1 /** \file
2  *
3  * \brief Implement Camera object representing a camera attached to the system.
4  *
5  * \author Copyright 2000 Scott Fritzinger
6  *
7  * \note
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * \note
14  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * \note
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21  * License along with this library; if not, write to the
22  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
23  * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
24  */
26 #ifndef __GPHOTO2_CAMERA_H__
27 #define __GPHOTO2_CAMERA_H__
29 #ifdef __cplusplus
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif /* __cplusplus */
33 /**
34  * \brief Object representing a camera attached to the system.
35  *
36  * A Camera object represents a specific instance of a (physical of
37  * virtual) camera attached to the system.
38  *
39  * The abilities of this type of camera are stored in a CameraAbility
40  * object.
41  *
42  * The details of the Camera object are internal.
43  */
44 typedef struct _Camera Camera;
45 #ifdef __cplusplus
46 }
47 #endif /* __cplusplus */
50 #include <gphoto2/gphoto2-abilities-list.h>
51 #include <gphoto2/gphoto2-port.h>
53 #include <gphoto2/gphoto2-widget.h>
54 #include <gphoto2/gphoto2-filesys.h>
55 #include <gphoto2/gphoto2-result.h>
57 #ifdef __cplusplus
58 extern "C" {
59 #endif /* __cplusplus */
61 /**
62  * \brief CameraText structure used in various functions.
63  *
64  * A text structure containing translated text returned
65  * by various functions (about, manual, summary). You should
66  * not assume a size.
67  */
68 typedef struct {
69 	char text [32 * 1024]; /**< \brief Character string containing the translated text. */
70 } CameraText;
72 /**
73  * \brief A structure created by the capture operation.
74  *
75  * A structure containing the folder and filename of an object
76  * after a successful capture and is passed as reference to the
77  * gp_camera_capture() function.
78  */
79 typedef struct {
80 	char name [128];	/**< \brief Name of the captured file. */
81 	char folder [1024];	/**< \brief Name of the folder of the captured file. */
82 } CameraFilePath;
84 /**
85  * \brief Type of the capture to do.
86  *
87  * Specifies the type of capture the user wants to do with the
88  * gp_camera_capture() function.
89  */
90 typedef enum {
91 	GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE,	/**< \brief Capture an image. */
92 	GP_CAPTURE_MOVIE,	/**< \brief Capture a movie. */
93 	GP_CAPTURE_SOUND	/**< \brief Capture audio. */
94 } CameraCaptureType;
96 /**
97  * \brief Specify what event we received from the camera.
98  *
99  * Used by gp_camera_wait_for_event() to specify what
100  * event happened on the camera.
101  *
102  */
103 typedef enum {
104 	GP_EVENT_UNKNOWN,	/**< unknown and unhandled event. argument is a char* or NULL */
105 	GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT,	/**< timeout, no arguments */
106 	GP_EVENT_FILE_ADDED,	/**< CameraFilePath* = file path on camfs */
107 	GP_EVENT_FOLDER_ADDED,	/**< CameraFilePath* = folder on camfs */
108 	GP_EVENT_CAPTURE_COMPLETE,	/**< last capture is complete */
109 	GP_EVENT_FILE_CHANGED	/**< CameraFilePath* = file path on camfs */
110 } CameraEventType;
112 /**
113  * \name Camera object member functions
114  *
115  * These functions must be implemented by a camlib and the camlib's
116  * camera_init() function will add them to a Camera object.
117  *
118  * @{
119  */
120 /**
121  * \brief The camera exit function
122  *
123  * \param camera the current camera
124  * \param context a #GPContext
125  *
126  * This functions is called in the camera driver for closing the camera
127  * connection. It should do the necessary cleanups of the internal camera
128  * state, free allocated private structures and similar.
129  *
130  * The driver does not need to close the #GPPort, this is done by libgphoto2
131  * itself.
132  *
133  * Implement this function if you need to any of this stuff, otherwise leave
134  * it out.
135  *
136  * \returns a gphoto error code
137  */
138 typedef int (*CameraExitFunc)      (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
140 /**
141  * \brief Get a configuration tree for the camera and its driver
142  *
143  * \param camera the current camera
144  * \param widget pointer to store the toplevel widget of the tree
145  * \param context the active #GPContext
146  *
147  * A camera driver can support configuration of either its own behaviour
148  * or the camera device itself. To allow a flexible driver framework,
149  * the camera driver provides a generic configuration widget tree to the
150  * frontend, which then renders it, allows user input and sends it back
151  * via the #CameraSetConfigFunc function to have the driver configure itself
152  * or the camera.
153  *
154  * If you do not have configuration ability, there is no need to specify this
155  * function.
156  *
157  * \returns a gphoto error code
158  */
159 typedef int (*CameraGetConfigFunc) (Camera *camera, CameraWidget **widget,
160 				    GPContext *context);
161 /**
162  * \brief Get a configuration widget for a specific configuration
163  *
164  * \param camera the current camera
165  * \param name the name of the widget
166  * \param widget pointer to store the toplevel widget of the tree
167  * \param context the active #GPContext
168  *
169  * A camera driver can support configuration of either its own behaviour
170  * or the camera device itself. To allow a flexible driver framework,
171  * the camera driver provides a generic configuration widget tree to the
172  * frontend, which then renders it, allows user input and sends it back
173  * via the #CameraSetConfigFunc function to have the driver configure itself
174  * or the camera.
175  *
176  * This specific function retrieves one specific named entry, and not the full
177  * tree to allow for querying specific settings faster.
178  *
179  * If you do not have configuration ability, there is no need to specify this
180  * function.
181  *
182  * \returns a gphoto error code
183  */
184 typedef int (*CameraGetSingleConfigFunc) (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget **widget,
185 				    GPContext *context);
186 /**
187  * \brief List all configuration widgets for a specific configuration
188  *
189  * \param camera the current camera
190  * \param list the list of widgets available
191  * \param context the active #GPContext
192  *
193  * A camera driver can support configuration of either its own behaviour
194  * or the camera device itself. To allow a flexible driver framework,
195  * the camera driver provides a generic configuration widget tree to the
196  * frontend, which then renders it, allows user input and sends it back
197  * via the #CameraSetConfigFunc function to have the driver configure itself
198  * or the camera.
199  *
200  * This specific function retrieves all the available configuration values in a flat list.
201  *
202  * This is different than the GetConfigFunc, which returns a configuration tree.
203  *
204  * If you do not have configuration ability, there is no need to specify this
205  * function.
206  *
207  * \returns a gphoto error code
208  */
209 typedef int (*CameraListConfigFunc) (Camera *camera, CameraList *list, GPContext *context);
210 /**
211  * \brief Set the configuration in the camera
212  *
213  * \param camera the current camera
214  * \param widget the configuration widget tree that was changed
215  * \param context the active #GPContext
216  *
217  * This function is called in the driver after the configuration is set.
218  * It is called directly after setting the value and might called multiple
219  * times (or never) after just one #CameraGetConfigFunc.
220  *
221  * \returns a gphoto error code
222  */
223 typedef int (*CameraSetConfigFunc) (Camera *camera, CameraWidget  *widget,
224 				    GPContext *context);
225 /**
226  * \brief Set a single configuration variable in the camera
227  *
228  * \param camera the current camera
229  * \param name the widget to set
230  * \param widget the configuration widget tree that was changed
231  * \param context the active #GPContext
232  *
233  * This function is called in the driver after the configuration value is set.
234  *
235  * \returns a gphoto error code
236  */
237 typedef int (*CameraSetSingleConfigFunc) (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget  *widget,
238 				    GPContext *context);
240 typedef int (*CameraCaptureFunc)   (Camera *camera, CameraCaptureType type,
241 				    CameraFilePath *path, GPContext *context);
242 typedef int (*CameraTriggerCaptureFunc)   (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
243 typedef int (*CameraCapturePreviewFunc) (Camera *camera, CameraFile *file,
244 					 GPContext *context);
245 typedef int (*CameraSummaryFunc)   (Camera *camera, CameraText *text,
246 				    GPContext *context);
247 typedef int (*CameraManualFunc)    (Camera *camera, CameraText *text,
248 				    GPContext *context);
249 typedef int (*CameraAboutFunc)     (Camera *camera, CameraText *text,
250 				    GPContext *context);
251 typedef int (*CameraWaitForEvent)  (Camera *camera, int timeout,
252 				    CameraEventType *eventtype, void **eventdata,
253 				    GPContext *context);
254 /**@}*/
257 /**
258  * \param camera a \ref Camera object
259  * \param context a \ref GPContext object
260  * \return a gphoto2 error code
261  *
262  * Implement this function in the camera driver if the camera needs to
263  * be initialized before or reset the after each access from
264  * libgphoto2.
265  *
266  * For example, you would probably set the speed to the highest one
267  * right before downloading an image, and reset it to the default speed
268  * afterwards so that other programs will not be affected by this speed
269  * change.
270  */
271 typedef int (*CameraPrePostFunc) (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
273 /**
274  * \brief Various camera specific functions.
275  *
276  * This structure contains various pointers to functions that apply to
277  * the camera itself, and not the filesystem (which is handled by the
278  * filesystem functions). Set the ones you want to provide, leave the rest
279  * unset.
280  *
281  * This structure should only used by the driver itself, the frontend
282  * should use the gp_camera_xxx wrapper functions for it, who handle
283  * opening and locking around those hooks.
284  */
285 typedef struct _CameraFunctions {
286 	CameraPrePostFunc pre_func;	/**< \brief Function called before each camera operation. */
287 	CameraPrePostFunc post_func;	/**< \brief Function called after each camera operation. */
289 	CameraExitFunc exit;		/**< \brief Function called on closing the camera. */
291 	/* Configuration */
292 	CameraGetConfigFunc       get_config;	/**< \brief Called for requesting the configuration widgets. */
293 	CameraSetConfigFunc       set_config;	/**< \brief Called after a configuration was changed */
295 	CameraListConfigFunc      list_config;	/**< \brief Called for listing the available configuration widgets. */
296 	CameraGetSingleConfigFunc get_single_config;	/**< \brief Called for requesteing a single widget. */
297 	CameraSetSingleConfigFunc set_single_config;	/**< \brief Called for setting a single configuration widget. */
299 	/* Capturing */
300 	CameraCaptureFunc        capture;	/**< \brief Remote control the camera to capture */
301 	CameraTriggerCaptureFunc trigger_capture;/**< \brief Remote control the camera to trigger capture */
302 	CameraCapturePreviewFunc capture_preview;/**< \brief Preview viewfinder content. */
304 	/* Textual information */
305 	CameraSummaryFunc summary;		/**< \brief Give a summary about the current camera status, translated. */
306 	CameraManualFunc  manual;		/**< \brief Give a brief manual about any specific items a user has to know, translated. */
307 	CameraAboutFunc   about;		/**< \brief A little About text, including authors and credits. */
309 	/* Event Interface */
310 	CameraWaitForEvent wait_for_event;	/**< \brief Wait for a specific event from the camera */
311 	/* Reserved space to use in the future without changing the struct size */
312 	void *reserved1;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
313 	void *reserved2;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
314 	void *reserved3;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
315 	void *reserved4;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
316 	void *reserved5;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
317 	void *reserved6;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
318 	void *reserved7;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
319 	void *reserved8;			/**< \brief reserved for future use */
320 } CameraFunctions;
322 typedef struct _CameraPrivateLibrary  CameraPrivateLibrary;
323 typedef struct _CameraPrivateCore     CameraPrivateCore;
325 struct _Camera {
327 	/** \name Those should be accessed only by the camera driver.
328 	 * @{ */
329 	GPPort           *port;
330 	CameraFilesystem *fs;
331 	CameraFunctions  *functions;
332  	/**@}*/
334 	CameraPrivateLibrary  *pl; /**< Private data of camera libraries.    */
335 	CameraPrivateCore     *pc; /**< Private data of the core of gphoto2. */
336 };
339 /** Create a new camera device. */
340 int gp_camera_new               (Camera **camera);
343 /** \name Preparing initialization
344  * @{
345  */
346 int gp_camera_set_abilities     (Camera *camera, CameraAbilities  abilities);
347 int gp_camera_get_abilities	(Camera *camera, CameraAbilities *abilities);
348 int gp_camera_set_port_info     (Camera *camera, GPPortInfo  info);
349 int gp_camera_get_port_info     (Camera *camera, GPPortInfo *info);
351 /**@}*/
354 /**
355  * \name camera speed
356  *
357  * You normally don't use that. If you do, you prevent the camera driver
358  * from selecting the optimal speed.
359  *
360  * @{
361  */
362 int gp_camera_set_port_speed    (Camera *camera, int speed);
363 int gp_camera_get_port_speed    (Camera *camera);
365 /**@}*/
368 /** \name Initialization
369  * @{
370  */
371 int gp_camera_autodetect 	 (CameraList *list, GPContext *context);
372 int gp_camera_init               (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
373 int gp_camera_exit               (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
375 /**@}*/
379 /** \name Operations on cameras
380  * @{
381  */
382 int gp_camera_ref   		 (Camera *camera);
383 int gp_camera_unref 		 (Camera *camera);
384 int gp_camera_free 		 (Camera *camera);
386 int gp_camera_get_config	 (Camera *camera, CameraWidget **window,
387 				  GPContext *context);
388 int gp_camera_list_config	 (Camera *camera, CameraList *list,
389 				  GPContext *context);
390 int gp_camera_get_single_config	 (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget **widget,
391 				  GPContext *context);
392 int gp_camera_set_config	 (Camera *camera, CameraWidget  *window,
393 				  GPContext *context);
394 int gp_camera_set_single_config	 (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget  *widget,
395 				  GPContext *context);
396 int gp_camera_get_summary	 (Camera *camera, CameraText *summary,
397 				  GPContext *context);
398 int gp_camera_get_manual	 (Camera *camera, CameraText *manual,
399 				  GPContext *context);
400 int gp_camera_get_about		 (Camera *camera, CameraText *about,
401 				  GPContext *context);
402 int gp_camera_capture 		 (Camera *camera, CameraCaptureType type,
403 				  CameraFilePath *path, GPContext *context);
404 int gp_camera_trigger_capture 	 (Camera *camera, GPContext *context);
405 int gp_camera_capture_preview 	 (Camera *camera, CameraFile *file,
406 				  GPContext *context);
407 int gp_camera_wait_for_event     (Camera *camera, int timeout,
408 		                  CameraEventType *eventtype, void **eventdata,
409 			          GPContext *context);
411 int gp_camera_get_storageinfo    (Camera *camera, CameraStorageInformation**,
412 				   int *, GPContext *context);
414 /**@}*/
417 /** \name Operations on folders
418  * @{
419  */
420 int gp_camera_folder_list_files   (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
421 				   CameraList *list, GPContext *context);
422 int gp_camera_folder_list_folders (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
423 				   CameraList *list, GPContext *context);
424 int gp_camera_folder_delete_all   (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
425 				   GPContext *context);
426 int gp_camera_folder_put_file     (Camera *camera,
427 				   const char *folder, const char *filename,
428 				   CameraFileType type,
429 				   CameraFile *file, GPContext *context);
430 int gp_camera_folder_make_dir     (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
431 				   const char *name, GPContext *context);
432 int gp_camera_folder_remove_dir   (Camera *camera, const char *folder,
433 				   const char *name, GPContext *context);
434 /**@}*/
437 /** \name Operations on files
438  * @{
439  */
440 int gp_camera_file_get_info 	(Camera *camera, const char *folder,
441 				 const char *file, CameraFileInfo *info,
442 				 GPContext *context);
443 int gp_camera_file_set_info 	(Camera *camera, const char *folder,
444 				 const char *file, CameraFileInfo info,
445 				 GPContext *context);
446 int gp_camera_file_get		(Camera *camera, const char *folder,
447 				 const char *file, CameraFileType type,
448 				 CameraFile *camera_file, GPContext *context);
449 int gp_camera_file_read		(Camera *camera, const char *folder, const char *file,
450 		    		 CameraFileType type,
451 		    		 uint64_t offset, char *buf, uint64_t *size,
452 		    		 GPContext *context);
453 int gp_camera_file_delete     	(Camera *camera, const char *folder,
454 				 const char *file, GPContext *context);
455 /**@}*/
458 /**
459  * \name Some cameras need 'keep-alive-messages'.
460  * @{
461  */
462 typedef int          (* CameraTimeoutFunc)      (Camera *camera,
463 						 GPContext *context);
464 typedef unsigned int (* CameraTimeoutStartFunc) (Camera *camera,
465 						 unsigned int timeout,
466 						 CameraTimeoutFunc func,
467 						 void *data);
468 typedef void         (* CameraTimeoutStopFunc)  (Camera *camera,
469 						 unsigned int id, void *data);
470 void         gp_camera_set_timeout_funcs (Camera *camera,
471 				          CameraTimeoutStartFunc start_func,
472 				          CameraTimeoutStopFunc  stop_func,
473 				          void *data);
474 int          gp_camera_start_timeout     (Camera *camera, unsigned int timeout,
475 					  CameraTimeoutFunc func);
476 void         gp_camera_stop_timeout      (Camera *camera, unsigned int id);
478 /**@}*/
479 #ifdef __cplusplus
480 }
481 #endif /* __cplusplus */
484 #endif /* __GPHOTO2_CAMERA_H__ */