1<!-- pref.tt2 -->
2<div class="block">
3    <h2>
4        <i class="fa fa-user"></i>
5        [%|loc%]User preferences[%END%]
6        <a class="openInNewWindow" href="[% 'nomenu/help' | url_rel(['user-pref.html']) %]" target="wws_help">
7            <i class="fa fa-info-circle" title="[%|loc%]Help[%END%]" target="true"></i>
8        </a>
9    </h2>
11    <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
12        <fieldset>
13            <label>[%|loc%]Email:[%END%]  </label>[% user.email %]
14            <label for="gecos">[%|loc%]Name:[%END%]  </label>
15            <input type="text" id="gecos" name="gecos" size="30" value="[% user.gecos %]" />
16            <label for="lang" style="vertical-align:top;">[%|loc%]Language:[%END%]  </label>
17            <div>
18                <select id="lang" name="lang" class="neutral">
19                    [% FOREACH l = languages %]
20                        <option value="[% l.key %]" lang="[% l.key %]" xml:lang="[% l.key %]"
21                                [%~ IF l.value.selected %] selected="selected"[% END %]>
22                            [%~ l.key | optdesc('lang') %]
23                        </option>
24                    [% END %]
25                </select>
26            </div>
27            <label for="cookie_delay">[%|loc%]Connection expiration period:[%END%]  </label>
28            <div>
29                <select name="cookie_delay" id="cookie_delay">
30                    [% FOREACH period = cookie_periods %]
31                        <option value="[% period.value %]"
32                                [%~ IF period.selected %] selected="selected"[% END %]>
33                            [%~ period.desc %]
34                        </option>
35                    [% END %]
36                </select>
37            </div>
39            <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_setpref" value="[%|loc%]Submit[%END%]" />
41        </fieldset>
42    </form>
43    <br />
46    <h3>[%|loc%]Changing your email address[%END%]</h3>
48    <p>[%|loc%]You can update your email address for all your list memberships at once. Any list owner or list moderator email addresses will also be updated.[%END%]</p>
49    <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
50        <fieldset>
51            <div>
52                <label for="new_email">[%|loc%]New email address:[%END%] </label>
53                <input id="new_email" name="email" size="25" />
54            </div>
55            <input type="hidden" name="current_email" value="[% user.email %]" />
56            <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_move_user" value="[%|loc%]Change Email[%END%]" />
57        </fieldset>
58    </form>
59    <br />
61    [% UNLESS use_sso %]
62        <h4>[%|loc%]Changing your password[%END%]</h4>
64        <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
65            <fieldset>
66                <label for="newpasswd1">[%|loc%]New password:[%END%]  </label>
67                <input type="password" name="newpasswd1" id="newpasswd1" size="25" />
68                <label for="newpasswd2">[%|loc%]Re-enter your new password:[%END%]  </label>
69                <input type="password" name="newpasswd2" id="newpasswd2" size="25" />
70                <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_setpasswd" value="[%|loc%]Submit[%END%]" />
71            </fieldset>
72        </form>
73    [% END %]
75    [% IF session.auth == 'classic' AND conf.allow_account_deletion == 'on' %]
76        <h4>[%|loc%]Deleting your account[%END%]</h4>
77        <p>
78            [%|loc%]Deleting your account will unsubscribe you from all your lists, remove your ownership of your lists and permanently delete your account.[%END%]
79            <br />
80            [%|loc%]Please, note that you will not be able to delete your account if you are the only owner of one or more lists.[%END%]
81        </p>
82        <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
83            <fieldset>
84                <label for="password_for_account_deletion">[%|loc%]Enter your password:[%END%]</label>
85                <input type="password" name="passwd" id="password_for_account_deletion" size="25" />
86                <input type="checkbox" name="i_understand_the_consequences" id="i_understand_the_consequences" required>
87                <label for="i_understand_the_consequences">
88                    [%|loc%]I understand that I will be unsubscribed from all my lists and that my account will be permanently deleted.[%END%]
89                </label>
90                <br />
91                <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_delete_account" value="[%|loc%]Submit[%END%]" />
92            </fieldset>
93        </form>
94    [% END %]
97<!-- end pref.tt2 -->