3\page theory_api_howto HOWTO Write a Decision Procedure
5Note: This document is under construction.  Some newer aspects of adding a
6decision procedure are not yet documented here.  Please let us know if you have
7a question that is not answered here.
9\section theory_api_contents Contents
12<li>\ref theory_api_prelim
13  <ul>
14  <li>\ref theory_api_files
15  <li>\ref theory_api_naming
16  <li>\ref theory_api_general
17  </ul>
18<li>\ref theory_api_addnew
19  <ul>
20   <li>\ref theory_api_start
21   <li>\ref theory_api_config
22   <li>\ref theory_api_header
23   <li>\ref theory_api_expr
24     <ul>
25      <li>\ref theory_api_kind_decl
26      <li>\ref theory_api_kind_reg
27      <li>\ref theory_api_expr_subclass
28      <li>\ref theory_api_methods
29     </ul>
30  </ul>
31<li>\ref theory_api_invars
32  <ul>
33  <li>\ref theory_api_flow
34  <li>\ref theory_api_backtrack
35  <li>\ref theory_api_ileaves
36  <li>\ref theory_api_inputs
37     <ul>
38     <li>\ref theory_api_assertFact
39     <li>\ref theory_api_checkSat
40     <li>\ref theory_api_setup
41     <li>\ref theory_api_update
42     <li>\ref theory_api_addSharedTerm
43     <li>\ref theory_api_rewrite
44     <li>\ref theory_api_solve
45     <li>\ref theory_api_computeType
46     <li>\ref theory_api_computeTCC
47     <li>\ref theory_api_notifyInconsistent
48     <li>\ref theory_api_print
49     <li>\ref theory_api_parseExprOp
50     </ul>
51  <li>\ref theory_api_outputs
52     <ul>
53     <li>\ref theory_api_enqueueFact
54     <li>\ref theory_api_setInconsistent
55     <li>\ref theory_api_simplifyThm
56     <li>\ref theory_api_enqueueEquality
57     <li>\ref theory_api_inconsistentThm
58     <li>\ref theory_api_isTerm
59     <li>\ref theory_api_isLiteral
60     <li>\ref theory_api_isAtomic
61     <li>\ref theory_api_updateHelper
62     <li>\ref theory_api_getType
63     <li>\ref theory_api_getTCC
64     <li>\ref theory_api_parseExpr
65     </ul>
66  </ul>
67<li>\ref theory_api_proofs
68   <ul>
69   <li>\ref theory_api_proof_classes
70   <li>\ref theory_api_proof_rule
71   </ul>
74\section theory_api_prelim Preliminaries and Coding Guidelines
76\subsection theory_api_files Directory Structure and Files
78Each theory (a.k.a. decision procedure, or DP) must reside in a
79directory <tt>src/theory_foo</tt> (where <tt>foo</tt> is the theory
80name).  All the sounce files and <tt>Makefile.in</tt> must be in that
81directory, except for some shared header files, which must reside in
82the common directory <tt>src/include</tt>.  In particular,
83<tt>theory_foo.h</tt> must be placed in <tt>src/include</tt>.
85The master source file for a theory should be called
86<tt>theory_foo.cpp</tt>.  Typically, a new theory needs its own set of
87proof rules, which are implemented as three files:
88<tt>foo_proof_rules.h</tt>, <tt>foo_theorem_producer.h</tt>, and
89<tt>foo_theorem_producer.cpp</tt>.  The first one is the abstract
90interface to the rules, which the untrusted DP code can
91<tt>\#include</tt>.  The other two files implement this abstract API,
92and comprise the trusted part of the code.  All these files should be
93placed in <tt>src/theory_foo</tt>.
95\subsection theory_api_naming Naming Convensions
97Each individual theory is a subclass of a Theory class, and therefore,
98its name should be <tt>class TheoryFoo</tt>.
100A theory may define several methods for creating expressions in
101<tt>theory_foo.h</tt>.  Typically, they are named as
102<tt>barExpr()</tt>, <tt>bazExpr()</tt>, etc.  For instance,
103<tt>theory_arith.h</tt> defines plusExpr(), minusExpr(), etc.  These
104functions are most useful if they are declared as non-member functions
105(not part of the class <tt>TheoryFoo</tt>), since then they can be
106called directly by the CVC3 library users.
108It is also convenient to define testers like <tt>isBar()</tt> and
109<tt>isBaz()</tt>, which return true for the corresponding expressions.
110For example, <tt>theory_arith.h</tt> defines <tt>isPlus()</tt>,
111<tt>isMinus()</tt>, etc.
113Of course, the rest of the code should follow our general naming and
114coding guidelines described at length in the project FAQ:
115http://verify.stanford.edu/savannah/faq/?group_id=1&question=How_Do_I_Become_A_CVC3_Developer.txt .
117\subsection theory_api_general General Guidelines
119The Theory API is designed to minimize the changes in the central
120(core) files when adding a new theory.  Ideally, only
121<tt>src/vcl/vcl.cpp</tt> file needs to be modified to add a
122constructor call to the new theory.  Everything else --- kinds,
123special expression subclasses, types, etc. --- can (and should) be
124defined locally in the theory-specific files.
126There are several important guidelines for writing
127proof rules specific to your theory:
130<li>Each proof rule must be mathematically sound.
132<li>It is a mortal sin to introduce a proof rule without a proper
133doxygen comment concisely and clearly describing what it does.
135<li>The code must contain enough <tt>CHECK_SOUND</tt> checks to
136guarantee that all the premises are of the right form, and all the
137side conditions of the rule are satisfied.  That is, if these
138soundness checks pass, then the rule application is guaranteed to be
139sound mathematically.
141<li>Keep the code in each rule as clean and simple as possible, so
142that the correctness of the implementation w.r.t. the mathematical
143formulation can be easily checked by manual inspection.  That is, many
144simple and independent rules are strongly preferred to a few big
147<li>Avoid calling other proof rules from within a proof rule.  Rule of
148thumb: if your rule has to use other rules, most likely, it is a
149<em>strategy</em> (a derived rule), and should be implemented in the
150untrusted part of the code (e.g. in <tt>theory_foo.cpp</tt>).
154More details are given in the separate
155\ref theory_api_proofs "section on proof rules".
157Finally, and <em>most importantly</em>: <strong>document your
160Every method, variable, class, or type should have a doxygen-style
161comment with <em>at least</em> a brief description:
164//! Convert Blah expression to Baz value
165Baz Blah2Baz(const Blah& b);
168Imagine telling such a description to your colleague who has very
169faint idea of what you are coding.  If a brief description does not
170make sense to him/her, or the function does something non-trivial or
171non-obvious, add a longer description:
174//! Convert Blah expression to Baz value
176 * Recursively descend into Blah, collect every Foo-leaf, order them in
177 * the descending order of Baz-ability, and wrap into the Baz expression.
178 *
179 * \param b is a non-trivial Blah value (otherwise we assert-fail).
180 */
181Baz Blah2Baz(const Blah& b);
184Often it is convenient to keep the brief description in the
185<tt>*.h</tt> file, and the long description in the corresponding
186<tt>*.cpp</tt> file.
188The only exceptions are the \ref theory_api "Theory API methods", for
189which no documentation is necessary, since these are already
190documented in <tt>theory.h</tt>.
192\section theory_api_addnew Adding New Theory
194\subsection theory_api_start Before You Start...
196...Make sure you have a very good idea about what your new decision
197procedure is supposed to do, why it is useful, and what exactly it
200Next, write down all the definitions mathematically and phrase the
201scope of the new theory in terms of a logic with a particular
202signature (the set of predefined interpreted and uninterpreted symbols
203that belong to this theory).  Make sure this signature is disjoint
204from all the other theories (this is <strong>very important</strong>,
205since CVC3 is based on Nelson-Oppen combination result, and
206requires signatures to be disjoint).
208Your decision procedure should decide inconsistency of a set of
209formulas in the above logic.  Make sure you actually know an algorithm
210for that.  While it is possible to add undecidable or incomplete
211theories to CVC3 (and we already have some), those should only be
212used for a very good reason.  Otherwise, make sure you know that your
213algorithm is sound, complete, and terminating.
215Take the above algorithm and make it an <em>online</em> one.  That is,
216your algorithm should be able to accept a new formula at any point in
217time, and perform some incremental computation to take that formula
218into account.  This is usually the most complicated step as far as the
219math is concerned.  I will explain this step in detail in section \ref
220theory_api_invars "Theory API" below.
222If you are adding your theory to the official CVC3 code base,
223<strong>discuss your ideas on the mailing
224list!</strong> Yes, <strong>do</strong> it, I mean it.  If you do not,
225we will notice your sneaky additions right away, and will ask many
226difficult questions in public.  So, you may as well just announce it
229\subsection theory_api_config Configure and Makefiles
231Now you are ready to begin.  Pick a name for your new theory, say,
232<em>Foo</em>, and do the following steps.
234- Create a new CVS branch.  You already know how to do this, right?
235If not, read the FAQ:
236http://verify.stanford.edu/savannah/faq/?group=vergrp .
237Read it <strong>NOW</strong>.
239- Create a directory <tt>src/theory_foo</tt>, add it to CVS
241- Create the following files (either empty or copy them from an
242  existing theory), and add them <strong>to your new CVS branch</strong>:
243   <dl>
244   <dt>In <tt>src/include/</tt></dt>
245       <dd><tt>theory_foo.h</tt></dd>
246   <dt>In <tt>src/theory_foo/</tt></dt>
247       <dd><tt>theory_foo.cpp</tt><br>
248       <tt>Makefile.in</tt></dd>
249   </dl>
250  If your new theory needs to create new custom proof rules, also
251  create
252   <dl>
253   <dt>in <tt>src/theory_foo/</tt></dt>
254       <dd><tt>foo_proof_rules.h</tt><br>
255       <tt>foo_theorem_producer.h</tt><br>
256       <tt>foo_theorem_producer.cpp</tt></dd>
257   </dl>
258  While you at it, add the <strong>required header comment</strong> to
259  each source file (*.h and *.cpp), with the appropriately modified
260  file name, author, date, and an optional description <em>after</em>
261  the license excerpt.  Look at any existing source file for a
262  template.
263- Edit <tt>src/theory_foo/Makefile.in</tt> appropriately (look for a
264  template from some other theory, for example,
265  <tt>theory_array</tt>).  You need to modify the values of:
266  - <tt>LIBRARY</tt>
267  - <tt>LOCAL_OBJ_DIR</tt> and <tt>LOCAL_SRC_DIR</tt>
268  - <tt>SRC</tt>
269  - <tt>HEADERS</tt> (if you created any *.h files in
270    <tt>src/theory_foo/</tt>, such as <tt>foo_proof_rules.h</tt>).
271- Edit <tt>src/Makefile.in</tt> (it is a common Makefile for all theories):
272   - Add <tt>theory_foo.h</tt> to <tt>HEADER_NAMES</tt>
273   - Add <tt>cd theory_foo \&\& \$(MAKE) \$(TARGET)</tt> to
274     <tt>build:</tt> target
275   - Add <tt>theory_foo</tt> entry to <tt>CVC_LIB_NAMES</tt>
276- Edit <tt>configure.in</tt>:
277  - Add an entry <tt>\$CVC_SRC_SUBDIR/theory_foo/Makefile</tt> to
278    <tt>CVC_OUTPUT_FILES</tt> variable
279- Run <tt>autoheader</tt>, <tt>autoconf</tt>, <tt>./configure</tt>.
280- Edit <tt>src/vcl/vcl.cpp</tt> to add a call to your theory's constructor:
281  - Add <tt>\#include "theory_foo.h"</tt> at the top;
282  - Add <tt>d_theories.push_back(new TheoryFoo(this));</tt> to
283    the end of VCL::VCL() constructor.
285File <tt>src/vcl/vcl.cpp</tt> is <strong>the only source file</strong>
286in the core of CVC3 that you really need to touch in order to add
287a new theory.  If you have to do something else, you are either doing it
288wrong, or there better be a very good reason for it.
290Now you are all set for compiling your new code, except that there is
291no code to compile yet...
293\subsection theory_api_header Header File: theory_foo.h
295The easiest way to start is to use an existing
296<tt>theory_whatever.h</tt> file as a template.  This header file
297should declare the following elements:
300<li><tt>class TheoryFoo</tt> as a subclass of <tt>Theory</tt>;
301<li>Non-member (global) functions for creating expressions in your
302    theory, and possibly, testers for those expressions; for instance:
303    <tt>plusExpr()</tt>, <tt>multExpr()</tt>, ..., <tt>isPlus()</tt>,
304    <tt>isMult()</tt>, ...
305<li>Optionally, declaration of new kinds (an <tt>enum</tt> type) used
306in the above expressions.
309Declaration of <tt>TheoryFoo</tt> class is required.  Kinds and
310functions for creating new expressions are only needed if you want the
311end-user of the CVC3 library to be able to create expressions from your
312theory and/or refer to their kinds directly.  This is not always
313desirable.  For instance, you may want to generate special terms or
314predicates that only make sense as temporary storage of information
315for <em>your</em> theory.  The <tt>DARK_SHADOW</tt> and
316<tt>GRAY_SHADOW</tt> operators are good examples from the arithmetic
317theory.  You have no clue what I'm talking about?  That's right, you
318get it.
320\subsection theory_api_expr Kinds, Expressions, and Types
322The purpose of a new theory (or a <em>decision procedure</em>) is to
323extend the existing logic of CVC3 with new interpreted, and
324sometimes uninterpreted, operators and symbols.  These new symbols
325comprise a <em>signature</em> of the theory, and it must be disjoint
326from the signatures of the other theories.
328In code, the new symbols and operators translate into new kinds of
329expressions.  That is, new <em>kinds</em> and new values of the
330<tt>Expr</tt> class.
332A <em>kind</em> is a natural number which uniquely determines what
333sort of expression it is (variable, uninterpreted function symbol,
334specific operator like plus, minus, a type expression, etc.).  Kinds
335are also used to define your <em>theory's signature</em>, and hence,
336they must be unique to your theory.
338In the simplest case, a kind represents the entire expression or type.
339Examples are simple types (like <tt>REAL</tt> and <tt>INT</tt>) and
340some constants (e.g. <tt>TRUE</tt> and <tt>FALSE</tt>).
342More typically, however, a kind represents an operator (<tt>PLUS</tt>,
343<tt>MINUS</tt>, ...), and children of an expression of that kind are
344the arguments of that operator.
346Finally, some kinds are used by more complex expressions with
347additional non-term attributes.  For example, <tt>REC_LITERAL</tt> is
348used by record expressions { f1=e1, f2=e2, ... } whose children are
349the values of the fields (e1, e2, ...), and an additional attribute is
350the vector of field names: (f1, f2, ...).  Other examples are
351quantifiers and lambda-terms.  Such expressions require not only a new
352kind declaration, but also a special subclass of <tt>ExprValue</tt>
353(see below).
355\subsection theory_api_kind_decl Kind Declaration
357Kinds are declared as elements of an <tt>enum</tt> type (with doxygen
361//! Local kinds of TheoryFoo
362typedef enum {
363  FOO_TYPE = 3500,   //!< Type FOO for the elements of this theory
364  BAR,               //!< The binary (x | y) operator, where x,y: FOO
365  BAZ,               //!< Unary buzz(x) predicate
366  BLEAH              //!< An internal auxiliary term
367} FooKind;
370Notice, that the numbering in this example starts from 3500.  This can
371be any integer which ensures that the new kinds do not clash with the
372existing kinds in other theories.  Pick a random one, see if your
373kinds don't clash with others.  You can check this either by
374inspecting <tt>src/include/kinds.h</tt> (the cental declaration of
375core kinds) and all the other theories, or compile and run
376<tt>cvc3</tt> to see if you get an error message about kinds
377registered twice.
379The above type declaration of <tt>FooKind</tt> can be either in
380<tt>src/include/theory_foo.h</tt> (usually the best place), or in some
381header file in <tt>src/theory_foo/</tt> directory, depending on
382whether you want to expose your kinds to the end library user or not.
383In the latter case, do not forget to add that header file to the
384<tt>HEADERS</tt> variable in your <tt>Makefile.in</tt> (see the \ref
385theory_api_config "previous section").
387\subsection theory_api_kind_reg Kind  Registration
389New kinds must be registered with the expression manager, which is
390done in your theory's constructor (see the
391\ref theory_api_methods "next section").
392Registration is done by calling <tt>newKind()</tt> method of
393<tt>ExprManager</tt> for each kind:
396getEM()->newKind(FOO_TYPE, "FOO");
397getEM()->newKind(BAR, "||");
401The string in the second argument is for printing the kind by the
402pretty-printer, and also for parsing, that is, turning a string back
403into a number (the kind).
405\subsection theory_api_expr_subclass New Expression Subclasses
407Sometimes an expression has a more complicated structure than a fixed
408operator with arguments, and more sophisticated data structures are
409necessary to represent it.  CVC3 has an API for declaring and
410registering a new <em>expression subclass</em> just for that purpose.
412An expression subclass is a subclass of \ref ExprValue "ExprValue".
413You can declare it where appropriate in your theory
414files, using the same judgement as for the kinds.  The new subclass
415needs to be registered with \c ExprManager by calling
416<tt>registerSubclass()</tt> method.
418A subclass of <tt>ExprValue</tt> <strong>must</strong> implement the
419following methods:
422size_t computeHash() const;
423size_t getMMIndex() const;
424int isGeneric() const { return getMMIndex(); }
425bool isGeneric(int idx) const { return (idx == getMMIndex()); }
426// Syntactic equality of two expressions
427bool operator==(const ExprValue& ev2) const;
428// Make a clean copy of itself using the given memory manager
429ExprValue* copy(MemoryManager* mm, ExprIndex idx = 0);
432Also, each subclass must overload <tt>new()</tt> and <tt>delete()</tt>
433as follows:
436void* operator new(size_t, MemoryManager* mm) {
437  return mm->newData();
439void operator delete(void*) { }
442Subclasses may overload other virtual methods of <tt>ExprValue</tt> as
443needed.  For instance, <tt>arity()</tt>, <tt>getKids()</tt>,
444<tt>ExprValueGenericAttr "getXXXAttr"()</tt>, etc.  Some standard
445attribute access functions can also be overloaded,
446e.g. <tt>getString()</tt>, <tt>getRational()</tt>.
448However, you should <strong>not</strong> overload testers such as
449<tt>isRecord()</tt>, <tt>isVar()</tt> and such (unless you really know
450what you are doing), since the core relies on specific properties of
451the corresponding subclasses.
453For example, let us say that the auxiliary term <tt>BLEAH</tt> in
454<tt>TheoryFoo</tt> needs a string attribute, which is a part of
455expression, but is not a child (and not even a term in the logic), and
456an integer attribute which is not part of the expression (e.g. it is
457needed for marking expressions during the algorithm run).  An example
458of a new subclass for this expression is the following:
461  class BleahExpr: public ExprValue {
462  private:
463    string d_str; //!< Data field; defines the value of expression
464    int d_int;    //!< An attribute
465    size_t d_MMIndex; //!< The registration index for ExprManager
466  public:
467    //! Constructor
468    BleahExpr(ExprManager* em, const string& str,
469	      size_t mmIndex, ExprIndex idx = 0)
470     : ExprValue(em, ARRAY_VAR, idx), d_str(str),
471       d_int(0), d_MMIndex(mmIndex) { }
473    //! String attribute (part of expression)
474    const std::string& getString() const { return d_str; }
476    //! Integer attribute (not part of expression)
477    int& getIntAttr(int idx) { return d_int; }
478    size_t getIntAttrSize() const { return 1; }
480    ExprValue* copy(MemoryManager* mm, ExprIndex idx = 0) const {
481      return new(mm) BleahExpr(d_em, d_str, d_MMIndex, idx);
482    }
484    size_t computeHash() const {
485      return PRIME*ExprValue::hash(BLEAH)+s_charHash(d_str.c_str());
486    }
488    size_t getMMIndex() const { return d_MMIndex; }
489    size_t isGeneric() const { return getMMIndex(); }
490    bool isGeneric(size_t idx) const { return (idx == getMMIndex()); }
492    // Only compare the string, not the integer attribute
493    bool operator==(const ExprValue& ev2) const {
494      if(ev2.getMMIndex() != d_MMIndex) return false;
495      return (d_str == ev2.getString());
496    }
498    void* operator new(size_t, MemoryManager* mm) {
499      return mm->newData();
500    }
501    void operator delete(void*) { }
502  };
505Registration of this subclass generates a memory manager index, which
506must be stored somewhere, usually in a class variable of
507<tt>TheoryFoo</tt>, say <tt>d_bleahIdx</tt> of type size_t.  Registration in this
508case should be done in the constructor of <tt>TheoryFoo</tt>:
511d_bleahIndex = getEM()->registerSubclass(sizeof(BleahExpr));
514The approved and recommended way of <strong>creating
515expressions</strong> of <tt>BLEAH</tt> kind is the following:
518Expr bleahExpr(const string& s) {
519  BleahExpr av(d_em, s, d_BleahIndex);
520  return newExpr(&av);
524Using the new expression is now very easy:
527Expr bleah = bleahExpr("cow moo"), b2 = bleahExpr("asdfqwerty");
528bleah.getIntAttr(0) = 42;
529if(bleah != b2)
530  cout << bleah.getString() << b2.getIntAttr(0) << endl;
533Note that it is impossible to define a non-member expression creation
534function for <tt>BleahExpr</tt>, since the memory manager index is
535stored in the class-local variable of <tt>TheoryFoo</tt>.  And
536<strong>don't even think</strong> of using a static variable to work
537around this limitation.
539In general, you should <strong>NEVER</strong> store anything in a
540static variable, since it may violate thread-safety of the library.
541Before you ever think of using a static variable for anything, think
542what happens if someone creates two copies of the system (with two
543different sets of expression and memory managers).  Is it safe to
544share this variable among several system instances?  In the case of
545the memory manager index, the answer is <em>definitely not</em>.
547One possible fix for this problem is to bind the memory manager to the
548kind(s) that the subclass uses.  Let us know if you really need this
549feature, and it will be implemented.
552\subsection theory_api_methods Constructor and API Methods
554The only constructor for your new theory should have the following
558TheoryFoo(VCL* vcl);
561The constructor has to:
563- Initialize the base class,
564- Register new kinds and expression subclasses (if any) with
566- Collect the kinds which belong to the new theory in a vector, and
567register the theory (method <tt>registerTheory()</tt>) with these
569- Initialize theory-specific data structures, if needed.
571Here is a typical example of the constructor implementation:
574TheoryFoo::TheoryFoo(VCL *vcl): Theory(vcl, "Foo") {
575  d_rules = createProofRules(vcl); // instantiate our own rules
577  // Register new local kinds with ExprManager
578  getEM()->newKind(FOO_TYPE, "FOO");
579  getEM()->newKind(BAR, "||");
580  getEM()->newKind(BAZ, "BAZ");
581  getEM()->newKind(BLEAH, "BLEAH");
583  // Register our expression subclass
584  d_bleahIndex = getEM()->registerSubclass(sizeof(BleahExpr));
586  vector<int> kinds;
587  kinds.push_back(FOO_TYPE);
588  kinds.push_back(BAR);
589  kinds.push_back(BAZ);
590  kinds.push_back(BLEAH);
592  registerTheory(this, kinds);
596The following \ref theory_api "Theory API methods" are
597<strong>required</strong> in the subclass:
600  void assertFact(const Theorem& e);
601  void checkSat(bool fullEffort);
602  void computeType(const Expr& e);
605Other methods are <strong>optional</strong>, but often needed:
608  Theorem rewrite(const Expr& e);
609  void setup(const Expr& e);
610  void update(const Theorem& e, const Expr& d);
611  ExprStream& print(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e);
612  Expr parseExprOp(const Expr& e);
615Finally, a few other methods are rarely needed in practice:
618  void addSharedTerm(const Expr& e);
619  Theorem solve(const Theorem& e);
620  void notifyInconsistent(const Theorem& thm);
621  Expr computeTCC(const Expr& e);
624The next section describes these API methods in more detail.  You are
625also strongly encouraged to \ref theory_api "read the documentation"
626on each of these methods.
628\section theory_api_invars Theory API: The Very Important Invariants
630\subsection theory_api_flow High-Level Information Flow
632Every decision procedure communicates with the CVC3 Core
633interactively through several methods, most of which belong to the
634Theory class.  Generally, those methods that your theory class
635re-implements carry information <em>from</em> the core, and others add
636new information generated in the DP <em>to</em> the core.  Some
637methods (like <tt>rewrite()</tt> and <tt>solve()</tt>) return
638information through their return values.
640The chart below shows the flow of information to and from the decision
641procedure, and which parts of the core are responsible for collecting
642and generating it.  Thick lines represent the most important methods,
643and dashed lines represent methods used only for very special
646\image html theory_api_flow.jpg
647\image latex theory_api_flow.eps "Flow of facts in CVC3" width=6in
649The most straightforward path of information, once it gets to the core
650through the external user input, is the following.  First, all the
651relevant terms are typechecked (<tt>computeType()</tt> method).  This
652method implements a step in the recursive typechecking algorithm,
653where the current expression is typechecked based on its structure and
654the types of its children.  Typechecking of children is done by
655calling <tt>getType()</tt> or <tt>getBaseType()</tt>.  The latter
656computes the largest supertype of the expression; for instance, the
657exact type of <tt>x</tt> may be a subrange <tt>0..5</tt>, which is a
658subtype of <tt>INT</tt>, but its base type is <tt>REAL</tt>.  Exact
659and base types are cached on expressions, and are computed on demand.
661An important property of <tt>computeType()</tt> is that it must not
662only compute the exact type of the expression, but also verify that
663all subexpressions are type-correct, <em>relative to their base
664types</em>.  For instance, <tt>x = y</tt> has type <tt>BOOLEAN</tt>,
665and it is only type-correct if <tt>getBaseType(x) ==
666getBaseType(y)</tt>.  If this property is violated,
667<tt>TypecheckException</tt> must be thrown with the appropriate
668message.  Note, that the exact types of <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> may
669be different, and even disjoint.
671After the type checking, <em>Type Correctness Conditions</em> (TCCs)
672are generated and checked.  TCC is a formula which is true if and only
673if any partial function in the original formula is used safely
674according to the Kleene semantics.  That is, every partial function is
675either applied only to the arguments in its domain, or its value does
676not influence the value of the formula.
678TCCs are computed recursively by <tt>computeTCC()</tt> and
679<tt>getTCC()</tt> methods, very similar to computing the types.  If
680your theory does not introduce partial functions explicitly (like
681division in arithmetic), then you do not need to re-implement
682<tt>computeTCC()</tt> in your theory; the default implementation will
683do the job.
685TCCs have a nice property that if they are true in the current
686context, then the corresponding user formulas can be safely
687interpreted by the total 2-valued models.  Hence,
688<tt>computeTCC()</tt> is <strong>the only</strong> Theory API method
689that deals with partiality.  All other methods consider any formula to
690be total (no partial functions) and 2-valued (only <tt>TRUE</tt> or
691<tt>FALSE</tt>, no undefined values.
693Once TCC has been proven valid in the current context, the new fact
694(formula) goes to the SAT solver, and if it is a literal (atomic
695formula or its negation), it is submitted to the decision procedure
696through <tt>assertFact()</tt>.  The decision procedure processes this
697fact, updates its internal data structures, and possibly reports a
698contradiction (<tt>setInconsistent()</tt>) or new facts
699(<tt>enqueueFact()</tt>, and in special cases,
700<tt>enqueueEquality()</tt>).  This completes the main loop of
701information flow.
703Note, that both <tt>enqueueFact()</tt> and <tt>setInconsistent()</tt>
704deliver information to the same place in the core, except that
705reporting the conflict bypasses the queue, and is taken care of
706immediately, rather than after all the previously enqueued facts are
707processed.  This is the primary reason for having these two functions
708separated (as opposed to having only <tt>enqueueFact()</tt>).
710Inside this main loop, <tt>rewrite()</tt> and <tt>solve()</tt> are
711called to transform (or simplify) the facts before they reach the rest
712of the core.  Normally, these functions do not have side-effects
713(except for caching results), and return new (simplified) facts
714through their return values.
716When the SAT solver runs out of facts, and the context is still
717satisfiable, it calls <tt>checkSat()</tt> with
718<tt>fullEffort==true</tt>.  At this point, the decision procedure must
719determine whether all the information it has seen so far makes the
720context satisfiable or not w.r.t. its theory.  Just like in the case
721of <tt>assertFact()</tt>, it may either report a contradiction, or
722enqueue a new fact.  If any new fact is enqueued, it starts the main
723loop again.  If <tt>checkSat()</tt> does not generate any new facts
724and does not find a contradiction, the core stops and reports the
725context to be satisfiable.
727Method <tt>checkSat()</tt> is also called every time the fact queue
728becomes empty, before the SAT solver asserts a new splitter.  In this
729case, the <tt>fullEffort</tt> argument is set to <tt>false</tt>, and
730the decision procedure is not required to do anything.  Many DPs,
731however, choose to perform some relatively inexpensive checks to
732detect inconsistencies and/or new facts, which increases performance.
733Similarly, if a new fact is enqueued, the main loop continues (without
734the SAT solver asserting new splitters) until the queue is empty.
736In CVC3, every term (non-formula expression) has a <em>canonical
737representative</em> in the union-find database.  This database
738represents the equivalence classes of terms w.r.t. logical equality.
739All the terms in the formulas passing through the core are
740<em>simplified</em> by replacing them with their canonical
743Often, a decision procedure wants to be notified when a subexpression
744changes its canonical representative.  For instance, if the DP has
745seen an term <tt>2*x+3*y</tt>, and <tt>x</tt> has changed its
746representative to <tt>y+2</tt>, then it is important to conclude that
747<tt>2*x+3*y == 2*(y+2) + 3*y == 5*y+4</tt>.  For this purpose, the
748core maintains the <em>notify list</em> data structure, which is
749interfaced through <tt>setup()</tt> and <tt>update()</tt> methods.
751Every term in the core must be <em>setup</em>, and as a part of that
752process, the method <tt>setup()</tt> of the appropriate DP is called.
753Here the decision procedure has a chance to register notification
754requests related to the given expression.  These requests are added to
755the <em>notify lists</em> of the relevant expressions using
756<tt>Expr::addToNotify()</tt> member method.
758Normally, a DP wants to be notified when immediate children of the
759expression change.  For instance, for an expression <tt>2*x</tt>, if
760the variable <tt>x</tt> changes, the arithmetic DP wants to be
761notified about it.  Therefore, in the <tt>setup(2*x)</tt> call, it
762adds <tt>2*x</tt> to the notify list of <tt>x</tt> by calling
763<tt>x.addToNotify(this, 2*x)</tt>.  The first argument (<tt>this</tt>)
764is the reference to the current Theory subclass.
766Later, when <tt>x</tt> changes its canonical representative, say, to
767<tt>y+2</tt>, its notify list is consulted, and the <tt>update(x==y+2,
7682*x)</tt> call is made.  The first argument is a directed equality
769informing the DP of what has changed, and the second is the expression
770for which this change is relevant.  In this particular example,
771<tt>update()</tt> will enqueue a new fact: <tt>2*x==2*y+4</tt>.
773Similarly, when <tt>2*x+3*y</tt> is being setup, its immediate
774children (<tt>2*x</tt> and <tt>3*y</tt>) get the entire expression
775added to their notify lists.  Later, when <tt>2*x</tt> changes its
776canonical representative to <tt>2*y+4</tt> due to the previous
777<tt>update()</tt> call, another <tt>update()</tt> call is made with
778<tt>2*x==2*y+4</tt> for <tt>2*x+3*y</tt>, and a new fact is
779enqueued: <tt>2*x+3*y==5*y+4</tt>, and so on.
781Note, that the notify list mechanism is not restricted to only
782immediate children.  For instance, for high-degree monomials in
783non-linear arithmetics (e.g. <tt>x^2*y</tt>) it makes sense to
784register them with all factors (in this case, <tt>x</tt>,
785<tt>x^2</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>x*y</tt>) which are not necessarily
786subexpressions of the original monomial (<tt>x^2*y</tt>).
788Finally, sometimes a decision procedure may want to know that the
789current context has become inconsistent, and this what
790<tt>notifyInconsistent()</tt> call is for.  To date, only the
791quantifier theory uses it to find out which instantiations were useful
792in producing a conflict.  Most likely, you do not need it.
794\subsection theory_api_backtrack Backtracking Data Structures
796Up to this point, the description assumed that new facts are always
797<em>added</em> to the current logical context, and <em>never
798removed</em>.  This, of course, is not true in reality, since when a
799conflict is found, the SAT solver will <em>backtrack</em>, and
800<em>restore the context</em> to what it was before the assertion of a
801splitter.  In particular, this means that each decision procedure
802needs to restore all its internal state to the same point.  You may
803have noticed that there is no Theory API call to signal such
804backtracking.  How the heck can a DP restore the state if it does not
805know when the core backtracks?
807The trick used in CVC3 is actually quite simple and elegant: DP
808<em>does not have to know about backtracking</em>, it indeed works
809under the assumption that facts can only be added to the context.
810However, all of its internal state must be stored in <em>backtracking
811data structures</em>, which backtrack automatically with the core.
813Such backtracking data structures are called <em>context-dependent
814objects</em> (CDO).  There are currently three pre-defined
815context-dependent data structures: <em>CDO</em> (context-dependent
816object, <tt>cdo.h</tt>), <em>CDList</em> (backtracking stack,
817<tt>cdlist.h</tt>), and <em>CDMap</em> (backtracking map, similar to
818STL map, <tt>cdmap.h</tt>).
820Class CDO is a templated class for any C++ class which can be cleanly
821copied with <tt>operator=()</tt> and copy constructor, and which have
822the default constructor (this is how these objects are saved and
823restored on backtracking).  CDO is best suited for individual
824variables (array indices, <tt>Expr</tt> or <tt>Theorem</tt> variables,
827Class CDList is a backtracking stack, and its API is very similar to
828that of STL vector.  You can <tt>push_back()</tt> elements onto the
829stack, check the <tt>size()</tt> of the stack, and look up individual
830elements with <tt>operator[]</tt>.  You <em>cannot</em>, however,
831modify or remove elements from the list.  Keep in mind, that the size
832of the list may change between the API method calls, which means, you
833should keep any persistent indices to the list in backtracking
834variables (CDO).
836Class CDMap is a templated class very similar to STL <tt>map</tt>.
837You can add new key-value pairs to it, you can modify the value under
838a key, but you cannot remove a pair from the map.
840Let me repeat this again: <strong>all persistent data in a decision
841procedure MUST be stored in backtracking data structures!</strong>
842There are some rare exceptions to the rule (like storing the
843<tt>Expr</tt> representing the value "0" to avoid re-building it), but
844generally, you do not even want to know about backtracking.  It is all
845done under the hood, and you should not care.
847\subsection theory_api_ileaves Variables and Foreign Terms (i-Leaves)
849Any subterm that your decision procedure cannot recognize must be
850treated as a variable.  This is a very important point, and it may
851cause a long-lasting confusion for the beginning developers if not
852understood from the start.  Read it carefully, several times, until
853you are sure you never forget it, even if I wake you up in the middle
854of the night.
856What CVC3 knows as a "variable" has nothing to do with what a
857decision procedure considers a "variable."  These two are not very
858much related.
860A variable (or an <em>i-leaf</em>) from the DP point of view is either
861a CVC3 variable, or a <em>shared term</em> from some other theory.
862For instance, in <tt>2*arr[idx]-3*y</tt>, the subterm
863<tt>arr[idx]</tt> belongs to the theory of arrays, and therefore, is a
864variable (an i-leaf) as far as the theory of arithmetic is concerned.
865Similarly, <tt>y</tt> is a variable in the theory of arithmetic,
866because it is also a CVC3 variable.
868Such a definition does not provide a direct test for an i-leaf.
869Instead, you have to check whether this term is one of "yours" (one
870that your theory knows about), which is usually determined by the
871expression kind.  If not, then it is a variable, as far as your theory
872is concerned.
874But never make any assumptions about an i-leaf; it can be any
875expression whatsoever, and <tt>Expr::isVar()</tt> tester will
876<em>not</em> necessarily return <tt>true</tt> for it.  In other words,
877<em>there is no such thing as a variable</em> in your theory.  There
878are only terms you cannot recognize, which you treat as variables.
880\subsection theory_api_inputs Methods Reimplemented in a Subclass
882\subsection theory_api_assertFact assertFact()
884There are no tricky invariants for this method.  The only important
885property is that all the facts that are submitted to the DP through
886this call become part of the logical context which the DP must check
887for satisfiability.
889Mathematically, the asserted fact \f$\phi\f$ is added to the logical
890context \f$\Gamma\f$, and the job of the decision procedure is to
891check whether \f$\Gamma\f$ is satisfiable or not; in other words,
892we are solving the problem \f$\Gamma\models\bot\f$.
894When the decision procedure receives a new fact \f$\phi\f$, it may
895either save this fact in its internal database for later processing,
896or may immediately process it, and possibly derive new facts
897\f$\{\psi_1,\ldots,\psi_k\}\f$ from \f$\phi\f$ and submit them back to
898the core (<tt>enqueueFact()</tt>).
900In the case when the set of derived facts is equisatisfiable with the
901original fact \f$\phi\f$, the decision procedure does not need to keep
902\f$\phi\f$ in its database; the completeness will still be preserved.
904For instance, if the DP receives <tt>r1=r2</tt>, where <tt>r1</tt> and
905<tt>r2</tt> are records with fields <tt>f1</tt> and <tt>f2</tt>, then
906the two facts <tt>r1.f1=r2.f1</tt> and <tt>r1.f2=r2.f2</tt>
907(equalities of the individual fields) together are logically
908equivalent to the original fact <tt>r1=r2</tt>, and therefore,
909enqueuing them is sufficient for preserving completeness.  The
910original fact need not be saved.
912\subsection theory_api_checkSat checkSat(bool fullEffort)
914The most important invariant (for completeness) is that when
915<tt>fullEffort</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, the DP must do all the work that
916it has postponed to find out if the current context is indeed
917satisfiable.  In particular, if satisfiability can be achieved by
918making some of the shared terms equal, it must be done at this time
919(see \ref theory_api_addSharedTerm for more info on shared terms).
921This call is your last warning: if you do not act now, the whole
922system will stop and notify the user.  However, the worst that can
923happen is that CVC3 becomes incomplete (it may report
924<tt>InValid</tt> when the query is actually valid).  It still remains
925sound, however.  That is, the <tt>Valid</tt> answer will still be
928When <tt>fullEffort</tt> is <tt>false</tt>, the DP may choose to do as
929much or as little work as it wants.
931\subsection theory_api_setup setup()
933Add the given expression <tt>e</tt> to the notify list of all the
934expressions <tt>t<sub>1</sub>...t<sub>n</sub></tt> whose change would
935affect the value of <tt>e</tt>.  Normally, such expressions are the
936immediate children of <tt>e</tt>.
938Whenever the canonical representative of any <tt>t<sub>i</sub></tt>
939changes in the union-find database, a corresponding call to
940<tt>update()</tt> will be made, and the DP will have a chance to
941re-process the expression <tt>e</tt> to keep it up-to-date.
943\subsection theory_api_update update()
945The property of this call is similar to <tt>assertFact()</tt>: the new
946fact becomes part of the logical context.  However, the facts it
947receives do not necessarily belong to your theory, and are only
948reported because you asked the core to do so in <tt>setup()</tt>.
950Also, the new equalities that <tt>update()</tt> derives must be
951submitted through <tt>enqueueEquality()</tt> call.  This also means
952that the right-hand side of the submitted equalities must be fully
953simplified.  See <tt>\ref theory_api_enqueueEquality</tt> for more
956\subsection theory_api_addSharedTerm addSharedTerm()
958A term is called <em>shared</em> if it belongs to theory X, and appears
959as an i-leaf in a term from theory Y (that is, it's a Y-leaf).  In
960this case, the term is shared by theories X and Y.  For example, in
961<tt>2*arr[idx]-3</tt> the subterm <tt>arr[idx]</tt> belongs to the
962theory of arrays, but the entire term is an arithmetic expression;
963hence, <tt>arr[idx]</tt> is a shared term.
965When such a term appears in the system, the core notifies both
966theories about the term.
968Completeness of the CVC3 framework relies on the invariant that
969decision procedures propagate all the equalities between shared terms
970that can be derived in the current logical context.
972Often, the algorithms in DPs are designed to propagate all the
973equalities automatically (over all terms, including shared).  In this
974case, <tt>addSharedTerm()</tt> need not be re-implemented.
976In some cases, however, the DP has to take extra effort to satisfy the
977above invariant, and it is more efficient to restrict this extra
978effort only to the set of shared terms.  In this case,
979<tt>addSharedTerm()</tt> needs to collect the set of shared terms in a
981(which, of course, has to be \ref theory_api_backtrack "backtrackable"),
982and use it in the <tt>checkSat()</tt> call.
984\subsection theory_api_rewrite rewrite(Expr e)
986This function must return a <em>rewrite Theorem</em> of the form
987<tt>e==e1</tt> (or <tt>e<=>e1</tt> if <tt>e</tt> is a formula), where
988<tt>e1</tt> is a logically equivalent term or formula.
990This function can assume that all the immediate children of <tt>e</tt>
991are already completely simplified and rewritten.  The same property
992must hold for the result of the rewrite.
994Another invariant that <tt>rewrite()</tt> has to preserve is that if
995the result of a rewrite is an equality (you return
996<tt>e<=>(e1==e2)</tt>), then in the resulting equality <tt>e1 >=
997e2</tt> w.r.t. <tt>operator>=(Expr, Expr)</tt>, the fixed total
998ordering on all expressions given by the expression manager.  This
999invariant is important for termination of the simplifier, since
1000equalities in CVC3 are used as (directed) rewrite rules, replacing
1001the left-hand side (<tt>e1</tt>) with the right-hand side
1004The core will call the <tt>rewrite()</tt> function iteratively on the
1005right-hand side of the result, until the expression does not change.
1006However, if the rewriting algorithm can guarantee that in a particular
1007case no further rewrites from this theory will change the expression,
1008the result can be flagged as a <em>normal rewrite</em>.  In this case,
1009the core will not call <tt>rewrite()</tt> again, resulting in better
1010performance.  The property that the expression indeed does not change
1011with further rewrites is checked in the "debug" build, and any
1012violation triggers assertion failures with ``<em>Simplify Error
10131</em>'' and ``<em>Simplify Error 2</em>'' messages.
1015It is important to understand that the iterative call to
1016<tt>rewrite()</tt> only applies to the top-level node, and
1017<em>not</em> to subexpressions.  That is, if <tt>rewrite()</tt>
1018changes the subexpressions (and not only the top-level operator), then
1019it may violate another invariant that all the children of the result
1020are completely rewritten and simplified.  If this invariant cannot be
1021guaranteed, then <tt>rewrite()</tt> needs to call
1022<tt>simplifyThm()</tt> method explicitly.
1024Here is an example of a rewrite function:
1027Theorem TheoryFoo::rewrite(const Expr& e) {
1028  Theorem res;
1029  if(isBar(e)) {
1030    res = reflexivityRule(e);
1031    res.getRHS().setRewriteNormal();  // No more rewrites needed
1032  } else {
1033    // May need to rewrite several times
1034    res = < do real work >
1035  }
1036  return res;
1040\subsection theory_api_solve solve(Theorem e)
1042This method takes an equality <tt>e</tt> (as a <tt>Theorem</tt>
1043object) and turns it into a logically equivalent <em>solved form</em>:
1044a conjunction of fully simplified equalities, possibly existentially
1045quantified.  The terms on the left-hand sides cannot appear on any of
1046the right-hand side terms, and every free variable in the solved form
1047is also a free variable of <tt>e</tt>.  (New variables in the solved
1048form must be existentially quantified).
1050According to Clark Barrett's Ph.D. thesis, only one theory is allowed
1051to have a solver.  In CVC3, such theory is the theory of
1052arithmetic.  The restriction to a single solver in CVC3 is
1053somewhat relaxed, and several theories can have their own solvers,
1054provided that the solved form that such a secondary solver generates
1055is also a solved form w.r.t. the theory of arithmetic.  This is the
1056only asymmetric and non-local invariant in the core of Theory API.
1060\subsection theory_api_computeType computeType()
1062The basic CVC3 type checking mechanism is a simple recursive
1063descent into the term structure, and it is implemented as a
1064<tt>getType()</tt> method in the base <tt>Theory</tt> class.
1066When computing a type of an expression <tt>e</tt>, this method
1067determines which DP owns the expression, and calls the appropriate
1068<tt>computeType()</tt> method, which is expected to check the
1069expression for type consistency, and return the exact type of the
1070expression.  The return type is then cached as an attribute on the
1071expression <tt>e</tt> for a fast look-up in the subsequent calls to
1074Each decision procedure must implement <tt>computeType()</tt> method
1075for all of its operators.  For example, the theory of records has an
1076operator for constructing record literals, for extracting a field of a
1077record, and for updating a field of a record.  This means that
1078<tt>computeType()</tt> needs to be able to compute the types for these
1079three operators, and verify that all subexpressions are of expected
1082Since subtypes in CVC3 are handled by TCCs, type consistency at
1083this stage is only checked with respect to the <em>base types</em>,
1084which is returned by <tt>getBaseType()</tt> method provided by the
1085base <tt>Theory</tt> class.  For example, if a record expression
1086<tt>e</tt> has a field <tt>foo</tt> of type <tt>INT</tt>, and the
1087expression is a record update <tt>e WITH .foo := t</tt>, where
1088<tt>t</tt> is of type <tt>REAL</tt>, then this expression is
1089considered well-typed, since the base types of both <tt>INT</tt> and
1090<tt>REAL</tt> is <tt>REAL</tt>.
1093An important property of <tt>computeType()</tt> is that it must not
1094only compute the exact type of the expression, but also verify that
1095all subexpressions are type-correct, <em>relative to their base
1096types</em>.  For instance, <tt>x = y</tt> has type <tt>BOOLEAN</tt>,
1097and it is only type-correct if <tt>getBaseType(x) ==
1098getBaseType(y)</tt>.  If this property is violated,
1099<tt>TypecheckException</tt> must be thrown with the appropriate
1100message.  Note, that the exact types of <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> may
1101be different, and even disjoint.
1105\subsection theory_api_computeTCC computeTCC()
1107Type Correctness Condition (TCC) for an expression <em>e</em> (which
1108can be either a term or a formula) is a formula <em>D<sub>e</sub></em>
1109such that <em>D<sub>e</sub></em> is true if and only if <em>e</em> is
1110defined (or <em>denoting</em>) in the current logical context.
1112For example, an expression <tt>x/y</tt> is undefined when
1113<tt>y=0</tt>, and is defined otherwise.  Therefore, \f$D_{x/y}\equiv
1114y\ne 0\f$.
1116\subsection theory_api_notifyInconsistent notifyInconsistent()
1120\subsection theory_api_print print()
1122The most important property of this method is that the printed
1123expressions have to be parsable by the appropriate CVC3 parser.
1124That is, CVC3 must be able to read what it prints.
1126The recursive call to the global pretty-printer is implemented through
1127the overloaded <tt>operator<<</tt> for <tt>ExprStream</tt>.  Read the
1128documentation on <tt>ExprStream</tt> class before coding.
1130Once coded, <strong>test your printer code!</strong> Print all the
1131kinds of expressions from your theory, make the expressions large and
1132complex, interspersed with terms from other theories, etc.  Make sure
1133it both looks good, and CVC3 can read every term it prints.
1135Here's an example of the <tt>print()</tt> method:
1139TheoryFoo::print(ExprStream& os, const Expr& e) {
1140  switch(os.lang()) {
1142    switch(e.getKind()) {
1143    case ARROW:
1144      os << "[" << push << e[0] << space << "-> " << e[1] << push << "]";
1145      break;
1146    case EQ:
1147      os << "(" << push << e[0] << space << "= " << e[1] << push << ")";
1148      break;
1149    case NOT: os << "NOT " << e[0]; break;
1150    .................
1151    default:
1152      // Print the top node in the default LISP format, continue with
1153      // pretty-printing for children.
1154      e.print(os);
1155    }
1156    break; // end of case PRESENTATION_LANGUAGE
1157  case INTERNAL_LANG:
1158    ..................
1159    break; // end of case INTERNAL_LANG
1160  default:
1161    // Print the top node in the default LISP format, continue with
1162    // pretty-printing for children.
1163    e.print(os);
1164  }
1165  return os;
1169\subsection theory_api_parseExprOp parseExprOp()
1171This method is not used yet, and is likely to change in the near
1174\subsection theory_api_outputs Methods Provided by Theory API
1176The Theory API consists not only of methods to re-implement in the
1177subclass, but it also provides convenient methods in the base class
1178which subclasses can readily use.  These methods subdivide into the
1179following categories:
1182<li>Methods for sending information to the core from a theory (a
1183decision procedure),
1184<li>\ref theory_api_core_proof_rules "Common proof rules",
1185<li>Other convenient methods.
1188\subsection theory_api_enqueueFact enqueueFact()
1190Normally, a decision procedure should use this <em>and only this</em>
1191method for reporting newly derived facts back to the core.  The only
1192exception is a contradiction (a <tt>FALSE</tt> Theorem), which should
1193be reported through <tt>setInconsistent()</tt> method for efficiency.
1195Other exceptions include facts derived by the <tt>update()</tt>
1196function, which may be reported through
1197<tt>\ref theory_api_enqueueEquality</tt>.
1199\subsection theory_api_setInconsistent setInconsistent()
1201Similar to <tt>\ref theory_api_enqueueFact</tt>, except that it
1202requires the new Theorem to be <tt>FALSE</tt> (a contradiction).
1204This method is used for more efficient processing of the derived
1205contradiction, bypassing the fact queue.
1207\subsection theory_api_simplifyThm simplifyThm() and simplify()
1209In rare cases, a decision procedure may want to simplify a given
1210expression w.r.t. the current context, and this is the function to
1213<strong>Be careful!</strong> This method may call your own
1214<tt>\ref theory_api_rewrite</tt> method recursively.
1216It is also a relatively expensive function to call, so avoid it if
1219\subsection theory_api_enqueueEquality enqueueEquality()
1221This function can be used in <tt>\ref theory_api_update</tt> to
1222propagate the equalities induced by the given equality <tt>e1==e2</tt>
1223as the argument to <tt>update()</tt>.
1225In CVC3, equalities are treated as <em>directional</em>, meaning
1226that left-hand side is always being replaced by the right-hand side.
1227This means that if in the expression <tt>d</tt> there is a
1228subexpression <tt>e1</tt>, then it must be replaced by <tt>e2</tt>.
1229It also means that the resulting expression <tt>d2</tt> must be
1230reported to be equal to the original one as <tt>d==d2</tt>, and
1231<em>not</em> the other way around.
1233Since the core may occasionally swap equalities submitted through
1234<tt>\ref theory_api_enqueueFact</tt> (for termination reasons), it is
1235important to submit the above equality by-passing the swapping engine.
1236This is where <tt>enqueueEquality()</tt> is useful.
1238<strong>Invariant:</strong> <tt>enqueueEquality()</tt> expects the
1239argument to be a Theorem of the form <tt>e1==e2</tt>, where
1240<tt>e2</tt> is a <em>fully simplified expression</em> in the current
1241context.  That is, <tt>e2 == simplify(e2)</tt>.  You are responsible
1242for maintaining this invariant in your decision procedure.
1244\subsection theory_api_inconsistentThm inconsistentThm() and inconsistent()
1246If the context is inconsistent, the <tt>inconsistent()</tt> method
1247returns <tt>true</tt>, and <tt>inconsistentThm()</tt> returns the
1248Theorem of <tt>FALSE</tt> (a proof of the contradiction).
1250\subsection theory_api_isTerm isTerm()
1252Tests whether the given expression is a term (as opposed to a formula).
1254\subsection theory_api_isLiteral isLiteral()
1256Tests whether the given formula is a literal (is an atomic formula or
1257its negation).
1259\subsection theory_api_isAtomic isAtomic()
1261Tests whether the given term or formula is atomic.  In CVC3 it
1262means that the expression does not contain formulas as subexpressions
1263(for instance, as conditions in the <tt>IF-THEN-ELSE</tt> operator).
1265This method is relatively expensive when called for the first time,
1266but it caches the result in the Expr attributes, so the amortized
1267complexity tends to be rather low.
1269\subsection theory_api_updateHelper updateHelper()
1271This method replaces all the immediate children of the given
1272expression by their canonical representatives w.r.t. the union-find
1273database, and returns the corresponding Theorem <tt>e==e1</tt>.
1275This function is convenient to use inside <tt>\ref theory_api_update</tt>
1276for rewriting <tt>d</tt>, the expression being updated.  However, it
1277only works when the changed subexpression in <tt>d</tt> is its
1278immediate child.
1280\subsection theory_api_getType getType()
1282\subsection theory_api_getTCC getTCC()
1284\subsection theory_api_parseExpr parseExpr()
1287\section theory_api_proofs Proof Rules: The Trusted Core
1289Every proven formula (or <em>fact</em>) in CVC3 appears in the
1290form of a <tt>Theorem</tt>.  Values of type <tt>Theorem</tt> have a
1291special property: they cannot be constructed in any way but through
1292the <em>proof rules</em>.  This is implemented by making all the
1293constructors of this class private.  The only exception is the default
1294constructor, which creates a null theorem, and it can only be used to
1295create uninitialized variables of type <tt>Theorem</tt>, and assign
1296them later.
1298A proof rule is a function which takes <em>premises</em> (previously
1299generated theorems) and other parameters, and generates a new theorem.
1300The implementation of proof rules comprises the <em>trusted core</em>
1301of CVC3, and the soundness of the tool relies entirely on the
1302soundness of this core.  In other words, no matter what the bulk of
1303the code does, if CVC3 derives the validity of a particular fact,
1304it is guaranteed that that theorem is indeed valid, provided the
1305trusted implementation is correct and sound.
1307For this reason, it is prudent to keep the trusted core reasonably
1308small, and more importantly, keep each proof rule clean and simple, so
1309that the correctness of the rule itself (mathematically) and its
1310implementation can be easily verified by manual inspection.
1312For the same reason, <strong>every rule must be thoroughly
1313documented</strong>.  It's a very good idea to include a LaTeX formula
1314for the proof rule that a function implements.  Keep in mind that
1315reverse-engineering the mathematical meaning of a proof rule is a
1316daunting task, especially if the code is rather long and complex.
1318Check out <tt>src/include/common_proof_rules.h</tt> for examples.
1320\subsection theory_api_proof_classes Hierarchy of Classes
1322Like anything else in CVC3, there is an API for implementing proof
1323rules defined by the class <tt>TheoremProducer</tt>.  This class
1324provides two protected methods, <tt>newTheorem()</tt> and
1325<tt>newRWTheorem()</tt>, to its subclasses, which can create arbitrary
1326<tt>Theorem</tt> values.  Therefore, a part of the code is considered
1327<em>trusted</em> whenever the file contains <tt>\#include
1328"theorem_producer.h"</tt> statement in it.  To enforce this,
1329<tt>theorem_producer.h</tt> requires a macro symbol
1330<tt>_CVC3_TRUSTED_</tt> to be defined (otherwise, a compiler warning
1331is generated).
1333<strong>Important:</strong> the <tt>_CVC3_TRUSTED_</tt> symbol must be
1334defined only in *.cpp files, and <strong>never</strong> in *.h, to
1335prevent accidental inclusion of <tt>theorem_producer.h</tt>, and thus,
1336inadvertently making large portions of code trusted.
1338Exporting the proof rules to the untrusted code (class
1339<tt>TheoryFoo</tt>) is implemented through the custom API in
1340<tt>foo_proof_rules.h</tt> (abstract class <tt>FooProofRules</tt>),
1341whose pure methods are the proof rules.  This header file does not
1342include <tt>theorem_producer.h</tt>, and therefore, is suitable for
1343inclusion by untrusted code.
1345The implementation of <tt>FooProofRules</tt> consists of the
1346implementation API: <tt>foo_theorem_producer.h</tt> (class
1347<tt>FooTheoremProducer</tt>, inherits from <tt>FooProofRules</tt> and
1348<tt>TheoremProducer</tt>), and the implementation proper in
1351Normally, <tt>theorem_producer.h</tt> is included from
1352<tt>foo_theorem_producer.h</tt> (to declare
1353<tt>FooTheoremProducer</tt> as a subclass of
1354<tt>TheoremProducer</tt>), and <tt>foo_theorem_producer.h</tt> is
1355included from <tt>foo_theorem_producer.cpp</tt>:
1358// File foo_proof_rules.h
1359class FooProofRules {
1365// File foo_theorem_producer.h
1366#include "theorem_producer.h"
1368class FooTheoremProducer: public FooProofRules, public TheoremProducer {
1374// File foo_theorem_producer.cpp
1375#define _CVC3_TRUSTED_
1376#include "foo_theorem_producer.h"
1380In order for the theory code to use the proof rules, a pointer to
1381<tt>FooProofRules</tt> is declared in the <tt>TheoryFoo</tt> class:
1384// File theory_foo.h
1386class FooProofRules;
1387class TheoryFoo: public Theory {
1389  FooProofRules* d_rules;
1390  //! Create an instance of FooProofRules class
1391  FooProofRules* createProofRules(VCL* vcl);
1396Since instantiating <tt>FooProofRules</tt> requires creating a new
1397object of class <tt>FooTheoremProducer</tt>, which belongs to trusted
1398part of the code, the implementation of <tt>createProofRules()</tt>
1399method needs to be in <tt>foo_theorem_producer.cpp</tt>, rather than
1400in <tt>theory_foo.cpp</tt>.  This is the only exception to the rule
1401that everything declared in a <tt>X.h</tt> file must be implemented in
1402the corresponding <tt>X.cpp</tt> file in CVC3.
1405// File foo_theorem_producer.cpp
1407FooProofRules* TheoryFoo::createProofRules(VCL* vcl) {
1408  return new FooTheoremProducer(vcl);
1413In the <tt>TheoryFoo()</tt> constructor, the class variable
1414<tt>d_rules</tt> is initialized by calling <tt>createProofRules()</tt>:
1417// File theory_foo.cpp
1419TheoryFoo::TheoryFoo(VCL* vcl): Theory(vcl, "Foo") {
1421  d_rules = createProofRules(vcl);
1425// Destructor: destroy the proof rules class
1426TheoryFoo::~TheoryFoo() { delete d_rules; }
1430\subsection theory_api_proof_rule Implementing a Proof Rule
1432Each function implementing a proof rule has several components:
1435<li>Soundness check(s),
1436<li>The actual computation of the result,
1437<li>Building assumptions,
1438<li>Building a proof,
1439<li>Constructing a new <tt>Theorem</tt> object.
1442There is a special macro <tt>CHECK_SOUND(cond, message)</tt> for
1443checking the soundness conditions.  If the condition <tt>cond</tt>
1444does not evaluate to <tt>true</tt>, then a <tt>SoundException</tt> is
1445thrown with the <tt>message</tt> string.
1447For efficiency, the user may decide to skip the soundness checks.  In
1448order to honor this decision, all soundness checks must be supressed
1449when the <tt>CHECK_PROOFS</tt> macro evaluates to <tt>false</tt>:
1452if(CHECK_PROOFS) {
1453  CHECK_SOUND(denominator != 0,
1454              "TheoryArith: Division rule: denominator == 0");
1458Soundness checks play <strong>the most important role</strong> in
1459making CVC3 sound.  Your implementation must guarantee that if all
1460soundness checks pass, then the rule is indeed sound to apply, and the
1461theorem you generate at the end is indeed a theorem.  Soundness checks
1462include verifying that the premises (Theorems given as arguments) are
1463of the expected format, and all the additional parameters satisfy all
1464the side conditions of the proof rule.
1466Soundness checks <strong>must be complete and self-sufficient</strong>
1467(bullet-proof) within the rule; that is, no matter how the rule is
1468called and with which arguments, there should be no way for the rule
1469to generate an invalid theorem.  Even if the untrusted code which
1470calls the rule does all the necessary checks, you have to do them
1471again inside the rule.  This is the whole point of the code being
1472trusted: <em>it cannot go wrong, no matter what happens outside</em>.
1473In case of CVC3, this means that <em>any non-null</em>
1474<tt>Theorem</tt> <em>object represents a valid theorem</em>, no matter
1475how this theorem was generated.
1477The main component of a <tt>Theorem</tt> object is a formula (returned
1478by <tt>Theorem::getExpr()</tt>), which is valid in the appropriate
1479<em>logical context</em>.  The logical context is defined by the set
1480of <em>assumptions</em> carried along in the <tt>Theorem</tt> object.
1481Mathematically, a theorem object represents a <em>sequent</em>
1482\f$\Gamma\vdash\phi\f$, where \f$\Gamma\f$ is the set of assumptions
1483(formulas assumed to be true), and \f$\phi\f$ is the theorem itself,
1484the formula which logically follows from \f$\Gamma\f$.
1486Typically, an inference rule has the following format:
1488        {\Gamma_1,\ldots,\Gamma_n\vdash\psi}\f]
1489where the assumptions of the conclusion are the union of all the
1490assumptions from the premises.
1492The easiest way to compute the set of assumptions for the conclusion
1493is to use the overloaded method <tt>merge()</tt> provided by the
1494<tt>theorem.h</tt> API.  This way you do not have to bother about the
1495internal representation of assumptions.  Keep in mind, that CVC3
1496may be running in the mode without assumptions (for efficiency), which
1497can be queried by <tt>withAssumptions()</tt> method:
1500Theorem fooRule(const Theorem& prem1, const Theorem& prem2) {
1502Assumptions a;
1504  a = merge(prem1, prem2);
1509If the rule accepts more than two premises, you can merge assumptions
1510by passing the vector of all premises to the <tt>merge()</tt> method.
1512When there is only one premis, the simplest way is to make a clean
1513copy of the assumptions from the premis:
1517  a = premis.getAssumptionsCopy();
1520Occasionally, one needs to remove assumptions from the set, as in the
1521following rule:
1522\f[\frac{\Gamma_1\vdash\alpha\quad \Gamma_2, \alpha\vdash\phi}
1523        {\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2\vdash\phi}\mbox{Cut}\f]
1525In this case, you can use the overloaded <tt>operator-()</tt> for
1526class <tt>Assumptions</tt>:
1529Theorem cutRule(const Theorem& alpha, const Theorem& phi) {
1531Assumptions a;
1533  a = (phi.getAssumptions() - alpha.getExpr()) + alpha.getAssumptions();
1538Remember, however, that due to the internal representation used in CVC3,
1539removing an assumption is quite expensive, while merging is very
1542Also, if the soundness of your rule relies on the presence (or
1543absence) of certain assumptions in premises, the first thing you need
1544to check for is that <tt>withAssumptions()</tt> returns <tt>true</tt>
1545(otherwise there is no way to determine the soundness of the rule, so
1546it should not be called in the mode without assumptions).
1548In the above rule, if the assumption \f$\alpha\f$ were required to be
1549present for soundness of the rule, one could check it as follows:
1552const Expr& alphaExpr = alpha.getExpr();
1553const Assumptions& phiAssump = phi.getAssumptionsRef();
1554if(CHECK_PROOFS) {
1555  CHECK_SOUND(withAssumptions(),
1556              "TheoryFoo::cutRule: called without assumptions!");
1557  CHECK_SOUND(!phiAssump[alphaExpr].isNull(),
1558              "TheoryFoo::cutRule: alpha is not an assumption of phi");
1562It is <strong>extremely important</strong> that assumptions are
1563computed correctly when <tt>withAssumptions()</tt> returns
1564<tt>true</tt>, since assumptions are used by the SAT solver in the
1565core framework, and are absolutely crucial for the results to be
1566correct (or <em>sound</em>).  Remember, that assumptions represent the
1567logical context where the theorem is true, and if they are not
1568computed properly, the entire theorem may become invalid.
1570Each <tt>Theorem</tt> object carries a <em>proof</em> of itself in the
1571form of a <tt>Proof</tt> object.
1573Proofs are relatively expensive to generate (they take up extra space
1574and somewhat slow down the rule execution), and therefore, it is the
1575user's privilege to turn them off.  For this reason, all proof
1576generation code must be guarded by the method <tt>withProof()</tt>,
1577similarly to <tt>withAssumptions()</tt>.
1579CVC3 uses a version of Natural Deduction as its logical basis, and
1580exploits the idea of Curry-Howard isomorphism to represent proofs as
1581terms over function symbols representing proof rules.  A
1582``<em>type</em>'' of a proof term is the formula (theorem) derived by
1583the corresponding proof.  The correctness of a proof in this framework
1584corresponds to the proof term being ``well-typed.''
1586The <tt>TheoremProducer</tt> API provides an overloaded method
1587<tt>newPf()</tt> for building proof terms.  The first argument of
1588(almost) any <tt>newPf()</tt> version is the name of the proof rule
1589(<tt>string</tt>), and the rest are the arguments (parameters as
1590<tt>Expr</tt> values, and the proofs of the rule's premises).
1592The key idea in building a proof term for the rule is to provide
1593enough information in the proof term to be able to re-run the rule
1594again with exactly the same arguments.
1596For instance, a proof term for the following rule:
1597\f[\frac{\Gamma_1\vdash x < y \quad \Gamma_2\vdash y < z}
1598        {\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2\vdash x < z}\mbox{project}
1600can be constructed as follows:
1603Theorem projectRule(const Theorem& xLTy, const Theorem& yLTz) {
1605Proof pf;
1606if(withProof()) {
1607  vector<Expr> exprs;
1608  vector<Proof> pfs;
1609  exprs.push_back(xLTy.getExpr());  exprs.push_back(yLTz.getExpr());
1610  pfs.push_back(xLTy.getProof());  pfs.push_back(yLTz.getProof());
1611  pf = newPf("project", exprs, pfs);
1617It is a very good idea to describe the proof object arguments in the
1618proof rule documentation (doxygen comments) in
1619<tt>foo_proof_rules.h</tt> file.
1621Note, that the proof object does <em>not</em> carry around any
1622information about the assumptions.  This is because all the
1623assumptions are present implicitly as ``types'' of bound proof
1624variables in LAMBDA-terms.  I skip the description of this issue in
1625the current version of this document, as it is rather subtle, and
1626there is a 99\% chance that you do not need to know that for your DP.
1628Finally, creating the resulting theorem in the proof rule is usually
1629done by calling <tt>newTheorem(conclusionExpr, a, pf)</tt>, where
1630<tt>a</tt> is the <tt>Assumptions</tt> variable, and <tt>pf</tt> is
1631the proof term.
1633There is a special class of proof rules called <em>rewrite rules</em>
1634in CVC3.  These are proof rules without premises (<em>axioms</em>)
1635whose conclusion is of the form <tt>expr1 = expr2</tt> or <tt>frm1
1636<=> frm2</tt>.  These rules are so ubiquitous in the system that there
1637is a special optimized constructor for the corresponding theorems:
1638<tt>newRWTheorem(expr1, expr2, a, pf)</tt>.
1640<strong>Note:</strong> the <tt>Theorem</tt> object constructed by the
1641rewrite rule has a different internal representation from the "normal"
1642<tt>Theorem</tt> object.  Therefore, constructing a rewrite theorem
1643with <tt>newTheorem(expr1.eqExpr(expr2), a, pf)</tt> will result in a
1644run-time error.  Make sure that if your theorem is a rewrite theorem
1645(an equality <tt>=</tt> or equivalence <tt><=></tt>), then it must be
1646constructed using the <tt>newRWTheorem()</tt> method.
1648I did not mention anything about computing the expression for the
1649conclusion of the rule, but it should be fairly obvious how to do
1650this.  Remember, that each proof rule should be coded as concisely and
1651as cleanly as possible, to ensure the effectiveness of manual
1652inspection.  Remember, this is a trusted part of the code.
1653<strong>K</strong>eep <strong>I</strong>t <strong>S</strong>imple,
1654<strong>S</strong>tupid. :-)
1656<em>Sergey Berezin / berezin AT stanford DOT edu</em>