1@echo off
3rem Copyright (c) 2012 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.
5rem Due to the meta-circular nature of the system, an executable
6rem version of the Gambit compiler (gsc-boot) is necessary to compile
7rem the .scm source files that are part of the Gambit runtime library
8rem into .c files.  The Gambit git repository contains precompiled
9rem versions of these files.  When Gambit is initially built, it is
10rem necessary to avoid generating these .c files (since an executable
11rem Gambit compiler is not yet available to generate them).  This
12rem circular dependence is resolved by using a dummy gsc-boot script
13rem which does not touch the .c files obtained from the repository.
15rem echo "***DUMMY*** compilation (this is normal when bootstrapping)"
17exit 0