1interface Efl.Ui.Radio_Group extends Efl.Ui.Single_Selectable
3   [[Interface for manually handling a group of @Efl.Ui.Radio buttons.
5     See the documentation of @Efl.Ui.Radio for an explanation of radio button grouping.
7     @since 1.23
8   ]]
9   methods {
10      @property selected_value {
11        [[The value associated with the currently selected button in the group.
12          Give each radio button in the group a different value using @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value.
14          A value of -1 means that no button is selected.
15          Only values associated with the buttons in the group (and -1) can be used.
16        ]]
17        values {
18           selected_value : int; [[The value of the currently selected radio button, or -1.]]
19        }
20      }
21      register {
22        [[Register a new @Efl.Ui.Radio button to this group.
23          Keep in mind that registering to a group will only handle button grouping, you still
24          need to add the button to a layout for it to be rendered.
26          If the @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value of the new button is already used by a previous
27          button in the group, the button will not be added.
29          See also @.unregister.
30        ]]
31        params {
32          radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to add to the group.]]
33        }
34      }
35      unregister {
36        [[Unregister an @Efl.Ui.Radio button from this group.
37          This will unlink the behavior of this button from the other buttons in the group,
38          but if it still belongs to a layout, it will still be rendered.
40          If the button was not registered in the group the call is ignored.
41          If the button was selected, no button will be selected in the group after this call.
43          See also @.register.
44        ]]
45        params {
46          radio : Efl.Ui.Radio; [[The radio button to remove from the group.]]
47        }
48      }
49   }
50   events {
51     value,changed : int; [[Emitted each time the $selected_value changes. The event information
52                            contains the @Efl.Ui.Radio.state_value of the newly selected button or
53                            -1 if no button is now selected.]]
54   }