1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * DynaMechs: A Multibody Dynamic Simulation Library
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1994-2001  Scott McMillan   All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
18  * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  *****************************************************************************
20  *     File: dmArticulation.hpp
21  *   Author: Scott McMillan
22  *  Summary: Class definition for general articulated structures
23  *****************************************************************************/
28 #include <dm.h>
29 #include <dmLink.hpp>
30 #include <dmSystem.hpp>
32 #include <vector>
34 //============================================================================
35 /**
37 The {\tt dmArticulation} class would be better named the {\tt dmTreeStructure}
38 class.  It is a subclass of the {\tt dmSystem} class that implements the
39 functionality needed to model a multibody system organized in a tree topology
40 (Note: a subclass of {\tt dmArticulation} extends this class to support
41 closed-chain structures).  This class contains a database of links and the
42 predecessor/successor relationships between links that define the tree
43 topology.  As such, the first link and any other link added to the articulation
44 using the {\tt addLink} function with the second argument set to NULL are
45 considered that root of the tree.  Then, as additional links are added to the
46 articulation, a pointer to a parent link (already added to the articulation) is
47 used to specify its location in the tree.  As a result, each link in a tree has
48 only one parent.  The only exceptions are the root links that are defined
49 relative to the {\tt dmSystem}'s inertial reference coordinate system.
51 The default constructor returns an empty articulation (that is, with no
52 links).  As links are added to the articulation, internal variables are
53 allocated that will be used to perform the dynamic computations.  When the
54 destructor is called these internal variables are freed but any links that
55 have been added to the articulation are not.
57 The {\tt addLink} function is called to add a link to the tree structure that
58 is maintained by the {\tt dmArticulation} objects.  The first parameter is a
59 pointer to a (previously instantiated) link object that is to be added, and the
60 second parameter is a pointer to a link that has already been added to the
61 articulation and will be the "parent" to the new link and placed in the
62 database accordingly.  Note that the first link added has no parent so the {\tt
63 parent} parameter is set to {\tt NULL}.  If the operation is successful, this
64 function returns {\tt true}; otherwise it will return {\tt false} for any one
65 of a number of reasons (parent not found, variable allocation failure, etc.)
67 The articulation can be queried for the number of links in the tree by calling
68 {\tt getNumLinks}.  A pointer to a specific link can be obtained by calling
69 {\tt getLink} with the appropriate index.  The index corresponds to the order
70 in which the links were added to the tree: 0 for the first link,
71 1 for the second, etc.  If the index is out of range, {\tt getLink} returns
72 {\tt NULL}.  The inverse function, {\tt getLinkIndex} takes a {\tt dmLink}
73 pointer and returns its corresponding index, or {\tt -1} if the link is not
74 contained in the tree or the pointer is {\tt NULL}.
76 Three functions, {\tt setJointInput}, {\tt setState}, and {\tt getState}, are
77 used to set and query joint states and inputs for the links in the entire
78 tree.  The first, {\tt setJointInput}, sets the joint inputs (either torques,
79 forces, or motor voltages) for all the links in the articulation.  Its {\tt
80 joint\_input} argument is a packed (one-dimensional) array with length equal
81 to the total number of DOFs in the articulation.  The elements of this array
82 correspond to the DOFs of each link in the order they were added to the
83 articulation. {\tt setState} sets the state of the DOFs in the articulation.
84 The two arguments are both packed arrays (like {\tt joint\_input}) containing
85 the joint positions and velocities of the links.  The reverse operation, {\tt
86 getState}, fills packed arrays with the joint positions velocities.  A
87 convenience function, {\tt getNumDOFs}, returns the total number of degrees
88 of freedom in the articulation and can be used to determine the appropriate
89 size of the above arrays.
91 Two functions are provided to compute the forward kinematics of the
92 articulation.  One {\tt forwardKinematics} function computes the homogeneous
93 transformation matrix (4x4) describing the position (last column) and
94 orientation (upper left 3x3 submatrix) with respect to the inertial coordinate
95 system of the link specified by the link index.  If the link index is valid (in
96 range), the function returns {\tt true} and the result is in {\tt mat};
97 otherwise, it returns {\tt false} and the result in {\tt mat} is unchanged.
98 The second {\tt forwardKinematics} function is called by the first, and
99 composes the result in the second parameter, {\tt fk}, which is a reference to
100 a {\tt dmABForKinStruct} (from {\tt dm.h}):
101 \begin{verbatim}
102    struct dmABForKinStruct
103    {
104       RotationMatrix  R_ICS;     // orientation of links wrt ICS - ^{ICS}R_{i}
105       CartesianVector p_ICS;     // position of links wrt ICS - ^{ICS}p_{i}
106       SpatialVector   v;         // velocity of link wrt to i.
107         ...
108    };
109 \end{verbatim}
110 Upon exit this function will fill {\tt R\_ICS} and {\tt p\_ICS} with the
111 resulting transformation information and return {\tt true}.  If the {\tt
112 link\_index} is out of range, this function also returns {\tt false}.
114 The {\tt dynamics} function is the entry point for computation of the dynamics
115 of the system.  For this class, this is a wrapper around the Articulated Body
116 (AB) dynamics computation for the multibody system.  The three functions, {\tt
117 ABForwardKinematics}, {\tt ABBackwardDynamics}, and {\tt
118 ABForwardAccelerations}, comprise the implementation of the Articulated-Body
119 (AB) Simulation alogrithm recursions and are hidden from the user.
120 However, during the ABForwardKinematics traversal, {\tt dmABForKinStruct}s are
121 computed for each link which can be accessed by calling the {\tt
122 getForKinStruct} function with the index of the desired link.  This functions
123 returns a pointer to the requested struct, or NULL if the index is out of
124 range.
126 See also {\tt dmSystem, dmLink}.
128 */
130 //============================================================================
132 class DM_DLL_API dmArticulation : public dmSystem
133 {
134 public:
135    ///
136    dmArticulation();
137    ///
138    virtual ~dmArticulation();
140    ///
141    bool addLink(dmLink *new_link, dmLink *parent_link);
142    ///
getNumLinks() const143    unsigned int getNumLinks() const { return m_link_list.size(); }
144    ///
145    dmLink *getLink(unsigned int index) const;
146    ///
147    int getLinkIndex(dmLink *link) const;
148    ///
149    dmLink *getLinkParent(unsigned int index) const;
151    ///
getNumDOFs() const152    unsigned int getNumDOFs() const { return m_num_state_vars; }
154    ///
155    void setJointInput(Float joint_input[]);
156    ///
157    void setState(Float q[], Float qd[]);
158    ///
159    void getState(Float q[], Float qd[]) const;
161    ///
162    bool forwardKinematics(unsigned int link_index,
163                           HomogeneousTransformationMatrix mat) const;
165    ///
166    virtual bool forwardKinematics(unsigned int link_index,
167                                   dmABForKinStruct &fk) const;
169    ///
170    const dmABForKinStruct *getForKinStruct(unsigned int link_index) const;
172    ///
173    virtual void pushForceStates();
174    ///
175    virtual void popForceStates();
176    ///
177    virtual Float getPotentialEnergy() const;
178    ///
179    virtual Float getKineticEnergy() const;
181    // dynamic algorithm
182    ///
183    void dynamics(Float *qy, Float *qdy);
185    // rendering function:
186    ///
187    void draw() const;
189 protected:
190    // not implemented
191    dmArticulation(const dmArticulation &);
192    dmArticulation &operator=(const dmArticulation &);
194    // AB algorithm functions:
195    virtual void ABForwardKinematics(Float q[], Float qd[],
196                                     const dmABForKinStruct &ref_val);
197    virtual void ABBackwardDynamics();
198    virtual void ABForwardAccelerations(SpatialVector a_ref,
199                                        Float qd[], Float qdd[]);
201    struct LinkInfoStruct
202    {
203       unsigned int index;
204       dmLink *link;
206       LinkInfoStruct *parent;
207       vector<LinkInfoStruct*> child_list;
209       dmABForKinStruct link_val;
211       // AB algorithm temporaries
212       SpatialVector accel;
213       SpatialVector f_star;
214       SpatialTensor I_refl;
215    };
217    void drawTraversal(LinkInfoStruct *node) const;
219 protected:
220    vector<LinkInfoStruct*> m_link_list;
221    unsigned int m_num_state_vars;
223 private:
224    // preallocated ABDynamics() simulation temporary variables.
225    dmABForKinStruct m_ref_val;
226    SpatialTensor    m_I_star_ref;
227    SpatialVector    m_beta_star_ref;
228    SpatialVector    m_accel_ref;
229 };
231 #endif