4  Format a Data Frame or Matrix for LaTeX or HTML
7  \code{format.df} does appropriate rounding and decimal alignment, and outputs
8  a character matrix containing the formatted data.  If \code{x} is a
9  \code{data.frame}, then do each component separately.
10  If \code{x} is a matrix, but not a data.frame, make it a data.frame
11  with individual components for the columns.
12  If a component \code{x$x} is a matrix, then do all columns the same.
16format.df(x, digits, dec=NULL, rdec=NULL, cdec=NULL,
17          numeric.dollar=!dcolumn, na.blank=FALSE, na.dot=FALSE,
18          blank.dot=FALSE, col.just=NULL, cdot=FALSE,
19          dcolumn=FALSE, matrix.sep=' ', scientific=c(-4,4),
20          math.row.names=FALSE, math.col.names=FALSE,
21          double.slash=FALSE, format.Date="\%m/\%d/\%Y",
22          format.POSIXt="\%m/\%d/\%Y \%H:\%M:\%OS", \dots)
25  \item{x}{
26    a matrix (usually numeric) or data frame
27  }
28  \item{digits}{
29    causes all values in the table to be formatted to \code{digits} significant
30    digits.  \code{dec} is usually preferred.
31  }
32  \item{dec}{
33    If \code{dec} is a scalar, all elements of the matrix will be rounded
34    to \code{dec}
35    decimal places to the right of the decimal. \code{dec} can also be a matrix
36    whose elements correspond to \code{x}, for customized rounding of each element.
37    A matrix \code{dec} must have number of columns equal to number of columns
38    of input \code{x}.
39    A scalar \code{dec} is expanded to a vector \code{cdec} with number of
40    items equal to number of columns of input \code{x}.
41  }
42  \item{rdec}{
43    a vector specifying the number of decimal places to the right for each row
44    (\code{cdec} is more commonly used than \code{rdec})
45    A vector \code{rdec} must have number of items equal to number of rows of input \code{x}.
46    \code{rdec} is expanded to matrix \code{dec}.
47  }
48  \item{cdec}{
49    a vector specifying the number of decimal places for each column.
50    The vector must have number of items equal to number of columns or components
51    of input x.
52  }
53  \item{cdot}{
54    Set to \code{TRUE} to use centered dots rather than ordinary periods in numbers.
55    The output uses a syntax appropriate for \code{latex}.
56  }
57  \item{na.blank}{
58    Set to \code{TRUE} to use blanks rather than \code{NA} for missing values.
59    This usually looks better in \code{latex}.
60  }
61  \item{dcolumn}{
62    Set to \code{TRUE} to use David Carlisle's dcolumn style for
63    decimal alignment in \code{latex}.
64    Default is \code{FALSE}. You will probably want to
65    use \code{dcolumn} if you use \code{rdec}, as a column may then contain varying
66    number of places to the right of the decimal. \code{dcolumn} can line up
67    all such numbers on the decimal point, with integer values right
68    justified at the decimal point location of numbers that actually
69    contain decimal places.  When you use \code{dcolumn = TRUE},
70    \code{numeric.dollar} is set by default to \code{FALSE}.  When you
71    use \code{dcolumn = TRUE}, the
72    object attribute \code{"style"} set to \samp{dcolumn} as the \code{latex} \preformatted{\\usepackage}
73    must reference \preformatted{[dcolumn]}.
74    The three files \file{dcolumn.sty}, \file{newarray.sty}, and
75    \file{array.sty} will
76    need to be in a directory in your \env{TEXINPUTS} path.
77    When you use \code{dcolumn=TRUE}, \code{numeric.dollar} should be set to \code{FALSE}.
78  }
79  \item{numeric.dollar}{
80    logical, default \code{!dcolumn}.  Set to \code{TRUE} to place dollar
81    signs around numeric values when \code{dcolumn = FALSE}.  This
82    assures that \code{latex} will use minus signs rather than hyphens to indicate
83    negative numbers.  Set to \code{FALSE} when \code{dcolumn = TRUE}, as
84    \code{dcolumn.sty} automatically uses minus signs.
85  }
86  \item{math.row.names}{
87    logical, set true to place dollar signs around the row names.
88  }
89  \item{math.col.names}{
90    logical, set true to place dollar signs around the column names.
91  }
92  \item{na.dot}{
93    Set to \code{TRUE} to use periods rather than \code{NA} for missing
94    numeric values.
95    This works with the \acronym{SAS} convention that periods indicate missing values.
96  }
97  \item{blank.dot}{
98    Set to \code{TRUE} to use periods rather than blanks for missing character values.
99    This works with the \acronym{SAS} convention that periods indicate missing values.
100  }
101  \item{col.just}{
102    Input vector \code{col.just} must have number of columns equal to
103    number of columns of the output matrix.  When \code{NULL}, the
104    default, the \code{col.just} attribute of the result is set to
105    \samp{l} for character columns and to \samp{r} for numeric
106    columns.  The user can override the default by an argument vector
107    whose length is equal to the number of columns of the result matrix.
108    When \code{format.df} is called by \code{latex.default}, the
109    \code{col.just} is used as the \code{cols} argument to the
110    \preformatted{\\tabular} environment and the letters \samp{l}, \samp{r},
111    and \samp{c} are valid values.  When \code{format.df} is called by
112    \acronym{SAS}, the \code{col.just} is used to determine whether a
113    \samp{\$} is needed on the \samp{input} line of the \file{sysin} file,
114    and the letters \samp{l} and \samp{r} are valid values.
115  }
116  \item{matrix.sep}{
117    When \code{x} is a data frame containing a matrix, so that new column names
118    are constructed from the name of the matrix object and the names of
119    the individual columns of the matrix, \code{matrix.sep} specifies the
120    character to use to separate object names from individual column
121    names.
122  }
123  \item{scientific}{
124    specifies ranges of exponents (or a logical vector) specifying values
125    not to convert to scientific notation.  See \code{format.default} for details.
126  }
127  \item{double.slash}{
128    should escaping backslashes be themselves escaped.
129  }
130  \item{format.Date}{
131    String used to format objects of the Date class.
132  }
133  \item{format.POSIXt}{
134    String used to format objects of the POSIXt class.
135  }
136  \item{\dots}{
137    other arguments are accepted and ignored.  For \code{latexVerbatim} these
138    arguments are passed to the \code{print} function.
139  }
142  a character matrix with character images of properly rounded \code{x}.
143  Matrix components of input \code{x} are now just sets of columns of
144  character matrix.
145  Object attribute\code{"col.just"} repeats the value of the argument \code{col.just} when provided,
146  otherwise, it includes the recommended justification for columns of output.
147  See the discussion of the argument \code{col.just}.
148  The default justification is \samp{l} for characters and factors,
149  \samp{r} for numeric.
150  When \code{dcolumn==TRUE}, numerics will have \samp{.} as the justification character.
154  Frank E. Harrell, Jr.,
155  \cr
156  Department of Biostatistics,
157  \cr
158  Vanderbilt University,
159  \cr
160  \email{f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu}
163  Richard M. Heiberger,
164  \cr
165  Department of Statistics,
166  \cr
167  Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
168  \cr
169  \email{rmh@astro.ocis.temple.edu}
174  \code{\link{latex}}
178x <- data.frame(a=1:2, b=3:4)
179x$m <- matrix(5:8,nrow=2)