1 // $Id$
2 // Copyright (C) 2005, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include <cassert>
7 #include <iomanip>
9 #include "CoinPragma.hpp"
11 // For Branch and bound
12 #include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
13 #include "CbcModel.hpp"
14 #include "CbcStrategy.hpp"
15 #include "CbcBranchUser.hpp"
16 #include "CbcCompareUser.hpp"
17 #include "CbcCutGenerator.hpp"
18 #include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp"
20 // Cuts
22 #include "CglGomory.hpp"
23 #include "CglProbing.hpp"
24 #include "CglKnapsackCover.hpp"
25 #include "CglRedSplit.hpp"
26 #include "CglClique.hpp"
27 #include "CglFlowCover.hpp"
28 #include "CglMixedIntegerRounding2.hpp"
29 // Preprocessing
30 #include "CglPreProcess.hpp"
32 // Heuristics
34 #include "CbcHeuristic.hpp"
36 #include "CoinTime.hpp"
38 //#############################################################################
40 /************************************************************************
42 This main program reads in an integer model from an mps file.
44 It then sets up some Cgl cut generators and calls branch and cut.
46 Then it uses solution as hot start
48 ************************************************************************/
main(int argc,const char * argv[])50 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
51 {
53   // Define your favorite OsiSolver
55   OsiClpSolverInterface solver1;
57   // Read in model using argv[1]
58   // and assert that it is a clean model
59   std::string mpsFileName;
60 #if defined(SAMPLEDIR)
61   mpsFileName = SAMPLEDIR "/p0033.mps";
62 #else
63   if (argc < 2) {
64     fprintf(stderr, "Do not know where to find sample MPS files.\n");
65     exit(1);
66   }
67 #endif
68   if (argc >= 2)
69     mpsFileName = argv[1];
70   int numMpsReadErrors = solver1.readMps(mpsFileName.c_str(), "");
71   if (numMpsReadErrors != 0) {
72     printf("%d errors reading MPS file\n", numMpsReadErrors);
73     return numMpsReadErrors;
74   }
75   double time1 = CoinCpuTime();
77   /* Options are:
78      preprocess to do preprocessing
79      time in minutes
80      if 2 parameters and numeric taken as time
81   */
82   bool preProcess = false;
83   double minutes = -1.0;
84   int nGoodParam = 0;
85   for (int iParam = 2; iParam < argc; iParam++) {
86     if (!strcmp(argv[iParam], "preprocess")) {
87       preProcess = true;
88       nGoodParam++;
89     } else if (!strcmp(argv[iParam], "time")) {
90       if (iParam + 1 < argc && isdigit(argv[iParam + 1][0])) {
91         minutes = atof(argv[iParam + 1]);
92         if (minutes >= 0.0) {
93           nGoodParam += 2;
94           iParam++; // skip time
95         }
96       }
97     }
98   }
99   if (nGoodParam == 0 && argc == 3 && isdigit(argv[2][0])) {
100     // If time is given then stop after that number of minutes
101     minutes = atof(argv[2]);
102     if (minutes >= 0.0)
103       nGoodParam = 1;
104   }
105   if (nGoodParam != argc - 2 && argc >= 2) {
106     printf("Usage <file> [preprocess] [time <minutes>] or <file> <minutes>\n");
107     exit(1);
108   }
109   //solver1.getModelPtr()->setLogLevel(0);
110   solver1.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0);
111   solver1.initialSolve();
112   // Reduce printout
113   solver1.setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintTry);
114   CbcModel model(solver1);
115   model.solver()->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintTry);
116   // Set up some cut generators and defaults
117   // Probing first as gets tight bounds on continuous
119   CglProbing generator1;
120   generator1.setUsingObjective(true);
121   generator1.setMaxPass(1);
122   generator1.setMaxPassRoot(5);
123   // Number of unsatisfied variables to look at
124   generator1.setMaxProbe(10);
125   generator1.setMaxProbeRoot(1000);
126   // How far to follow the consequences
127   generator1.setMaxLook(50);
128   generator1.setMaxLookRoot(500);
129   // Only look at rows with fewer than this number of elements
130   generator1.setMaxElements(200);
131   generator1.setRowCuts(3);
133   CglGomory generator2;
134   // try larger limit
135   generator2.setLimit(300);
137   CglKnapsackCover generator3;
139   CglRedSplit generator4;
140   // try larger limit
141   generator4.setLimit(200);
143   CglClique generator5;
144   generator5.setStarCliqueReport(false);
145   generator5.setRowCliqueReport(false);
147   CglMixedIntegerRounding2 mixedGen;
148   CglFlowCover flowGen;
150   // Add in generators
151   // Experiment with -1 and -99 etc
152   model.addCutGenerator(&generator1, -1, "Probing");
153   model.addCutGenerator(&generator2, -1, "Gomory");
154   model.addCutGenerator(&generator3, -1, "Knapsack");
155   // model.addCutGenerator(&generator4,-1,"RedSplit");
156   model.addCutGenerator(&generator5, -1, "Clique");
157   model.addCutGenerator(&flowGen, -1, "FlowCover");
158   model.addCutGenerator(&mixedGen, -1, "MixedIntegerRounding");
159   OsiClpSolverInterface *osiclp = dynamic_cast< OsiClpSolverInterface * >(model.solver());
160   // go faster stripes
161   if (osiclp) {
162     // Turn this off if you get problems
163     // Used to be automatically set
164     osiclp->setSpecialOptions(128);
165     if (osiclp->getNumRows() < 300 && osiclp->getNumCols() < 500) {
166       //osiclp->setupForRepeatedUse(2,1);
167       osiclp->setupForRepeatedUse(0, 1);
168     }
169   }
170   // Uncommenting this should switch off most CBC messages
171   //model.messagesPointer()->setDetailMessages(10,5,5000);
172   // Allow rounding heuristic
174   CbcRounding heuristic1(model);
175   model.addHeuristic(&heuristic1);
177   // Redundant definition of default branching (as Default == User)
178   CbcBranchUserDecision branch;
179   model.setBranchingMethod(&branch);
181   // Definition of node choice
182   CbcCompareUser compare;
183   model.setNodeComparison(compare);
185   // Do initial solve to continuous
186   model.initialSolve();
188   // Could tune more
189   double objValue = model.solver()->getObjSense() * model.solver()->getObjValue();
190   double minimumDropA = CoinMin(1.0, fabs(objValue) * 1.0e-3 + 1.0e-4);
191   double minimumDrop = fabs(objValue) * 1.0e-4 + 1.0e-4;
192   printf("min drop %g (A %g)\n", minimumDrop, minimumDropA);
193   model.setMinimumDrop(minimumDrop);
195   if (model.getNumCols() < 500)
196     model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(-100); // always do 100 if possible
197   else if (model.getNumCols() < 5000)
198     model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(100); // use minimum drop
199   else
200     model.setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(20);
201   model.setMaximumCutPasses(10);
202   //model.setMaximumCutPasses(2);
204   // Switch off strong branching if wanted
205   // model.setNumberStrong(0);
206   // Do more strong branching if small
207   if (model.getNumCols() < 5000)
208     model.setNumberStrong(10);
209   model.setNumberStrong(20);
210   //model.setNumberStrong(5);
211   model.setNumberBeforeTrust(5);
212   //model.setSizeMiniTree(2);
214   model.solver()->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, 100);
216   // Switch off most output
217   if (model.getNumCols() < 3000) {
218     model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1);
219     //model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0);
220   } else {
221     model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(2);
222     model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1);
223   }
224   model.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(6);
225   model.solver()->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1);
226   // If time is given then stop after that number of minutes
227   if (minutes >= 0.0) {
228     std::cout << "Stopping after " << minutes << " minutes" << std::endl;
229     model.setDblParam(CbcModel::CbcMaximumSeconds, 60.0 * minutes);
230   }
231   // Default strategy will leave cut generators as they exist already
232   // so cutsOnlyAtRoot (1) ignored
233   // numberStrong (2) is 5 (default)
234   // numberBeforeTrust (3) is 5 (default is 0)
235   // printLevel (4) defaults (0)
236   CbcStrategyDefault strategy(true, 5, 5);
237   // Set up pre-processing to find sos if wanted
238   if (preProcess)
239     strategy.setupPreProcessing(2);
240   model.setStrategy(strategy);
241   int numberColumns = model.solver()->getNumCols();
242   double *bestSolution = NULL;
243   int *priority = new int[numberColumns];
244   // Do two passes
245   for (int iPass = 0; iPass < 2; iPass++) {
246     time1 = CoinCpuTime();
247     // Do hot start on second pass
248     if (bestSolution) {
249       model.setHotstartSolution(bestSolution, priority);
250       delete[] bestSolution;
251       bestSolution = NULL;
252       delete[] priority;
253       model.setMaximumNodes(40000);
254     } else {
255       model.setMaximumNodes(40000);
256     }
257     // Do complete search
258     model.branchAndBound();
260     std::cout << mpsFileName << " took " << CoinCpuTime() - time1 << " seconds, "
261               << model.getNodeCount() << " nodes with objective "
262               << model.getObjValue()
263               << (!model.status() ? " Finished" : " Not finished")
264               << std::endl;
265     // Print solution if finished - we can't get names from Osi! - so get from OsiClp
267     assert(model.getMinimizationObjValue() < 1.0e50);
268     OsiSolverInterface *solver = model.solver();
269     int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
271     const double *solution = solver->getColSolution();
272     // save solution
273     if (!iPass) {
274       bestSolution = CoinCopyOfArray(solution, numberColumns);
275       for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
276         if (solution[i] > 0.5)
277           priority[i] = -1;
278         else
279           priority[i] = 2;
280       }
281     }
282     //const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
283     //const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
285     // Get names from solver1 (as OsiSolverInterface may lose)
286     std::vector< std::string > columnNames = *solver1.getModelPtr()->columnNames();
288     int iColumn;
289     std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpoint) << std::setw(14);
291     std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl;
292     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
293       double value = solution[iColumn];
294       if (fabs(value) > 1.0e-7 && solver->isInteger(iColumn))
295         std::cout << std::setw(6) << iColumn << " "
296                   << columnNames[iColumn] << " "
297                   << value
298                   //<<" "<<lower[iColumn]<<" "<<upper[iColumn]
299                   << std::endl;
300     }
301     std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl;
303     std::cout << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed | std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::scientific);
304     model.resetToReferenceSolver();
305   }
306   return 0;
307 }