1#    This file is part of DEAP.
3#    DEAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
5#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
6#    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8#    DEAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
13#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14#    License along with DEAP. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16#    Special thanks to Nikolaus Hansen for providing major part of
17#    this code. The CMA-ES algorithm is provided in many other languages
18#    and advanced versions at http://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaesintro.html.
20"""A module that provides support for the Covariance Matrix Adaptation
21Evolution Strategy.
23import copy
24from math import sqrt, log, exp
25import numpy
27import tools
30class Strategy(object):
31    """
32    A strategy that will keep track of the basic parameters of the CMA-ES
33    algorithm ([Hansen2001]_).
35    :param centroid: An iterable object that indicates where to start the
36                     evolution.
37    :param sigma: The initial standard deviation of the distribution.
38    :param parameter: One or more parameter to pass to the strategy as
39                      described in the following table, optional.
41    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
42    | Parameter      | Default                   | Details                    |
43    +================+===========================+============================+
44    | ``lambda_``    | ``int(4 + 3 * log(N))``   | Number of children to      |
45    |                |                           | produce at each generation,|
46    |                |                           | ``N`` is the individual's  |
47    |                |                           | size (integer).            |
48    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
49    | ``mu``         | ``int(lambda_ / 2)``      | The number of parents to   |
50    |                |                           | keep from the              |
51    |                |                           | lambda children (integer). |
52    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
53    | ``cmatrix``    | ``identity(N)``           | The initial covariance     |
54    |                |                           | matrix of the distribution |
55    |                |                           | that will be sampled.      |
56    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
57    | ``weights``    | ``"superlinear"``         | Decrease speed, can be     |
58    |                |                           | ``"superlinear"``,         |
59    |                |                           | ``"linear"`` or            |
60    |                |                           | ``"equal"``.               |
61    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
62    | ``cs``         | ``(mueff + 2) /           | Cumulation constant for    |
63    |                | (N + mueff + 3)``         | step-size.                 |
64    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
65    | ``damps``      | ``1 + 2 * max(0, sqrt((   | Damping for step-size.     |
66    |                | mueff - 1) / (N + 1)) - 1)|                            |
67    |                | + cs``                    |                            |
68    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
69    | ``ccum``       | ``4 / (N + 4)``           | Cumulation constant for    |
70    |                |                           | covariance matrix.         |
71    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
72    | ``ccov1``      | ``2 / ((N + 1.3)^2 +      | Learning rate for rank-one |
73    |                | mueff)``                  | update.                    |
74    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
75    | ``ccovmu``     | ``2 * (mueff - 2 + 1 /    | Learning rate for rank-mu  |
76    |                | mueff) / ((N + 2)^2 +     | update.                    |
77    |                | mueff)``                  |                            |
78    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
80    .. [Hansen2001] Hansen and Ostermeier, 2001. Completely Derandomized
81       Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies. *Evolutionary Computation*
83    """
84    def __init__(self, centroid, sigma, **kargs):
85        self.params = kargs
87        # Create a centroid as a numpy array
88        self.centroid = numpy.array(centroid)
90        self.dim = len(self.centroid)
91        self.sigma = sigma
92        self.pc = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
93        self.ps = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
94        self.chiN = sqrt(self.dim) * (1 - 1. / (4. * self.dim) +
95                                      1. / (21. * self.dim ** 2))
97        self.C = self.params.get("cmatrix", numpy.identity(self.dim))
98        self.diagD, self.B = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.C)
100        indx = numpy.argsort(self.diagD)
101        self.diagD = self.diagD[indx] ** 0.5
102        self.B = self.B[:, indx]
103        self.BD = self.B * self.diagD
105        self.cond = self.diagD[indx[-1]] / self.diagD[indx[0]]
107        self.lambda_ = self.params.get("lambda_", int(4 + 3 * log(self.dim)))
108        self.update_count = 0
109        self.computeParams(self.params)
111    def generate(self, ind_init):
112        """Generate a population of :math:`\lambda` individuals of type
113        *ind_init* from the current strategy.
115        :param ind_init: A function object that is able to initialize an
116                         individual from a list.
117        :returns: A list of individuals.
118        """
119        arz = numpy.random.standard_normal((self.lambda_, self.dim))
120        arz = self.centroid + self.sigma * numpy.dot(arz, self.BD.T)
121        return map(ind_init, arz)
123    def update(self, population):
124        """Update the current covariance matrix strategy from the
125        *population*.
127        :param population: A list of individuals from which to update the
128                           parameters.
129        """
130        population.sort(key=lambda ind: ind.fitness, reverse=True)
132        old_centroid = self.centroid
133        self.centroid = numpy.dot(self.weights, population[0:self.mu])
135        c_diff = self.centroid - old_centroid
137        # Cumulation : update evolution path
138        self.ps = (1 - self.cs) * self.ps \
139            + sqrt(self.cs * (2 - self.cs) * self.mueff) / self.sigma \
140            * numpy.dot(self.B, (1. / self.diagD) *
141                        numpy.dot(self.B.T, c_diff))
143        hsig = float((numpy.linalg.norm(self.ps) /
144                      sqrt(1. - (1. - self.cs) ** (2. * (self.update_count + 1.))) / self.chiN <
145                      (1.4 + 2. / (self.dim + 1.))))
147        self.update_count += 1
149        self.pc = (1 - self.cc) * self.pc + hsig \
150            * sqrt(self.cc * (2 - self.cc) * self.mueff) / self.sigma \
151            * c_diff
153        # Update covariance matrix
154        artmp = population[0:self.mu] - old_centroid
155        self.C = (1 - self.ccov1 - self.ccovmu + (1 - hsig) *
156                  self.ccov1 * self.cc * (2 - self.cc)) * self.C \
157            + self.ccov1 * numpy.outer(self.pc, self.pc) \
158            + self.ccovmu * numpy.dot((self.weights * artmp.T), artmp) \
159            / self.sigma ** 2
161        self.sigma *= numpy.exp((numpy.linalg.norm(self.ps) / self.chiN - 1.) *
162                                self.cs / self.damps)
164        self.diagD, self.B = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.C)
165        indx = numpy.argsort(self.diagD)
167        self.cond = self.diagD[indx[-1]] / self.diagD[indx[0]]
169        self.diagD = self.diagD[indx] ** 0.5
170        self.B = self.B[:, indx]
171        self.BD = self.B * self.diagD
173    def computeParams(self, params):
174        """Computes the parameters depending on :math:`\lambda`. It needs to
175        be called again if :math:`\lambda` changes during evolution.
177        :param params: A dictionary of the manually set parameters.
178        """
179        self.mu = params.get("mu", int(self.lambda_ / 2))
180        rweights = params.get("weights", "superlinear")
181        if rweights == "superlinear":
182            self.weights = log(self.mu + 0.5) - \
183                numpy.log(numpy.arange(1, self.mu + 1))
184        elif rweights == "linear":
185            self.weights = self.mu + 0.5 - numpy.arange(1, self.mu + 1)
186        elif rweights == "equal":
187            self.weights = numpy.ones(self.mu)
188        else:
189            raise RuntimeError("Unknown weights : %s" % rweights)
191        self.weights /= sum(self.weights)
192        self.mueff = 1. / sum(self.weights ** 2)
194        self.cc = params.get("ccum", 4. / (self.dim + 4.))
195        self.cs = params.get("cs", (self.mueff + 2.) /
196                             (self.dim + self.mueff + 3.))
197        self.ccov1 = params.get("ccov1", 2. / ((self.dim + 1.3) ** 2 +
198                                               self.mueff))
199        self.ccovmu = params.get("ccovmu", 2. * (self.mueff - 2. +
200                                                 1. / self.mueff) /
201                                 ((self.dim + 2.) ** 2 + self.mueff))
202        self.ccovmu = min(1 - self.ccov1, self.ccovmu)
203        self.damps = 1. + 2. * max(0, sqrt((self.mueff - 1.) /
204                                           (self.dim + 1.)) - 1.) + self.cs
205        self.damps = params.get("damps", self.damps)
208class StrategyOnePlusLambda(object):
209    """
210    A CMA-ES strategy that uses the :math:`1 + \lambda` paradigm ([Igel2007]_).
212    :param parent: An iterable object that indicates where to start the
213                   evolution. The parent requires a fitness attribute.
214    :param sigma: The initial standard deviation of the distribution.
215    :param lambda_: Number of offspring to produce from the parent.
216                    (optional, defaults to 1)
217    :param parameter: One or more parameter to pass to the strategy as
218                      described in the following table. (optional)
220    Other parameters can be provided as described in the next table
222    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
223    | Parameter      | Default                   | Details                    |
224    +================+===========================+============================+
225    | ``d``          | ``1.0 + N / (2.0 *        | Damping for step-size.     |
226    |                | lambda_)``                |                            |
227    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
228    | ``ptarg``      | ``1.0 / (5 + sqrt(lambda_)| Taget success rate.        |
229    |                | / 2.0)``                  |                            |
230    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
231    | ``cp``         | ``ptarg * lambda_ / (2.0 +| Step size learning rate.   |
232    |                | ptarg * lambda_)``        |                            |
233    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
234    | ``cc``         | ``2.0 / (N + 2.0)``       | Cumulation time horizon.   |
235    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
236    | ``ccov``       | ``2.0 / (N**2 + 6.0)``    | Covariance matrix learning |
237    |                |                           | rate.                      |
238    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
239    | ``pthresh``    | ``0.44``                  | Threshold success rate.    |
240    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
242    .. [Igel2007] Igel, Hansen, Roth, 2007. Covariance matrix adaptation for
243    multi-objective optimization. *Evolutionary Computation* Spring;15(1):1-28
245    """
246    def __init__(self, parent, sigma, **kargs):
247        self.parent = parent
248        self.sigma = sigma
249        self.dim = len(self.parent)
251        self.C = numpy.identity(self.dim)
252        self.A = numpy.identity(self.dim)
254        self.pc = numpy.zeros(self.dim)
256        self.computeParams(kargs)
257        self.psucc = self.ptarg
259    def computeParams(self, params):
260        """Computes the parameters depending on :math:`\lambda`. It needs to
261        be called again if :math:`\lambda` changes during evolution.
263        :param params: A dictionary of the manually set parameters.
264        """
265        # Selection :
266        self.lambda_ = params.get("lambda_", 1)
268        # Step size control :
269        self.d = params.get("d", 1.0 + self.dim / (2.0 * self.lambda_))
270        self.ptarg = params.get("ptarg", 1.0 / (5 + sqrt(self.lambda_) / 2.0))
271        self.cp = params.get("cp", self.ptarg * self.lambda_ / (2 + self.ptarg * self.lambda_))
273        # Covariance matrix adaptation
274        self.cc = params.get("cc", 2.0 / (self.dim + 2.0))
275        self.ccov = params.get("ccov", 2.0 / (self.dim ** 2 + 6.0))
276        self.pthresh = params.get("pthresh", 0.44)
278    def generate(self, ind_init):
279        """Generate a population of :math:`\lambda` individuals of type
280        *ind_init* from the current strategy.
282        :param ind_init: A function object that is able to initialize an
283                         individual from a list.
284        :returns: A list of individuals.
285        """
286        # self.y = numpy.dot(self.A, numpy.random.standard_normal(self.dim))
287        arz = numpy.random.standard_normal((self.lambda_, self.dim))
288        arz = self.parent + self.sigma * numpy.dot(arz, self.A.T)
289        return map(ind_init, arz)
291    def update(self, population):
292        """Update the current covariance matrix strategy from the
293        *population*.
295        :param population: A list of individuals from which to update the
296                           parameters.
297        """
298        population.sort(key=lambda ind: ind.fitness, reverse=True)
299        lambda_succ = sum(self.parent.fitness <= ind.fitness for ind in population)
300        p_succ = float(lambda_succ) / self.lambda_
301        self.psucc = (1 - self.cp) * self.psucc + self.cp * p_succ
303        if self.parent.fitness <= population[0].fitness:
304            x_step = (population[0] - numpy.array(self.parent)) / self.sigma
305            self.parent = copy.deepcopy(population[0])
306            if self.psucc < self.pthresh:
307                self.pc = (1 - self.cc) * self.pc + sqrt(self.cc * (2 - self.cc)) * x_step
308                self.C = (1 - self.ccov) * self.C + self.ccov * numpy.outer(self.pc, self.pc)
309            else:
310                self.pc = (1 - self.cc) * self.pc
311                self.C = (1 - self.ccov) * self.C + self.ccov * (numpy.outer(self.pc, self.pc) + self.cc * (2 - self.cc) * self.C)
313        self.sigma = self.sigma * exp(1.0 / self.d * (self.psucc - self.ptarg) / (1.0 - self.ptarg))
315        # We use Cholesky since for now we have no use of eigen decomposition
316        # Basically, Cholesky returns a matrix A as C = A*A.T
317        # Eigen decomposition returns two matrix B and D^2 as C = B*D^2*B.T = B*D*D*B.T
318        # So A == B*D
319        # To compute the new individual we need to multiply each vector z by A
320        # as y = centroid + sigma * A*z
321        # So the Cholesky is more straightforward as we don't need to compute
322        # the squareroot of D^2, and multiply B and D in order to get A, we directly get A.
323        # This can't be done (without cost) with the standard CMA-ES as the eigen decomposition is used
324        # to compute covariance matrix inverse in the step-size evolutionary path computation.
325        self.A = numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.C)
328class StrategyMultiObjective(object):
329    """Multiobjective CMA-ES strategy based on the paper [Voss2010]_. It
330    is used similarly as the standard CMA-ES strategy with a generate-update
331    scheme.
333    :param population: An initial population of individual.
334    :param sigma: The initial step size of the complete system.
335    :param mu: The number of parents to use in the evolution. When not
336               provided it defaults to the length of *population*. (optional)
337    :param lambda_: The number of offspring to produce at each generation.
338                    (optional, defaults to 1)
339    :param indicator: The indicator function to use. (optional, default to
340                      :func:`~deap.tools.hypervolume`)
342    Other parameters can be provided as described in the next table
344    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
345    | Parameter      | Default                   | Details                    |
346    +================+===========================+============================+
347    | ``d``          | ``1.0 + N / 2.0``         | Damping for step-size.     |
348    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
349    | ``ptarg``      | ``1.0 / (5 + 1.0 / 2.0)`` | Taget success rate.        |
350    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
351    | ``cp``         | ``ptarg / (2.0 + ptarg)`` | Step size learning rate.   |
352    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
353    | ``cc``         | ``2.0 / (N + 2.0)``       | Cumulation time horizon.   |
354    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
355    | ``ccov``       | ``2.0 / (N**2 + 6.0)``    | Covariance matrix learning |
356    |                |                           | rate.                      |
357    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
358    | ``pthresh``    | ``0.44``                  | Threshold success rate.    |
359    +----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
361    .. [Voss2010] Voss, Hansen, Igel, "Improved Step Size Adaptation
362       for the MO-CMA-ES", 2010.
364    """
365    def __init__(self, population, sigma, **params):
366        self.parents = population
367        self.dim = len(self.parents[0])
369        # Selection
370        self.mu = params.get("mu", len(self.parents))
371        self.lambda_ = params.get("lambda_", 1)
373        # Step size control
374        self.d = params.get("d", 1.0 + self.dim / 2.0)
375        self.ptarg = params.get("ptarg", 1.0 / (5.0 + 0.5))
376        self.cp = params.get("cp", self.ptarg / (2.0 + self.ptarg))
378        # Covariance matrix adaptation
379        self.cc = params.get("cc", 2.0 / (self.dim + 2.0))
380        self.ccov = params.get("ccov", 2.0 / (self.dim ** 2 + 6.0))
381        self.pthresh = params.get("pthresh", 0.44)
383        # Internal parameters associated to the mu parent
384        self.sigmas = [sigma] * len(population)
385        # Lower Cholesky matrix (Sampling matrix)
386        self.A = [numpy.identity(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
387        # Inverse Cholesky matrix (Used in the update of A)
388        self.invCholesky = [numpy.identity(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
389        self.pc = [numpy.zeros(self.dim) for _ in range(len(population))]
390        self.psucc = [self.ptarg] * len(population)
392        self.indicator = params.get("indicator", tools.hypervolume)
394    def generate(self, ind_init):
395        """Generate a population of :math:`\lambda` individuals of type
396        *ind_init* from the current strategy.
398        :param ind_init: A function object that is able to initialize an
399                         individual from a list.
400        :returns: A list of individuals with a private attribute :attr:`_ps`.
401                  This last attribute is essential to the update function, it
402                  indicates that the individual is an offspring and the index
403                  of its parent.
404        """
405        arz = numpy.random.randn(self.lambda_, self.dim)
406        individuals = list()
408        # Make sure every parent has a parent tag and index
409        for i, p in enumerate(self.parents):
410            p._ps = "p", i
412        # Each parent produce an offspring
413        if self.lambda_ == self.mu:
414            for i in range(self.lambda_):
415                # print "Z", list(arz[i])
416                individuals.append(ind_init(self.parents[i] + self.sigmas[i] * numpy.dot(self.A[i], arz[i])))
417                individuals[-1]._ps = "o", i
419        # Parents producing an offspring are chosen at random from the first front
420        else:
421            ndom = tools.sortLogNondominated(self.parents, len(self.parents), first_front_only=True)
422            for i in range(self.lambda_):
423                j = numpy.random.randint(0, len(ndom))
424                _, p_idx = ndom[j]._ps
425                individuals.append(ind_init(self.parents[p_idx] + self.sigmas[p_idx] * numpy.dot(self.A[p_idx], arz[i])))
426                individuals[-1]._ps = "o", p_idx
428        return individuals
430    def _select(self, candidates):
431        if len(candidates) <= self.mu:
432            return candidates, []
434        pareto_fronts = tools.sortLogNondominated(candidates, len(candidates))
436        chosen = list()
437        mid_front = None
438        not_chosen = list()
440        # Fill the next population (chosen) with the fronts until there is not enouch space
441        # When an entire front does not fit in the space left we rely on the hypervolume
442        # for this front
443        # The remaining fronts are explicitely not chosen
444        full = False
445        for front in pareto_fronts:
446            if len(chosen) + len(front) <= self.mu and not full:
447                chosen += front
448            elif mid_front is None and len(chosen) < self.mu:
449                mid_front = front
450                # With this front, we selected enough individuals
451                full = True
452            else:
453                not_chosen += front
455        # Separate the mid front to accept only k individuals
456        k = self.mu - len(chosen)
457        if k > 0:
458            # reference point is chosen in the complete population
459            # as the worst in each dimension +1
460            ref = numpy.array([ind.fitness.wvalues for ind in candidates]) * -1
461            ref = numpy.max(ref, axis=0) + 1
463            for _ in range(len(mid_front) - k):
464                idx = self.indicator(mid_front, ref=ref)
465                not_chosen.append(mid_front.pop(idx))
467            chosen += mid_front
469        return chosen, not_chosen
471    def _rankOneUpdate(self, invCholesky, A, alpha, beta, v):
472        w = numpy.dot(invCholesky, v)
474        # Under this threshold, the update is mostly noise
475        if w.max() > 1e-20:
476            w_inv = numpy.dot(w, invCholesky)
477            norm_w2 = numpy.sum(w ** 2)
478            a = sqrt(alpha)
479            root = numpy.sqrt(1 + beta / alpha * norm_w2)
480            b = a / norm_w2 * (root - 1)
482            A = a * A + b * numpy.outer(v, w)
483            invCholesky = 1.0 / a * invCholesky - b / (a ** 2 + a * b * norm_w2) * numpy.outer(w, w_inv)
485        return invCholesky, A
487    def update(self, population):
488        """Update the current covariance matrix strategies from the
489        *population*.
491        :param population: A list of individuals from which to update the
492                           parameters.
493        """
494        chosen, not_chosen = self._select(population + self.parents)
496        cp, cc, ccov = self.cp, self.cc, self.ccov
497        d, ptarg, pthresh = self.d, self.ptarg, self.pthresh
499        # Make copies for chosen offspring only
500        last_steps = [self.sigmas[ind._ps[1]] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
501        sigmas = [self.sigmas[ind._ps[1]] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
502        invCholesky = [self.invCholesky[ind._ps[1]].copy() if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
503        A = [self.A[ind._ps[1]].copy() if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
504        pc = [self.pc[ind._ps[1]].copy() if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
505        psucc = [self.psucc[ind._ps[1]] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else None for ind in chosen]
507        # Update the internal parameters for successful offspring
508        for i, ind in enumerate(chosen):
509            t, p_idx = ind._ps
511            # Only the offspring update the parameter set
512            if t == "o":
513                # Update (Success = 1 since it is chosen)
514                psucc[i] = (1.0 - cp) * psucc[i] + cp
515                sigmas[i] = sigmas[i] * exp((psucc[i] - ptarg) / (d * (1.0 - ptarg)))
517                if psucc[i] < pthresh:
518                    xp = numpy.array(ind)
519                    x = numpy.array(self.parents[p_idx])
520                    pc[i] = (1.0 - cc) * pc[i] + sqrt(cc * (2.0 - cc)) * (xp - x) / last_steps[i]
521                    invCholesky[i], A[i] = self._rankOneUpdate(invCholesky[i], A[i], 1 - ccov, ccov, pc[i])
522                else:
523                    pc[i] = (1.0 - cc) * pc[i]
524                    pc_weight = cc * (2.0 - cc)
525                    invCholesky[i], A[i] = self._rankOneUpdate(invCholesky[i], A[i], 1 - ccov + pc_weight, ccov, pc[i])
527                self.psucc[p_idx] = (1.0 - cp) * self.psucc[p_idx] + cp
528                self.sigmas[p_idx] = self.sigmas[p_idx] * exp((self.psucc[p_idx] - ptarg) / (d * (1.0 - ptarg)))
530        # It is unnecessary to update the entire parameter set for not chosen individuals
531        # Their parameters will not make it to the next generation
532        for ind in not_chosen:
533            t, p_idx = ind._ps
535            # Only the offspring update the parameter set
536            if t == "o":
537                self.psucc[p_idx] = (1.0 - cp) * self.psucc[p_idx]
538                self.sigmas[p_idx] = self.sigmas[p_idx] * exp((self.psucc[p_idx] - ptarg) / (d * (1.0 - ptarg)))
540        # Make a copy of the internal parameters
541        # The parameter is in the temporary variable for offspring and in the original one for parents
542        self.parents = chosen
543        self.sigmas = [sigmas[i] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else self.sigmas[ind._ps[1]] for i, ind in enumerate(chosen)]
544        self.invCholesky = [invCholesky[i] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else self.invCholesky[ind._ps[1]] for i, ind in enumerate(chosen)]
545        self.A = [A[i] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else self.A[ind._ps[1]] for i, ind in enumerate(chosen)]
546        self.pc = [pc[i] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else self.pc[ind._ps[1]] for i, ind in enumerate(chosen)]
547        self.psucc = [psucc[i] if ind._ps[0] == "o" else self.psucc[ind._ps[1]] for i, ind in enumerate(chosen)]