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5<!ENTITY product "mkvpropedit">
6<!ENTITY version "65.0.0">
7<!ENTITY date "2022-02-06">
9<!ENTITY mkvmerge "<citerefentry><refentrytitle>mkvmerge</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>">
10<!ENTITY mkvinfo "<citerefentry><refentrytitle>mkvinfo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>">
11<!ENTITY mkvextract "<citerefentry><refentrytitle>mkvextract</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>">
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13<!ENTITY mtxgui "<citerefentry><refentrytitle>mkvtoolnix-gui</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>">
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21<refentry lang="en" id="mkvextract">
22 <refentryinfo>
23  <productname>&product;</productname>
24  <date>&date;</date>
25  <authorgroup>
26   <author>
27    <contrib>Developer</contrib>
28    <firstname>Moritz</firstname>
29    <surname>Bunkus</surname>
30    <email>moritz@bunkus.org</email>
31   </author>
32  </authorgroup>
33 </refentryinfo>
34 <refmeta>
35  <refentrytitle>&product;</refentrytitle>
36  <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
37  <refmiscinfo class="version">&version;</refmiscinfo>
38  <refmiscinfo class="date">&date;</refmiscinfo>
39  <refmiscinfo class="source">MKVToolNix</refmiscinfo>
40  <refmiscinfo class="manual">User Commands</refmiscinfo>
41 </refmeta>
43 <refnamediv>
44  <refname>&product;</refname>
45  <refpurpose>Modify properties of existing &matroska; files without a complete remux</refpurpose>
46 </refnamediv>
48 <refsynopsisdiv id="mkvpropedit.synopsis">
49  <title>Synopsis</title>
50  <cmdsynopsis>
51   <command>mkvpropedit</command>
52   <arg>options</arg>
53   <arg choice="req">source-filename</arg>
54   <arg choice="req">actions</arg>
55  </cmdsynopsis>
56 </refsynopsisdiv>
58 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.description">
59  <title>Description</title>
60  <para>
61   This program analyses an existing &matroska; file and modifies some of its properties. Then it writes those modifications to the existing
62   file. Among the properties that can be changed are the segment information elements (e.g. the title) and the track headers (e.g. the
63   language code, 'default track' flag or the name).
64  </para>
66  <para>
67   Options:
68  </para>
70  <variablelist>
71   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.list_property_names">
72    <term><option>-l</option>, <option>--list-property-names</option></term>
73    <listitem>
74     <para>
75      Lists all known and editable property names, their type (string, integer, boolean etc) and a short description. The program exits
76      afterwards. Therefore the <parameter>source-filename</parameter> parameter does not have to be supplied.
77     </para>
78    </listitem>
79   </varlistentry>
81   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.parse_mode">
82    <term><option>-p</option>, <option>--parse-mode</option> <parameter>mode</parameter></term>
83    <listitem>
84     <para>
85      Sets the parse mode. The parameter '<parameter>mode</parameter>' can either be '<literal>fast</literal>' (which is also the default)
86      or '<literal>full</literal>'. The '<literal>fast</literal>' mode does not parse the whole file but uses the meta seek elements for
87      locating the required elements of a source file. In 99% of all cases this is enough. But for files that do not contain meta seek
88      elements or which are damaged the user might have to set the '<literal>full</literal>' parse mode. A full scan of a file can take a
89      couple of minutes while a fast scan only takes seconds.
90     </para>
91    </listitem>
92   </varlistentry>
93  </variablelist>
95  <para>
96   Actions that deal with track and segment info properties:
97  </para>
99  <variablelist>
100   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.edit">
101    <term><option>-e</option>, <option>--edit</option> <parameter>selector</parameter></term>
102    <listitem>
103     <para>
104      Sets the &matroska; file section (segment information or a certain track's headers) that all following <link
105      linkend="mkvpropedit.description.add">add</link>, <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.set">set</link> and <link
106      linkend="mkvpropedit.description.delete">delete</link> actions operate on. This option can be used multiple times in order to make
107      modifications to more than one element.
108     </para>
110     <para>
111      By default &mkvpropedit; will edit the segment information section.
112     </para>
114     <para>
115      See the section about <link linkend="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors">edit selectors</link> for a full description of the syntax.
116     </para>
117    </listitem>
118   </varlistentry>
120   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.add">
121    <term><option>-a</option>, <option>--add</option> <parameter>name</parameter>=<parameter>value</parameter></term>
122    <listitem>
123     <para>
124      Adds a property <parameter>name</parameter> with the value <parameter>value</parameter>. The property will be added even if such a
125      property exists already. Note that most properties are unique and cannot occur more than once.
126     </para>
127    </listitem>
128   </varlistentry>
130   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.set">
131    <term><option>-s</option>, <option>--set</option> <parameter>name</parameter>=<parameter>value</parameter></term>
132    <listitem>
133     <para>
134      Sets all occurrences of the property <parameter>name</parameter> to the value <parameter>value</parameter>. If no such property exists
135      then it will be added.
136     </para>
137    </listitem>
138   </varlistentry>
140   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.delete">
141    <term><option>-d</option>, <option>--delete</option> <parameter>name</parameter></term>
142    <listitem>
143     <para>
144      Deletes all occurrences of the property <parameter>name</parameter>. Note that some properties are required and cannot be deleted.
145     </para>
146    </listitem>
147   </varlistentry>
148  </variablelist>
150  <para>
151   Actions that deal with tags and chapters:
152  </para>
154  <variablelist>
155   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.tags">
156    <term><option>-t</option>, <option>--tags</option> <parameter>selector</parameter>:<parameter>filename</parameter></term>
157    <listitem>
158     <para>
159      Add or replace tags in the file with the ones from <filename>filename</filename> or remove them if <filename>filename</filename> is
160      empty. &mkvpropedit; reads the same XML tag format that &mkvmerge; reads as well.
161     </para>
163     <para>
164      The <parameter>selector</parameter> must be one of the words <constant>all</constant>, <constant>global</constant> or
165      <constant>track</constant>. For <constant>all</constant> &mkvpropedit; will replace or remove all tags in a file. With
166      <constant>global</constant> only global tags will be replaced or removed.
167     </para>
169     <para>
170      With <constant>track</constant> &mkvpropedit; will replace tags for a specific track. Additionally the tags read from
171      <filename>filename</filename> will be assigned to the same track. The track is specified in the same way <link
172      linkend="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors">edit selectors</link> are specified (see below), e.g. <code>--tags
173      track:a1:new-audio-tags.xml</code>.
174     </para>
175    </listitem>
176   </varlistentry>
178   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.add_track_statistics_tags">
179    <term><option>--add-track-statistics-tags</option></term>
180    <listitem>
181     <para>
182      Calculates statistics for all tracks in a file and adds new statistics tags for them. If the file already contains such tags then they'll be updated.
183     </para>
184    </listitem>
185   </varlistentry>
187   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.delete_track_statistics_tags">
188    <term><option>--delete-track-statistics-tags</option></term>
189    <listitem>
190     <para>
191      Deletes all existing track statistics tags from a file. If the file doesn't contain track statistics tags then it won't be modified.
192     </para>
193    </listitem>
194   </varlistentry>
196   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.chapters">
197    <term><option>-c</option>, <option>--chapters</option> <parameter>filename</parameter></term>
198    <listitem>
199     <para>
200      Add or replace chapters in the file with the ones from <filename>filename</filename> or remove them if <filename>filename</filename> is
201      empty. &mkvpropedit; reads the same XML and simple chapter formats that &mkvmerge; reads as well.
202     </para>
203    </listitem>
204   </varlistentry>
205  </variablelist>
207  <para>
208   Actions for handling attachments:
209  </para>
211  <variablelist>
212   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.add_attachment">
213    <term><option>--add-attachment</option> <parameter>filename</parameter></term>
214    <listitem>
215     <para>
216      Adds a new attachment from <parameter>filename</parameter>.
217     </para>
219     <para>
220      If the option <option>--attachment-name</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's
221      name. Otherwise it is derived from <parameter>filename</parameter>.
222     </para>
224     <para>
225      If the option <option>--attachment-mime-type</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new
226      attachment's MIME type. Otherwise it is auto-detected from the content of <parameter>filename</parameter>.
227     </para>
229     <para>
230      If the option <option>--attachment-description</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new
231      attachment's description. Otherwise no description will be set.
232     </para>
234     <para>
235      If the option <option>--attachment-uid</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is used as the new attachment's
236      UID. Otherwise a random UID will be generated automatically.
237     </para>
238    </listitem>
239   </varlistentry>
241   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.replace_attachment">
242    <term><option>--replace-attachment</option> <parameter>selector</parameter><literal>:</literal><parameter>filename</parameter></term>
243    <listitem>
244     <para>
245      Replaces one or more attachments that match <parameter>selector</parameter> with the file <parameter>filename</parameter>. If more
246      than one existing attachment matches <parameter>selector</parameter> then all of their contents will be replaced by the content of
247      <parameter>filename</parameter>.
248     </para>
250     <para>
251      The <parameter>selector</parameter> can have one of four forms. They're explained below in the section <link
252      linkend="mkvpropedit.attachment_selectors">attachment selectors</link>.
253     </para>
255     <para>
256      If the option <option>--attachment-name</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new name for each
257      modified attachment. Otherwise the names aren't changed.
258     </para>
260     <para>
261      If the option <option>--attachment-mime-type</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new MIME type
262      for each modified attachment. Otherwise the MIME types aren't changed.
263     </para>
265     <para>
266      If the option <option>--attachment-description</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new
267      description for each modified attachment. Otherwise the descriptions aren't changed.
268     </para>
270     <para>
271      If the option <option>--attachment-uid</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new UID for each
272      modified attachment. Otherwise the UIDs aren't changed.
273     </para>
274    </listitem>
275   </varlistentry>
277   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.update_attachment">
278    <term><option>--update-attachment</option> <parameter>selector</parameter></term>
279    <listitem>
280     <para>
281      Sets the properties of one or more attachments that match <parameter>selector</parameter>. If more than one existing attachment
282      matches <parameter>selector</parameter> then all of their properties will be updated.
283     </para>
285     <para>
286      The <parameter>selector</parameter> can have one of four forms. They're explained below in the section <link
287      linkend="mkvpropedit.attachment_selectors">attachment selectors</link>.
288     </para>
290     <para>
291      If the option <option>--attachment-name</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new name for each
292      modified attachment. Otherwise the names aren't changed.
293     </para>
295     <para>
296      If the option <option>--attachment-mime-type</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new MIME type
297      for each modified attachment. Otherwise the MIME types aren't changed.
298     </para>
300     <para>
301      If the option <option>--attachment-description</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new
302      description for each modified attachment. Otherwise the descriptions aren't changed.
303     </para>
305     <para>
306      If the option <option>--attachment-uid</option> has been used prior to this option then its value is set as the new UID for each
307      modified attachment. Otherwise the UIDs aren't changed.
308     </para>
309    </listitem>
310   </varlistentry>
312   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.delete_attachment">
313    <term><option>--delete-attachment</option> <parameter>selector</parameter></term>
314    <listitem>
315     <para>
316      Deletes one or more attachments that match <parameter>selector</parameter>.
317     </para>
319     <para>
320      The <parameter>selector</parameter> can have one of four forms. They're explained below in the section <link
321      linkend="mkvpropedit.attachment_selectors">attachment selectors</link>.
322     </para>
323    </listitem>
324   </varlistentry>
325  </variablelist>
327  <para>
328   Options for attachment actions:
329  </para>
331  <variablelist>
332   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.attachment_name">
333    <term><option>--attachment-name</option> <parameter>name</parameter></term>
334    <listitem>
335     <para>
336      Sets the name to use for the following <option>--add-attachment</option> or <option>--replace-attachment</option> operation.
337     </para>
338    </listitem>
339   </varlistentry>
341   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.attachment_mime_type">
342    <term><option>--attachment-mime-type</option> <parameter>mime-type</parameter></term>
343    <listitem>
344     <para>
345      Sets the MIME type to use for the following <option>--add-attachment</option> or <option>--replace-attachment</option> operation.
346     </para>
347    </listitem>
348   </varlistentry>
350   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.attachment_description">
351    <term><option>--attachment-description</option> <parameter>description</parameter></term>
352    <listitem>
353     <para>
354      Sets the description to use for the following <option>--add-attachment</option> or <option>--replace-attachment</option> operation.
355     </para>
356    </listitem>
357   </varlistentry>
358  </variablelist>
360  <para>
361   Other options:
362  </para>
364  <variablelist>
365   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.disable_language_ietf">
366    <term><option>--disable-language-ietf</option></term>
367    <listitem>
368     <para>
369      Normally when the user requests changes to the '<literal>language</literal>' track header property, &mkvpropedit; will apply the same
370      change to the new <classname>LanguageIETF</classname> track header element in addition to the legacy <classname>Language</classname>
371      element. If this option is used, the change is only applied to the legacy <classname>Language</classname> element.
372     </para>
374     <para>
375      This option does not affect changes requested via the '<literal>language-ietf</literal>' track header property.
376     </para>
377    </listitem>
378   </varlistentry>
380   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.command_line_charset">
381    <term><option>--command-line-charset</option> <parameter>character-set</parameter></term>
382    <listitem>
383     <para>
384      Sets the character set to convert strings given on the command line from. It defaults to the character set given by system's current
385      locale.
386     </para>
387    </listitem>
388   </varlistentry>
390   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.output_charset">
391    <term><option>--output-charset</option> <parameter>character-set</parameter></term>
392    <listitem>
393     <para>
394      Sets the character set to which strings are converted that are to be output.  It defaults to the character set given by system's
395      current locale.
396     </para>
397    </listitem>
398   </varlistentry>
400   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.redirect_output">
401    <term><option>-r</option>, <option>--redirect-output</option> <parameter>file-name</parameter></term>
402    <listitem>
403     <para>
404      Writes all messages to the file <parameter>file-name</parameter> instead of to the console.  While this can be done easily with
405      output redirection there are cases in which this option is needed: when the terminal reinterprets the output before writing it to a
406      file.  The character set set with <link
407      linkend="mkvpropedit.description.output_charset"><option>--output-charset</option></link> is honored.
408     </para>
409    </listitem>
410   </varlistentry>
412   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.ui_language">
413    <term><option>--ui-language</option> <parameter>code</parameter></term>
414    <listitem>
415     <para>
416      Forces the translations for the language <parameter>code</parameter> to be used (e.g.  '<literal>de_DE</literal>' for the German
417      translations). Entering '<literal>list</literal>' as the <parameter>code</parameter> will cause the program to output a list of
418      available translations.
419     </para>
420    </listitem>
421   </varlistentry>
423   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.abort_on_warnings">
424    <term><option>--abort-on-warnings</option></term>
425    <listitem>
426     <para>
427      Tells the program to abort after the first warning is emitted. The program's exit code will be 1.
428     </para>
429    </listitem>
430   </varlistentry>
432   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.debug">
433    <term><option>--debug</option> <parameter>topic</parameter></term>
434    <listitem>
435     <para>
436      Turn on debugging for a specific feature. This option is only useful for developers.
437     </para>
438    </listitem>
439   </varlistentry>
441   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.engage">
442    <term><option>--engage</option> <parameter>feature</parameter></term>
443    <listitem>
444     <para>
445      Turn on experimental features. A list of available features can be requested with <command>mkvpropedit --engage list</command>. These
446      features are not meant to be used in normal situations.
447     </para>
448    </listitem>
449   </varlistentry>
451   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.gui_mode">
452    <term><option>--gui-mode</option></term>
453    <listitem>
454     <para>
455      Turns on GUI mode. In this mode specially-formatted lines may be output that can tell a controlling GUI what's happening. These
456      messages follow the format '<literal>#GUI#message</literal>'. The message may be followed by key/value pairs as in
457      '<literal>#GUI#message#key1=value1#key2=value2…</literal>'. Neither the messages nor the keys are ever translated and always output
458      in English.
459     </para>
460    </listitem>
461   </varlistentry>
463   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.verbose">
464    <term><option>-v</option>, <option>--verbose</option></term>
465    <listitem>
466     <para>
467      Be verbose and show all the important &matroska; elements as they're read.
468     </para>
469    </listitem>
470   </varlistentry>
472   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.help">
473    <term><option>-h</option>, <option>--help</option></term>
474    <listitem>
475     <para>
476      Show usage information and exit.
477     </para>
478    </listitem>
479   </varlistentry>
481   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.version">
482    <term><option>-V</option>, <option>--version</option></term>
483    <listitem>
484     <para>
485      Show version information and exit.
486     </para>
487    </listitem>
488   </varlistentry>
490   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.at_sign">
491    <term><option>@</option><parameter>options-file.json</parameter></term>
492    <listitem>
493     <para>
494      Reads additional command line arguments from the file <parameter>options-file</parameter>. For a full explanation on the supported
495      formats for such files see the section called "Option files" in the &mkvmerge; man page.
496     </para>
497    </listitem>
498   </varlistentry>
499  </variablelist>
500 </refsect1>
502 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors">
503  <title>Edit selectors</title>
504  <para>
505   The <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.edit"><option>--edit</option></link> option sets the &matroska; file section (segment
506   information or a certain track's headers) that all following <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.add">add</link>, <link
507   linkend="mkvpropedit.description.set">set</link> and <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.delete">delete</link> actions operate
508   on. This stays valid until the next <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.edit"><option>--edit</option></link> option is found. The
509   argument to this option is called the edit selector.
510  </para>
512  <para>
513   By default &mkvpropedit; will edit the segment information section.
514  </para>
516  <refsect2 id="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors.segment_info">
517   <title>Segment information</title>
518   <para>
519    The segment information can be selected with one of these three words: '<literal>info</literal>', '<literal>segment_info</literal>' or
520    '<literal>segmentinfo</literal>'. It contains properties like the segment title or the segment <abbrev>UID</abbrev>.
521   </para>
522  </refsect2>
524  <refsect2 id="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors.track_headers">
525   <title>Track headers</title>
526   <para>
527    Track headers can be selected with a slightly more complex selector. All variations start with '<literal>track:</literal>'. The track
528    header properties include elements like the language code, 'default track' flag or the track's name.
529   </para>
531   <variablelist>
532    <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.track_nth">
533     <term><option>track:</option><parameter>n</parameter></term>
534     <listitem>
535      <para>
536       If the parameter <parameter>n</parameter> is a number then the <parameter>n</parameter>th track will be selected. The track order is
537       the same that &mkvmerge;'s <option>--identify</option> option outputs.
538      </para>
540      <para>
541       Numbering starts at 1.
542      </para>
543     </listitem>
544    </varlistentry>
546    <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.track_type_nth">
547     <term><option>track:</option><parameter>t</parameter><parameter>n</parameter></term>
548     <listitem>
549      <para>
550       If the parameter starts with a single character <parameter>t</parameter> followed by a <parameter>n</parameter> then the
551       <parameter>n</parameter>th track of a specific track type will be selected. The track type parameter <parameter>t</parameter> must be
552       one of these four characters: '<literal>a</literal>' for an audio track, '<literal>b</literal>' for a button track,
553       '<literal>s</literal>' for a subtitle track and '<literal>v</literal>' for a video track. The track order is the same that
554       &mkvmerge;'s <option>--identify</option> option outputs.
555      </para>
557      <para>
558       Numbering starts at 1.
559      </para>
560     </listitem>
561    </varlistentry>
563    <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.track_uid">
564     <term><option>track:</option>=<parameter>uid</parameter></term>
565     <listitem>
566      <para>
567       If the parameter starts with a '<literal>=</literal>' followed by a number <parameter>uid</parameter>, the track whose track
568       <abbrev>UID</abbrev> element equals the given <parameter>uid</parameter> will be selected. Track <abbrev>UIDs</abbrev> can be
569       obtained with &mkvinfo;.
570      </para>
571     </listitem>
572    </varlistentry>
574    <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.description.track_number">
575     <term><option>track:</option>@<parameter>number</parameter></term>
576     <listitem>
577      <para>
578       If the parameter starts with a '<literal>@</literal>' followed by a number <parameter>number</parameter>, the track whose track
579       number element equals this <parameter>number</parameter> will be selected. Track numbers can be obtained with &mkvinfo;.
580      </para>
581     </listitem>
582    </varlistentry>
583   </variablelist>
584  </refsect2>
586  <refsect2 id="mkvpropedit.edit_selectors.notes">
587   <title>Notes</title>
588   <para>
589    Due to the nature of the track edit selectors it is possible that several selectors actually match the same track headers. In such cases
590    all actions for those edit selectors will be combined and executed in the order in which they're given on the command line.
591   </para>
592  </refsect2>
593 </refsect1>
595 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.attachment_selectors">
596  <title>Attachment selectors</title>
598  <para>
599   An attachment selector is used with the two actions <link
600   linkend="mkvpropedit.description.replace_attachment"><option>--replace-attachment</option></link> and <link
601   linkend="mkvpropedit.description.delete_attachment"><option>--delete-attachment</option></link>. It can have one of the following four
602   forms:
603  </para>
605  <orderedlist>
606   <listitem>
607    <para>
608     Selection by attachment ID. In this form the selector is simply a number, the attachment's ID as output by &mkvmerge;'s
609     identification command.
610    </para>
611   </listitem>
613   <listitem>
614    <para>
615     Selection by attachment UID (unique ID). In this form the selector is the equal sign <literal>=</literal> followed by a number, the
616     attachment's unique ID as output by &mkvmerge;'s verbose identification command.
617    </para>
618   </listitem>
620   <listitem>
621    <para>
622     Selection by attachment name. In this form the selector is the literal word <literal>name:</literal> followed by the existing
623     attachment's name. If this selector is used with <option>--replace-attachment</option> then colons within the name to match must be
624     escaped as <literal>\c</literal>.
625    </para>
626   </listitem>
628   <listitem>
629    <para>
630     Selection by MIME type. In this form the selector is the literal word <literal>mime-type:</literal> followed by the existing
631     attachment's MIME type. If this selector is used with <option>--replace-attachment</option> then colons within the MIME type to match
632     must be escaped as <literal>\c</literal>.
633    </para>
634   </listitem>
635  </orderedlist>
636 </refsect1>
638 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.examples">
639  <title>Examples</title>
640  <para>
641   The following example edits a file called '<literal>movie.mkv</literal>'. It sets the segment title and modifies the language code of an
642   audio and a subtitle track. Note that this example can be shortened by leaving out the first <link
643   linkend="mkvpropedit.description.edit"><option>--edit</option></link> option because editing the segment information element is the
644   default for all options found before the first <link linkend="mkvpropedit.description.edit"><option>--edit</option></link> option anyway.
645  </para>
647  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --edit info --set "title=The movie" --edit track:a1 --set language=fre --edit track:a2 --set language=ita</screen>
649  <para>
650   The second example removes the 'default track flag' from the first subtitle track and sets it for the second one. Note that
651   &mkvpropedit;, unlike &mkvmerge;, does not set the 'default track flag' of other tracks to '0' if it is set to '1' for a different track
652   automatically.
653  </para>
655  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --edit track:s1 --set flag-default=0 --edit track:s2 --set flag-default=1</screen>
657  <para>
658   Replacing the tags for the second subtitle track in a file looks like this:
659  </para>
661  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --tags track:s2:new-subtitle-tags.xml</screen>
663  <para>
664   Removing all tags requires leaving out the file name:
665  </para>
667  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --tags all:</screen>
669  <para>
670   Replacing the chapters in a file looks like this:
671  </para>
673  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --chapters new-chapters.xml</screen>
675  <para>
676   Removing all chapters requires leaving out the file name:
677  </para>
679  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --chapters ''</screen>
681  <para>
682   Adding a font file (<literal>Arial.ttf</literal>) as an attachment:
683  </para>
685  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --add-attachment Arial.ttf</screen>
687  <para>
688   Adding a font file (<literal>89719823.ttf</literal>) as an attachment and providing some information as it really is just Arial:
689  </para>
691  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --attachment-name Arial.ttf --attachment-description 'The Arial font as a TrueType font' --attachment-mime-type application/x-truetype-font --add-attachment 89719823.ttf</screen>
693  <para>
694   Replacing one attached font (<literal>Comic.ttf</literal>) file with another one (<literal>Arial.ttf</literal>):
695  </para>
697  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --attachment-name Arial.ttf --attachment-description 'The Arial font as a TrueType font' --replace-attachment name:Comic.ttf:Arial.ttf</screen>
699  <para>
700   Deleting the second attached file, whatever it may be:
701  </para>
703  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --delete-attachment 2</screen>
705  <para>
706   Deleting all attached fonts by MIME type:
707  </para>
709  <screen>$ mkvpropedit movie.mkv --delete-attachment mime-type:application/x-truetype-font</screen>
710 </refsect1>
712 <refsect1>
713  <title>Exit codes</title>
715  <para>
716   &mkvpropedit; exits with one of three exit codes:
717  </para>
719  <itemizedlist>
720   <listitem>
721    <para>
722     <constant>0</constant> -- This exit code means that the modification has completed successfully.
723    </para>
724   </listitem>
726   <listitem>
727    <para>
728     <constant>1</constant> -- In this case &mkvpropedit; has output at least one warning, but the modification did continue.  A warning is
729     prefixed with the text '<literal>Warning:</literal>'.  Depending on the issues involved the resulting files might be ok or not.  The
730     user is urged to check both the warning and the resulting files.
731    </para>
732   </listitem>
734   <listitem>
735    <para>
736     <constant>2</constant> -- This exit code is used after an error occurred.  &mkvpropedit; aborts right after outputting the error message.
737     Error messages range from wrong command line arguments over read/write errors to broken files.
738    </para>
739   </listitem>
740  </itemizedlist>
741 </refsect1>
743 <refsect1 id="mkvinfo.text_files_and_charsets">
744  <title>Text files and character set conversions</title>
746  <para>
747   For an in-depth discussion about how all tools in the MKVToolNix suite handle character set conversions, input/output encoding, command
748   line encoding and console encoding please see the identically-named section in the &mkvmerge; man page.
749  </para>
750 </refsect1>
752 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.environment_variables">
753  <title>Environment variables</title>
755  <para>
756   &mkvpropedit; uses the default variables that determine the system's locale (e.g. <varname>LANG</varname> and the <varname>LC_*</varname>
757   family). Additional variables:
758  </para>
760  <variablelist>
761   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.environment_variables.debug">
762    <term><varname>MKVPROPEDIT_DEBUG</varname>, <varname>MKVTOOLNIX_DEBUG</varname> and its short form <varname>MTX_DEBUG</varname></term>
763    <listitem>
764     <para>The content is treated as if it had been passed via the <link
765     linkend="mkvpropedit.description.debug"><option>--debug</option></link> option.</para>
766    </listitem>
767   </varlistentry>
769   <varlistentry id="mkvpropedit.environment_variables.engage">
770    <term><varname>MKVPROPEDIT_ENGAGE</varname>, <varname>MKVTOOLNIX_ENGAGE</varname> and its short form <varname>MTX_ENGAGE</varname></term>
771    <listitem>
772     <para>The content is treated as if it had been passed via the <link
773     linkend="mkvpropedit.description.engage"><option>--engage</option></link> option.</para>
774    </listitem>
775   </varlistentry>
776  </variablelist>
777 </refsect1>
779 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.seealso">
780  <title>See also</title>
781  <para>
782   &mkvmerge;, &mkvinfo;, &mkvextract;, &mtxgui;
783  </para>
784 </refsect1>
786 <refsect1 id="mkvpropedit.www">
787  <title>WWW</title>
788  <para>
789   The latest version can always be found at <ulink url="https://mkvtoolnix.download/">the MKVToolNix homepage</ulink>.
790  </para>
791 </refsect1>