently registered resources are compatible with
628 // the transformation matrices to load.
629 // mode vector
630 std::vector<unsigned int> compare_coefficients;
631 ar & compare_coefficients;
632 Assert(compare_coefficients == n_coefficients_per_direction,
633 ExcMessage("A different number of coefficients vector has been used "
634 "to generate the transformation matrices you are about "
635 "to load!"));
637 // finite element collection
638 unsigned int size;
639 ar & size;
640 AssertDimension(size, fe_collection->size());
641 std::string name;
642 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
643 {
644 ar &name;
645 Assert(name.compare((*fe_collection)[i].get_name()) == 0,
646 ExcMessage("A different FECollection has been used to generate "
647 "the transformation matrices you are about to load!"));
648 }
650 // quadrature collection
651 ar &size;
652 AssertDimension(size, q_collection.size());
653 Quadrature<dim> quadrature;
654 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
655 {
656 ar &quadrature;
657 Assert(quadrature == q_collection[i],
658 ExcMessage("A different QCollection has been used to generate "
659 "the transformation matrices you are about to load!"));
660 }
662 // Restore the transform matrices since all prerequisites are fulfilled.
663 ar &fourier_transform_matrices;
664 }
668 template <int dim, int spacedim>
669 template <class Archive>
670 inline void
save_transformation_matrices(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)671 FESeries::Legendre<dim, spacedim>::save_transformation_matrices(
672 Archive &ar,
673 const unsigned int /*version*/)
674 {
675 // Store information about those resources which have been used to generate
676 // the transformation matrices.
677 // mode vector
678 ar &n_coefficients_per_direction;
680 // finite element collection
681 unsigned int size = fe_collection->size();
682 ar & size;
683 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
684 ar &(*fe_collection)[i].get_name();
686 // quadrature collection
687 size = q_collection.size();
688 ar &size;
689 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
690 ar &q_collection[i];
692 // Store the actual transform matrices.
693 ar &legendre_transform_matrices;
694 }
698 template <int dim, int spacedim>
699 template <class Archive>
700 inline void
load_transformation_matrices(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)701 FESeries::Legendre<dim, spacedim>::load_transformation_matrices(
702 Archive &ar,
703 const unsigned int /*version*/)
704 {
705 // Check whether the currently registered resources are compatible with
706 // the transformation matrices to load.
707 // mode vector
708 std::vector<unsigned int> compare_coefficients;
709 ar & compare_coefficients;
710 Assert(compare_coefficients == n_coefficients_per_direction,
711 ExcMessage("A different number of coefficients vector has been used "
712 "to generate the transformation matrices you are about "
713 "to load!"));
715 // finite element collection
716 unsigned int size;
717 ar & size;
718 AssertDimension(size, fe_collection->size());
719 std::string name;
720 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
721 {
722 ar &name;
723 Assert(name.compare((*fe_collection)[i].get_name()) == 0,
724 ExcMessage("A different FECollection has been used to generate "
725 "the transformation matrices you are about to load!"));
726 }
728 // quadrature collection
729 ar &size;
730 AssertDimension(size, q_collection.size());
731 Quadrature<dim> quadrature;
732 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
733 {
734 ar &quadrature;
735 Assert(quadrature == q_collection[i],
736 ExcMessage("A different QCollection has been used to generate "
737 "the transformation matrices you are about to load!"));
738 }
740 // Restore the transform matrices since all prerequisites are fulfilled.
741 ar &legendre_transform_matrices;
742 }
745 #endif // DOXYGEN
749 #endif // dealii_fe_series_h