1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //            Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by The Allacrost Project
3 //                         All Rights Reserved
4 //
5 // This code is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It is free software
6 // and you may modify it and/or redistribute it under the terms of this license.
7 // See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.
8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /** ****************************************************************************
11 *** \file    global_actors.h
12 *** \author  Tyler Olsen, roots@allacrost.org
13 *** \brief   Header file for global game actors
14 ***
15 *** This file contains the implementation of "actors", which are living entities
16 *** in the game. Actors consist of playable characters and enemies in the game
17 *** that may participate in battles. Actors do not include NPCs found in towns or
18 *** other adversaries with which the player does not to battle with. This file
19 *** also contains classes that are closely related to the implementation of actors
20 *** such as attack targets and attack points.
21 *** ***************************************************************************/
26 #include "defs.h"
27 #include "utils.h"
29 #include "video.h"
31 #include "global_utils.h"
33 namespace hoa_global {
35 /** ****************************************************************************
36 *** \brief Represents the points of attack present on an actor
37 ***
38 *** An attack point is a location where an actor may be attacked. It is <b>not</b> a numerical
39 *** quantity. Actors typically have multiple attack points, each with their own resistances and
40 *** weaknesses. For example, the number of attack points on all characters is four and they
41 *** are located on the head, torso, arms, and legs. Each attack points may have certain weaknesses
42 *** or resistances.
43 *** ***************************************************************************/
44 class GlobalAttackPoint {
45 public:
46 	//! \param actor_owner A pointer to the GlobalActor owner of this attack point
47 	GlobalAttackPoint(GlobalActor* owner);
~GlobalAttackPoint()49 	~GlobalAttackPoint()
50 		{ _actor_owner = NULL; }
52 	/** \brief Reads in the attack point's data from a script file
53 	*** \param script A reference to the open script file where to retrieve the data from
54 	*** \return True upon success, false upon failure.
55 	***
56 	*** There are two requirements for using this function. First, the script file must already
57 	*** be opened for reading permissions. Second, the table which contains the attack point data
58 	*** must be opened <b>prior</b> to making this function call. This function will not close the
59 	*** table containing the attack point when it finishes loading the data, so the calling routine
60 	*** must remember to close the table after this call is made.
61 	**/
62 	bool LoadData(hoa_script::ReadScriptDescriptor& script);
64 	/** \brief Determines the total physical and metaphysical defense of the attack point
65 	*** \param equipped_armor A pointer to the armor equipped on the attack point, or NULL if no armor is equipped
66 	***
67 	*** This method uses the owning GlobalActor's base defense stats, the attack point's defense modifiers stats,
68 	*** and the properties of the equipped armor to calculate the attack point's total physical and metaphysical defense.
69 	*** This method should be called whenever the actor's base defense stats or equipped armor on this point changes.
70 	**/
71 	void CalculateTotalDefense(const GlobalArmor* equipped_armor);
73 	/** \brief Determines the total evade rating of the attack point
74 	***
75 	*** This method uses the owning GlobalActor's base evade rating and the attack point's evade modifiers stats to
76 	*** calculate the attack point's total evade rating. This method should be called whenever the actor's base defense
77 	*** rating changes.
78 	**/
79 	void CalculateTotalEvade();
81 	//! \name Class Member Access Functions
82 	//@{
GetName()83 	hoa_utils::ustring& GetName()
84 		{ return _name; }
GetActorOwner()86 	GlobalActor* GetActorOwner() const
87 		{ return _actor_owner; }
GetXPosition()89 	uint16 GetXPosition() const
90 		{ return _x_position; }
GetYPosition()92 	uint16 GetYPosition() const
93 		{ return _y_position; }
GetFortitudeModifier()95 	float GetFortitudeModifier() const
96 		{ return _fortitude_modifier; }
GetProtectionModifier()98 	float GetProtectionModifier() const
99 		{ return _protection_modifier; }
GetEvadeModifier()101 	float GetEvadeModifier() const
102 		{ return _evade_modifier; }
GetTotalPhysicalDefense()104 	uint16 GetTotalPhysicalDefense() const
105 		{ return _total_physical_defense; }
GetTotalMetaphysicalDefense()107 	uint16 GetTotalMetaphysicalDefense() const
108 		{ return _total_metaphysical_defense; }
GetTotalEvadeRating()110 	float GetTotalEvadeRating() const
111 		{ return _total_evade_rating; }
113 	//! \note Use this method with extreme caution. It does not update defense/evade totals or any other members
SetActorOwner(GlobalActor * new_owner)114 	void SetActorOwner(GlobalActor* new_owner)
115 		{ _actor_owner = new_owner; }
116 	//@}
118 private:
119 	/** \brief The name of the attack point as is displayed on the screen
120 	*** Usually, this is simply the name of a body part such as "head" or "tail". More elaborate names
121 	*** may be chosen for special foes and bosses, however.
122 	**/
123 	hoa_utils::ustring _name;
125 	//! \brief A pointer to the actor which "owns" this attack point (i.e., the attack point is a location on the actor)
126 	GlobalActor* _actor_owner;
128 	/** \brief The position of the physical attack point relative to the actor's battle sprite
129 	*** These members treat the bottom left corner of the sprite as the origin (0, 0) and increase in the
130 	*** right and upwards directions. The combination of these two members point to the center pinpoint
131 	*** location of the attack point. The units of these two members are in number of pixels.
132 	**/
133 	uint16 _x_position, _y_position;
135 	/** \brief The defense and evasion percentage modifiers for this attack point
136 	***
137 	*** These are called "modifiers" because they modify the value of fortitude, protection, and evade ratings of the
138 	*** actor. They represent percentage change from the base stat. So for example, a fortitude modifer that is 0.25f
139 	*** increases the fortitude of the attack point by 25%. If the base protection rating was 10 and the protection
140 	*** modifier was -0.30f, the resulting protection for the attack point would be: 10 + (10 * -0.30f) = 7.
141 	***
142 	*** The lower bound for each modifier is -1.0f (-100%), which will result in a value of zero for that stat. No
143 	*** actor stats can be negative so even if the modifier drops below -1.0f, the resulting value will still be zero.
144 	*** There is no theoretical upper bound, but it is usually advised to keep it under 1.0f (100%).
145 	**/
146 	//@{
147 	float _fortitude_modifier;
148 	float _protection_modifier;
149 	float _evade_modifier;
150 	//@}
152 	/** \brief The cumunalative defense and evade stats for this attack point
153 	*** These totals include the actor's base stat, the percentage modifier for the attack point, and the stats of any
154 	*** armor that is equipped on the attack point.
155 	**/
156 	//@{
157 	uint16 _total_physical_defense;
158 	uint16 _total_metaphysical_defense;
159 	float _total_evade_rating;
160 	//@}
162 	/** \brief A vector containing all status effects that may be triggered by attacking the point
163 	*** This vector contains only the status effects that have a non-zero chance of affecting their target. Therefore,
164 	*** it is very possible that this vector may be empty. The first element in the pair is a floating point value from 0.0
165 	*** to 1.0 that indicates the likelihood of success that should the attack point be successfully attacked by an opponent,
166 	*** the status effect becomes triggered. Note that this likelihood does not take into account that the target may have a
167 	*** particular defense or immunity against the status effect.
168 	**/
169 	// TODO: Add status and elemental effects to attack points
170 	// std::vector<std::pair<float, GlobalStatusEffect*> > _status_weaknesses;
171 }; // class GlobalAttackPoint
174 /** ****************************************************************************
175 *** \brief Represents an actor that can participate in battles
176 ***
177 *** This is an abstract parent class that both playable characters and enemies
178 *** inherit from in order to provide a consistent interface to the statistics
179 *** that characters and enemies share.
180 *** ***************************************************************************/
181 class GlobalActor {
182 public:
183 	GlobalActor();
185 	virtual ~GlobalActor();
187 	GlobalActor(const GlobalActor& copy);
189 	GlobalActor& operator=(const GlobalActor& copy);
191 	/** \brief Equips a new weapon on the actor
192 	*** \param weapon The new weapon to equip on the actor
193 	*** \return A pointer to the weapon that was previouslly equipped, or NULL if no weapon was equipped.
194 	***
195 	*** This function will also automatically re-calculate all attack ratings, elemental, and status bonuses.
196 	**/
197 	GlobalWeapon* EquipWeapon(GlobalWeapon* weapon);
199 	/** \brief Equips a new armor on the actor
200 	*** \param armor The piece of armor to equip
201 	*** \param index The index into the _armor_equippd vector where to equip the armor
202 	*** \return A pointer to the armor that was previously equipped, or NULL if no armor was equipped
203 	***
204 	*** This function will also automatically re-calculate all defense ratings, elemental, and status bonuses
205 	*** for the attack point that the armor was equipped on. If the index argument is invalid (out-of-bounds),
206 	*** the function will return the armor argument.
207 	**/
208 	GlobalArmor* EquipArmor(GlobalArmor* armor, uint32 index);
210 	/** \brief Adds a new skill to the actor's skill set
211 	*** \param skill_id The id number of the skill to add
212 	***
213 	*** No skill may be added more than once. If this case is detected or an error occurs when trying
214 	*** to load the skill data, it will not be added.
215 	**/
216 	virtual void AddSkill(uint32 skill_id) = 0;
218 	/** \brief Determines if the actor is "alive" and able to perform actions
219 	*** \return True if the character has a non-zero amount of hit points
220 	**/
IsAlive()221 	bool IsAlive() const
222 		{ return (_hit_points != 0); }
224 	/** \name Class member get functions
225 	*** Some of these functions take an index argument to retrieve a particular
226 	*** attack point stat or piece of armor. If an invalid index is given, a zero
227 	*** or NULL value will be returned.
228 	**/
229 	//@{
GetID()230 	uint32 GetID() const
231 		{ return _id; }
GetName()233 	hoa_utils::ustring& GetName()
234 		{ return _name; }
GetFilename()236 	std::string& GetFilename()
237 		{ return _filename; }
GetHitPoints()239 	uint32 GetHitPoints() const
240 		{ return _hit_points; }
GetMaxHitPoints()242 	uint32 GetMaxHitPoints() const
243 		{ return _max_hit_points; }
GetSkillPoints()245 	uint32 GetSkillPoints() const
246 		{ return _skill_points; }
GetMaxSkillPoints()248 	uint32 GetMaxSkillPoints() const
249 		{ return _max_skill_points; }
GetExperienceLevel()251 	uint32 GetExperienceLevel() const
252 		{ return _experience_level; }
GetExperiencePoints()254 	uint32 GetExperiencePoints() const
255 		{ return _experience_points; }
GetStrength()257 	uint32 GetStrength() const
258 		{ return _strength; }
GetVigor()260 	uint32 GetVigor() const
261 		{ return _vigor; }
GetFortitude()263 	uint32 GetFortitude() const
264 		{ return _fortitude; }
GetProtection()266 	uint32 GetProtection() const
267 		{ return _protection; }
GetAgility()269 	uint32 GetAgility() const
270 		{ return _agility; }
GetEvade()272 	float GetEvade() const
273 		{ return _evade; }
GetTotalPhysicalAttack()275 	uint32 GetTotalPhysicalAttack() const
276 		{ return _total_physical_attack; }
GetTotalMetaphysicalAttack()278 	uint32 GetTotalMetaphysicalAttack() const
279 		{ return _total_metaphysical_attack; }
281 	uint32 GetTotalPhysicalDefense(uint32 index) const;
283 	uint32 GetTotalMetaphysicalDefense(uint32 index) const;
285 	float GetTotalEvadeRating(uint32 index) const;
GetWeaponEquipped()287 	GlobalWeapon* GetWeaponEquipped() const
288 		{ return _weapon_equipped; }
GetArmorEquipped()290 	const std::vector<GlobalArmor*>& GetArmorEquipped()
291 		{ return _armor_equipped; }
293 	GlobalArmor* GetArmorEquipped(uint32 index) const;
GetAttackPoints()295 	const std::vector<GlobalAttackPoint*>& GetAttackPoints()
296 		{ return _attack_points; }
298 	GlobalAttackPoint* GetAttackPoint(uint32 index) const;
GetSkills()300 	const std::map<uint32, GlobalSkill*>& GetSkills()
301 		{ return _skills; }
303 	/** \brief Retrieves a pointer to a skill with a specific id
304 	*** \param skill_id The unique ID of the skill to find and return
305 	*** \return A pointer to the skill if it is found, or NULL if the skill was not found
306 	**/
307 	GlobalSkill* GetSkill(uint32 skill_id) const;
309 	//! \brief An alternative GetSkill call that takes a skill pointer as an argument
310 	GlobalSkill* GetSkill(const GlobalSkill* skill) const;
312 	// TODO: elemental and status effects not yet available in game
313 // 	std::vector<GlobalElementalEffect*>& GetElementalAttackBonuses()
314 // 		{ return _elemental_attack_bonuses; }
315 //
316 // 	std::vector<std::pair<float, GlobalStatusEffect*> >& GetStatusAttackBonuses()
317 // 		{ return _status_attack_bonuses; }
318 //
319 // 	std::vector<GlobalElementalEffect*>& GetElementalDefenseBonuses()
320 // 		{ return _elemental_defense_bonuses; }
321 //
322 // 	std::vector<std::pair<float, GlobalStatusEffect*> >& GetStatusDefenseBonuses()
323 // 		{ return _status_defense_bonuses; }
324 	//@}
326 	/** \name Class member set functions
327 	*** Normally you should not need to directly set the value of these members, but rather add or subtract
328 	*** an amount from the current value of the member. Total attack, defense, and evade ratings are
329 	*** re-calculated when an appropriately related stat is changed.
330 	**/
331 	//@{
SetExperienceLevel(uint32 xp_level)332 	void SetExperienceLevel(uint32 xp_level)
333 		{ _experience_level = xp_level; }
SetExperiencePoints(uint32 xp_points)335 	void SetExperiencePoints(uint32 xp_points)
336 		{ _experience_points = xp_points; }
SetHitPoints(uint32 hp)338 	void SetHitPoints(uint32 hp)
339 		{ if (hp > _max_hit_points) _hit_points = _max_hit_points; else _hit_points = hp; }
SetMaxHitPoints(uint32 hp)341 	void SetMaxHitPoints(uint32 hp)
342 		{ _max_hit_points = hp; if (_hit_points > _max_hit_points) _hit_points = _max_hit_points; }
SetSkillPoints(uint32 sp)344 	void SetSkillPoints(uint32 sp)
345 		{ if (sp > _max_skill_points) _skill_points = _max_skill_points; else _skill_points = sp; }
SetMaxSkillPoints(uint32 sp)347 	void SetMaxSkillPoints(uint32 sp)
348 		{ _max_skill_points = sp; if (_skill_points > _max_skill_points) _skill_points = _max_skill_points; }
SetStrength(uint32 st)350 	void SetStrength(uint32 st)
351 		{ _strength = st; _CalculateAttackRatings(); }
SetVigor(uint32 vi)353 	void SetVigor(uint32 vi)
354 		{ _vigor = vi; _CalculateAttackRatings(); }
SetFortitude(uint32 fo)356 	void SetFortitude(uint32 fo)
357 		{ _fortitude = fo; _CalculateDefenseRatings(); }
SetProtection(uint32 pr)359 	void SetProtection(uint32 pr)
360 		{ _protection = pr; _CalculateDefenseRatings(); }
SetAgility(uint32 ag)362 	void SetAgility(uint32 ag)
363 		{ _agility = ag; }
SetEvade(float ev)365 	void SetEvade(float ev)
366 		{ _evade = ev; _CalculateEvadeRatings(); }
367 	//@}
369 	/** \name Class member add and subtract functions
370 	*** These methods provide a means to easily add or subtract amounts off of certain stats, such
371 	*** as hit points or stength. Total attack, defense, or evade ratings are re-calculated when
372 	*** an appropriately related stat is changed. Corner cases are checked to prevent overflow conditions
373 	*** and other invalid values, such as current hit points exceeded maximum hit points.
374 	***
375 	*** \note When making changes to the maximum hit points or skill points, you should also consider
376 	*** making the same addition or subtraction to the current hit points / skill points. Modifying the
377 	*** maximum values will not modify the current values unless the change causes the new maximum to
378 	*** exceed the current values.
379 	**/
380 	//@{
381 	void AddHitPoints(uint32 amount);
383 	void SubtractHitPoints(uint32 amount);
385 	void AddMaxHitPoints(uint32 amount);
387 	//! \note The number of hit points will be decreased if they are greater than the new maximum
388 	void SubtractMaxHitPoints(uint32 amount);
390 	void AddSkillPoints(uint32 amount);
392 	void SubtractSkillPoints(uint32 amount);
394 	void AddMaxSkillPoints(uint32 amount);
396 	//! \note The number of skill points will be decreased if they are greater than the new maximum
397 	void SubtractMaxSkillPoints(uint32 amount);
399 	void AddStrength(uint32 amount);
401 	void SubtractStrength(uint32 amount);
403 	void AddVigor(uint32 amount);
405 	void SubtractVigor(uint32 amount);
407 	void AddFortitude(uint32 amount);
409 	void SubtractFortitude(uint32 amount);
411 	void AddProtection(uint32 amount);
413 	void SubtractProtection(uint32 amount);
415 	void AddAgility(uint32 amount);
417 	void SubtractAgility(uint32 amount);
419 	void AddEvade(float amount);
421 	void SubtractEvade(float amount);
422 	//@}
424 protected:
425 	//! \brief An identification number to represent the actor
426 	uint32 _id;
428 	//! \brief The name of the actor as it will be displayed on the screen
429 	hoa_utils::ustring _name;
431 	//! \brief The filename base used to look up an actors image files and other data
432 	std::string _filename;
434 	//! \name Base Actor Statistics
435 	//@{
436 	//! \brief The current experience level of the actor
437 	uint32 _experience_level;
439 	//! \brief The number of experience points the actor has earned
440 	uint32 _experience_points;
442 	//! \brief The current number of hit points that the actor has
443 	uint32 _hit_points;
445 	//! \brief The maximum number of hit points that the actor may have
446 	uint32 _max_hit_points;
448 	//! \brief The current number of skill points that the actor has
449 	uint32 _skill_points;
451 	//! \brief The maximum number of skill points that the actor may have
452 	uint32 _max_skill_points;
454 	//! \brief Used to determine the actor's physical attack rating
455 	uint32 _strength;
457 	//! \brief Used to determine the actor's metaphysical attack rating
458 	uint32 _vigor;
460 	//! \brief Used to determine the actor's physical defense rating
461 	uint32 _fortitude;
463 	//! \brief Used to determine the actor's metaphysical defense rating
464 	uint32 _protection;
466 	//! \brief Used to calculate the time it takes to recover stamina in battles
467 	uint32 _agility;
469 	//! \brief The attack evade percentage of the actor, ranged from 0.0 to 1.0
470 	float _evade;
471 	//@}
473 	//! \brief The sum of the character's strength and their weapon's physical attack
474 	uint32 _total_physical_attack;
476 	//! \brief The sum of the character's vigor and their weapon's metaphysical attack
477 	uint32 _total_metaphysical_attack;
479 	/** \brief The attack points that are located on the actor
480 	*** \note All actors must have at least one attack point.
481 	**/
482 	std::vector<GlobalAttackPoint*> _attack_points;
484 	/** \brief The weapon that the actor has equipped
485 	*** \note If no weapon is equipped, this member will be equal to NULL.
486 	***
487 	*** Actors are not required to have weapons equipped, and indeed most enemies will probably not have any
488 	*** weapons explicitly equipped. The various bonuses to attack ratings, elemental attacks, and status
489 	*** attacks are automatically added to the appropriate members of this class when the weapon is equipped,
490 	*** and likewise those bonuses are removed when the weapon is unequipped.
491 	**/
492 	GlobalWeapon* _weapon_equipped;
494 	/** \brief The various armors that the actor has equipped
495 	*** \note The size of this vector will always be equal to the number of attack points on the actor.
496 	***
497 	*** Actors are not required to have armor of any sort equipped. Note that the defense bonuses that
498 	*** are afforded by the armors are not directly applied to the character's defense ratings, but rather to
499 	*** the defense ratings of their attack points. However the elemental and status bonuses of the armor are
500 	*** applied to the character as a whole. The armor must be equipped on one of the actor's attack points to
501 	*** really afford any kind of defensive bonus.
502 	**/
503 	std::vector<GlobalArmor*> _armor_equipped;
505 	/** \brief A map containing all skills that the actor can use
506 	*** Unlike with characters, there is no need to hold the various types of skills in seperate containers
507 	*** for enemies. An enemy must have <b>at least</b> one skill in order to do anything useful in battle.
508 	**/
509 	std::map<uint32, GlobalSkill*> _skills;
511 	/** \brief The elemental effects added to the actor's attack
512 	*** Actors may carry various elemental attack bonuses, or they may carry none. These bonuses include
513 	*** those that are brought upon by the weapon that the character may have equipped.
514 	**/
515 // 	std::vector<GlobalElementalEffect*> _elemental_attack_bonuses;
517 	/** \brief The status effects added to the actor's attack
518 	*** Actors may carry various status attack bonuses, or they may carry none. These bonuses include
519 	*** those that are brought upon by the weapon that the character may have equipped. The first member
520 	*** in the pair is the likelihood (between 0.0 and 1.0) that the actor has of inflicting that status
521 	*** effect upon a targeted foe.
522 	**/
523 // 	std::vector<std::pair<float, GlobalStatusEffect*> > _status_attack_bonuses;
525 	/** \brief The elemental effects added to the actor's defense
526 	*** Actors may carry various elemental defense bonuses, or they may carry none. These bonuses include
527 	*** those that are brought upon by all of the armors that the character may have equipped.
528 	**/
529 // 	std::vector<GlobalElementalEffect*> _elemental_defense_bonuses;
531 	/** \brief The status effects added to the actor's defense
532 	*** Actors may carry various status defense bonuses, or they may carry none. These bonuses include
533 	*** those that are brought upon by the armors that the character may have equipped. The first member
534 	*** in the pair is the reduction in the likelihood (between 0.0 and 1.0) that the actor has of
535 	*** repelling an attack with a status effect.
536 	**/
537 // 	std::vector<std::pair<float, GlobalStatusEffect*> > _status_defense_bonuses;
539 	// ---------- Private methods
541 	/** \brief Calculates an actor's physical and metaphysical attack ratings
542 	*** This function sums the actor's strength/vigor with their weapon's attack ratings
543 	*** and places the result in total physical/metaphysical attack members
544 	**/
545 	void _CalculateAttackRatings();
547 	//! \brief Calculates the physical and metaphysical defense ratings for each attack point
548 	void _CalculateDefenseRatings();
550 	//! \brief Calculates the evade rating for each attack point
551 	void _CalculateEvadeRatings();
552 }; // class GlobalActor
555 /** ****************************************************************************
556 *** \brief A container class for tracking the growth of a character
557 ***
558 *** This class is essentially an extension of the GlobalCharacter class. The purpose
559 *** of this class is to manage and monitor the character's growth stats. It provide
560 *** an interface for external code to determine when and what growth occurs in a
561 *** character's stats. Growth may occur whenever a character gains additional experience
562 *** points. Growth does occur even when the character has not reached a new experience
563 *** level, as Allacrost allows for a gradual growth in stats over time with a
564 *** larger spike in growth after achieving a new experience level.
565 ***
566 *** The advised procedure for determining and processing character growth is as follows.
567 *** -# If the return value of GlobalCharacter::AddExperiencePoints is true, growth
568 ***    has occured and should be processed.
569 *** -# Call GlobalCharacter::GetGrowth() to retrieve a pointer to this object
570 *** -# Call IsExperienceLevel() to determine whether the type growth is a new
571 ***    experience level, or simply gradual growth.
572 *** -# If the growth type is gradual, call the various Growth() methods and
573 ***    report any non-zero values to the player. Then call AcknoledgeGrowth()
574 *** -# Otherwise if the growth type is a new level, report growth plus any skills
575 ***    learned and call AcknoledgeGrowth() (*see note)
576 ***
577 *** \note When an experience level is gained, after the call to AcknowledgeGrowth()
578 *** there may be new growth available (because the character gained multiple
579 *** experience levels or met the requirements for additional gradual growth for
580 *** the new experience level to gain). Thus, you should strongly consider calling
581 *** the IsGrowthDetected() method after AcknowledgeGrowth() to report any further
582 *** character growth that occured after the character reached a new level.
583 ***
584 *** \todo This entire class' operation and its interaction with the GlobalCharacter
585 *** class needs to be examined and improved where needed. Also examine the use of
586 *** the DetermineGrowth() function in the Lua file dat/actors/characters.lua
587 *** ***************************************************************************/
588 class GlobalCharacterGrowth {
589 	friend class GameGlobal;
590 	friend class GlobalCharacter;
591 	friend void hoa_defs::BindGlobalsToLua();
593 public:
594 	GlobalCharacterGrowth(GlobalCharacter* owner);
596 	~GlobalCharacterGrowth();
598 	/** \brief Processes any growth that has occured by modifier the character's stats
599 	*** If an experience level is gained, this function will open up the script file that contains
600 	*** the character's definition and get new growth stats for the next experience level.
601 	**/
602 	void AcknowledgeGrowth();
604 	//! \name Class member access functions
605 	//@{
IsExperienceLevelGained()606 	bool IsExperienceLevelGained() const
607 		{ return _experience_level_gained; }
IsGrowthDetected()609 	bool IsGrowthDetected() const
610 		{ return _growth_detected; }
GetHitPointsGrowth()612 	uint32 GetHitPointsGrowth() const
613 		{ return _hit_points_growth; }
GetSkillPointsGrowth()615 	uint32 GetSkillPointsGrowth() const
616 		{ return _skill_points_growth; }
GetStrengthGrowth()618 	uint32 GetStrengthGrowth() const
619 		{ return _strength_growth; }
GetVigorGrowth()621 	uint32 GetVigorGrowth() const
622 		{ return _vigor_growth; }
GetFortitudeGrowth()624 	uint32 GetFortitudeGrowth() const
625 		{ return _fortitude_growth; }
GetProtectionGrowth()627 	uint32 GetProtectionGrowth() const
628 		{ return _protection_growth; }
GetAgilityGrowth()630 	uint32 GetAgilityGrowth() const
631 		{ return _agility_growth; }
GetEvadeGrowth()633 	float GetEvadeGrowth() const
634 		{ return _evade_growth; }
GetSkillsLearned()636 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*>* GetSkillsLearned()
637 		{ return &_skills_learned; }
638 	//@}
640 private:
641 	//! \brief A pointer to the character which this growth is managing
642 	GlobalCharacter* _character_owner;
644 	//! \brief Set to true when it is detected that a new experience level has been reached
645 	bool _experience_level_gained;
647 	//! \brief Set to true when it is detected that sufficient experience for at least one stat to grow has been reached
648 	bool _growth_detected;
650 	//! \brief The experience points required to reach the next experience level
651 	uint32 _experience_for_next_level;
653 	//! \brief The experience points that were required to reach the previous experience level
654 	uint32 _experience_for_last_level;
656 	/** \brief The amount of growth that should be added to each of the character's stats
657 	*** These members are incremented by the _UpdateGrowth() function, which detects when a character
658 	*** has enough experience points to meet a growth requirement. They are all cleared to zero after
659 	*** a call to AcknowledgeGrowth()
660 	***
661 	*** \note These members are given read/write access in Lua so that Lua may use them to hold new
662 	*** growth amounts when a character reaches a new level. Refer to the function DetermineGrowth(character)
663 	*** defined in dat/actors/characters.lua
664 	**/
665 	//@{
666 	uint32 _hit_points_growth;
667 	uint32 _skill_points_growth;
668 	uint32 _strength_growth;
669 	uint32 _vigor_growth;
670 	uint32 _fortitude_growth;
671 	uint32 _protection_growth;
672 	uint32 _agility_growth;
673 	float _evade_growth;
674 	//@}
676 	/** \brief The periodic growth of the stats as a function of experience points
677 	*** The purpose of these containers is to support the gradual growth of characters.
678 	*** The first member in each pair is the experience points required for that growth
679 	*** to occur, while the second member is the value of the growth. Each entry in the
680 	*** deques are ordered from lowest (front) to highest (back) XP requirements. The
681 	*** final entry in each deque should be the growth for when the next experience
682 	*** level is reached. Note that these structures do not need to contain any entries
683 	*** (ie, a stat does not need to grow on every level).
684 	***
685 	*** These containers are emptied when a new experience level occurs, and are also
686 	*** re-constructed after the experience level gain has been acknowledged.
687 	**/
688 	//@{
689 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _hit_points_periodic_growth;
690 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _skill_points_periodic_growth;
691 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _strength_periodic_growth;
692 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _vigor_periodic_growth;
693 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _fortitude_periodic_growth;
694 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _protection_periodic_growth;
695 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, uint32> > _agility_periodic_growth;
696 	std::deque<std::pair<uint32, float> > _evade_periodic_growth;
697 	//@}
699 	/** \brief Contains any and all skills that are to be learned when the next experience level is reached
700 	*** These are automatically added to the character by this class after the new experience level growth has been
701 	*** acknowledged.
702 	**/
703 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*> _skills_learned;
705 	/** \brief Adds a new skill for the character to learn at the next experience level gained
706 	*** \param skill_id The ID number of the skill to add
707 	*** \note This function is bound to and invoked by Lua to add all of the skills to be learned
708 	**/
709 	void _AddSkill(uint32 skill_id);
711 	/** \brief Examines if any growth has occured as a result of the character's experience points
712 	*** This is called by GlobalCharacter whenever the character's experience points change. If any growth is
713 	*** detected, the _growth_detected member is set and the various growth members of the class are incremented
714 	*** by the growth amount.
715 	**/
716 	void _CheckForGrowth();
718 	/** \brief Constructs the numerous periodic growth deques when growth stats for a new level are loaded in
719 	*** After new growth stats have been loaded in for a level, this function takes those values, breaks them
720 	*** apart, and spreads out their growth periodically. 50% of the growth is saved for when the character
721 	*** reaches a new level, while the other 50% are rewarded as the character's experience grows to values
722 	*** in between the previous experience level marker and the next.
723 	***
724 	*** \note The growth members should contain the total growth stats when this function is called. These
725 	*** members will be set back to zero by the time the function returns as their values will be split up
726 	*** and placed in numerous entries in the periodic_growth deques. All periodic_growth deques should be
727 	*** empty when this function is called.
728 	**/
729 	void _ConstructPeriodicGrowth();
731 	/** \brief An algorithm that computes how many experience points are needed to reach the next level
732 	*** This algorithm is a function of the current experience level and the experience points that
733 	*** were required to reach the current level. This function modifies the _experience_for_next_level
734 	*** and _experience_for_last_level members.
735 	**/
736 	void _DetermineNextLevelExperience();
737 }; // class GlobalCharacterGrowth
740 /** ****************************************************************************
741 *** \brief Represents a playable game character
742 ***
743 *** This calls represents playable game characters that join the party and can
744 *** participate in battles. It does not cover NPCs or any other form of character.
745 *** All characters have four attack points on the head, torso, arms, and legs and
746 *** armor may also be equipped to cover all four of these points. This class
747 *** additionally retains references to loaded images of the character in various
748 *** formats such as sprites and portraits.
749 ***
750 *** \todo Examine relationship between this class and GlobalCharacterGrowth class
751 *** (Look at this class' constructor). The friend declaration may not be needed
752 *** and the interaction between these two classe may be improved.
753 ***
754 *** \todo This class needs a better organized set of containers for its images.
755 *** The current containers and accessor methods are considered temporary.
756 *** ***************************************************************************/
757 class GlobalCharacter : public GlobalActor {
758 	friend class GlobalCharacterGrowth;
760 public:
761 	/** \brief Constructs a new character from its definition in a script file
762 	*** \param id The integer ID of the character to create
763 	*** \param initial If true, the character's stats, equipment, and skills are set
764 	*** to the character's initial status
765 	*** \note If initial is set to false, the character's stats, equipment, and skills
766 	*** must be set by external code, otherwise they will remain 0/NULL/empty.
767 	**/
768 	GlobalCharacter(uint32 id, bool initial = true);
~GlobalCharacter()770 	virtual ~GlobalCharacter()
771 		{}
EquipHeadArmor(GlobalArmor * armor)773 	GlobalArmor* EquipHeadArmor(GlobalArmor* armor)
774 		{ return EquipArmor(armor, GLOBAL_POSITION_HEAD); }
EquipTorsoArmor(GlobalArmor * armor)776 	GlobalArmor* EquipTorsoArmor(GlobalArmor* armor)
777 		{ return EquipArmor(armor, GLOBAL_POSITION_TORSO); }
EquipArmArmor(GlobalArmor * armor)779 	GlobalArmor* EquipArmArmor(GlobalArmor* armor)
780 		{ return EquipArmor(armor, GLOBAL_POSITION_ARMS); }
EquipLegArmor(GlobalArmor * armor)782 	GlobalArmor* EquipLegArmor(GlobalArmor* armor)
783 		{ return EquipArmor(armor, GLOBAL_POSITION_LEGS); }
785 	/** \brief Adds experience points to the character
786 	*** \param xp The amount of experience points to add
787 	*** \return True if the new experience points triggered character growth
788 	**/
789 	bool AddExperiencePoints(uint32 xp);
791 	//! \brief Adds a new skill to the character, inherited from GlobalActor
792 	void AddSkill(uint32 skill_id);
794 	//! \name Public Member Access Functions
795 	//@{
GetExperienceForNextLevel()796 	uint32 GetExperienceForNextLevel() const
797 		{ return _growth._experience_for_next_level; }
GetGrowth()799 	GlobalCharacterGrowth* GetGrowth()
800 		{ return &_growth; }
GetHeadArmorEquipped()802 	GlobalArmor* GetHeadArmorEquipped()
803 		{ return _armor_equipped[GLOBAL_POSITION_HEAD]; }
GetTorsoArmorEquipped()805 	GlobalArmor* GetTorsoArmorEquipped()
806 		{ return _armor_equipped[GLOBAL_POSITION_TORSO]; }
GetArmArmorEquipped()808 	GlobalArmor* GetArmArmorEquipped()
809 		{ return _armor_equipped[GLOBAL_POSITION_ARMS]; }
GetLegArmorEquipped()811 	GlobalArmor* GetLegArmorEquipped()
812 		{ return _armor_equipped[GLOBAL_POSITION_LEGS]; }
GetAttackSkills()814 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*>* GetAttackSkills()
815 		{ return &_attack_skills; }
GetDefenseSkills()817 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*>* GetDefenseSkills()
818 		{ return &_defense_skills; }
GetSupportSkills()820 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*>* GetSupportSkills()
821 		{ return &_support_skills; }
822 	//@}
824 	// TEMP: image accessor functions
825 	//@{
GetStandardSpriteFrames()826 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage>* GetStandardSpriteFrames()
827 		{ return &_map_frames_standard; }
AddBattleAnimation(const std::string & name,hoa_video::AnimatedImage anim)829 	void AddBattleAnimation(const std::string & name, hoa_video::AnimatedImage anim)
830 		{ _battle_animation[name] = anim; }
RetrieveBattleAnimation(const std::string & name)832 	hoa_video::AnimatedImage* RetrieveBattleAnimation(const std::string & name)
833 		{ return &_battle_animation[name]; }
GetBattlePortraits()835 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage>* GetBattlePortraits()
836 		{ return &_battle_portraits; }
837 	//@}
839 protected:
840 	/** \brief Sortable skill containers
841 	*** Skills are divided into three types: attack, defense, and support. There is really no functional
842 	*** distinguishment between the various skill types, they just serve an organizational means and are
843 	*** used to identify a skill's general purpose/use. Characters keep their skills in these seperate
844 	*** containers because they are presented in this way to the player.
845 	**/
846 	//@{
847 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*> _attack_skills;
848 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*> _defense_skills;
849 	std::vector<GlobalSkill*> _support_skills;
850 	//@}
852 	/** \brief A manager object for monitoring the character's growth
853 	*** This object contains information such as what is required for the next level experience level to be reached,
854 	*** the amount that each stat will grow by on the next level, whether any new skills will be learned, etc. It
855 	*** is updated whenever the character's experience points are changed.
856 	**/
857 	GlobalCharacterGrowth _growth;
859 	/** \name Character Images
860 	*** \note Although many of the names of these members would imply that they are only used in one particular
861 	*** mode of operation (map, battle, etc.), these members may be freely used by different game modes for
862 	*** which they were not specifically designed for. The names are simply meant to indicate the primary game
863 	*** mode where the images are intended to be used.
864 	**/
865 	//@{
866 	/** \brief The standard frame images for the character's map sprite.
867 	*** This container holds the standard frames for the character's map sprite, which include standing and
868 	*** walking frames. This set includes 24 frames in total, 6 each for the down, up, left, and right
869 	*** orientations.
870 	**/
871 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage> _map_frames_standard;
873 	/** \brief The character's standard map portrait image
874 	*** The standard map portrait is ususally used in dialogues, but may also be used in other modes where
875 	*** appropriate. The size of the map portrait is 200x200 pixels.
876 	**/
877 	hoa_video::StillImage _map_portrait_standard;
879 	/** \brief The frame images for the character's battle sprite.
880 	*** This map container contains various animated images for the character's battle sprites. The key to the
881 	*** map is a simple string which describes the animation, such as "idle".
882 	**/
883 	std::map<std::string, hoa_video::AnimatedImage> _battle_animation;
885 	/** \brief The frame images for the character's battle portrait
886 	*** Each character has 5 battle portraits which represent the character's health with damage levels of 0%,
887 	*** 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (this is also the order in which the frames are stored, starting with the 0%
888 	*** frame at index 0). Thus, the size of this vector is always five elements. Each portait is 100x100
889 	*** pixels in size.
890 	**/
891 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage> _battle_portraits;
893 	/** \brief The character's full-body portrait image for use in menu mode
894 	*** This image is a detailed, full-scale portait of the character and is intended for use in menu mode.
895 	*** The size of the image is 150x350 pixels.
896 	**/
897 	hoa_video::StillImage _menu_portrait;
898 	//@}
899 }; // class GlobalCharacter : public GlobalActor
902 /** ****************************************************************************
903 *** \brief Representation of enemies that fight in battles
904 ***
905 *** Allacrost handles enemies a little different than most RPGs. Instead of an
906 *** enemy always having the same statistics for health, strength, etc., enemies
907 *** are more closely matched to the player's experience levels and abilities.
908 *** In terms of the operation of this class, an enemy starts at level 0 with
909 *** various base statistics and is then grown to match a level close to the
910 *** current level of the player's characters, before it actually appears on
911 *** the field of battle. Furthermore, the enemy is grown using gaussian random
912 *** values to provide an element of uncertainty and to make the enemies that the
913 *** player encounters less static.
914 *** ***************************************************************************/
915 class GlobalEnemy : public GlobalActor {
916 public:
917 	GlobalEnemy(uint32 id);
~GlobalEnemy()919 	virtual ~GlobalEnemy()
920 		{}
922 	/** \brief Initializes the enemy and prepares it for battle
923 	*** \param xp_level The experience level to set the enemy to
924 	***
925 	*** This function sets the enemy's experience level, grows its stats to match this
926 	*** level, and adds any skills that the enemy should be capable of using at the
927 	*** level. Call this function once only, because after the enemy has skills enabled
928 	*** it will not be able to re-initialize. If you need to initialize the enemy once
929 	*** more, you'll have to create a brand new GlobalEnemy object and initialize that
930 	*** instead.
931 	**/
932 	void Initialize(uint32 xp_level);
934 	/** \brief Enables the enemy to be able to use a specific skill
935 	*** \param skill_id The integer ID of the skill to add to the enemy
936 	***
937 	*** This method should be called only <b>after</b> the Initialize() method has been invoked. The
938 	*** purpose of this method is to allow non-standard skills to be used by enemies under certain
939 	*** circumstances. For example, in scripted battle sequences where an enemy may become stronger
940 	*** and gain access to new skills after certain criteria are met. Normally you would want to define
941 	*** any skills that you wish an enemy to be able to use within their Lua definition file.
942 	**/
943 	void AddSkill(uint32 skill_id);
945 	/** \brief Uses random variables to calculate which objects, if any, the enemy dropped
946 	*** \param objects A reference to a vector to hold the GlobalObject pointers
947 	***
948 	*** The objects vector is cleared immediately once this function is called so make sure
949 	*** that it does not hold anything meaningful. Any objects which are added to this
950 	*** vector are created with new GlobalObject() and it becomes the callee's repsonsibility
951 	*** to manage this memory and delete those objects when they are no longer needed.
952 	**/
953 	void DetermineDroppedObjects(std::vector<GlobalObject*>& objects);
955 	//! \name Class member access functions
956 	//@{
GetDrunesDropped()957 	uint32 GetDrunesDropped() const
958 		{ return _drunes_dropped; }
GetSpriteWidth()960 	uint32 GetSpriteWidth() const
961 		{ return _sprite_width; }
GetSpriteHeight()963 	uint32 GetSpriteHeight() const
964 		{ return _sprite_height; }
GetBattleSpriteFrames()966 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage>* GetBattleSpriteFrames()
967 		{ return &_battle_sprite_frames; }
968 	//@}
970 protected:
971 	/** \name Growth Statistics
972 	*** \brief The average increase for statistics between experience levels is stored by these members
973 	***
974 	*** Note that even though the normal statistics members are integers, these are floating point values. This
975 	*** is so because it allows us a finer granularity of control over how much a particular statistic grows
976 	*** with time.
977 	**/
978 	//@{
979 	float _growth_hit_points;
980 	float _growth_skill_points;
981 	float _growth_experience_points;
982 	float _growth_strength;
983 	float _growth_vigor;
984 	float _growth_fortitude;
985 	float _growth_protection;
986 	float _growth_agility;
987 	float _growth_evade;
988 	float _growth_drunes;
989 	//@}
991 	//! \brief The amount of drunes that the enemy will drop
992 	uint32 _drunes_dropped;
994 	//! \brief The dimensions of the enemy's battle sprite in pixels
995 	uint32 _sprite_width, _sprite_height;
997 	/** \brief Dropped object containers
998 	*** These three vectors are all of the same size. _dropped_objects contains the IDs of the objects that the enemy
999 	*** may drop. _dropped_chance contains a value from 0.0f to 1.0f that determines the probability of the
1000 	*** enemy dropping that object. And finally _dropped_level_required contains the minimum experience level
1001 	*** that the enemy must be at in order to drop this object at all.
1002 	**/
1003 	//@{
1004 	std::vector<uint32> _dropped_objects;
1005 	std::vector<float> _dropped_chance;
1006 	std::vector<uint32> _dropped_level_required;
1007 	//@}
1009 	/** \brief Contains all of the possible skills that the enemy may possess
1010 	*** Enemies learn a variety of skills and some of these skills they may only use at higher experience
1011 	*** levels. The skills referenced within this container list all possible skills that an enemy can
1012 	*** learn to use. The map key is the id for the skill while the value for each key is the minimum
1013 	*** experience level that the enemy is required to meet in order to learn and thus be able to use the
1014 	*** skill. The Initialize() function examines this containers and populates the GlobalActor _skills
1015 	*** container with the skills that the enemy is allowed to use at its current experience level.
1016 	**/
1017 	std::map<uint32, uint32> _skill_set;
1019 	/** \brief The battle sprite frame images for the enemy
1020 	*** Each enemy has four frames representing damage levels of 0%, 33%, 66%, and 100%. This vector thus
1021 	*** always has a size of four holding each of these image frames. The first element contains the 0%
1022 	*** damage frame, the second element contains the 33% damage frame, and so on.
1023 	**/
1024 	std::vector<hoa_video::StillImage> _battle_sprite_frames;
1025 }; // class GlobalEnemy : public GlobalActor
1028 /** ****************************************************************************
1029 *** \brief Represents a party of actors
1030 ***
1031 *** This class is a container for a group or "party" of actors. A party is a type
1032 *** of target for items and skills. The GameGlobal class also organizes characters
1033 *** into parties for convienence. Note that an actor may be either an enemy or
1034 *** a character, but you should avoid creating parties that contain both characters
1035 *** and enemies, as it can lead to conflicts. For example, a character and enemy which
1036 *** enemy which have the same ID value).
1037 ***
1038 *** Parties may or may not allow duplicate actors (a duplicate actor is defined
1039 *** as an actor that has the same _id member as another actor in the party).
1040 *** This property is determined in the GlobalParty constructor
1041 ***
1042 *** \note When this class is destroyed, the actors contained within the class are
1043 *** <i>not</i> destroyed. Only the references to those actors through this class object
1044 *** are lost.
1045 ***
1046 *** \note All methods which perform an operation by using an actor ID are
1047 *** <b>only</b> valid to use if the party does not allow duplicates.
1048 *** ***************************************************************************/
1049 class GlobalParty {
1050 public:
1051 	//! \param allow_duplicates Determines whether or not the party allows duplicate actors to be added (default value == false)
1052 	GlobalParty(bool allow_duplicates = false) :
_allow_duplicates(allow_duplicates)1053 		_allow_duplicates(allow_duplicates) {}
~GlobalParty()1055 	~GlobalParty()
1056 		{}
1058 	// ---------- Actor addition, removal, and retrieval methods
1060 	/** \brief Adds an actor to the party
1061 	*** \param actor A pointer to the actor to add to the party
1062 	*** \param index The index where the actor should be inserted. If negative, actor is added to the end
1063 	*** \note The actor will not be added if it is already in the party and duplicates are not allowed
1064 	**/
1065 	void AddActor(GlobalActor* actor, int32 index = -1);
1067 	/** \brief Removes an actor from the party
1068 	*** \param index The index of the actor in the party to remove
1069 	*** \return A pointer to the actor that was removed, or NULL if the index provided was invalid
1070 	**/
1071 	GlobalActor* RemoveActorAtIndex(uint32 index);
1073 	/** \brief Removes an actor from the party
1074 	*** \param id The id value of the actor to remove
1075 	*** \return A pointer to the actor that was removed, or NULL if the actor was not found in the party
1076 	**/
1077 	GlobalActor* RemoveActorByID(uint32 id);
1079 	/** \brief Clears the party of all actors
1080 	*** \note This function does not return the actor pointers, so if you wish to get the
1081 	*** GlobalActors make sure you do so prior to invoking this call.
1082 	**/
RemoveAllActors()1083 	void RemoveAllActors()
1084 		{ _actors.clear(); }
1086 	/** \brief Retrieves a poitner to the actor in the party at a specified index
1087 	*** \param index The index where the actor may be found in the party
1088 	*** \return A pointer to the actor at the specified index, or NULL if the index argument was invalid
1089 	**/
1090 	GlobalActor* GetActorAtIndex(uint32 index) const;
1092 	/** \brief Retrieves a poitner to the actor in the party with the spefified id
1093 	*** \param id The id of the actor to return
1094 	*** \return A pointer to the actor with the requested ID, or NULL if the actor was not found
1095 	**/
1096 	GlobalActor* GetActorByID(uint32 id) const;
1098 	// ---------- Actor swap and replacement methods
1100 	/** \brief Swaps the location of two actors in the party by their indeces
1101 	*** \param first_index The index of the first actor to swap
1102 	*** \param second_index The index of the second actor to swap
1103 	**/
1104 	void SwapActorsByIndex(uint32 first_index, uint32 second_index);
1106 	/** \brief Swaps the location of two actors in the party by looking up their IDs
1107 	*** \param first_id The id of the first actor to swap
1108 	*** \param second_id The id of the second actor to swap
1109 	**/
1110 	void SwapActorsByID(uint32 first_id, uint32 second_id);
1112 	/** \brief Replaces an actor in the party at a specified index with a new actor
1113 	*** \param index The index of the actor to be replaced
1114 	*** \param new_actor A pointer to the actor that will replace the existing actor
1115 	*** \return A pointer to the replaced actor, or NULL if the operation did not take place
1116 	**/
1117 	GlobalActor* ReplaceActorByIndex(uint32 index, GlobalActor* new_actor);
1119 	/** \brief Replaces an actor in the party with the specified id with a new actor
1120 	*** \param id The id of the actor to be replaced
1121 	*** \param new_actor A pointer to the actor that will replace the existing actor
1122 	*** \return A pointer to the replaced actor, or NULL if the operation did not take place
1123 	**/
1124 	GlobalActor* ReplaceActorByID(uint32 id, GlobalActor* new_actor);
1126 	// ---------- Other methods
1128 	/** \brief Computes the average experience level of all actors in the party
1129 	*** \return A float representing the average experience level (0.0f if party is empty)
1130 	**/
1131 	float AverageExperienceLevel() const;
1133 	/** \brief Adds a certain amount of hit points to all actors in the party
1134 	*** \param hp The number of health points to add
1135 	**/
1136 	void AddHitPoints(uint32 hp);
1138 	//! \name Class member accessor methods
1139 	//@{
IsAllowDuplicates()1140 	bool IsAllowDuplicates() const
1141 		{ return _allow_duplicates; }
IsPartyEmpty()1143 	bool IsPartyEmpty() const
1144 		{ return (_actors.size() == 0); }
GetPartySize()1146 	uint32 GetPartySize() const
1147 		{ return _actors.size(); }
GetAllActors()1149 	const std::vector<GlobalActor*>& GetAllActors() const
1150 		{ return _actors; }
1151 	//@}
1153 private:
1154 	/** \brief Actors are allowed to be inserted into the party multiple times when this member is true
1155 	*** \note The value of this member is set in the class constructor and can not be changed at a later time
1156 	**/
1157 	bool _allow_duplicates;
1159 	/** \brief A container of actors that are in this party
1160 	*** The GlobalActor objects pointed to by the elements in this vector are not managed by this class. Therefore
1161 	*** one needs to be careful that if any of the GlobalActor objects are destroyed outside the context of this
1162 	*** class, the actor should be removed from this container immediately to avoid a possible segmentation fault.
1163 	**/
1164 	std::vector<GlobalActor*> _actors;
1165 }; // class GlobalActorParty
1167 } // namespace hoa_global
1169 #endif // __GLOBAL_ACTORS_HEADER__