1 /*
2  * examples/qchar.C
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 A. Urbanska
5  * ========LICENCE========
6  * This file is part of the library LinBox.
7  *
8  * LinBox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21  * ========LICENCE========
22  */
24 /*! @file examples/qchar.C
25  * @example  examples/qchar.C
26  * @ingroup examples
27  * @brief  Undocumented.
28  */
30 #include <givaro/modular.h>
31 #include <linbox/field/gmp-rational.h>
32 #include <linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h>
33 #include <linbox/matrix/sparse-matrix.h>
34 #include <linbox/solutions/charpoly.h>
35 #include <linbox/solutions/minpoly.h>
36 #include <linbox/ring/polynomial-ring.h>
38 using namespace LinBox;
39 using namespace std;
41 typedef Givaro::ZRing<Integer> Integers;
42 typedef Integers::Element Integer;
43 typedef Givaro::Modular<double > Field;
44 typedef Field::Element Element;
45 typedef Vector<Integers>::Dense DVector;
46 typedef GMPRationalField Rationals;
47 typedef Rationals::Element Quotient;
48 typedef DenseMatrix<Integers > Blackbox;
49 typedef SparseMatrix<Rationals > RBlackbox;
51 //#define _LB_CONT_FR
53 typedef UserTimer myTimer;
55 myTimer tRationalModular;
57 template <class Field, class Polynomial>
printPolynomial(std::ostream & out,const Field & F,const Polynomial & v)58 std::ostream& printPolynomial (std::ostream& out, const Field &F, const Polynomial &v)
59 {
60 	for (int i = v.size () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
61 		F.write (out, v[i]);
62 		if (i > 0)
63 			out << " X^" << i << " + ";
64 		out << "\n";
65 	}
66 	return out;
67 }
69 template <class Blackbox, class MyMethod>
70 struct PrecRationalModularCharpoly {
71 	const Blackbox &A;
72 	const MyMethod &M;
73 	const Integer &prec;
PrecRationalModularCharpolyPrecRationalModularCharpoly75 	PrecRationalModularCharpoly(const Integer& detPrec, const Blackbox& b, const MyMethod& n) :
76 		prec(detPrec), A(b), M(n)
77 	{}
79 	template<typename Polynomial, typename Field>
operatorPrecRationalModularCharpoly80 	Polynomial& operator()(Polynomial& P, const Field& F) const
81 	{
83 		typedef typename Blackbox::template rebind<Field>::other FBlackbox;
84 		FBlackbox * Ap;
86 		tRationalModular.clear();
87 		tRationalModular.start();
88 		MatrixHom::map(Ap, A, F);
89 		tRationalModular.stop();
90 		//minpoly(P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
91 		charpoly( P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
92 		//minpolySymmetric(P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
93 		integer p;
94 		F.characteristic(p);
95 		cout<<"Valence "<<p<<" = P[P.size()-1]" << P[P.size(0)-1] << " R-M time " ;
96 		tRationalModular.print(cout);
97 		cout << "\n" ;
99 		typename Field::Element fprec;
100 		F.init(fprec, prec);
101 		//printPolynomial (std::cout, F, P);
102 		delete Ap;
104 		for (int i=0; i < P.size(); ++i)
105 			F.mulin(P[i],fprec);
106 		//std::cout<<"prec*Det(A) mod "<<p<<" = P[0]" << P[0] << "\n";
107 		return P;
108 	}
109 };
111 template <class Blackbox, class MyMethod>
112 struct PrecRationalModularMinpoly {
113 	const Blackbox &A;
114 	const MyMethod &M;
115 	const DVector &prec;
PrecRationalModularMinpolyPrecRationalModularMinpoly118 	PrecRationalModularMinpoly(const DVector& detPrec, const Blackbox& b, const MyMethod& n) :
119 		prec(detPrec), A(b), M(n)
120 	{}
122 	template<typename Polynomial, typename Field>
operatorPrecRationalModularMinpoly123 	IterationResult operator()(Polynomial& P, const Field& F) const
124 	{
126 		typedef typename Blackbox::template rebind<Field>::other FBlackbox;
127 		FBlackbox * Ap;
129 		tRationalModular.clear();
130 		tRationalModular.start();
131 		MatrixHom::map(Ap, A, F);
132 		tRationalModular.stop();
133 		//minpoly(P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
134 		//charpoly( P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
135 		minpolySymmetric(P, *Ap, typename FieldTraits<Field>::categoryTag(), M);
136 		integer p;
137 		F.characteristic(p);
138 		//cout<<"Det(A) mod "<<p<<" = P[0]" << P[0] << " R-M time " ;
139 		cout<<"Valence "<<p<<" = P[P.size()-1]" << P[P.size()-1] << " R-M time " ;
140 		tRationalModular.print(cout);
141 		cout << "\n" ;
143 		typename Field::Element fprec;
144 		//F.init(fprec, prec);
145 		//printPolynomial (std::cout, F, P);
146 		delete Ap;
148 		for (int i=0; i < P.size()-1; ++i) {
149 			F.init(fprec, prec[i]);
150 			F.mulin(P[i],fprec);
151 		}
152 		//std::cout<<"prec*Det(A) mod "<<p<<" = P[0]" << P[0] << "\n";
153 		//printPolynomial(cout,F,P);
154                 return IterationResult::CONTINUE;
155 	}
156 };
159 void continuedFractionIn(double x,Integer& num, Integer& den, double epsi,const size_t s, Integer den_bound);
160 template <class RMatrix>
161 void generate_precRatMat(string& filename, RMatrix& M, DVector& den, Integer& denPrec);
162 void i_vti_v(RBlackbox& Res, DenseMatrix<Rationals >& M, DVector& den, Integer& detPrec);
main(int argc,char ** argv)164 int main (int argc, char** argv)
165 {
167 	if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4) ) {
168 		cout << "Usage: qchar n matrix" << endl;
169 		return -1;
170 	}
172 	size_t n = atoi(argv[1]);
173 	cout << "Matrix size " << n<< endl;
174 	string filename;
175 	filename=argv[2];
177 	Integers Z;
178 	Rationals Q;
180 	Integer detPrec = 1;
181 	Integer detNum;
182 	Integer detDen;
184 	Blackbox DM(Z,n,n);
185 	DenseMatrix<Rationals > In(Q,n,n);
186 	RBlackbox M(Q,n,n);
187 	DVector V(n,1);
189 	//	generate_precRatMat(filename, In, V, detPrec);
190 	//i_vti_v(M,In, V, detPrec);
191 	generate_precRatMat(filename, M, V, detPrec);
192 	cout << "detPrec is " << detPrec  << "\n";
193 	typedef PolynomialRing<Integers> IntPolRing;
194 	IntPolRing::Element c_A;
196 	Integer max = 1,min=0;
197 	for (size_t i=0; i < n; ++i) {
198 		for (size_t j=0; j < n; ++j) {
199 			Integer a;
200 			Q.convert(a,M.getEntry(i,j));
201 			//      cerr<<"it="<<(*it)<<endl;
202 			if (max < a)
203 				max = a;
204 			if (min > a)
205 				min = a;
206 		}
207 	}
208 	if (max<-min)
209 		max=-min;
210 	else max = max+1;
211 	double hadamarcp = (double)n/2.0*(log(double(n))+2*log(double(max))+0.21163275)/log(2.0);
214 	cout << "had" << hadamarcp << "\n";
215 	cout << "had2" << (Integer)hadamarcp*detPrec << "\n";
217 	PrimeIterator<IteratorCategories::HeuristicTag> genprime(FieldTraits<Field>::bestBitSize(M.coldim()));
218 	ChineseRemainder< CRABuilderEarlyMultip<Field  > > cra(LINBOX_DEFAULT_EARLY_TERMINATION_THRESHOLD);
219 	typedef Method::Auto MyMethod;
220 	MyMethod Met;
221 	//PrecRationalModularCharpoly <RBlackbox  ,MyMethod> iteration (detPrec, M, Met);
222 	PrecRationalModularMinpoly< RBlackbox  ,MyMethod> iteration(V, M, Met);
223 	cra (c_A, iteration, genprime);
224 	printPolynomial(cout, Z, c_A);
226 	return 0 ;
227 }
229 /* for a rational number num/den construct a continued fraction approximation:
230    - with den bounded by den_bound
231    AND - number of steps bounded by s
232    NEW fraction replaces num/den
233    */
continuedFractionIn(Integer & num,Integer & den,double epsi,const size_t s,Integer den_bound)235 void continuedFractionIn(Integer& num, Integer& den, double epsi,const size_t s, Integer den_bound)
236 {
237 	//den_bound = 100;
238 	Integer a=num;
239 	Integer b=den;
240 	Integer t;
241 	//double y;
242 	Integer f[s];
243 	f[0] = a/b;// y = f[0];
244 	int i=1;
245 	while (1) //abs(y-x)>=epsi)
246 	{
247 		//cout << "a :" << a << " b: " << b << "\n";
248 		t = a%b;
249 		a = b;
250 		b = t;
251 		f[i] = a/b;
252 		//y = (double)f[i];
253 		num = 1;
254 		den = f[i];
255 		for (int j=i-1; j > 0; --j) {
256 			Integer tmp = num;
257 			num = den;
258 			den = f[j]*den+tmp;
259 			//y = (double)f[j]+1/y;
260 		}
261 		//y = (double)f[0]+1/y;
262 		num = den*f[0]+num;
263 		if (den >= den_bound) break;
264 		++i;
265 		if (i >= s) {
266 			break;
267 		}
268 	}
269 }
i_vti_v(RBlackbox & Res,DenseMatrix<Rationals> & M,DVector & den,Integer & detPrec)271 void i_vti_v(RBlackbox& Res, DenseMatrix<Rationals >& M, DVector& den, Integer& detPrec)
272 {
273 	detPrec=1;
274 	Rationals Q;
275 	int n = M.coldim();
276 	//DVector denV(n,1);
277 	for (int i=0; i < den.size();++i) den[i]=1;
278 	for (int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
279 		for (int j=0; j <=i ; ++j) {
280 			Integer q_num =0;
281 			Integer q_den =1;
282 			for (int k=0; k < n; ++k) {
283 				Integer deno_ik, nume_ik, deno_jk, nume_jk, deno, nume;
284 				Q.get_den (deno_ik, M.getEntry(k,i));
285 				Q.get_num (nume_ik, M.getEntry(k,i));
286 				Q.get_den (deno_jk, M.getEntry(k,j));
287 				Q.get_num (nume_jk, M.getEntry(k,j));
289 				if (i==k) {
290 					nume_ik = deno_ik-nume_ik;
291 				}
292 				else {
293 					nume_ik = -nume_ik;
294 				}
296 				if (j==k) {
297 					nume_jk = deno_jk-nume_jk;
298 				}
299 				else {
300 					nume_jk = -nume_jk;
301 				}
302 				//cout << nume_ik << nume_jk;
304 				deno = deno_ik*deno_jk;
305 				nume = nume_ik*nume_jk;
306 				//cout << q_num << "/" << q_den << " " ;
307 				//cout << nume << "/" << deno << " " ;
308 				if (deno==q_den) q_num+=nume;
309 				else {
310 					if (nume != 0) {
311 						Integer g = gcd(q_den, deno);
312 						q_num = q_num*deno/g+nume*q_den/g;
313 						q_den = q_den*deno/g;
314 					}
315 				}
316 				//cout << q_num << "/" << q_den << " " ;
317 			}
318 			if (q_num != 0) {
319 				Quotient q(q_num,q_den);
320 				if (i!=j) {
321 					den[i]=lcm(den[i], q_den);
322 					den[j]=lcm(den[j], q_den);
323 					Res.setEntry(i,j,q);
324 					Res.setEntry(j,i,q);
325 					cout << i << " " << j << " " << q_num << "/" << q_den << "\n";
326 					cout << j << " " << i << " " << q_num << "/" << q_den << "\n";
327 				}
328 				else {
329 					den[i]=lcm(den[i], q_den);
330 					Res.setEntry(i,j,q);
331 					cout << i << " " << j << " " << q_num << "/" << q_den << "\n";
332 				}
333 			}
334 		}
335 	}
336 	Integer d = 1;
337 	for (int i=0; i < den.size(); ++i) {
338 		detPrec *=den[i];
339 		d = lcm(d, den[i]);
340 	}
341 	den[den.size()-1]=d;
342 	for (int i=den.size()-2; i >=0; --i) {
343 		den[i]=d*den[i+1];
344 	}
346 }
348 template <class RMatrix>
generate_precRatMat(string & filename,RMatrix & M,DVector & den,Integer & denPrec)349 void generate_precRatMat(string& filename, RMatrix& M, DVector& den, Integer& denPrec)
350 {
351 	int prec=10;
352 	denPrec = 1;
353 	ifstream is(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
354 	int m,n;
355 	char c;
356 	is >> m >> n;
357 	do is >> c; while (isspace (c));
358 	if ((m > M.rowdim()) || (n > M.coldim())) {
359 		cout << m << " " << n << " " ;
360 		cout << "Wrong matrix size\n";
361 		return;
362 	}
364 	cout << "Reading matrix\n";
366 	den.resize(m,1);
367 	while (1) {//! @todo temp fix
368 #if 0
369 		while (is >> m) //temp fix
370 			if (m==0) break;//temp fix
371 #endif
372 		is >> m;//temp fix
373 		is >> n;
374 #if 0
375 		cout << m << n << "\n";
376 		long double x;
377 		is >> x;
378 #endif
379 		char xstr[500];
380 		char numstr[500];
381 #if 0
382 		cout << x << " ";
383 		sprintf(xstr, "%100f", x);
384 		cout << xstr << " " ;
385 		is >> c; int i=0;
386 		while (c!= '\n') {
387 			xstr[i]=c;
388 			++i;
389 			is >> c;
390 			if (i>=199) {
391 				xstr[i]=0;
392 				break;
393 			}
394 		}
395 		is >> c;
396 #endif
397 		is.getline(xstr,500);
399 		Integer ten=1;
400 		if (strchr(xstr, '/') != NULL) {
401 			//cout << "xstr " << xstr << "\n";
402 			//! @bug non reentrant strtok
403 			strcpy(numstr, strtok(xstr, "/"));
404 			char tenstr[500];
405 			strcpy(tenstr, strtok(NULL, "/"));
406 			if (prec < strlen(tenstr)) {
407 				int cut = strlen(tenstr)-prec;
408 				tenstr[prec]=0;
409 				//c = numstr[strlen(numstr)-2];
410 				numstr[strlen(numstr)-cut]=0;//temp round down
411 			}
412 			Integer tmp(tenstr);
413 			ten = tmp;
414 			//cout << numstr << "/"  << ten << "\n";
415 		}
416 		else
417 		{
419 			//    cout << "xstr" << xstr << " " ;
420 			int i=0;
421 			int j=0;
422 			c=xstr[i]; ++i;
423 			while (isspace (c)) {
424 				if (i >=strlen(xstr)) break;
425 				c=xstr[i];
426 				++i;
427 			}
428 			if (c=='-') {
429 				numstr[j]=c;++j;
430 				if (i < strlen(xstr)) {
431 					c = xstr[i];
432 					++i;
433 				}
434 			}
435 			if (c=='0') {
436 				//cout << "zero";
437 				if (i < strlen(xstr)) {
438 					c = xstr[i];
439 					++i;
440 				}
441 			} //else cout << " not 0" << c;
442 			while (strchr("0123456789",c) != NULL) {
443 				//cout << "number";
444 				numstr[j]=c; ++j;
445 				if (i >=strlen(xstr)) break;
446 				c=xstr[i];
447 				++i;
448 			}
449 			if (c=='.') {
450 				if (i < strlen(xstr)) {
451 					c = xstr[i];
452 					//cout << "c" << c ;
453 					++i;
454 					while (strchr("0123456789",c) != NULL) {
455 						numstr[j]=c;++j;
456 						if (i >=strlen(xstr)) break;
457 						c=xstr[i];
458 						++i;
459 					}
460 				}
461 				else {
462 					cout << "wrong number format at .";
463 					break;
464 				}
465 			}
466 			numstr[j]=0;
467 			//cout << "num" << numstr << " " ;
469 			size_t dplaces=0;
470 			int exp=0;
471 			j=0;
472 			c = xstr[j]; ++j;
473 			while (c != '.') {
474 				if (j >= strlen(xstr)) break;
475 				c = xstr[j];
476 				++j;
477 			}
478 			if (j < strlen(xstr)) {
479 				c = xstr[j]; ++j;
480 				while (c != 'e') {
481 					++dplaces;
482 					ten *= 10;
483 					if (j >= strlen(xstr)) break;
484 					c = xstr[j];
485 					++j;
486 				}
487 			}
488 			if (j < strlen(xstr)) {
489 				sscanf(xstr+j, "%d", &exp);
490 				j=j-2;c = xstr[j];
491 				while (c=='0') {
492 					ten/=10;
493 					--j;
494 					c = xstr[j];
495 				}
496 			}
498 			dplaces -=exp;
499 			if (exp > 0) {
500 				for (int i=0; i < exp; ++i) ten /=10;
501 			}
502 			else if (exp < 0) {
503 				for (int i=0; i < exp; ++i) ten *=10;
504 			}
505 			//double nume = x * (double)ten;
506 		}
507 		Integer num (numstr);
508 		Integer g;
510 #ifdef _LB_CONT_FR
511 		double epsi = 1/(double)ten*10;
512 		size_t s=10;
513 		continuedFractionIn(num, ten, epsi, s, ten);
514 #endif
515 		//cout << m << " " << n << " " << num << "/" << ten << "\n";
516 		g = gcd(num,ten);
517 		//g =1;
518 		Quotient q(num/g,ten/g);
519 		if ((m==0)&&(n==0)&&(num==0)) break;//temp fix
520 		//M.setEntry(m-1,n-1,q);//temp fix
521 		M.setEntry(m,n,q);
522 		den[m-1] = lcm(den[m-1],ten/g);
523 	}
524 	Integer d = 1;
525 	for (int i=0; i < den.size(); ++i) {
526 		denPrec *=den[i];
527 		d = lcm(d, den[i]);
528 	}
529 	den[den.size()-1]=d;
530 	cout << d << "\n";
531 	for (int i=den.size()-2; i >=0; --i) {
532 		den[i]=d*den[i+1];
533 		cout << den[i] << "\n";
534 	}
535 }
537 #undef _LB_CONT_FR
539 // Local Variables:
540 // mode: C++
541 // tab-width: 4
542 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
543 // c-basic-offset: 4
544 // End:
545 // vim:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4:et:sr:cino=>s,f0,{0,g0,(0,\:0,t0,+0,=s