1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3   FileName    [extraUtilMult.c]
5   SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7   PackageName [extra]
9   Synopsis    [Simple BDD package.]
11   Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
13   Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15   Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - May 23, 2018.]
17   Revision    [$Id: extraUtilMult.c,v 1.0 2018/05/23 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <assert.h>
25 #include "misc/vec/vec.h"
26 #include "aig/gia/gia.h"
30 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 ///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///
32 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 typedef struct Abc_BddMan_ Abc_BddMan;
35 struct Abc_BddMan_
36 {
37     int                nVars;         // the number of variables
38     int                nObjs;         // the number of nodes used
39     int                nObjsAlloc;    // the number of nodes allocated
40     int *              pUnique;       // unique table for nodes
41     int *              pNexts;        // next pointer for nodes
42     int *              pCache;        // array of triples <arg0, arg1, AND(arg0, arg1)>
43     int *              pObjs;         // array of pairs <cof0, cof1> for each node
44     unsigned char *    pVars;         // array of variables for each node
45     unsigned char *    pMark;         // array of marks for each BDD node
46     unsigned           nUniqueMask;   // selection mask for unique table
47     unsigned           nCacheMask;    // selection mask for computed table
48     int                nCacheLookups; // the number of computed table lookups
49     int                nCacheMisses;  // the number of computed table misses
50     word               nMemory;       // total amount of memory used (in bytes)
51 };
Abc_BddIthVar(int i)53 static inline int      Abc_BddIthVar( int i )                        { return Abc_Var2Lit(i + 1, 0);                            }
Abc_BddHash(int Arg0,int Arg1,int Arg2)54 static inline unsigned Abc_BddHash( int Arg0, int Arg1, int Arg2 )   { return 12582917 * Arg0 + 4256249 * Arg1 + 741457 * Arg2; }
Abc_BddVar(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)56 static inline int      Abc_BddVar( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )           { return (int)p->pVars[Abc_Lit2Var(i)];                    }
Abc_BddThen(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)57 static inline int      Abc_BddThen( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )          { return Abc_LitNotCond(p->pObjs[Abc_LitRegular(i)], Abc_LitIsCompl(i));    }
Abc_BddElse(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)58 static inline int      Abc_BddElse( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )          { return Abc_LitNotCond(p->pObjs[Abc_LitRegular(i)+1], Abc_LitIsCompl(i));  }
Abc_BddMark(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)60 static inline int      Abc_BddMark( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )          { return (int)p->pMark[Abc_Lit2Var(i)];                    }
Abc_BddSetMark(Abc_BddMan * p,int i,int m)61 static inline void     Abc_BddSetMark( Abc_BddMan * p, int i, int m ){ p->pMark[Abc_Lit2Var(i)] = m;                            }
63 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
64 ///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///
65 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 /**Function*************************************************************
69   Synopsis    [Creating new node.]
71   Description []
73   SideEffects []
75   SeeAlso     []
77 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddUniqueCreateInt(Abc_BddMan * p,int Var,int Then,int Else)78 static inline int Abc_BddUniqueCreateInt( Abc_BddMan * p, int Var, int Then, int Else )
79 {
80     int *q = p->pUnique + (Abc_BddHash(Var, Then, Else) & p->nUniqueMask);
81     for ( ; *q; q = p->pNexts + *q )
82         if ( (int)p->pVars[*q] == Var && p->pObjs[*q+*q] == Then && p->pObjs[*q+*q+1] == Else )
83             return Abc_Var2Lit(*q, 0);
84     if ( p->nObjs == p->nObjsAlloc )
85         printf( "Aborting because the number of nodes exceeded %d.\n", p->nObjsAlloc ), fflush(stdout);
86     assert( p->nObjs < p->nObjsAlloc );
87     *q = p->nObjs++;
88     p->pVars[*q] = Var;
89     p->pObjs[*q+*q] = Then;
90     p->pObjs[*q+*q+1] = Else;
91 //    printf( "Added node %3d: Var = %3d.  Then = %3d.  Else = %3d\n", *q, Var, Then, Else );
92     assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Else) );
93     return Abc_Var2Lit(*q, 0);
94 }
Abc_BddUniqueCreate(Abc_BddMan * p,int Var,int Then,int Else)95 static inline int Abc_BddUniqueCreate( Abc_BddMan * p, int Var, int Then, int Else )
96 {
97     assert( Var >= 0 && Var < p->nVars );
98     assert( Var < Abc_BddVar(p, Then)  );
99     assert( Var < Abc_BddVar(p, Else) );
100     if ( Then == Else )
101         return Else;
102     if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Else) )
103         return Abc_BddUniqueCreateInt( p, Var, Then, Else );
104     return Abc_LitNot( Abc_BddUniqueCreateInt(p, Var, Abc_LitNot(Then), Abc_LitNot(Else)) );
105 }
107 /**Function*************************************************************
109   Synopsis    []
111   Description []
113   SideEffects []
115   SeeAlso     []
117 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddCacheLookup(Abc_BddMan * p,int Arg1,int Arg2)118 static inline int Abc_BddCacheLookup( Abc_BddMan * p, int Arg1, int Arg2 )
119 {
120     int * pEnt = p->pCache + 3*(Abc_BddHash(0, Arg1, Arg2) & p->nCacheMask);
121     p->nCacheLookups++;
122     return (pEnt[0] == Arg1 && pEnt[1] == Arg2) ? pEnt[2] : -1;
123 }
Abc_BddCacheInsert(Abc_BddMan * p,int Arg1,int Arg2,int Res)124 static inline int Abc_BddCacheInsert( Abc_BddMan * p, int Arg1, int Arg2, int Res )
125 {
126     int * pEnt = p->pCache + 3*(Abc_BddHash(0, Arg1, Arg2) & p->nCacheMask);
127     pEnt[0] = Arg1;  pEnt[1] = Arg2;  pEnt[2] = Res;
128     p->nCacheMisses++;
129     assert( Res >= 0 );
130     return Res;
131 }
134 /**Function*************************************************************
136   Synopsis    []
138   Description []
140   SideEffects []
142   SeeAlso     []
144 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddManAlloc(int nVars,int nObjs)145 Abc_BddMan * Abc_BddManAlloc( int nVars, int nObjs )
146 {
147     Abc_BddMan * p; int i;
148     p = ABC_CALLOC( Abc_BddMan, 1 );
149     p->nVars       = nVars;
150     p->nObjsAlloc  = nObjs;
151     p->nUniqueMask = (1 << Abc_Base2Log(nObjs)) - 1;
152     p->nCacheMask  = (1 << Abc_Base2Log(nObjs)) - 1;
153     p->pUnique     = ABC_CALLOC( int, p->nUniqueMask + 1 );
154     p->pNexts      = ABC_CALLOC( int, p->nObjsAlloc );
155     p->pCache      = ABC_CALLOC( int, 3*(p->nCacheMask + 1) );
156     p->pObjs       = ABC_CALLOC( int, 2*p->nObjsAlloc );
157     p->pMark       = ABC_CALLOC( unsigned char, p->nObjsAlloc );
158     p->pVars       = ABC_CALLOC( unsigned char, p->nObjsAlloc );
159     p->pVars[0]    = 0xff;
160     p->nObjs       = 1;
161     for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
162         Abc_BddUniqueCreate( p, i, 1, 0 );
163     assert( p->nObjs == nVars + 1 );
164     p->nMemory = sizeof(Abc_BddMan)/4 +
165         p->nUniqueMask + 1 + p->nObjsAlloc +
166         (p->nCacheMask + 1) * 3 * sizeof(int)/4 +
167         p->nObjsAlloc * 2 * sizeof(int)/4;
168     return p;
169 }
Abc_BddManFree(Abc_BddMan * p)170 void Abc_BddManFree( Abc_BddMan * p )
171 {
172     printf( "BDD stats: Var = %d  Obj = %d  Alloc = %d  Hit = %d  Miss = %d  ",
173         p->nVars, p->nObjs, p->nObjsAlloc, p->nCacheLookups-p->nCacheMisses, p->nCacheMisses );
174     printf( "Mem = %.2f MB\n", 4.0*(int)(p->nMemory/(1<<20)) );
175     ABC_FREE( p->pUnique );
176     ABC_FREE( p->pNexts );
177     ABC_FREE( p->pCache );
178     ABC_FREE( p->pObjs );
179     ABC_FREE( p->pVars );
180     ABC_FREE( p );
181 }
183 /**Function*************************************************************
185   Synopsis    [Boolean AND.]
187   Description []
189   SideEffects []
191   SeeAlso     []
193 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddAnd(Abc_BddMan * p,int a,int b)194 int Abc_BddAnd( Abc_BddMan * p, int a, int b )
195 {
196     int r0, r1, r;
197     if ( a == 0 ) return 0;
198     if ( b == 0 ) return 0;
199     if ( a == 1 ) return b;
200     if ( b == 1 ) return a;
201     if ( a == b ) return a;
202     if ( a > b )  return Abc_BddAnd( p, b, a );
203     if ( (r = Abc_BddCacheLookup(p, a, b)) >= 0 )
204         return r;
205     if ( Abc_BddVar(p, a) < Abc_BddVar(p, b) )
206         r0 = Abc_BddAnd( p, Abc_BddElse(p, a), b ),
207         r1 = Abc_BddAnd( p, Abc_BddThen(p, a), b );
208     else if ( Abc_BddVar(p, a) > Abc_BddVar(p, b) )
209         r0 = Abc_BddAnd( p, a, Abc_BddElse(p, b) ),
210         r1 = Abc_BddAnd( p, a, Abc_BddThen(p, b) );
211     else // if ( Abc_BddVar(p, a) == Abc_BddVar(p, b) )
212         r0 = Abc_BddAnd( p, Abc_BddElse(p, a), Abc_BddElse(p, b) ),
213         r1 = Abc_BddAnd( p, Abc_BddThen(p, a), Abc_BddThen(p, b) );
214     r = Abc_BddUniqueCreate( p, Abc_MinInt(Abc_BddVar(p, a), Abc_BddVar(p, b)), r1, r0 );
215     return Abc_BddCacheInsert( p, a, b, r );
216 }
Abc_BddOr(Abc_BddMan * p,int a,int b)217 int Abc_BddOr( Abc_BddMan * p, int a, int b )
218 {
219     return Abc_LitNot( Abc_BddAnd(p, Abc_LitNot(a), Abc_LitNot(b)) );
220 }
222 /**Function*************************************************************
224   Synopsis    [Counting nodes.]
226   Description []
228   SideEffects []
230   SeeAlso     []
232 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddCount_rec(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)233 int Abc_BddCount_rec( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )
234 {
235     if ( i < 2 )
236         return 0;
237     if ( Abc_BddMark(p, i) )
238         return 0;
239     Abc_BddSetMark( p, i, 1 );
240     return 1 + Abc_BddCount_rec(p, Abc_BddElse(p, i)) + Abc_BddCount_rec(p, Abc_BddThen(p, i));
241 }
Abc_BddUnmark_rec(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)242 void Abc_BddUnmark_rec( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )
243 {
244     if ( i < 2 )
245         return;
246     if ( !Abc_BddMark(p, i) )
247         return;
248     Abc_BddSetMark( p, i, 0 );
249     Abc_BddUnmark_rec( p, Abc_BddElse(p, i) );
250     Abc_BddUnmark_rec( p, Abc_BddThen(p, i) );
251 }
Abc_BddCountNodes(Abc_BddMan * p,int i)252 int Abc_BddCountNodes( Abc_BddMan * p, int i )
253 {
254     int Count = Abc_BddCount_rec( p, i );
255     Abc_BddUnmark_rec( p, i );
256     return Count;
257 }
Abc_BddCountNodesArray(Abc_BddMan * p,Vec_Int_t * vNodes)258 int Abc_BddCountNodesArray( Abc_BddMan * p, Vec_Int_t * vNodes )
259 {
260     int i, a, Count = 0;
261     Vec_IntForEachEntry( vNodes, a, i )
262         Count += Abc_BddCount_rec( p, a );
263     Vec_IntForEachEntry( vNodes, a, i )
264         Abc_BddUnmark_rec( p, a );
265     return Count;
266 }
Abc_BddCountNodesArray2(Abc_BddMan * p,Vec_Int_t * vNodes)267 int Abc_BddCountNodesArray2( Abc_BddMan * p, Vec_Int_t * vNodes )
268 {
269     int i, a, Count = 0;
270     Vec_IntForEachEntry( vNodes, a, i )
271     {
272         Count += Abc_BddCount_rec( p, a );
273         Abc_BddUnmark_rec( p, a );
274     }
275     return Count;
276 }
280 /**Function*************************************************************
282   Synopsis    [Printing BDD.]
284   Description []
286   SideEffects []
288   SeeAlso     []
290 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddPrint_rec(Abc_BddMan * p,int a,int * pPath)291 void Abc_BddPrint_rec( Abc_BddMan * p, int a, int * pPath )
292 {
293     if ( a == 0 )
294         return;
295     if ( a == 1 )
296     {
297         int i;
298         for ( i = 0; i < p->nVars; i++ )
299             if ( pPath[i] == 0 || pPath[i] == 1 )
300                 printf( "%c%d", pPath[i] ? '+' : '-', i );
301         printf( " " );
302         return;
303     }
304     pPath[Abc_BddVar(p, a)] =  0;
305     Abc_BddPrint_rec( p, Abc_BddElse(p, a), pPath );
306     pPath[Abc_BddVar(p, a)] =  1;
307     Abc_BddPrint_rec( p, Abc_BddThen(p, a), pPath );
308     pPath[Abc_BddVar(p, a)] = -1;
309 }
Abc_BddPrint(Abc_BddMan * p,int a)310 void Abc_BddPrint( Abc_BddMan * p, int a )
311 {
312     int * pPath = ABC_FALLOC( int, p->nVars );
313     printf( "BDD %d = ", a );
314     Abc_BddPrint_rec( p, a, pPath );
315     ABC_FREE( pPath );
316     printf( "\n" );
317 }
Abc_BddPrintTest(Abc_BddMan * p)318 void Abc_BddPrintTest( Abc_BddMan * p )
319 {
320     int bVarA = Abc_BddIthVar(0);
321     int bVarB = Abc_BddIthVar(1);
322     int bVarC = Abc_BddIthVar(2);
323     int bVarD = Abc_BddIthVar(3);
324     int bAndAB = Abc_BddAnd( p, bVarA, bVarB );
325     int bAndCD = Abc_BddAnd( p, bVarC, bVarD );
326     int bFunc  = Abc_BddOr( p, bAndAB, bAndCD );
327     Abc_BddPrint( p, bFunc );
328     printf( "Nodes = %d\n", Abc_BddCountNodes(p, bFunc) );
329 }
332 /**Function*************************************************************
334   Synopsis    []
336   Description []
338   SideEffects []
340   SeeAlso     []
342 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_BddGiaTest2(Gia_Man_t * pGia,int fVerbose)343 void Abc_BddGiaTest2( Gia_Man_t * pGia, int fVerbose )
344 {
345     Abc_BddMan * p = Abc_BddManAlloc( 10, 100 );
346     Abc_BddPrintTest( p );
347     Abc_BddManFree( p );
348 }
Abc_BddGiaTest(Gia_Man_t * pGia,int fVerbose)350 void Abc_BddGiaTest( Gia_Man_t * pGia, int fVerbose )
351 {
352     Abc_BddMan * p;
353     Vec_Int_t * vNodes;
354     Gia_Obj_t * pObj; int i;
355     p = Abc_BddManAlloc( Gia_ManCiNum(pGia), 1 << 20 ); // 30 B/node
356     Gia_ManFillValue( pGia );
357     Gia_ManConst0(pGia)->Value = 0;
358     Gia_ManForEachCi( pGia, pObj, i )
359         pObj->Value = Abc_BddIthVar( i );
360     vNodes = Vec_IntAlloc( Gia_ManAndNum(pGia) );
361     Gia_ManForEachAnd( pGia, pObj, i )
362     {
363         int Cof0 = Abc_LitNotCond(Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj));
364         int Cof1 = Abc_LitNotCond(Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj));
365         pObj->Value = Abc_BddAnd( p, Cof0, Cof1 );
366     }
367     Gia_ManForEachCo( pGia, pObj, i )
368         pObj->Value = Abc_LitNotCond(Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj));
369     Gia_ManForEachCo( pGia, pObj, i )
370     {
371         if ( fVerbose )
372             Abc_BddPrint( p, pObj->Value );
373         Vec_IntPush( vNodes, pObj->Value );
374     }
375     printf( "Shared nodes = %d.\n", Abc_BddCountNodesArray2(p, vNodes) );
376     Vec_IntFree( vNodes );
377     Abc_BddManFree( p );
378 }
380 /*
381     abc 04> c.aig; &get; &test
382     Shared nodes = 80.
383     BDD stats: Var = 23  Obj = 206  Alloc = 1048576  Hit = 59  Miss = 216  Mem = 28.00 MB
385     abc 05> c.aig; clp -r; ps
386     c                             : i/o =   23/    2  lat =    0  nd =     2  edge =     46  bdd  =    80  lev = 1
387 */
389 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
390 ///                       END OF FILE                                ///
391 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////