1 #ifndef __EVIL_STRING_H__
2 #define __EVIL_STRING_H__
5 /**
6  * @file evil_string.h
7  * @brief The file that provides functions ported from Unix in string.h.
8  * @defgroup Evil_String_Group String.h functions.
9  * @ingroup Evil
10  *
11  * This header provides functions ported from Unix in string.h.
12  *
13  * @{
14  */
17 /*
18  * string related functions
19  *
20  */
22 /**
23  * @brief Locate a substring into a string, ignoring case.
24  *
25  * @param haystack The string to search in.
26  * @param needle The substring to find.
27  * @return
28  *
29  * This function locates the string @p needle into the string @p haystack,
30  * ignoring the case of the characters. It returns apointer to the
31  * beginning of the substring, or NULL if the substring is not found.
32  * If @p haystack or @p needle are @c NULL, this function returns @c NULL.
33  *
34  * Conformity: Non applicable.
35  *
36  * Supported OS: Windows XP.
37  */
38 EAPI char *strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
40 /**
41  * @brief Implements the strsep function which is used to separate strings.
42  *
43  * @param stringp The pointer to the string to search in.
44  * @param delim The delimiter that contains characters used to find the next token.
45  * @return a pointer to the next token or NULL;
46  *
47  * The strsep() function locates, in the string referenced by *stringp, the
48  * first occurrence of any character in the string delim (or the terminating
49  * `\0' character) and replaces it with a `\0'.  The location of the next
50  * character after the delimiter character (or NULL, if the end of the
51  * string was reached) is stored in *stringp.  The original value of
52  * stringp is returned.
53  *
54  * An ``empty'' field (i.e., a character in the string delim occurs as the
55  * first character of *stringp) can be detected by comparing the location
56  * referenced by the returned pointer to `\0'.
58  * If *stringp is initially NULL, strsep() returns NULL.
59  *
60  * This function is from LibGW32C.
61  * @since 1.8
62  *
63  */
64 EAPI char *strsep(char **stringp, const char *delim);
66 /**
67  * @}
68  */
70 #endif /* __EVIL_STRING_H__ */