1 /*-< TESTALTER.C >---------------------------------------------------*--------*
2 * FastDB Version 1.0 (1999 GARRET * ? *
3 * (Main Memory Database Management System * /\| *
4 * * / \ *
5 * Created: 29-Nov-2003 K.A. Knizhnik * / [] \ *
6 * Last update: 29-Nov-2003 K.A. Knizhnik * GARRET *
7 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*--------*
8 * Test for cli_alter_table
9 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*--------*/
11 #include "cli.h"
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <stddef.h>
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <string.h>
16 #include <time.h>
18 #define N_RECORDS 100000
20 typedef struct foo {
21 cli_int4_t x;
22 char* y;
23 cli_real8_t z;
24 } foo;
26 typedef struct alter_foo {
27 cli_int8_t x;
28 char* y;
29 char* a;
30 cli_real4_t z;
31 cli_int1_t b;
32 } alter_foo;
35 static cli_field_descriptor foo_descriptor[] = {
36 {cli_int4, cli_indexed, "x"},
37 {cli_pasciiz, 0, "y"},
38 {cli_real8, 0, "z"}
39 };
41 static cli_field_descriptor alter_foo_descriptor[] = {
42 {cli_int8, cli_indexed, "x"},
43 {cli_pasciiz, 0, "y"},
44 {cli_pasciiz, 0, "a"},
45 {cli_real4, 0, "z"},
46 {cli_int1, 0, "b"}
47 };
main()50 int main()
51 {
52 char_t* databaseName = _T("testalter");
53 char_t* filePath = _T("testalter.fdb");
54 int i, rc;
55 int session;
56 int statement;
57 cli_oid_t oid;
58 foo f;
59 alter_foo af;
60 time_t start = time(NULL);
62 session = cli_create(databaseName, filePath, 0, 0, 4*1024*1024, 4*1024*1024, 512*1024, 0);
63 if (session < 0) {
64 fprintf(stderr, "cli_open failed with code %d\n", session);
65 return EXIT_FAILURE;
66 }
68 rc = cli_create_table(session,
69 "foo",
70 sizeof(foo_descriptor)/sizeof(cli_field_descriptor),
71 foo_descriptor);
72 if (rc != cli_ok) {
73 fprintf(stderr, "cli_create_table failed with code %d\n", rc);
74 return EXIT_FAILURE;
75 }
76 for (i = 0; i < N_RECORDS; i++) {
77 char buf[32];
78 sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
79 f.x = i;
80 f.y = buf;
81 f.z = i + (double)i / 10;
82 rc = cli_insert_struct(session, "foo", &f, &oid);
83 if (rc != cli_ok) {
84 fprintf(stderr, "cli_insert failed with code %d\n", rc);
85 return EXIT_FAILURE;
86 }
87 }
88 printf("Elapsed time for inserting %d records: %d seconds\n", N_RECORDS, (int)(time(NULL) - start));
89 start = time(NULL);
90 rc = cli_alter_table(session,
91 "foo",
92 sizeof(alter_foo_descriptor)/sizeof(cli_field_descriptor),
93 alter_foo_descriptor);
94 if (rc != cli_ok) {
95 fprintf(stderr, "cli_alter_table failed with code %d\n", rc);
96 return EXIT_FAILURE;
97 }
98 printf("Elapsed time for reformating %d records: %d seconds\n", N_RECORDS, (int)(time(NULL) - start));
99 start = time(NULL);
100 statement = cli_prepare_query(session, "select * from foo where x=%i");
101 if (statement < 0) {
102 fprintf(stderr, "cli_statement failed with code %d\n", rc);
103 return EXIT_FAILURE;
104 }
105 for (i = 0; i < N_RECORDS; i++) {
106 char buf[32];
107 sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
108 rc = cli_execute_query(statement, cli_view_only, &af, i);
109 if (rc != 1) {
110 fprintf(stderr, "cli_execute_query failed with code %d\n", rc);
111 return EXIT_FAILURE;
112 }
113 rc = cli_get_next(statement);
114 if (rc != cli_ok) {
115 fprintf(stderr, "cli_get_next failed with code %d\n", rc);
116 return EXIT_FAILURE;
117 }
118 if (af.x != i || strcmp(buf, af.y) != 0 || *af.a != '\0' || (int)((af.z+0.01)*10) != i*10+i || af.b != 0) {
119 fprintf(stderr, "Conversion error: i=%d, f.x=%ld, f.y=%s, f.a=%s, f.z=%f, f.b=%d\n", i, (long)af.x, af.y, af.a, af.z, af.b);
120 return EXIT_FAILURE;
121 }
122 }
123 printf("Elapsed time for %d index searches: %d seconds\n", N_RECORDS, (int)(time(NULL) - start));
124 rc = cli_drop_table(session, "foo");
125 if (rc != 0) {
126 fprintf(stderr, "cli_drop_table failed with code %d\n", rc);
127 return EXIT_FAILURE;
128 }
129 rc = cli_close(session);
130 if (rc != cli_ok) {
131 fprintf(stderr, "cli_close failed with code %d\n", rc);
132 return EXIT_FAILURE;
133 }
134 printf("*** CLI alter test sucessfully passed!\n");
135 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
136 }