1;;; freecell.scm -- Free Cell game for AisleRiot.
3;; Copyright (C) 1998, 2003 Changwoo Ryu
5;; Author: Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@adam.kaist.ac.kr>
7; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10; (at your option) any later version.
12; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15; GNU General Public License for more details.
17; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20(use-modules (aisleriot interface) (aisleriot api) (ice-9 format))
22;;; Commentary:
26;; * The 4 slots in the left-top are called "freecells". (F? in the below)
27;; * The 4 slots in the right-top are called "homecells". (H? in the below)
28;; * The 8 slots in the bottom are called "fields". (D? in the below)
30;;  -------------------------------------------
31;;  |                                         |
32;;  |(0)  (1)  (2)  (3)    (4)  (5)  (6)  (7) |
33;;  | F1   F2   F3   F4     H1   H2   H3   H4 |
34;;  |                                         |
35;;  |                                         |
36;;  | (8)  (9)  (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) |
37;;  |  D1   D2   D3   D4   D5   D6   D7   D8  |
38;;  |                                         |
39;;  -------------------------------------------
41;;; Code:
44;; Constants
46(define freecell-1 0)
47(define freecell-2 1)
48(define freecell-3 2)
49(define freecell-4 3)
50(define homecell-1 4)
51(define homecell-2 5)
52(define homecell-3 6)
53(define homecell-4 7)
54(define field-1    8)
55(define field-2    9)
56(define field-3    10)
57(define field-4    11)
58(define field-5    12)
59(define field-6    13)
60(define field-7    14)
61(define field-8    15)
63(define freecells (list freecell-1 freecell-2 freecell-3 freecell-4))
64(define homecells (list homecell-1 homecell-2 homecell-3 homecell-4))
65(define fields (list field-1 field-2 field-3 field-4
66                     field-5 field-6 field-7 field-8))
67(define half-fields (list field-1 field-2 field-3 field-4))
70;; Initial cards
72(define (deal-initial-setup)
73  (let ((fields (list field-1 field-2 field-3 field-4
74			       field-5 field-6 field-7 field-8))
75	(half-fields (list field-1 field-2 field-3 field-4)))
76    (deal-cards-face-up-from-deck DECK
77				  (append fields fields fields
78					  fields fields fields
79					  half-fields))))
82;; Utilities
85(define (freecell? slot)
86  (and (>= slot freecell-1) (<= slot freecell-4)))
88(define (homecell? slot)
89  (and (>= slot homecell-1) (<= slot homecell-4)))
91(define (field? slot)
92  (and (>= slot field-1) (<= slot field-8)))
94(define (slot-type slot)
95  (cond ((freecell? slot) 'freecell)
96	((homecell? slot) 'homecell)
97	((field? slot) 'field)))
99(define (opposite-color color)
100  (if (eq? color red) black red))
104;; Utilities for the homecells
107;; homecell id which holds the suit or an empty slot if there is no slot.
108(define (homecell-by-suit suit)
109  (define (p? slot)
110    (and (not (empty-slot? slot))
111	 (= (get-suit (get-top-card slot)) suit)))
112  (cond ((p? homecell-1) homecell-1)
113	((p? homecell-2) homecell-2)
114	((p? homecell-3) homecell-3)
115	((p? homecell-4) homecell-4)
116	(#t (any-empty-homecell))))
118;; An empty homecell's id, if any
119(define (any-empty-homecell)
120  (cond ((empty-slot? homecell-1) homecell-1)
121	((empty-slot? homecell-2) homecell-2)
122	((empty-slot? homecell-3) homecell-3)
123	((empty-slot? homecell-4) homecell-4)
124	(else #f)))
126(define (homecell-join? prev next)
127  (and (eq? (get-suit prev) (get-suit next))
128       (eq? (+ (get-value prev) 1) (get-value next))))
130(define (get-color-homecells color)
131  (define (iter n l)
132    (if (< n homecell-1)
133	l
134	(if (eq? (get-top-card n) color)
135	    (iter (- n 1) (cons n l))
136	    (iter (- n 1) l))))
137  (iter homecell-4 '()))
140;; Utilities for freecells
143;; The total number of empty freecells
144(define (empty-freecell-number)
145  (do ((i freecell-1 (+ i 1))
146       (sum 0 (+ sum (if (empty-slot? i) 1 0))))
147      ((> i freecell-4) sum)))
149;; An empty freecell's id, if any
150(define (any-empty-freecell)
151  (cond ((empty-slot? freecell-1) freecell-1)
152	((empty-slot? freecell-2) freecell-2)
153	((empty-slot? freecell-3) freecell-3)
154	((empty-slot? freecell-4) freecell-4)
155	(else #f)))
158;; Utilities for fields
161(define (field-join? lower upper)
162  (and (not (eq? (get-color lower) (get-color upper)))
163       (eq? (+ (get-value lower) 1) (get-value upper))))
165(define (field-sequence? card-list)
166  (or (null? card-list)
167      (null? (cdr card-list))
168      (and (field-join? (car card-list) (cadr card-list))
169	   (field-sequence? (cdr card-list)))))
171(define (empty-field-number)
172  (do ((i field-1 (+ i 1))
173       (sum 0 (+ sum (if (empty-slot? i) 1 0))))
174      ((> i field-8) sum)))
177;; How to move cards
180(define (movable-to-homecell? card-list homecell-id)
181  (and (= (length card-list) 1)
182       (if (empty-slot? homecell-id)
183           (eq? (get-value (car card-list)) ace)
184           (homecell-join? (car (get-cards homecell-id)) (car card-list)))))
186(define (move-to-homecell card-list homecell-id)
187	(and
188		(= (length card-list) 1)
189		(move-card-to-homecell (car card-list) homecell-id)
190	)
193(define (move-card-to-homecell card homecell-id)
194	(cond
195		; if the homecell is empty, we can add an ace to it.
196		((and
197			(empty-slot? homecell-id)
198			(eq? (get-value card) ace)
199			(add-to-score! 1)
200			(add-card! homecell-id card)
201			(update-auto (get-suit card) (get-value card)))
202		#t)
203		; Put a +1 card into the homecell, whose suit is same.
204		((and
205			(not (empty-slot? homecell-id))
206			(homecell-join? (car (get-cards homecell-id)) card)
207			(add-to-score! 1)
208			(add-card! homecell-id card)
209			(update-auto (get-suit card) (get-value card)))
210		#t)
211		(#t #f)
212	)
215;; Version of move-to-field that only tests a move or supermove.
216(define (movable-to-field? start-slot card-list field-id)
217  (and (field-sequence? card-list)
218       (<= (length card-list)
219           (* (+ (empty-freecell-number) 1)
220              (expt 2 (max (- (empty-field-number)
221                               (if (empty-slot? field-id) 1 0)
222                               (if (empty-slot? start-slot) 1 0))
223                            0))))
224       (or (empty-slot? field-id)
225           (let ((dest-top (car (get-cards field-id))))
226             (and (field-sequence? (append card-list (list dest-top))))))))
229(define (move-to-field start-slot card-list field-id)
230  (and (movable-to-field? start-slot card-list field-id)
231       (add-cards! field-id card-list)))
233(define (movable-to-freecell? card-list freecell-id)
234  (and (= (length card-list) 1)
235       (empty-slot? freecell-id)))
237(define (move-to-freecell card-list freecell-id)
238	(and
239		(= (length card-list) 1)
240		(move-card-to-freecell (car card-list) freecell-id)
241	)
244(define (move-card-to-freecell card freecell-id)
245	(and
246		(not (boolean? freecell-id))
247		(empty-slot? freecell-id)
248		(add-card! freecell-id card)
249	)
253;; Auto move stuffs
256(def-save-var highest-club 0)
257(def-save-var highest-diamond 0)
258(def-save-var highest-heart 0)
259(def-save-var highest-spade 0)
261(define (update-auto suit value)
262	(cond
263		((eq? suit club) (set! highest-club value))
264		((eq? suit diamond) (set! highest-diamond value))
265		((eq? suit heart) (set! highest-heart value))
266		((eq? suit spade) (set! highest-spade value))
267	)
270(define (max-auto-red)
271	(min
272		(+ 2 (min highest-club highest-spade))
273		(+ 3 (min highest-diamond highest-heart))
274	)
277(define (max-auto-black)
278	(min
279		(+ 2 (min highest-diamond highest-heart))
280		(+ 3 (min highest-club highest-spade))
281	)
284(define (move-low-cards slot)
285  (or
286   (and
287    (not (homecell? slot))
288    (not (empty-slot? slot))
289    (let ((card (get-top-card slot)))
290      (if (= (get-color card) red)
291	  (and
292	   (<= (get-value card) (max-auto-red))
293	   (move-card-to-homecell card (homecell-by-suit (get-suit card)))
294	   (remove-card slot)
295	   (delayed-call ((lambda (x) (lambda () (move-low-cards x))) 0))
296	   )
297	  (and
298	   (<= (get-value card) (max-auto-black))
299	   (move-card-to-homecell card (homecell-by-suit (get-suit card)))
300	   (remove-card slot)
301	   (delayed-call ((lambda (x) (lambda () (move-low-cards x))) 0))
302					;	(move-low-cards 0)
303	   )
304	  )
305      )
306    )
307   (if (< slot field-8)
308       (move-low-cards (+ 1 slot))
309       #t
310       )
311   )
312  )
315;; Callbacks & Initialize the game
318;; Set up a new game.
319(define (new-game)
320  (initialize-playing-area)
321  (set-ace-low)
322  (make-standard-deck)
323  (shuffle-deck)
325  ;; set up the board
327  ; freecells
328  (add-normal-slot '() 'reserve)			; 0
329  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
330  (add-normal-slot '() 'reserve)			; 1
331  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
332  (add-normal-slot '() 'reserve)			; 2
333  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
334  (add-normal-slot '() 'reserve)			; 3
335  (set! HORIZPOS (+ HORIZPOS 0.25))
337  ; homecells
338  (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)			; 4
339  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
340  (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)			; 5
341  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
342  (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)			; 6
343  (set! HORIZPOS (- HORIZPOS (/ 1 24)))
344  (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)			; 7
345  (add-carriage-return-slot)
347  ; fields
348  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 8
349  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 9
350  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 10
351  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 11
352  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 12
353  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 13
354  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 14
355  (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)		; 15
357  (add-blank-slot)
358  (deal-initial-setup)
359  (update-auto club 0)
360  (update-auto diamond 0)
361  (update-auto heart 0)
362  (update-auto spade 0)
364  (set! board-hash (make-hash-table hash-size))
367  (list 8 3.5)
370(define (button-pressed slot card-list)
371  (cond ((homecell?   slot) #f)
372	((field?      slot) (field-sequence? card-list))
373	((freecell?   slot) #t)))
375(define (droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot)
376        (and (not (= start-slot end-slot))
377             (cond
378               ((homecell? end-slot) (movable-to-homecell? card-list end-slot))
379               ((field?    end-slot) (movable-to-field? start-slot card-list end-slot))
380	       ((freecell? end-slot) (movable-to-freecell? card-list end-slot))
381               (else #f))))
383(define (button-released start-slot card-list end-slot)
384	(and
385		(not (= start-slot end-slot))
386		(cond
387			((homecell? end-slot) (move-to-homecell card-list end-slot))
388			((field?    end-slot) (move-to-field    start-slot card-list end-slot))
389			((freecell? end-slot) (move-to-freecell card-list end-slot))
390		)
391		(move-low-cards 0)
392	)
395(define (button-clicked slot)
396  ; (FIXME)
397  #f)
399(define (button-double-clicked slot)
400	(and
401		(not (empty-slot? slot))
402		(let ((card (get-top-card slot)))
403			(and
404			        (move-card-to-freecell card (any-empty-freecell))
405			        (remove-card slot)
406			        (move-low-cards 0)
407			)
408		)
409	)
412;; Condition for fail -- no more cards to move
413(define (game-over)
414  ; (FIXME)
415  (not (game-won)))
417;; Condition for win -- all the cards in homecells
418(define (game-won)
419  (and (= 13 (length (get-cards homecell-1)))
420       (= 13 (length (get-cards homecell-2)))
421       (= 13 (length (get-cards homecell-3)))
422       (= 13 (length (get-cards homecell-4)))))
424(define (get-options)
425  #f)
427(define (apply-options options)
428  #f)
430(define (timeout)
431  ; (FIXME)
432  #f)
435; Additions for hint feature
437; Written by Matthew V. Ball <mball@siliconashes.net>
439; The rest of this file is devoted to implementing an intelligent hint
440; feature.  The general search algorithm creates a tree, with each unique
441; board position representing a node.  These nodes are stored in a hash
442; table so that the search does not repeat the work for a particular
443; board position.  Furthermore, the move function sorts the cards within
444; a given board so that different card orders are still treated as the
445; same board.
447; Each searched board is given a qualitative value based first
448; on "Mobility", then "Weight", then "Depth".  Here is a brief definition of
449; these terms:
451; Mobility - The maximum number of cards possible to move from one tableau
452;   to another.  This equals (1 + (# of freecells)) * 2^(# of open tableaus))
453; Weight - The number of cards in play that are not part of a sequence.
454;   For example, placing a 5 on a 6 reduces the board weight by 1, unless the
455;   5 was already on a different 6.
456; Depth - The number of moves between the current node and the best node.
458; In particular, the algorithm maximizes Mobility up until mobility-thresh,
459; after which point additional mobility is not considered.  Both Weight and
460; Depth are minimized.  By minimizing Depth, the algorithm will tend to
461; optimize for the shortest path, eliminating unnecessary moves.  This
462; becomes especially important when determining which of two winning moves
463; to make (there are generally two winning moves: the last move made, if
464; it is reversible, and the winning move that approaches the final solution).
466; This algorithm will eventually find a solution, or determine that a
467; solution is not possible.  However, in the interest of not searching for
468; too long, the search algorithm will stop searching after a specified number
469; of nodes, then return the best move found so far.  If the user presses
470; help multiple times, then the search algorithm starts again where it left
471; off and finds a better move.  If the search algorithm ever does find a
472; solution, it will remember the entire solution in the hash table so that
473; the hint feature can immediately return the next move when asked to do so.
475; Here are definitions for some generic data structures used in this
476; algorithm:
478; Board vector - The board positions are stored in vectors (for no particular
479;   reason -- I wanted to experiment with different data types).
481; index	description
482; ----- -----------
483; 0-3	Freecell cards - Card list containing card, or '() if empty
484; 4-7	Homecells - integer with highest card on homecell for each suit.
485; 8-15	Field cards - Card list containing cards on each tableau.
487; Board Attributes - This is a vector containg some working information
488;   about an associated board.
490; index description
491; ----- -----------
492; 0	Board mobility (size of largest group that can move to a field) (scalar)
493; 1	Board weight (Number of groups in fields and freecells) (scalar)
494; 2	Board outcome (win = 1, lose = 0, unknown = #f)
495; 3	Depth to best board outcome
496; 4	Inuse: Is this board currently being looked at? (#t or #f)
497; 5	Best known value of sub-tree
498; 6	List of possible moves, sorted from best to worst (#f if not generated)
499;	Move definition: ((next-board . next-attributes)
500;                         start-slot card card-count end-slot)
502; The hash table stores associated pairs of the board vector and board
503; attributes.  This is often described as (board . info) in the following text.
506;; Constants
508; Set debug to #t for verbose output
509(define debug #f)
511; These constants refer to indices within a board attributes vector
512(define index-mobility 0)
513(define index-weight   1)
514(define index-outcome  2)
515(define index-depth    3)
516(define index-inuse    4)
517(define index-value    5)
518(define index-moves    6)
520; These constants are the possible values for a board outcome
521(define outcome-win    1)
522(define outcome-lose   0)
523(define outcome-unknown #f)
525; This is the highest mobility for which the algorithm strives.
526; Any mobility larger than the threshhold is disregarded.
527; 6 represents an open tableau and two cards in the reserve slots
528; (generally, if the algorithm can create an open tableau, the game
529; can be solved)
530(define mobility-thresh 6)
532; These constants indicate which board vector indices represent the state
533; of the homecells.
534(define board-foundation 4)
535(define board-club    (+ board-foundation club))
536(define board-diamond (+ board-foundation diamond))
537(define board-heart   (+ board-foundation heart))
538(define board-spade   (+ board-foundation spade))
540; These constants affect the hash table and search algorithm
541(define hash-size (- (expt 2 17) 1)) ; A Mersenne prime (2^17 - 1) ~128k
542(define board-node-max  50) ; number of board positions to visit each time.
543(define traverse-node-max 1000) ; prevents stack overflow
545; These constants define values used in constructing the board value.
546(define weight-factor   100) ; effect of weight on final score
547(define mobility-factor (* 100 weight-factor)) ; effect of mobility
548(define max-move-value  (* 1280 mobility-factor)) ; solution found
549(define min-move-value  (- 0 max-move-value))     ; no solution found
551; value-bias is the amount to bias the previously best move value when
552; searching sub-trees.  A more negative number tends to favor a depth-first
553; search instead of a breadth-first search.
554(define value-bias      -50)
557;; Global variables
559; This is a hash table that holds information about the board
560; positions analyzed by the search function.
561(define board-hash #()) ; This variable is initialized in new-game
562(define visited-nodes 0) ; Number of board positions created for this search.
563(define traversed-nodes 0) ; Number of board positions traversed through
567;; Functions
569; Returns the best move found by the search algorithm
570(define (get-hint)
571  (if debug (display "get-hint\n"))
572  (set! visited-nodes 0)
573  (set! traversed-nodes 0)
574  (let* ((board (copy-master-board))
575	 (info  (get-board-info board)))
576    (analyze-board board info 0)
577    (let* ((moves (vector-ref info index-moves)))
578      (if debug
579	(begin
580	  (display "visited nodes: ") (display visited-nodes) (newline)
581	  (display "traversed nodes: ") (display traversed-nodes) (newline)
582	  (display (list-head (vector->list info) 6))
583	  (newline)
584	  (display-moves board moves)
585	  (newline)
586	  (display-best-move-trace board moves)))
587      (create-help-list board moves))))
589; Displays the sequence of best moves found so far by the search. (Debug only)
590; Note that the best sequence is occasionally not available depending on
591; how the hint function terminates the search.  In these cases, this function
592; displays "Non-decreasing" and shows the available moves at the point
593; it got confused.
594; move format: ((board . info) start-slot card card-count end-slot)
595(define (display-best-move-trace board moves)
596  (if (not (or (null? moves)
597	       (eq? moves #f)))
598    (let* ((best-move (car moves))
599	   (next-moves (vector-ref (cdar best-move) index-moves)))
600      (display-moves board (list best-move))
601      (if (not (or (null? next-moves) (eq? next-moves #f)))
602	(if (> (vector-ref (cdar best-move) index-depth)
603	       (vector-ref (cdaar next-moves) index-depth))
604	  (display-best-move-trace (caar best-move) next-moves)
605	  (begin
606	    (display "Non Decreasing:\n")
607	    (display-moves board moves)
608	    (display "Trace of best-move:\n")
609	    (display-moves (caar best-move) next-moves)))))))
611; Displays a list of moves, relative to a given board position (debug only)
612; move format: ((board . info) start-slot card card-count end-slot)
613(define (display-moves board moves)
614  (if (not (null? moves))
615    (begin
616      (display (list-head (vector->list (cdaar moves)) 6))
617      (display (create-help-list board moves))
618      (newline)
619      (display-moves board (cdr moves)))))
621; Creates the move description returned by get-hint.
622; move format: ((board . info) start-slot card card-count end-slot)
623(define (create-help-list board moves)
624  (if (null? moves)
625    (list 0 (_"No moves are possible. Undo or start again."))
626    (let* ((best-move (car moves))
627	   (from-card (caddr best-move))
628	   (to-slot   (list-ref best-move 4))
629	   (to-stack  (vector-ref board to-slot)))
630      (if (eq? (vector-ref (cdar best-move) index-outcome) outcome-lose)
631	(list 0 (_"The game has no solution. Undo or start again."))
632	(hint-move (find-card-slot from-card) (find-card (find-card-slot from-card) from-card)
633	      (cond ((freecell? to-slot) (find-empty-slot freecells))
634		    ((homecell? to-slot)
635		     (if (equal? 0 to-stack)
636		         (find-empty-slot homecells)
637		         (find-card-slot (list to-stack (get-suit from-card) #t))))
638		    ((null? to-stack) (find-empty-slot fields))
639		    (else (find-card-slot (car to-stack)))))))))
641; Returns a vector copy of the master board for use as the initial
642; node in the search.
643(define (copy-master-board)
644  (let ((freecell-cards (map get-cards freecells))
645	(homecell-cards (list highest-club
646			      highest-diamond
647			      highest-heart
648			      highest-spade))
649	(field-cards    (map get-cards fields)))
650    (list->vector (append
651		    (sort freecell-cards compare-cards)
652		    homecell-cards
653		    (sort field-cards compare-cards)))))
655; Recursively analyzes board positions.  This function is the heart of
656; the search algorithm.  It will continue to search sub-nodes as long as
657; each newly searched board has a value that is greater than prev-best.
658; Otherwise, this function saves the value of the best board position found
659; in this sub-tree, and returns to the caller
661; Parameters:
662;   board - vector containing board position to analyze
663;   info - vector describing board (board attributes)
664;   prev-best - best board value seen in nodes above this node.
665(define (analyze-board board info prev-best)
666  ; increment the number of traversed nodes so that we can estimate the
667  ; stack depth and ensure it doesn't get too deep.
668  (set! traversed-nodes (+ 1 traversed-nodes))
670  ; Check wether we have already generated moves for this board position.
671  ; If not generate the moves now.
672  (if (eq? (vector-ref info index-moves) #f)
673    (vector-set! info index-moves (get-board-moves board)))
674  (vector-set! info index-inuse (+ 1 (vector-ref info index-inuse)))
676  ; set this node to outcome-lose so that we don't revisit the same node.
677  ; This also becomes the default value if we return early
678  (vector-set! info index-value min-move-value)
679  (vector-set! info index-outcome outcome-lose)
681  ; Sort the moves from best to worst based on value
682  (let ((moves (sort (vector-ref info index-moves) move-compare)))
683    (vector-set! info index-moves moves)
685    ; Check whether there are any moves that don't lose.  (If not, exit
686    ; with loss)
687    (if (and (not (null? moves))
688	     (not (eq? (vector-ref (cdaar moves) index-outcome) outcome-lose)))
690      ; Determine whether to traverse deeper, or to go back up the tree
691      (if (and (eq? (vector-ref (cdaar moves) index-outcome) #f)
692	       (< visited-nodes board-node-max)
693	       (< traversed-nodes traverse-node-max)
694	       (>= (vector-ref (cdaar moves) index-value) prev-best))
695	(begin
696	  ; Traverse into the best available move
697	  (analyze-board
698	    (caaar moves)
699	    (cdaar moves)
700	    (if (null? (cdr moves))
701	      prev-best
702	      (max prev-best (+ value-bias
703				(vector-ref (cdaadr moves) index-value)))))
704	  ; Repeat analysis of this node in case another move beats the
705	  ; current best
706	  (analyze-board board info prev-best))
708	; Copy the best outcome and move to previous node
709	(copy-outcome-info! info (cdaar moves)))
710      ; else leave outcome set to 'outcome-lose' and go up to previous node
711      ))
712  (vector-set! info index-inuse (+ -1 (vector-ref info index-inuse))))
714; copies the inportant board information from source to dest
715(define (copy-outcome-info! dest source)
716  (vector-set! dest index-outcome     (vector-ref source index-outcome))
717  (vector-set! dest index-value (+ -1 (vector-ref source index-value)))
718  (vector-set! dest index-depth (+  1 (vector-ref source index-depth))))
720; Sort compare function -- compares two moves (see also get-move-value)
721; Rules:
722;  if a position is a winner, move it to the front.
723;  else if a position is a loser, move it to the back.
724;  else if the mobility of both positions is above a threshold, then
725;       compare positions only using board weight
726;  else compare using mobility first, then use board weight for a tie,
727;       then use depth as a further tie-breaker.
729; returns #t if left move is better than right move
730; returns #f if both positions are equal or right move is better
731; input format: ((board . info) start-slot card card-count end-slot)
732(define (move-compare left right)
733  (> (vector-ref (cdar left)  index-value)
734     (vector-ref (cdar right) index-value)))
736; Returns a list of possible board moves
737(define (get-board-moves board)
738  (get-board-moves-from-slots
739    board (append fields freecells)))
741; Returns a list of board moves from a given list of slots
742(define (get-board-moves-from-slots board slots)
743  (if (null? slots)
744    '()
745    (append (get-board-moves-from-cards
746	      board
747	      (car slots)
748	      1
749	      (vector-ref board (car slots)))
750	    (get-board-moves-from-slots board (cdr slots)))))
752; Returns a list of board moves from a given slot with a given height of cards
753(define (get-board-moves-from-cards board slot height cards)
754  (if (null? cards)
755    '()
756    (append (if (and (not (null? (cdr cards)))
757		     (field-join? (car cards) (cadr cards)))
758	      (get-board-moves-from-cards
759		board
760		slot
761		(+ height 1)
762		(cdr cards))
763	      '() )
764	    (get-moves-from-card-to-slots
765	      board
766	      slot
767	      height
768	      (car cards)
769	      (append
770		(remove-redundant-open-slots board fields)
771		(get-leftmost-open-freecell board)
772		homecells)))))
774; returns a list containing the slot number for the left-most open freecell,
775; or '() if none are open
776(define (get-leftmost-open-freecell board)
777  (cond ((null? (vector-ref board freecell-1)) (list freecell-1))
778	((null? (vector-ref board freecell-2)) (list freecell-2))
779	((null? (vector-ref board freecell-3)) (list freecell-3))
780	((null? (vector-ref board freecell-4)) (list freecell-4))
781	(else '())))
783; Returns a list of field slot numbers with redundant open slots removed
784(define (remove-redundant-open-slots board slots)
785  (if (null? slots)
786    '()
787    (if (null? (vector-ref board (car slots)))
788      (cons (car slots) (remove-all-open-fields board (cdr slots)))
789      (cons (car slots) (remove-redundant-open-slots board (cdr slots))))))
791; Returns a list of fields slot number with all open slots removed
792(define (remove-all-open-fields board slots)
793  (if (null? slots)
794    '()
795    (if (null? (vector-ref board (car slots)))
796      (remove-all-open-fields board (cdr slots))
797      (cons (car slots) (remove-all-open-fields board (cdr slots))))))
799; determines the possible moves from a given card (at a particular source-slot
800; and with a given height) to a set of destination slots.
801(define (get-moves-from-card-to-slots board source-slot height card slots)
802  (if (null? slots)
803    '()
804    (append
805      (let* ((dest-slot (car slots))
806	     (dest-cards (vector-ref board dest-slot)))
807	(if (or (and (homecell? dest-slot)
808		     (= height 1)
809		     (= (get-suit card) (- dest-slot homecell-1))
810		     (= (get-value card) (+ dest-cards 1)))
811	        (and (freecell? dest-slot)
812		     (not (freecell? source-slot))
813		     (= height 1)
814		     (null? dest-cards))
815	        (and (field? dest-slot)
816		     (or (and (null? dest-cards)
817			      (or (freecell? source-slot)
818				  (not
819				    (= height
820				       (length
821					 (vector-ref board source-slot))))))
822			 (and (not (null? dest-cards))
823			      (field-join? card (car dest-cards))))
824		     (or (= height 1)
825			 (<= height
826			     (get-board-mobility
827			       board
828			       (if (null? dest-cards) 1 0))))))
829	  (let* ((move-cdr (list source-slot card height (car slots)))
830		 (move (cons (get-board-info-pair
831			       (perform-move board move-cdr))
832			     move-cdr)))
833	    (if (= (vector-ref (cdar move) index-value) 0)
834	      (vector-set!
835	        (cdar move) index-value
836	        (quotient
837		  (get-move-value move)
838		  (let ((source-cards (list-tail (vector-ref board source-slot)
839					         height)))
840		    (if (and (not (null? source-cards))
841			     (not (freecell? (cadr move)))
842			     (field-join?
843			       (caddr move)
844			       (car source-cards)))
845		      2
846		      1)))))
847	    (list move))
848	  '() ))
849      (get-moves-from-card-to-slots
850	board
851	source-slot
852	height
853	card
854	(cdr slots)))))
856; returns a new board with a given move applied and small cards moved up
857;   board - a board vector
858;   move - list in the form (source-slot card card-count dest-slot)
859;          (This is more precisely a move-cdr)
860(define (perform-move board move)
861  (set! visited-nodes (+ 1 visited-nodes))
862  (let ((new-board (list->vector (vector->list board)))
863	(source-stack (vector-ref board (car move)))
864	(dest-stack (vector-ref board (cadddr move))))
865    (vector-set! new-board (cadddr move)
866		 (if (homecell? (cadddr move))
867		   (get-value (car source-stack))
868		   (append (list-head source-stack (caddr move))
869			   dest-stack)))
870    (vector-set! new-board (car move) (list-tail source-stack (caddr move)))
871    (move-board-low-cards new-board 0)
872    (let* ((temp-board (vector->list new-board))
873	   (freecell-cards (list-head temp-board 4))
874	   (homecell-cards (list-head (list-tail temp-board 4) 4))
875	   (field-cards (list-tail temp-board 8)))
876      (set! new-board
877	(list->vector (append (sort freecell-cards compare-cards)
878			      homecell-cards
879			      (sort field-cards compare-cards)))))
880    new-board))
882; Compares two card stacks and returns #t if the top card from
883; card1 is larger than that of card2.
884(define (compare-cards card1 card2)
885  (> (card-value card1) (card-value card2)))
887; Returns 0 if there is no card, or between 1 and 52 for the absolute
888; rank of the top card in a stack.  This equates to 4*rank+suit, where
889; the suit order is club=0, diamond=1, heart=2, and spade=3.
890; format of card: ((rank suit visible) ...) or '()
891(define (card-value card)
892  (if (null? card)
893    0
894    (+ (* 4 (caar card)) (cadar card))))
896; This function is more or less a copy of move-low-cards, except it
897; operates on a local board instead of a global board.
898(define (move-board-low-cards board slot)
899  (and (not (homecell? slot))
900       (not (null? (vector-ref board slot)))
901       (let* ((card (car (vector-ref board slot)))
902	      (homecell-slot (+ board-foundation (get-suit card)))
903	      (homecell-value (vector-ref board homecell-slot)))
904	 (if (and (= (get-value card) (+ 1 homecell-value))
905		  (or (and (= (get-color card) red)
906			   (<= (get-value card) (max-board-auto-red board)))
907		      (and (= (get-color card) black)
908			   (<= (get-value card) (max-board-auto-black board)))))
909	   (begin
910	     (vector-set! board (+ board-foundation (get-suit card))
911			  (get-value card))
912	     (vector-set! board slot (cdr (vector-ref board slot)))
913	     (move-board-low-cards board 0)))))
914  (or (>= slot field-8)
915      (move-board-low-cards board (+ 1 slot))))
917; Copy of max-auto-red, except uses a local board.
918; Returns the maximum rank of the red homecells that is automatically moved.
919; This equates to the highest red suit rank that is not useful in play.  In
920; other words, it is better to move the lower black suit cards to the
921; homecells instead of stacking them on top of a red suit card that is at or
922; below this rank.
923(define (max-board-auto-red board)
924  (min (+ 2 (min (vector-ref board board-club)
925		 (vector-ref board board-spade)))
926       (+ 3 (min (vector-ref board board-diamond)
927		 (vector-ref board board-heart)))))
929; see max-board-auto-red and exchange red for black
930(define (max-board-auto-black board)
931  (min (+ 2 (min (vector-ref board board-diamond)
932		 (vector-ref board board-heart)))
933       (+ 3 (min (vector-ref board board-club)
934		 (vector-ref board board-spade)))))
936; Returns the value of a move, based on the board information.
937; The resulting format generally looks like this: MWWDD, where
938;   M is Mobility, WW is 100 - board weight, and DD is 100 - depth.
939; input format: ((board . info) start-slot card card-count end-slot)
940(define (get-move-value move)
941  (let ((info  (cdar move))
942	(board (caar move)))
943    (let ((mobility (vector-ref info index-mobility))
944	  (weight   (vector-ref info index-weight))
945	  (outcome  (vector-ref info index-outcome))
946	  (inuse    (> (vector-ref info index-inuse) 0))
947	  (depth    (vector-ref info index-depth)))
948      (cond (inuse                      min-move-value)
949	    ((eq? outcome outcome-win)  (- max-move-value depth))
950	    ((= weight 0)		(- max-move-value depth))
951	    ((eq? outcome outcome-lose) min-move-value)
952	    (else (+ (* mobility-factor (min mobility-thresh mobility))
953		     (- mobility-factor (* weight-factor weight))
954		     (- weight-factor depth)))))))
956; generates a board and info pair (board . pair) based on an input board
957(define (get-board-info-pair board)
958  (cons board (get-board-info board)))
960; Returns the information for a particular board position by looking
961; in hash table.  If not entry found, creates a new entry in the hash
962; table with default information
963(define (get-board-info board)
964  (or (hash-ref board-hash board)
965      (let ((info (vector (get-board-mobility board 0)
966			  (get-board-weight board)
967			  outcome-unknown ; Outcome not known
968			  1     ; each new board has a depth of 1
969			  0     ; board is not yet being looked at
970			  0     ; position has no value yet
971			  #f))) ; no moves generated yet
972	; Add new board to hash table
973	(hash-set! board-hash board info)
974	(if (= (vector-ref info index-weight) 0)
975	  (vector-set! info index-outcome outcome-win))
976	info)))
978; Determines a board's 'Weight' by determining the number of groups within
979; the tableaus and the freecells (reserves).  A group is defined as a set
980; of consecutive cards that alternate color.
981(define (get-board-weight board)
982  (define (get-slot-list-weight slots)
983    (if (null? slots)
984      0
985      (+ (get-card-list-weight (vector-ref board (car slots)))
986	 (get-slot-list-weight (cdr slots)))))
987  (get-slot-list-weight (append freecells fields)))
989; returns the 'weight' of a card list, which is the number of distinct runs
990(define (get-card-list-weight card-list)
991  (cond ((null? card-list)       0)
992        ((null? (cdr card-list)) 1)
993        (else (+ (get-card-list-weight (cdr card-list))
994		 (if (field-join? (car card-list) (cadr card-list)) 0 1)))))
996; Returns the board 'Mobility', which is defined as the largest run of cards
997; the user could move to another card.
998; Parameters:
999;   board: board vector
1000;   adjust: 0 - Compute mobility when moving a stack to another card
1001;           1 - Compute mobility when moving a stack to an open tableau
1002(define (get-board-mobility board adjust)
1003  (* (+ (get-board-free-count board freecells) 1)
1004     (expt 2 (- (get-board-free-count board fields) adjust))))
1006; returns the number of open cells available within a given set of cells
1007(define (get-board-free-count board cells)
1008  (if (null? cells)
1009    0
1010    (+ (get-board-free-count board (cdr cells))
1011       (if (null? (vector-ref board (car cells))) 1 0))))
1013(set-features droppable-feature)
1015(set-lambda new-game button-pressed button-released button-clicked button-double-clicked game-over game-won get-hint get-options apply-options timeout droppable?)
1017;;; freecell.scm ends here