1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2010 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_mg_constrained_dofs_h
17 #define dealii_mg_constrained_dofs_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
23 #include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
25 #include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h>
27 #include <set>
28 #include <vector>
32 // Forward declaration
33 #ifndef DOXYGEN
34 template <int dim, int spacedim>
35 class DoFHandler;
36 #endif
39 /**
40  * Collection of boundary constraints and refinement edge constraints for
41  * level vectors.
42  *
43  * @ingroup mg
44  */
45 class MGConstrainedDoFs : public Subscriptor
46 {
47 public:
48   using size_dof = std::vector<std::set<types::global_dof_index>>::size_type;
49   /**
50    * Fill the internal data structures with hanging node constraints extracted
51    * from the dof handler object. Works with natural boundary conditions only.
52    * There exists a sister function setting up boundary constraints as well.
53    *
54    * This function ensures that on every level, degrees of freedom at interior
55    * edges of a refinement level are treated corrected but leaves degrees of
56    * freedom at the boundary of the domain untouched assuming that no
57    * Dirichlet boundary conditions for them exist.
58    *
59    * Furthermore, this call sets up an AffineConstraints object on each
60    * level that contains possible periodicity constraints in case those
61    * have been added to the underlying triangulation. The AffineConstraints
62    * object can be queried by get_level_constraints(level). Note that the
63    * current implementation of periodicity constraints in this class does
64    * not support rotation matrices in the periodicity definition, i.e., the
65    * respective argument in the GridTools::collect_periodic_faces() may not
66    * be different from the identity matrix.
67    */
68   template <int dim, int spacedim>
69   void
70   initialize(const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof);
72   /**
73    * Fill the internal data structures with information
74    * about Dirichlet boundary dofs.
75    *
76    * The initialize() function has to be called before
77    * to set hanging node constraints.
78    *
79    * This function can be called multiple times to allow considering
80    * different sets of boundary_ids for different components.
81    */
82   template <int dim, int spacedim>
83   void
84   make_zero_boundary_constraints(
85     const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &   dof,
86     const std::set<types::boundary_id> &boundary_ids,
87     const ComponentMask &               component_mask = ComponentMask());
89   /**
90    * Add user defined constraints to be used on level @p level.
91    *
92    * The user can call this function multiple times and any new,
93    * conflicting constraints will overwrite the previous constraints
94    * for that DoF.
95    *
96    * Before the transfer, the user defined constraints will be distributed
97    * to the source vector, and then any DoF index set using
98    * make_zero_boundary_constraints() will be overwritten with
99    * value zero.
100    *
101    * @note This is currently only implemented for MGTransferMatrixFree.
102    */
103   void
104   add_user_constraints(const unsigned int               level,
105                        const AffineConstraints<double> &constraints_on_level);
107   /**
108    * Fill the internal data structures with information
109    * about no normal flux boundary dofs.
110    *
111    * This function is limited to meshes whose no normal flux boundaries
112    * have faces which are normal to the x-, y-, or z-axis. Also, for a
113    * specific boundary id, all faces must be facing in the same direction,
114    * i.e., a boundary normal to the x-axis must have a different boundary
115    * id than a boundary normal to the y- or z-axis and so on. If the mesh
116    * was produced, for example, using the <tt>GridGenerator::hyper_cube()</tt>
117    * function, setting <tt>colorize=true</tt> during mesh generation and calling
118    * make_no_normal_flux_constraints() for each no normal flux boundary is
119    * sufficient.
120    */
121   template <int dim, int spacedim>
122   void
123   make_no_normal_flux_constraints(const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof,
124                                   const types::boundary_id         bid,
125                                   const unsigned int first_vector_component);
127   /**
128    * Reset the data structures.
129    */
130   void
131   clear();
133   /**
134    * Determine whether a dof index is subject to a boundary constraint.
135    */
136   bool
137   is_boundary_index(const unsigned int            level,
138                     const types::global_dof_index index) const;
140   /**
141    * Determine whether a dof index is at the refinement edge.
142    */
143   bool
144   at_refinement_edge(const unsigned int            level,
145                      const types::global_dof_index index) const;
148   /**
149    * Determine whether the (i,j) entry of the interface matrix
150    * on a given level should be set. This is taken in terms of
151    * dof i, that is, return true if i is at a refinement edge,
152    * j is not, and both are not on the external boundary.
153    */
154   bool
155   is_interface_matrix_entry(const unsigned int            level,
156                             const types::global_dof_index i,
157                             const types::global_dof_index j) const;
159   /**
160    * Return the indices of level dofs on the given level that are subject to
161    * Dirichlet boundary conditions (as set by the @p function_map parameter in
162    * initialize()).  The indices are restricted to the set of locally relevant
163    * level dofs.
164    */
165   const IndexSet &
166   get_boundary_indices(const unsigned int level) const;
169   /**
170    * Return the indices of dofs on the given level that lie on an refinement
171    * edge (dofs on faces to neighbors that are coarser).
172    */
173   const IndexSet &
174   get_refinement_edge_indices(unsigned int level) const;
177   /**
178    * Return if Dirichlet boundary indices are set in initialize().
179    */
180   bool
181   have_boundary_indices() const;
183   /**
184    * Return the AffineConstraints object for a given level, containing
185    * periodicity constraints (if enabled on the triangulation).
186    */
187   const AffineConstraints<double> &
188   get_level_constraints(const unsigned int level) const;
190   /**
191    * Return the user defined constraint matrix for a given level. These
192    * constraints are set using the function add_user_constraints() and
193    * should not contain constraints for DoF indices set in
194    * make_zero_boundary_constraints() as they will be overwritten during
195    * the transfer.
196    */
197   const AffineConstraints<double> &
198   get_user_constraint_matrix(const unsigned int level) const;
200 private:
201   /**
202    * The indices of boundary dofs for each level.
203    */
204   std::vector<IndexSet> boundary_indices;
206   /**
207    * The degrees of freedom on a given level that live on the refinement edge
208    * between the level and cells on a coarser level.
209    */
210   std::vector<IndexSet> refinement_edge_indices;
212   /**
213    * Constraint matrices containing information regarding potential
214    * periodic boundary conditions for each level .
215    */
216   std::vector<AffineConstraints<double>> level_constraints;
218   /**
219    * Constraint matrices defined by user.
220    */
221   std::vector<AffineConstraints<double>> user_constraints;
222 };
225 template <int dim, int spacedim>
226 inline void
initialize(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> & dof)227 MGConstrainedDoFs::initialize(const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof)
228 {
229   boundary_indices.clear();
230   refinement_edge_indices.clear();
231   level_constraints.clear();
232   user_constraints.clear();
234   const unsigned int nlevels = dof.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
236   // At this point level_constraint and refinement_edge_indices are empty.
237   refinement_edge_indices.resize(nlevels);
238   level_constraints.resize(nlevels);
239   user_constraints.resize(nlevels);
240   for (unsigned int l = 0; l < nlevels; ++l)
241     {
242       IndexSet relevant_dofs;
243       DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_level_dofs(dof, l, relevant_dofs);
244       level_constraints[l].reinit(relevant_dofs);
246       // Loop through relevant cells and faces finding those which are periodic
247       // neighbors.
248       typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator cell = dof.begin(l),
249                                                         endc = dof.end(l);
250       for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
251         if (cell->level_subdomain_id() != numbers::artificial_subdomain_id)
252           {
253             for (auto f : cell->face_indices())
254               if (cell->has_periodic_neighbor(f) &&
255                   cell->periodic_neighbor(f)->level() == cell->level())
256                 {
257                   if (cell->is_locally_owned_on_level())
258                     {
259                       Assert(
260                         cell->periodic_neighbor(f)->level_subdomain_id() !=
261                           numbers::artificial_subdomain_id,
262                         ExcMessage(
263                           "Periodic neighbor of a locally owned cell must either be owned or ghost."));
264                     }
265                   // Cell is a level-ghost and its neighbor is a
266                   // level-artificial cell nothing to do here
267                   else if (cell->periodic_neighbor(f)->level_subdomain_id() ==
268                            numbers::artificial_subdomain_id)
269                     {
270                       Assert(cell->is_locally_owned_on_level() == false,
271                              ExcInternalError());
272                       continue;
273                     }
275                   const unsigned int dofs_per_face =
276                     cell->face(f)->get_fe(0).n_dofs_per_face();
277                   std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dofs_1(dofs_per_face);
278                   std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dofs_2(dofs_per_face);
280                   cell->periodic_neighbor(f)
281                     ->face(cell->periodic_neighbor_face_no(f))
282                     ->get_mg_dof_indices(l, dofs_1, 0);
283                   cell->face(f)->get_mg_dof_indices(l, dofs_2, 0);
284                   // Store periodicity information in the level
285                   // AffineConstraints object. Skip DoFs for which we've
286                   // previously entered periodicity constraints already; this
287                   // can happen, for example, for a vertex dof at a periodic
288                   // boundary that we visit from more than one cell
289                   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_face; ++i)
290                     if (level_constraints[l].can_store_line(dofs_2[i]) &&
291                         level_constraints[l].can_store_line(dofs_1[i]) &&
292                         !level_constraints[l].is_constrained(dofs_2[i]) &&
293                         !level_constraints[l].is_constrained(dofs_1[i]))
294                       {
295                         level_constraints[l].add_line(dofs_2[i]);
296                         level_constraints[l].add_entry(dofs_2[i],
297                                                        dofs_1[i],
298                                                        1.);
299                       }
300                 }
301           }
302       level_constraints[l].close();
304       // Initialize with empty IndexSet of correct size
305       refinement_edge_indices[l] = IndexSet(dof.n_dofs(l));
306     }
308   MGTools::extract_inner_interface_dofs(dof, refinement_edge_indices);
309 }
313 template <int dim, int spacedim>
314 inline void
make_zero_boundary_constraints(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> & dof,const std::set<types::boundary_id> & boundary_ids,const ComponentMask & component_mask)315 MGConstrainedDoFs::make_zero_boundary_constraints(
316   const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &   dof,
317   const std::set<types::boundary_id> &boundary_ids,
318   const ComponentMask &               component_mask)
319 {
320   // allocate an IndexSet for each global level. Contents will be
321   // overwritten inside make_boundary_list.
322   const unsigned int n_levels = dof.get_triangulation().n_global_levels();
323   Assert(boundary_indices.size() == 0 || boundary_indices.size() == n_levels,
324          ExcInternalError());
325   boundary_indices.resize(n_levels);
327   MGTools::make_boundary_list(dof,
328                               boundary_ids,
329                               boundary_indices,
330                               component_mask);
331 }
334 template <int dim, int spacedim>
335 inline void
make_no_normal_flux_constraints(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> & dof,const types::boundary_id bid,const unsigned int first_vector_component)336 MGConstrainedDoFs::make_no_normal_flux_constraints(
337   const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof,
338   const types::boundary_id         bid,
339   const unsigned int               first_vector_component)
340 {
341   // For a given boundary id, find which vector component is on the boundary
342   // and set a zero boundary constraint for those degrees of freedom.
343   const unsigned int n_components = dof.get_fe_collection().n_components();
344   AssertIndexRange(first_vector_component + dim - 1, n_components);
346   ComponentMask comp_mask(n_components, false);
349   typename Triangulation<dim>::face_iterator
350     face = dof.get_triangulation().begin_face(),
351     endf = dof.get_triangulation().end_face();
352   for (; face != endf; ++face)
353     if (face->at_boundary() && face->boundary_id() == bid)
354       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
355         {
356           Tensor<1, dim, double> unit_vec;
357           unit_vec[d] = 1.0;
359           const Tensor<1, dim> normal_vec =
360             face->get_manifold().normal_vector(face, face->center());
362           if (std::abs(std::abs(unit_vec * normal_vec) - 1.0) < 1e-10)
363             comp_mask.set(d + first_vector_component, true);
364           else
365             Assert(
366               std::abs(unit_vec * normal_vec) < 1e-10,
367               ExcMessage(
368                 "We can currently only support no normal flux conditions "
369                 "for a specific boundary id if all faces are normal to the "
370                 "x, y, or z axis."));
371         }
373   Assert(comp_mask.n_selected_components() == 1,
374          ExcMessage(
375            "We can currently only support no normal flux conditions "
376            "for a specific boundary id if all faces are facing in the "
377            "same direction, i.e., a boundary normal to the x-axis must "
378            "have a different boundary id than a boundary normal to the "
379            "y- or z-axis and so on. If the mesh here was produced using "
380            "GridGenerator::..., setting colorize=true during mesh generation "
381            "and calling make_no_normal_flux_constraints() for each no normal "
382            "flux boundary will fulfill the condition."));
384   this->make_zero_boundary_constraints(dof, {bid}, comp_mask);
385 }
388 inline void
add_user_constraints(const unsigned int level,const AffineConstraints<double> & constraints_on_level)389 MGConstrainedDoFs::add_user_constraints(
390   const unsigned int               level,
391   const AffineConstraints<double> &constraints_on_level)
392 {
393   AssertIndexRange(level, user_constraints.size());
395   // Get the relevant DoFs from level_constraints if
396   // the user constraint matrix has not been initialized
397   if (user_constraints[level].get_local_lines().size() == 0)
398     user_constraints[level].reinit(level_constraints[level].get_local_lines());
400   user_constraints[level].merge(
401     constraints_on_level,
402     AffineConstraints<double>::MergeConflictBehavior::right_object_wins);
403   user_constraints[level].close();
404 }
407 inline void
clear()408 MGConstrainedDoFs::clear()
409 {
410   boundary_indices.clear();
411   refinement_edge_indices.clear();
412   user_constraints.clear();
413 }
416 inline bool
is_boundary_index(const unsigned int level,const types::global_dof_index index)417 MGConstrainedDoFs::is_boundary_index(const unsigned int            level,
418                                      const types::global_dof_index index) const
419 {
420   if (boundary_indices.size() == 0)
421     return false;
423   AssertIndexRange(level, boundary_indices.size());
424   return boundary_indices[level].is_element(index);
425 }
427 inline bool
at_refinement_edge(const unsigned int level,const types::global_dof_index index)428 MGConstrainedDoFs::at_refinement_edge(const unsigned int            level,
429                                       const types::global_dof_index index) const
430 {
431   AssertIndexRange(level, refinement_edge_indices.size());
433   return refinement_edge_indices[level].is_element(index);
434 }
436 inline bool
is_interface_matrix_entry(const unsigned int level,const types::global_dof_index i,const types::global_dof_index j)437 MGConstrainedDoFs::is_interface_matrix_entry(
438   const unsigned int            level,
439   const types::global_dof_index i,
440   const types::global_dof_index j) const
441 {
442   const IndexSet &interface_dofs_on_level =
443     this->get_refinement_edge_indices(level);
445   return interface_dofs_on_level.is_element(i)     // at_refinement_edge(i)
446          && !interface_dofs_on_level.is_element(j) // !at_refinement_edge(j)
447          && !this->is_boundary_index(level, i)     // !on_boundary(i)
448          && !this->is_boundary_index(level, j);    // !on_boundary(j)
449 }
453 inline const IndexSet &
get_boundary_indices(const unsigned int level)454 MGConstrainedDoFs::get_boundary_indices(const unsigned int level) const
455 {
456   AssertIndexRange(level, boundary_indices.size());
457   return boundary_indices[level];
458 }
462 inline const IndexSet &
get_refinement_edge_indices(unsigned int level)463 MGConstrainedDoFs::get_refinement_edge_indices(unsigned int level) const
464 {
465   AssertIndexRange(level, refinement_edge_indices.size());
466   return refinement_edge_indices[level];
467 }
471 inline bool
have_boundary_indices()472 MGConstrainedDoFs::have_boundary_indices() const
473 {
474   return boundary_indices.size() != 0;
475 }
479 inline const AffineConstraints<double> &
get_level_constraints(const unsigned int level)480 MGConstrainedDoFs::get_level_constraints(const unsigned int level) const
481 {
482   AssertIndexRange(level, level_constraints.size());
483   return level_constraints[level];
484 }
488 inline const AffineConstraints<double> &
get_user_constraint_matrix(const unsigned int level)489 MGConstrainedDoFs::get_user_constraint_matrix(const unsigned int level) const
490 {
491   AssertIndexRange(level, user_constraints.size());
492   return user_constraints[level];
493 }
499 #endif