1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2008 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h
17 #define dealii_trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
24 #  include <deal.II/base/template_constraints.h>
26 #  include <deal.II/lac/block_matrix_base.h>
27 #  include <deal.II/lac/exceptions.h>
28 #  include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
29 #  include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_parallel_block_vector.h>
30 #  include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_sparse_matrix.h>
32 #  include <cmath>
36 // forward declarations
37 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
38 class BlockSparsityPattern;
39 template <typename number>
40 class BlockSparseMatrix;
41 #  endif
43 namespace TrilinosWrappers
44 {
45   /*! @addtogroup TrilinosWrappers
46    *@{
47    */
49   /**
50    * Blocked sparse matrix based on the TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix class.
51    * This class implements the functions that are specific to the Trilinos
52    * SparseMatrix base objects for a blocked sparse matrix, and leaves the
53    * actual work relaying most of the calls to the individual blocks to the
54    * functions implemented in the base class. See there also for a description
55    * of when this class is useful.
56    *
57    * In contrast to the deal.II-type SparseMatrix class, the Trilinos matrices
58    * do not have external objects for the sparsity patterns. Thus, one does
59    * not determine the size of the individual blocks of a block matrix of this
60    * type by attaching a block sparsity pattern, but by calling reinit() to
61    * set the number of blocks and then by setting the size of each block
62    * separately. In order to fix the data structures of the block matrix, it
63    * is then necessary to let it know that we have changed the sizes of the
64    * underlying matrices. For this, one has to call the collect_sizes()
65    * function, for much the same reason as is documented with the
66    * BlockSparsityPattern class.
67    *
68    * @ingroup Matrix1 @see
69    * @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
70    */
71   class BlockSparseMatrix : public BlockMatrixBase<SparseMatrix>
72   {
73   public:
74     /**
75      * Typedef the base class for simpler access to its own alias.
76      */
77     using BaseClass = BlockMatrixBase<SparseMatrix>;
79     /**
80      * Typedef the type of the underlying matrix.
81      */
82     using BlockType = BaseClass::BlockType;
84     /**
85      * Import the alias from the base class.
86      */
87     using value_type      = BaseClass::value_type;
88     using pointer         = BaseClass::pointer;
89     using const_pointer   = BaseClass::const_pointer;
90     using reference       = BaseClass::reference;
91     using const_reference = BaseClass::const_reference;
92     using size_type       = BaseClass::size_type;
93     using iterator        = BaseClass::iterator;
94     using const_iterator  = BaseClass::const_iterator;
96     /**
97      * Constructor; initializes the matrix to be empty, without any structure,
98      * i.e.  the matrix is not usable at all. This constructor is therefore
99      * only useful for matrices which are members of a class. All other
100      * matrices should be created at a point in the data flow where all
101      * necessary information is available.
102      *
103      * You have to initialize the matrix before usage with
104      * reinit(BlockSparsityPattern). The number of blocks per row and column
105      * are then determined by that function.
106      */
107     BlockSparseMatrix() = default;
109     /**
110      * Destructor.
111      */
112     ~BlockSparseMatrix() override;
114     /**
115      * Pseudo copy operator only copying empty objects. The sizes of the block
116      * matrices need to be the same.
117      */
118     BlockSparseMatrix &
119     operator=(const BlockSparseMatrix &) = default;
121     /**
122      * This operator assigns a scalar to a matrix. Since this does usually not
123      * make much sense (should we set all matrix entries to this value? Only
124      * the nonzero entries of the sparsity pattern?), this operation is only
125      * allowed if the actual value to be assigned is zero. This operator only
126      * exists to allow for the obvious notation <tt>matrix=0</tt>, which sets
127      * all elements of the matrix to zero, but keep the sparsity pattern
128      * previously used.
129      */
130     BlockSparseMatrix &
131     operator=(const double d);
133     /**
134      * Resize the matrix, by setting the number of block rows and columns.
135      * This deletes all blocks and replaces them with uninitialized ones, i.e.
136      * ones for which also the sizes are not yet set. You have to do that by
137      * calling the @p reinit functions of the blocks themselves. Do not forget
138      * to call collect_sizes() after that on this object.
139      *
140      * The reason that you have to set sizes of the blocks yourself is that
141      * the sizes may be varying, the maximum number of elements per row may be
142      * varying, etc. It is simpler not to reproduce the interface of the @p
143      * SparsityPattern class here but rather let the user call whatever
144      * function they desire.
145      */
146     void
147     reinit(const size_type n_block_rows, const size_type n_block_columns);
149     /**
150      * Resize the matrix, by using an array of index sets to determine the
151      * %parallel distribution of the individual matrices. This function
152      * assumes that a quadratic block matrix is generated.
153      */
154     template <typename BlockSparsityPatternType>
155     void
156     reinit(const std::vector<IndexSet> &   input_maps,
157            const BlockSparsityPatternType &block_sparsity_pattern,
158            const MPI_Comm &                communicator  = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
159            const bool                      exchange_data = false);
161     /**
162      * Resize the matrix and initialize it by the given sparsity pattern.
163      * Since no distribution map is given, the result is a block matrix for
164      * which all elements are stored locally.
165      */
166     template <typename BlockSparsityPatternType>
167     void
168     reinit(const BlockSparsityPatternType &block_sparsity_pattern);
170     /**
171      * This function initializes the Trilinos matrix using the deal.II sparse
172      * matrix and the entries stored therein. It uses a threshold to copy only
173      * elements whose modulus is larger than the threshold (so zeros in the
174      * deal.II matrix can be filtered away).
175      */
176     void
177     reinit(
178       const std::vector<IndexSet> &              parallel_partitioning,
179       const ::dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &dealii_block_sparse_matrix,
180       const MPI_Comm &                           communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
181       const double                               drop_tolerance = 1e-13);
183     /**
184      * This function initializes the Trilinos matrix using the deal.II sparse
185      * matrix and the entries stored therein. It uses a threshold to copy only
186      * elements whose modulus is larger than the threshold (so zeros in the
187      * deal.II matrix can be filtered away). Since no Epetra_Map is given, all
188      * the elements will be locally stored.
189      */
190     void
191     reinit(const ::dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &deal_ii_sparse_matrix,
192            const double                               drop_tolerance = 1e-13);
194     /**
195      * Return the state of the matrix, i.e., whether compress() needs to be
196      * called after an operation requiring data exchange. Does only return
197      * non-true values when used in <tt>debug</tt> mode, since it is quite
198      * expensive to keep track of all operations that lead to the need for
199      * compress().
200      */
201     bool
202     is_compressed() const;
204     /**
205      * This function collects the sizes of the sub-objects and stores them in
206      * internal arrays, in order to be able to relay global indices into the
207      * matrix to indices into the subobjects. You *must* call this function
208      * each time after you have changed the size of the sub-objects. Note that
209      * this is a collective operation, i.e., it needs to be called on all MPI
210      * processes. This command internally calls the method
211      * <tt>compress()</tt>, so you don't need to call that function in case
212      * you use <tt>collect_sizes()</tt>.
213      */
214     void
215     collect_sizes();
217     /**
218      * Return the total number of nonzero elements of this matrix (summed
219      * over all MPI processes).
220      */
221     size_type
222     n_nonzero_elements() const;
224     /**
225      * Return the MPI communicator object in use with this matrix.
226      */
227     MPI_Comm
228     get_mpi_communicator() const;
230     /**
231      * Return the partitioning of the domain space for the individual blocks of
232      * this matrix, i.e., the partitioning of the block vectors this matrix has
233      * to be multiplied with.
234      */
235     std::vector<IndexSet>
236     locally_owned_domain_indices() const;
238     /**
239      * Return the partitioning of the range space for the individual blocks of
240      * this matrix, i.e., the partitioning of the block vectors that result
241      * from matrix-vector products.
242      */
243     std::vector<IndexSet>
244     locally_owned_range_indices() const;
246     /**
247      * Matrix-vector multiplication: let $dst = M*src$ with $M$ being this
248      * matrix. The vector types can be block vectors or non-block vectors
249      * (only if the matrix has only one row or column, respectively), and need
250      * to define TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix::vmult.
251      */
252     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
253     void
254     vmult(VectorType1 &dst, const VectorType2 &src) const;
256     /**
257      * Matrix-vector multiplication: let $dst = M^T*src$ with $M$ being this
258      * matrix. This function does the same as vmult() but takes the transposed
259      * matrix.
260      */
261     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
262     void
263     Tvmult(VectorType1 &dst, const VectorType2 &src) const;
265     /**
266      * Compute the residual of an equation <i>Mx=b</i>, where the residual is
267      * defined to be <i>r=b-Mx</i>. Write the residual into @p dst. The
268      * <i>l<sub>2</sub></i> norm of the residual vector is returned.
269      *
270      * Source <i>x</i> and destination <i>dst</i> must not be the same vector.
271      *
272      * Note that both vectors have to be distributed vectors generated using
273      * the same Map as was used for the matrix.
274      *
275      * This function only applicable if the matrix only has one block row.
276      */
277     TrilinosScalar
278     residual(MPI::BlockVector &      dst,
279              const MPI::BlockVector &x,
280              const MPI::BlockVector &b) const;
282     /**
283      * Compute the residual of an equation <i>Mx=b</i>, where the residual is
284      * defined to be <i>r=b-Mx</i>. Write the residual into @p dst. The
285      * <i>l<sub>2</sub></i> norm of the residual vector is returned.
286      *
287      * This function is only applicable if the matrix only has one block row.
288      */
289     TrilinosScalar
290     residual(MPI::BlockVector &      dst,
291              const MPI::Vector &     x,
292              const MPI::BlockVector &b) const;
294     /**
295      * Compute the residual of an equation <i>Mx=b</i>, where the residual is
296      * defined to be <i>r=b-Mx</i>. Write the residual into @p dst. The
297      * <i>l<sub>2</sub></i> norm of the residual vector is returned.
298      *
299      * This function is only applicable if the matrix only has one block column.
300      */
301     TrilinosScalar
302     residual(MPI::Vector &           dst,
303              const MPI::BlockVector &x,
304              const MPI::Vector &     b) const;
306     /**
307      * Compute the residual of an equation <i>Mx=b</i>, where the residual is
308      * defined to be <i>r=b-Mx</i>. Write the residual into @p dst. The
309      * <i>l<sub>2</sub></i> norm of the residual vector is returned.
310      *
311      * This function is only applicable if the matrix only has one block.
312      */
313     TrilinosScalar
314     residual(MPI::Vector &      dst,
315              const MPI::Vector &x,
316              const MPI::Vector &b) const;
318     /**
319      * Make the clear() function in the base class visible, though it is
320      * protected.
321      */
322     using BlockMatrixBase<SparseMatrix>::clear;
324     /**
325      * @addtogroup Exceptions
326      * @{
327      */
329     /**
330      * Exception
331      */
332     DeclException4(ExcIncompatibleRowNumbers,
333                    int,
334                    int,
335                    int,
336                    int,
337                    << "The blocks [" << arg1 << ',' << arg2 << "] and [" << arg3
338                    << ',' << arg4 << "] have differing row numbers.");
340     /**
341      * Exception
342      */
343     DeclException4(ExcIncompatibleColNumbers,
344                    int,
345                    int,
346                    int,
347                    int,
348                    << "The blocks [" << arg1 << ',' << arg2 << "] and [" << arg3
349                    << ',' << arg4 << "] have differing column numbers.");
350     ///@}
352   private:
353     /**
354      * Internal version of (T)vmult with two block vectors
355      */
356     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
357     void
358     vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
359           const VectorType2 &src,
360           const bool         transpose,
361           const std::integral_constant<bool, true>,
362           const std::integral_constant<bool, true>) const;
364     /**
365      * Internal version of (T)vmult where the source vector is a block vector
366      * but the destination vector is a non-block vector
367      */
368     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
369     void
370     vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
371           const VectorType2 &src,
372           const bool         transpose,
373           const std::integral_constant<bool, false>,
374           const std::integral_constant<bool, true>) const;
376     /**
377      * Internal version of (T)vmult where the source vector is a non-block
378      * vector but the destination vector is a block vector
379      */
380     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
381     void
382     vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
383           const VectorType2 &src,
384           const bool         transpose,
385           const std::integral_constant<bool, true>,
386           const std::integral_constant<bool, false>) const;
388     /**
389      * Internal version of (T)vmult where both source vector and the
390      * destination vector are non-block vectors (only defined if the matrix
391      * consists of only one block)
392      */
393     template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
394     void
395     vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
396           const VectorType2 &src,
397           const bool         transpose,
398           const std::integral_constant<bool, false>,
399           const std::integral_constant<bool, false>) const;
400   };
404   /*@}*/
406   // ------------- inline and template functions -----------------
410   inline BlockSparseMatrix &
411   BlockSparseMatrix::operator=(const double d)
412   {
413     Assert(d == 0, ExcScalarAssignmentOnlyForZeroValue());
415     for (size_type r = 0; r < this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
416       for (size_type c = 0; c < this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
417         this->block(r, c) = d;
419     return *this;
420   }
424   inline bool
is_compressed()425   BlockSparseMatrix::is_compressed() const
426   {
427     bool compressed = true;
428     for (size_type row = 0; row < n_block_rows(); ++row)
429       for (size_type col = 0; col < n_block_cols(); ++col)
430         if (block(row, col).is_compressed() == false)
431           {
432             compressed = false;
433             break;
434           }
436     return compressed;
437   }
441   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
442   inline void
vmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src)443   BlockSparseMatrix::vmult(VectorType1 &dst, const VectorType2 &src) const
444   {
445     vmult(dst,
446           src,
447           false,
448           std::integral_constant<bool, IsBlockVector<VectorType1>::value>(),
449           std::integral_constant<bool, IsBlockVector<VectorType2>::value>());
450   }
454   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
455   inline void
Tvmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src)456   BlockSparseMatrix::Tvmult(VectorType1 &dst, const VectorType2 &src) const
457   {
458     vmult(dst,
459           src,
460           true,
461           std::integral_constant<bool, IsBlockVector<VectorType1>::value>(),
462           std::integral_constant<bool, IsBlockVector<VectorType2>::value>());
463   }
467   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
468   inline void
vmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src,const bool transpose,std::integral_constant<bool,true>,std::integral_constant<bool,true>)469   BlockSparseMatrix::vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
470                            const VectorType2 &src,
471                            const bool         transpose,
472                            std::integral_constant<bool, true>,
473                            std::integral_constant<bool, true>) const
474   {
475     if (transpose == true)
476       BaseClass::Tvmult_block_block(dst, src);
477     else
478       BaseClass::vmult_block_block(dst, src);
479   }
483   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
484   inline void
vmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src,const bool transpose,std::integral_constant<bool,false>,std::integral_constant<bool,true>)485   BlockSparseMatrix::vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
486                            const VectorType2 &src,
487                            const bool         transpose,
488                            std::integral_constant<bool, false>,
489                            std::integral_constant<bool, true>) const
490   {
491     if (transpose == true)
492       BaseClass::Tvmult_nonblock_block(dst, src);
493     else
494       BaseClass::vmult_nonblock_block(dst, src);
495   }
499   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
500   inline void
vmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src,const bool transpose,std::integral_constant<bool,true>,std::integral_constant<bool,false>)501   BlockSparseMatrix::vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
502                            const VectorType2 &src,
503                            const bool         transpose,
504                            std::integral_constant<bool, true>,
505                            std::integral_constant<bool, false>) const
506   {
507     if (transpose == true)
508       BaseClass::Tvmult_block_nonblock(dst, src);
509     else
510       BaseClass::vmult_block_nonblock(dst, src);
511   }
515   template <typename VectorType1, typename VectorType2>
516   inline void
vmult(VectorType1 & dst,const VectorType2 & src,const bool transpose,std::integral_constant<bool,false>,std::integral_constant<bool,false>)517   BlockSparseMatrix::vmult(VectorType1 &      dst,
518                            const VectorType2 &src,
519                            const bool         transpose,
520                            std::integral_constant<bool, false>,
521                            std::integral_constant<bool, false>) const
522   {
523     if (transpose == true)
524       BaseClass::Tvmult_nonblock_nonblock(dst, src);
525     else
526       BaseClass::vmult_nonblock_nonblock(dst, src);
527   }
531   inline std::vector<IndexSet>
locally_owned_domain_indices()532   BlockSparseMatrix::locally_owned_domain_indices() const
533   {
534     Assert(this->n_block_cols() != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
535     Assert(this->n_block_rows() != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
537     std::vector<IndexSet> domain_indices;
538     for (size_type c = 0; c < this->n_block_cols(); ++c)
539       domain_indices.push_back(
540         this->sub_objects[0][c]->locally_owned_domain_indices());
542     return domain_indices;
543   }
547   inline std::vector<IndexSet>
locally_owned_range_indices()548   BlockSparseMatrix::locally_owned_range_indices() const
549   {
550     Assert(this->n_block_cols() != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
551     Assert(this->n_block_rows() != 0, ExcNotInitialized());
553     std::vector<IndexSet> range_indices;
554     for (size_type r = 0; r < this->n_block_rows(); ++r)
555       range_indices.push_back(
556         this->sub_objects[r][0]->locally_owned_range_indices());
558     return range_indices;
559   }
563   namespace internal
564   {
565     namespace BlockLinearOperatorImplementation
566     {
567       /**
568        * This is an extension class to BlockLinearOperators for Trilinos block
569        * sparse matrices.
570        *
571        * @note This class does very little at the moment other than to check
572        * that the correct Payload type for each subblock has been chosen
573        * correctly. Further extensions to the class may be necessary in the
574        * future in order to add further functionality to BlockLinearOperators
575        * while retaining compatibility with the Trilinos sparse matrix and
576        * preconditioner classes.
577        *
578        *
579        * @ingroup TrilinosWrappers
580        */
581       template <typename PayloadBlockType>
582       class TrilinosBlockPayload
583       {
584       public:
585         /**
586          * Type of payload held by each subblock
587          */
588         using BlockType = PayloadBlockType;
590         /**
591          * Default constructor
592          *
593          * This simply checks that the payload for each block has been chosen
594          * correctly (i.e. is of type TrilinosPayload). Apart from this, this
595          * class does not do anything in particular and needs no special
596          * configuration, we have only one generic constructor that can be
597          * called under any conditions.
598          */
599         template <typename... Args>
TrilinosBlockPayload(const Args &...)600         TrilinosBlockPayload(const Args &...)
601         {
602           static_assert(
603             std::is_same<
604               PayloadBlockType,
605               internal::LinearOperatorImplementation::TrilinosPayload>::value,
606             "TrilinosBlockPayload can only accept a payload of type TrilinosPayload.");
607         }
608       };
610     } // namespace BlockLinearOperatorImplementation
611   }   /* namespace internal */
614 } /* namespace TrilinosWrappers */
621 #endif // dealii_trilinos_block_sparse_matrix_h