1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2017, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #ifndef __SHARED_HASH_H__
19 #define __SHARED_HASH_H__
21 /** \file
22  * \brief General-Purpose Hash Tables.
23  *
24  * These two hash table implementations store void pointers as keys, using
25  * user-provided functions for hashing and equality testing. The void pointers
26  * are not interpreted by the hash table implementation, except:
27  *
28  * - The void pointers are passed to the provided hash() and equals() functions.
29  *
30  * - The sentinel values NULL and (void*)~0UL have special meanings and cannot
31  *   be used as keys.
32  *
33  * The equality function should return non-zero for equal hash keys. At a
34  * minimum, the provided functions must satisfy:
35  *
36  *    equals(a, b)  ==>  hash(a) = hash(b)
37  *
38  * The hash() function should avoid clustering in the low bits of the hash
39  * value.
40  *
41  * A NULL equals() function is equivalent to a function returning a == b, but
42  * faster.
43  */
45 typedef unsigned hash_value_t;
46 typedef const void *hash_key_t;
48 typedef hash_value_t (*hash_function_t)(hash_key_t);
49 typedef int (*hash_equality_t)(hash_key_t, hash_key_t);
51 typedef struct hash_functions_ {
52   hash_function_t hash;
53   hash_equality_t equals;
54 } hash_functions_t;
56 /** \brief Predefined hash functions for strings.
57  *
58  * The hash keys are interpreted as pointers to NUL-terminated strings.
59  */
60 extern const hash_functions_t hash_functions_strings;
62 /** \brief Predefined hash functions for directly hashed keys.
63  *
64  * The pointers are compared by value with no indirection. These hash functions
65  * can also be used for integer keys. Just cast the integers to hash_key_t.
66  */
67 extern const hash_functions_t hash_functions_direct;
69 #define INT2HKEY(i) (hash_key_t)(long)(i)
70 #define HKEY2INT(k) (int)(long)(k)
72 /** \brief Hash Set.
73  *
74  * A hashset_t is a hash table that stores a set of keys with no associated
75  * information.
76  */
77 typedef struct hashset_ *hashset_t;
79 /** \brief Allocate a hashset which uses the provided functions to interpret
80  * keys.
81  *
82  * The returned hashset_t handle should be passed to hashset_free() to
83  * deallocate
84  * memory.
85  */
86 hashset_t hashset_alloc(hash_functions_t);
88 /** \brief Free all memory used by a hashset.
89  *
90  * Note that any memory referenced by keys in the set is not freed.
91  */
92 void hashset_free(hashset_t);
94 /** \brief Erase all keys in the set.
95  */
96 void hashset_clear(hashset_t);
98 /** \brief Get the number of keys in the set.
99  */
100 unsigned hashset_size(hashset_t);
102 /** \brief Look up a key and return the equivalent stored key, or NULL.
103  */
104 hash_key_t hashset_lookup(hashset_t, hash_key_t);
106 /** \brief Insert a new key.
107  *
108  * Note that this function assumes that no equivalent key is present in the
109  * set, i.e. hashset_lookup() would return false.
110  *
111  * Use hashset_replace() if an equivalent key may be in the set already.
112  *
113  * The key cannot be NULL or (hash_key_t)~0UL.
114  */
115 void hashset_insert(hashset_t, hash_key_t);
117 /** \brief Insert a new key or replace an existing key.
118  *
119  * If an equivalent key already exists, replace it with the new key and return
120  * the old one. If no equivalent key is in the set, insert the new key and
121  * return NULL.
122  */
123 hash_key_t hashset_replace(hashset_t, hash_key_t);
125 /** \brief Erase a key from the set and return it.
126  *
127  * Return NULL if no equivalent key was found.
128  */
129 hash_key_t hashset_erase(hashset_t, hash_key_t);
131 /** \brief Call f with every key in the hash set.
132  *
133  * Note that the iteration order is a function of both the hash function and
134  * the sequence of hashset_* calls leading up to this one. If pointers are
135  * directly hashed, address space layout randomization can cause different
136  * iteration orders in otherwise identical executions.
137  *
138  * The function f must not modify the hash table.
139  */
140 void hashset_iterate(hashset_t, void (*f)(hash_key_t, void *context),
141                      void *context);
143 /** \brief Hash Map.
144  *
145  * A hashmap_t is a hash table that maps a set of keys to data pointers.
146  *
147  * The keys are treated exactly the same as for a hashset_t, and have the same
148  * restrictions (i.e., no NULL and ~0UL keys allowed).  The data pointers can
149  * have any value.
150  */
151 typedef struct hashmap_ *hashmap_t;
152 typedef const void *hash_data_t;
154 /** \brief Allocate a hashmap.
155  *
156  * The returned handle must be freed with hashmap_free().
157  */
158 hashmap_t hashmap_alloc(hash_functions_t);
160 /** \brief Free all memory used by a hashmap.
161  *
162  * Note that any memory referenced by keys and data pointers in the map is not
163  * freed.
164  */
165 void hashmap_free(hashmap_t);
167 /** \brief Erase all (key, data) entries in the map.
168  */
169 void hashmap_clear(hashmap_t);
171 /** \brief Return the number of (key, data) pairs in the map.
172  */
173 unsigned hashmap_size(hashmap_t);
175 /** \brief Look up a key and return the equivalent stored key, or NULL.
176  *
177  * If if a key was found and data is not NULL, *data will be set to the
178  * corresponding data value, otherwise it is not changed.
179  */
180 hash_key_t hashmap_lookup(hashmap_t, hash_key_t, hash_data_t *data);
182 /** \brief Insert a new (key, data) pair.
183  *
184  * This function assumes that no equivalent key is present in the map, i.e.
185  * hashmap_lookup() would return NULL.
186  *
187  * Use hashmap_replace() if an equivalent key may exist in the map already.
188  */
189 void hashmap_insert(hashmap_t, hash_key_t, hash_data_t);
191 /** \brief Insert or replace a (key, data) pair.
192  *
193  * If an equivalent key already exists, replace it with the new key and *data,
194  * and return the old key. On return, *data is set to the old data.
195  *
196  * If no equivalent key is present, insert the new key and *data and return
197  * NULL. The *data value is not updated.
198  */
199 hash_key_t hashmap_replace(hashmap_t, hash_key_t, hash_data_t *data);
201 /** \brief Erase a key from the map and return it.
202  *
203  * If a (key, data) pair was erased and data is not NULL, update *data with the
204  * erased data value.
205  *
206  * If no key was erased, return NULL and leave *data unchanged.
207  */
208 hash_key_t hashmap_erase(hashmap_t, hash_key_t, hash_data_t *data);
210 /** \brief Call f with every (key, data) pair in the hash map.
211  *
212  * The function f must not modify the hash table.
213  */
214 void hashmap_iterate(hashmap_t,
215                      void (*f)(hash_key_t, hash_data_t, void *context),
216                      void *context);
218 /*
219  * Helpers for computing hash values for composite data structures, using a
220  * hash accumulator. These macros implement parts of the Jenkins hash function.
221  *
222  * See also the functions string_hash() and direct_hash() in hash.c.
223  *
224  * hash_value_T hash_function(const struct foo *data)
225  * {
226  *     hash_accu_t hacc = HASH_ACCU_INIT;
227  *
228  *     HASH_ACCU_ADD(hacc, data->int_member);
229  *     HASH_ACCU_ADD(hacc, data->pointer_member);
230  *     HASH_ACCU_FINISH(accu);
231  *     return HASH_ACCU_VALUE(accu);
232  * }
233  *
234  */
236 typedef struct hash_accu_ {
237   hash_value_t a;
238 } hash_accu_t;
240 #define HASH_ACCU_INIT \
241   {                    \
242     0                  \
243   }
245 #define HASH_ACCU_ADD(accu, data)     \
246   do {                                \
247     (accu).a += (hash_value_t)(data); \
248     (accu).a += (accu).a << 10;       \
249     (accu).a ^= (accu).a >> 6;        \
250   } while (0)
252 #define HASH_ACCU_FINISH(accu)  \
253   do {                          \
254     (accu).a += (accu).a << 3;  \
255     (accu).a ^= (accu).a >> 11; \
256     (accu).a += (accu).a << 15; \
257   } while (0)
259 #define HASH_ACCU_VALUE(accu) ((accu).a + 0)
261 #endif /* __SHARED_HASH_H__ */