1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3  <!--
4  The cache element describes a cache provider.
5  Cache providers are listed when a result is selected and the View Cache
6   menuitem is clicked.
7  The location field should be a valid URL with one or more arguments.
8  Supported arguments are :
9    %url	the full URL, eg https://github.com/FabriceColin/pinot
10    %url0	the URL without protocol, eg github.com/FabriceColin/pinot
11  -->
12  <cache>
13    <name>Google</name>
14    <location>http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:%url0</location>
15    <protocols>http, https</protocols>
16  </cache>
17  <cache>
18    <name>WayBack Machine</name>
19    <location>http://web.archive.org/web/*/%url</location>
20    <protocols>http, https</protocols>
21  </cache>
22  <!--
23  MirrorDot is only useful for slashdotted sites
24  <cache>
25    <name>MirrorDot</name>
26    <location>http://www.mirrordot.com/find-mirror.html?%url</location>
27    <protocols>http, https</protocols>
28  </cache>
29  -->