1 // -*- C++ -*-
3 /*
4  * GChemPaint library
5  * fragment.h
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Jean Bréfort <jean.brefort@normalesup.org>
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
12  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
22  * USA
23  */
28 #include "text-object.h"
29 #include <gccv/item-client.h>
30 #include <gccv/text-tag.h>
32 namespace gccv {
33 	class Text;
34 }
36 /*!\file*/
37 namespace gcp {
39 extern gccv::Tag ChargeTag, StoichiometryTag;
41 /*!
42 @brief Charge.
44 TextTag class for charge. Text using this tag will appear as superscript and
45 interpreted as an electric charge.
46 */
47 class ChargeTextTag: public gccv::PositionTextTag
48 {
49 public:
50 /*!
51 @param size a default font size.
53 Constructs a new ChargeTextTag.
54 */
55 	ChargeTextTag (double size);
56 /*!
57 The destructor.
58 */
59 	virtual ~ChargeTextTag ();
61 /*!
62 @param tag a TextTag.
64 Implementation of TextTag::Restrict for the ChargeTextTag class.
65 @return the new TextTag if \a this split or NULL.
66 */
67 	TextTag *Restrict (TextTag *tag);
68 };
70 /*!
71 @brief Stoichiometry.
73 TextTag class for stoichiometry. Text using this tag will appear as subscript
74 and interpreted as a stoichiometric index.
75 */
76 class StoichiometryTextTag: public gccv::PositionTextTag
77 {
78 public:
79 /*!
80 @param size a default font size.
82 Constructs a new StoichiometryTextTag.
83 */
84 	StoichiometryTextTag (double size);
85 /*!
86 The destructor.
87 */
88 	virtual ~StoichiometryTextTag ();
90 /*!
91 @param tag a TextTag.
93 Implementation of TextTag::Restrict for the StoichiometryTextTag class.
94 @return the new TextTag if \a this split or NULL.
95 */
96 	TextTag *Restrict (TextTag *tag);
97 };
99 class FragmentAtom;
100 class Atom;
102 /*!\class Fragment gcp/fragment.h
103 \brief Atoms groups.
105 Represents atoms groups displayed as a string. Currntly, the string is not
106 fully parsed, so that some non sense strings might be accepted. Anyway, this
107 will not always be the case in the future.
108 */
109 class Fragment: public TextObject
110 {
111 public:
112 /*!
113 The default constructor.
114 */
115 	Fragment ();
116 /*!
117 @param x the x position of the new fragment.
118 @param y the y position of the new fragment.
120 Constructs a new fragment and position it. x and y are the position of the
121 main atom or residue in the fragment.
122 */
123 	Fragment (double x, double y);
124 /*!
125 The destructor.
126 */
127 	virtual ~Fragment ();
129 /*!
130 Used to add a representation of the fragment in the view.
131 */
132 	void AddItem ();
133 /*!
134 Used to update a representation of the fragment in the view.
135 */
136 	void UpdateItem ();
137 /*!
138 @param state the selection state of the fragment.
140 Used to set the selection state of the fragment inside the widget.
141 The values of state might be gcp::SelStateUnselected, gcp::SelStateSelected,
142 gcp::SelStateUpdating, or gcp::SelStateErasing.
143 */
144 	void SetSelected (int state);
145 /*!
146 @param xml the xmlDoc used to save the document.
148 Used to save the fragment to the xmlDoc.
149 @return the xmlNode containing the serialized fragment.
150 */
151 	xmlNodePtr Save (xmlDocPtr xml) const;
152 /*!
153 @param xml the xmlDoc used for clipboard operations.
155 Saves the currently selected text inside the fragment. This method is used by
156 the framework when editing the fragment.
157 @return the xmlNode containing the serialized selection.
158 */
159 	xmlNodePtr SaveSelection (xmlDocPtr xml) const;
160 /*!
161 @param node a pointer to the xmlNode containing the serialized fragment.
163 Used to load a fragment in memory. The Fragment must already exist.
164 @return true on succes, false otherwise.
165 */
166 	bool Load (xmlNodePtr node);
167 /*!
168 @param save whether the text should be saved for undo/redo operations.
170 Called after any change in the text.
171 */
172 	bool OnChanged (bool save);
173 /*!
174 Analyses the whole contents.
175 */
176 	void AnalContent ();
177 /*!
178 @param start the start fo the substring to parse, in bytes.
179 @param end the end fo the substring to parse, in bytes.
181 Analyses a substring.
182 */
183 	void AnalContent (unsigned start, unsigned &end);
184 /*!
185 @param x the x coordinate
186 @param y the y coordinate
187 @param z the z coordinate (unused)
189 @return a pointer to the Atom correpoding to the symbol at or near the position
190 defined by the coordinates passed as parameters, if any.
191 */
192 	Object* GetAtomAt (double x, double y, double z = 0.);
193 /*!
194 @param x the x component of the transation vector.
195 @param y the y component of the transation vector.
196 @param z the z component of the transation vector.
198 Moves the fragment.
199 */
200 	void Move (double x, double y, double z = 0);
201 /*!
202 @param m the Matrix2D of the transformation.
203 @param x the x component of the center of the transformation.
204 @param y the y component of the center of the transformation.
206 Moves and/or transform an object.
207 */
208 	void Transform2D (gcu::Matrix2D& m, double x, double y);
209 /*!
210 Called by the framework when the user changes the nature of an atom using the
211 element tool.
212 */
213 	void OnChangeAtom ();
214 /*!
215 @return the main atom, which might have a bond.
216 */
GetAtom()217 	Atom  *GetAtom () {return reinterpret_cast < Atom * > (m_Atom);}
GetAtom()218 	Atom const *GetAtom () const {return reinterpret_cast < Atom const * > (m_Atom);}
219 /*!
220 @param start the start position of the atomic symbol.
221 @param end the end position of the atomic symbol.
223 @return the atomic number corresponding to the symbol starting at \a start, if any, or 0.
224 \a end is updated accordingly.
225 */
226 	int GetElementAtPos (unsigned start, unsigned &end);
227 /*!
228 @param pAtom the main atom which will get the local charge.
229 @param Pos the approximate position of the charge.
230 @param Angle the angle from horizontal left.
231 @param x the x position of the charge symbol.
232 @param y the y position of the charge symbol.
234 If \a pAtom is not the main atom of the fragment, 0 is returned and \a Pos
235 is not updated.
236 On input \a Pos can be one of POSITION_E, POSITION_N,... or 0xff, in which case,
237 it will be given a default value. \a x and \a y are set to the position where the charge
238 sign should be displayed usding the alignment code returned by this method.
239 @return the anchor for the charge symbol. On error, gccv::AnchorCenter is used as
240 the returned value.
241 */
242 	gccv::Anchor GetChargePosition (FragmentAtom *pAtom, unsigned char &Pos, double Angle, double &x, double &y);
243 /*!
244 @param x the x position.
245 @param y the y position.
247 This method finds an available position for drawing a charge sign or electrons and returns
248 it as a symbolic value (see POSITION_E, POSITION_N,...). The \a x and \a y are updated so
249 that they give the absolute position.
250 @return an available position.
251 */
252 	int GetAvailablePosition (double &x, double &y);
253 /*!
254 @param angle the angle at which a charge sign should be displayed.
255 @param x the x position.
256 @param y the y position.
258 @return false and do not update the coordinates.
259 */
260 	bool GetPosition (double angle, double &x, double &y);
261 /*!
262 Validates the contents of the fragment text, and display error messages when necessary.
263 */
264 	bool Validate ();
265 /*!
266 @return the y coordinate at half height of a carbon atom symbol if any was present.
267 */
268 	double GetYAlign ();
270 /*!
271 @param property the property id as defined in objprops.h
272 @param value the property value as a string
274 Used when loading to set properties for the fragment. This method supports
277 @return true if the property could be set, or if the property is not relevant, false otherwise.
278 */
279 	bool SetProperty (unsigned property, char const *value);
281 /*!
282 @param property the property id as defined in objprops.h
284 Used when saving to get properties from fragments.
285 */
286 	std::string GetProperty (unsigned property) const;
288 /*!
289 Analyses the text in the fragment. This calls gcp::Fragment::AnalContent()
290 and updates the attribute list.
291 */
292 	bool Analyze ();
294 /*!
295 Changes the order of the symbols if necessary when a bond is at an extremity
296 of the fragment.
297 @return true, if the order has been reversed.
298 */
299 	bool Update ();
301 /*!
302 @return the gccv::Item used to represent the formal charge of the main atom.
303 */
304 	gccv::Item *GetChargeItem ();
306 /*!
307 @return the localized object generic name.
308 */
309 	std::string Name ();
310 /*!
311 @param x a pointer to the double value which will receive the x coordinate of the Fragment.
312 @param y a pointer to the double value which will receive the y coordinate of the Fragment.
313 @param z a pointer to the double value which will receive the z coordinate of the Fragment or NULL for 2D representations.
315 Retrieves the coordinates of this Arrow.
316 @return true if successful and false if an error occurs (if x or y is NULL).
317 */
318 	bool GetCoords (double *x, double *y, double *z = NULL) const;
319 /*!
320 @brief
322 The validity state of a Fragment as it is currently evaluated by the framework.
323 The 0.12.x version don't do anything useful with it and all Fragment instances
324 are invalid.
325 */
326 	typedef enum {
327 /*!
328 Invalid Fragment or validity not checked.
329 */
330 		Invalid,
331 /*!
332 Valid Fragment, all symbols in the string can be interpreted.
333 */
334 		Valid,
335 /*!
336 Valid Fragment, with a known and reasonable 2D structure.
337 */
338 		Valid2D,
339 /*!
340 Valid Fragment, with a known and reasonable 3D structure.
341 */
342 		Valid3D
343 	} Validity;
345 /*!
346 @brief Edition mode.
348 Current edition mode for the fragment. Used to know how inserted symbolds need
349 to be interpreted.
350 */
351 	typedef enum {
352 /*!
353 Automatic mode, try to guess what each new symbol represent.
354 */
355 		AutoMode,
356 /*!
357 New characters are aligned on the base line.
358 */
359 		NormalMode,
360 /*!
361 New characters are subscripts, but are not related to stoichiometry.
362 */
363 		SubscriptMode,
364 /*!
365 New characters are superscripts, but are not related to charge.
366 */
367 		SuperscriptMode,
368 /*!
369 New characters are interpreted as charge and superscript.
370 */
371 		ChargeMode,
372 /*!
373 New characters are interpreted as stoichiometry and subscript.
374 */
375 		StoichiometryMode
376 	} FragmentMode;
378 private:
379 	bool SavePortion (xmlDocPtr xml, xmlNodePtr node, unsigned start, unsigned end) const;
381 private:
382 	FragmentAtom *m_Atom;
383 	unsigned m_BeginAtom, m_EndAtom;
384 	double m_lbearing;
385 	double m_CHeight;
386 	bool m_Inversable;
388 /*!\fn GetValid()
389 @return the current Fragment::Validity for the Fragment instance.
390 */
391 GCU_RO_PROP (Validity, Valid)
392 /*!\fn SetMode(FragmentMode mode)
393 @param mode the nexw edition mode.
395 Sets the current edition mode for the Fragment instance.
396 */
397 /*!\fn GetMode()
398 @return the current edition mode for the Fragment instance.
399 */
400 /*!\fn GetRefMode()
401 @return the current edition mode for the Fragment instance as a reference.
402 */
403 GCU_PROP (FragmentMode, Mode)
404 };
406 }	//	namespace gcp