1 // -*- mode: c; mode: fold -*-
2 /*
3  * CRRCsim - the Charles River Radio Control Club Flight Simulator Project
4  *   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009 - Jens Wilhelm Wulf (original author)
5  *   Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 - Jan Reucker
6  *   Copyright (C) 2006 - Todd Templeton
7  *
8  * This file is partially based on work by
9  *   Jan Kansky
10  *   Bruce Jackson
11  *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
14  * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
15  *
16  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * GNU General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
24  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25  *
26  */
27 //
28 #ifndef FDM_LARCSIM_H
29 # define FDM_LARCSIM_H
31 # include <stdexcept>
32 # include <vector>
33 # include "../ls_types.h"
34 # include "../eom01/eom01.h"
35 # include "../../mod_math/vector3.h"
36 # include "../../mod_math/matrix33.h"
37 # include "../power/power.h"
38 # include "../gear01/gear.h"
40 /**
41  * physical model for a fixed wing airplane
42  *
43  * Jens Wilhelm Wulf, September 2005: attempt to (re)structure and simplify LaRCSim code.
44  *
45  * References originally given by Bruce Jackson:
46  *
47  *                [ 1]    McFarland, Richard E.: "A Standard Kinematic Model
48  *                        for Flight Simulation at NASA-Ames", NASA CR-2497,
49  *                        January 1975
50  *                [ 2]    ANSI/AIAA R-004-1992 "Recommended Practice: Atmos-
51  *                        pheric and Space Flight Vehicle Coordinate Systems",
52  *                        February 1992
53  *                [ 3]    Beyer, William H., editor: "CRC Standard Mathematical
54  *                        Tables, 28th edition", CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1987,
55  *                        ISBN 0-8493-0628-0
56  *                [ 4]    Dowdy, M. C.; Jackson, E. B.; and Nichols, J. H.:
57  *                        "Controls Analysis and Simulation Test Loop Environ-
58  *                        ment (CASTLE) Programmer's Guide, Version 1.3",
59  *                        NATC TM 89-11, 30 March 1989.
60  *                [ 5]    Halliday, David; and Resnick, Robert: "Fundamentals
61  *                        of Physics, Revised Printing", Wiley and Sons, 1974.
62  *                        ISBN 0-471-34431-1
63  *                [ 6]    Anon: "U. S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962"
64  *                [ 7]    Anon: "Aeronautical Vest Pocket Handbook, 17th edition",
65  *                        Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group, Dec. 1977
66  *                [ 8]    Stevens, Brian L.; and Lewis, Frank L.: "Aircraft
67  *                        Control and Simulation", Wiley and Sons, 1992.
68  *                        ISBN 0-471-61397-5
69  *
70  * @author Bruce Jackson
71  * @author Jens Wilhelm Wulf
72  */
73 class CRRC_AirplaneSim_Larcsim : public EOM01
74 {
75    friend class ModFDMInterface;
76    friend class CRRC_AirplaneSim_DisplayMode;
78   public:
isStalling()80    virtual bool   isStalling() { return(stalling != 0); };
82    /**
83     * Returns total CL.
84     */
getFlightCL()85    virtual double getFlightCL() { return(flight_CL); };
87    /**
88     * Used for sound calculation. It returns the prop's number of revolutions
89     * per second [1/s].
90     */
91    virtual double getPropFreq();
93    /**
94     * Returns relative battery capacity/fuel left (0..1).
95     */
getBatCapLeft()96    virtual double getBatCapLeft() { return(power->getBatteryMin()); };
98    /**
99     * computed velocity for trimmed flight in dead air [ft/s]
100     */
getTrimmedFlightVelocity()101    virtual double getTrimmedFlightVelocity() {return(trimmedFlightVelocity); };
103    /**
104     * Wingspan of the aircraft in feet
105     */
getWingspan()106    virtual double getWingspan() { return(B_ref); };
108    /**
109     * returns Z coordinate of lowest point
110     */
getZLow()111    double getZLow() { return(wheels.getZLow()); };
113    /**
114     * This only tries to reload airplane parameters, but does not change states.
115     */
116    virtual int ReloadParams(SimpleXMLTransfer* xml,
117                             SimpleXMLTransfer* cfg);
118   private:
120    void LoadFromXML(SimpleXMLTransfer* xml, int nVerbosity);
122    void update(TSimInputs* inputs,
123                double      dt,
124                int         multiloop);
126    virtual void initAirplaneState(double dRelVel,
127                                   double dPhi,
128                                   double dTheta,
129                                   double dPsi,
130                                   double X,
131                                   double Y,
132                                   double Z,
133                                   double R_X,
134                                   double R_Y,
135                                   double R_Z);
137    /**
138     * read from file
139     */
140    CRRC_AirplaneSim_Larcsim(const char* filename, FDMEnviroment* myEnv, SimpleXMLTransfer* cfg);
142    /**
143     * read from xml description
144     */
145    CRRC_AirplaneSim_Larcsim(SimpleXMLTransfer* xml, FDMEnviroment* myEnv, SimpleXMLTransfer* cfg);
147    virtual ~CRRC_AirplaneSim_Larcsim();
149   private:
151    /// @name Aerodynamic data
152    //@{
153    SCALAR  C_ref;    //  reference chord (ft)
154    SCALAR  B_ref;    //  reference span  (ft)
155    SCALAR  S_ref;    //  reference area (ft^2)
156    SCALAR  U_ref;    //  reference speed for Re-scaling of CD_prof  (ft/s)
158    SCALAR  Alpha_0;  //  baseline alpha (rad)
160    SCALAR  Cm_0   ;  //  baseline Cm at Alpha_0
161    SCALAR  CL_0   ;  //  baseline CL at Alpha_0
162    SCALAR  CL_max ;  //  positive stall limit
163    SCALAR  CL_min ;  //  negative stall limit
164    SCALAR  CD_prof;  //  profile CD at U_ref
166    SCALAR  Uexp_CD;  //  for Re-scaling of CD_prof  ~ (U/U_ref)^Uexp_CD
168    SCALAR  CL_a;     // lift-force   / alpha    ~  2 pi / (1 + 2/AR)
169    SCALAR  Cm_a;     // pitch-moment / alpha    (pitch stability)
170    SCALAR  CY_b;     // side-force  / sideslip
171    SCALAR  Cl_b;     // roll-moment / sideslip (crucial for rudder-only turns)
172    SCALAR  Cn_b;     //  yaw-moment  / sideslip (yaw stability)
174    SCALAR  CL_q;     //  lift-force   / pitch-rate
175    SCALAR  Cm_q;     //  pitch-moment / pitch-rate  (pitch damping)
176    SCALAR  CY_p;     //  side-force  / roll-rate
177    SCALAR  Cl_p;     //  roll-moment / roll-rate   (roll damping)
178    SCALAR  Cn_p;     //  yaw-moment  / roll-rate   (yaw-roll coupling)
179    SCALAR  CY_r;     //  side-force  / yaw-rate
180    SCALAR  Cl_r;     //  roll-moment / yaw-rate
181    SCALAR  Cn_r;     //  yaw-moment  / yaw-rate  (yaw damping)
183    SCALAR  CL_de;    //  lift-force   / elevator
184    SCALAR  Cm_de;    //  pitch-moment / elevator
185    SCALAR  CY_dr;    // side-force  / rudder
186    SCALAR  Cl_dr;    // roll-moment / rudder
187    SCALAR  Cn_dr;    // yaw-moment  / rudder
188    SCALAR  CY_da;    // side-force  / aileron
189    SCALAR  Cl_da;    // roll-moment / aileron
190    SCALAR  Cn_da;    // yaw-moment  / aileron
192    SCALAR eta_loc;
193    SCALAR CG_arm;
194    SCALAR CL_drop;
195    SCALAR CD_stall;
197    SCALAR span_eff;  // span efficiency: Effective span  0.95 for most planes, 0.85 flying wing
198    SCALAR CL_CD0;    // CL at minimum profile CD: 0.30 for 7037, 0.15 MH32, 0.0 RG15, AGxx, power
199    SCALAR CD_CLsq;   // d(CD)/d(CL^2),  curvature of parabolic profile polar: 0.01 composites, 0.015 saggy ships, 0.02 beat up ship
200    SCALAR CD_AIsq;   // d(CD)/d(aileron^2) , curvature of ail. CD influence: 0.01/(max_aileron)^2
201    SCALAR CD_ELsq;   // d(CD)/d(elevator^2), curvature of ele. CD influence: 0.01/(max_elevator)^2 for Zagi otherwise 0
203    SCALAR flap_drag;
204    SCALAR flap_lift;
205    SCALAR flap_moment;
206    SCALAR flap_eff_ratio;  // flap effectiveness at full deflection reduces by this ratio to account for non linearity at large
207                            // deflection angles. Suggested value: 1.0 for travel < 10�, down to 0.5-0.0 for 30�-60� travel
208    SCALAR spoiler_drag;
209    SCALAR spoiler_lift;
210    SCALAR spoiler_moment;
211    SCALAR retract_drag;
212    SCALAR retract_lift;
213    //@}
215    /// @name Gear and ground interaction
216    //@{
218    /**
219     * Vector containing all hard points/wheels
220     */
221    WheelSystem wheels;
223    //@}
225    /// @name Propeller and wing/fuselage/tail interaction
226    //@{
228    /**
229     * Only this fraction of shaft torque is applied to the airframe
230     */
231    double effectivePropellerTorqueFactor;
232    //@}
234   private:
236    void gear(TSimInputs* inputs, CRRCMath::Vector3& v_F, CRRCMath::Vector3& v_M);
237    void aero(TSimInputs* inputs,
238              CRRCMath::Matrix33 m_V_atmo_rwy,
239              CRRCMath::Vector3 v_R_omega_gust_body,
240              CRRCMath::Vector3& v_F, CRRCMath::Vector3& v_M);
241    void engine( SCALAR dt, TSimInputs* inputs, CRRCMath::Vector3& v_F, CRRCMath::Vector3& v_M);
242    virtual void ls_step_init();
244   private:
246    /// @name written by constructor
247    //@{
249    /**
250     * Propulsion system: batteries, shafts, engines, propellers.
251     */
252    Power::Power* power;
254    /**
255     * Velocity in trimmed flight; dead air [ft/s].
256     */
257    float trimmedFlightVelocity;
259    //@}
261    /// @name written by aero
262    //@{
263    int stalling;
265    double flight_CL;
266    //@}
268 };
270 #endif