1 /* AbiWord
2  * Copyright (C) 1998 AbiSource, Inc.
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
17  * 02110-1301 USA.
18  */
21 #ifndef IE_EXP_RTF_H
22 #define IE_EXP_RTF_H
24 #include "ie_exp.h"
25 #include "ut_vector.h"
26 #include "ut_hash.h"
27 #include "ut_misc.h"
28 #include "ut_iconv.h"
29 #include "pl_Listener.h"
30 #include "fl_AutoLists.h"
31 #include "fl_AutoNum.h"
33 class PD_Document;
34 class PD_Style;
35 class PP_AttrProp;
36 class s_RTF_ListenerWriteDoc;
37 class s_RTF_ListenerGetProps;
38 class s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter;
39 class s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter_Style;
40 class ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List;
41 class ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple;
42 class ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti;
43 class ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride;
44 class _rtf_font_info;
46 // The exporter/writer for RTF file format (based upon spec version 1.5).
48 class ABI_EXPORT IE_Exp_RTF_Sniffer : public IE_ExpSniffer
49 {
50 	friend class IE_Exp;
52 public:
53 	IE_Exp_RTF_Sniffer ();
~IE_Exp_RTF_Sniffer()54 	virtual ~IE_Exp_RTF_Sniffer () {}
56 	UT_Confidence_t supportsMIME (const char * szMIME);
58 	virtual bool recognizeSuffix (const char * szSuffix);
59 	virtual bool getDlgLabels (const char ** szDesc,
60 							   const char ** szSuffixList,
61 							   IEFileType * ft);
62 	virtual UT_Error constructExporter (PD_Document * pDocument,
63 										IE_Exp ** ppie);
64 };
66 /*
67  * this is for exporting to RTF understood by attic software
68  * like WordPad and probably Word6.0.
69  */
70 class ABI_EXPORT IE_Exp_RTF_attic_Sniffer : public IE_ExpSniffer
71 {
72 	friend class IE_Exp;
74 public:
75 	IE_Exp_RTF_attic_Sniffer ();
~IE_Exp_RTF_attic_Sniffer()76 	virtual ~IE_Exp_RTF_attic_Sniffer () {}
78 	virtual bool recognizeSuffix (const char * szSuffix);
79 	virtual bool getDlgLabels (const char ** szDesc,
80 							   const char ** szSuffixList,
81 							   IEFileType * ft);
82 	virtual UT_Error constructExporter (PD_Document * pDocument,
83 										IE_Exp ** ppie);
84 };
86 // hack for "msword" export
88 class ABI_EXPORT IE_Exp_MsWord_Hack_Sniffer : public IE_ExpSniffer
89 {
90 	friend class IE_Exp;
92 public:
93 	IE_Exp_MsWord_Hack_Sniffer ();
~IE_Exp_MsWord_Hack_Sniffer()94 	virtual ~IE_Exp_MsWord_Hack_Sniffer () {}
96 	virtual bool recognizeSuffix (const char * szSuffix);
97 	virtual bool getDlgLabels (const char ** szDesc,
98 				   const char ** szSuffixList,
99 				   IEFileType * ft);
100 	virtual UT_Error constructExporter (PD_Document * pDocument,
101 					    IE_Exp ** ppie);
102 };
104 struct NumberedStyle;
106 class ABI_EXPORT IE_Exp_RTF : public IE_Exp
107 {
108 	friend class s_RTF_ListenerWriteDoc;
109 	friend class s_RTF_ListenerGetProps;
111 public:
112 	IE_Exp_RTF(PD_Document * pDocument);
113 	IE_Exp_RTF(PD_Document * pDocument,bool atticFormat);
114 	virtual ~IE_Exp_RTF();
115 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti * getNthMultiLevel(UT_uint32 i) const;
116 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple * getNthSimple(UT_uint32 i) const;
117 	ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride * getNthOveride(UT_uint32 i) const;
118 	UT_uint32 getMultiLevelCount(void) const;
119 	UT_uint32 getSimpleListCount(void) const;
120 	UT_uint32 getOverideCount(void)  const;
121 	UT_uint32 getMatchingOverideNum(UT_uint32 ID);
122 	void exportHdrFtr(const char * pszHdrFtr , const char * pszHdrFtrID,const char * pszKeyword);
isCharRTL()123 	UT_BidiCharType isCharRTL() {return m_CharRTL;}
setCharRTL(UT_BidiCharType t)124 	void setCharRTL(UT_BidiCharType t) {m_CharRTL = t;}
setByteBuf(UT_ByteBuf * pBuf)125 	void     setByteBuf(UT_ByteBuf * pBuf)
126 	{ _setByteBuf(pBuf);}
getByteBuf(void)127 	UT_ByteBuf * getByteBuf(void)
128 	{ return _getByteBuf();}
129 protected:
130 	virtual UT_Error	_writeDocument(void);
131 	UT_Error	        _writeDocumentLocal(bool bSkipHeader);
132 	UT_sint32			_findColor(const char * szColor) const;
133 	UT_sint32           _findOrAddColor (const char * szColor);
134 	void				_addColor(const char * szColor);
135 	void				_rtf_open_brace(void);
136 	void				_rtf_close_brace(void);
137 	bool                _rtf_reopen_brace(void);
138 	void				_rtf_keyword(const char * szKey);
139 	void				_rtf_keyword(const char * szKey, UT_sint32 d);
140 	void				_rtf_keyword_space(const char * szKey, UT_sint32 d);
141 	void                _rtf_keyword(const char * szKey, const char * szValue);
142 	void				_rtf_nonascii_hex2(UT_sint32 d);
143 	void				_rtf_nonascii_hex2(UT_sint32 d, UT_String & pStr);
144 	void				_rtf_keyword_hex2(const char * szKey, UT_sint32 d);
145 	void				_rtf_keyword_ifnotdefault(const char * szKey, const char * szValue, UT_sint32 defaultValue);
146 	void				_rtf_keyword_ifnotdefault_twips(const char * szKey, const char * szValue, UT_sint32 defaultValue);
147 	void				_rtf_semi(void);
148 	void				_rtf_fontname(const char * szFontName);
149 	void				_rtf_chardata(const char * pbuf, UT_uint32 buflen);
150 	void				_rtf_chardata(const std::string& buf);
151 	void				_rtf_pcdata(UT_UTF8String &sPCData, bool bSupplyUC=false, UT_uint32 iAltChars=1);
152 	void				_rtf_pcdata(const std::string & szPCData, bool bSupplyUC=false, UT_uint32 iAltChars=1);
153 	void				_rtf_pcdata(const char * szPCData, bool bSupplyUC=false, UT_uint32 iAltChars=1);
154 	void				_rtf_nl(void);
155 	const gchar *    _getStyleProp(s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter_Style * pADStyle,
156 									  const s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter * apa,
157 									  const char * szProp);
159 	bool				_write_rtf_header(void);
160 	bool				_write_rtf_trailer(void);
162 	void                            _clearStyles();
163 	void                            _selectStyles();
164 	UT_uint32                       _getStyleNumber(const PD_Style * pStyle);
165 	UT_uint32                       _getStyleNumber(const gchar * szStyleName);
167 	void                            _write_prop_ifnotdefault(const PD_Style * pStyle, const gchar * szPropName, const char * szRTFName);
168 	void                            _write_prop_ifyes(const PD_Style * pStyle, const gchar * szPropName, const char * szRTFName);
169 	void                            _write_tabdef(const char * szTabStops);
170 	void                            _write_charfmt(const s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter &);
172 	void                            _write_parafmt(const PP_AttrProp * pSpanAP,
173 												   const PP_AttrProp * pBlockAP,
174 												   const PP_AttrProp * pSectionAP,
175 												   bool & bStartedList, pf_Frag_Strux* sdh, UT_uint32 &iCurrID,
176 												   bool &bIsListBlock, UT_sint32 iNestLevel);
178 	void                            _write_style_fmt(const PD_Style *);
179 	void                            _write_stylesheets(void);
180 	void                            _write_listtable(void);
181     void                            _output_MultiLevelRTF(ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti * pMulti);
182     void                            _output_SimpleListRTF(ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple * pSimple);
183     void                            _output_OveridesRTF(ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride * pOver, UT_uint32 i);
184 	void                            _output_ListRTF(fl_AutoNum * pAuto, UT_uint32 iLevel);
185 	void                            _output_LevelText(fl_AutoNum * pAuto, UT_uint32 iLevel,UT_UCSChar bulletsym);
186 	void                            _get_LeftRight_Side(UT_String & LeftSide, UT_String & RightSide);
187 	void                            _generate_level_Text(fl_AutoNum * pAuto,UT_String & LevelText,UT_String &LevelNumbers, UT_uint32 & lenText, UT_uint32 & ifoundLevel);
189 	void                            _output_revision(const s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter & apa, bool bPara,pf_Frag_Strux* sdh,
190 													 UT_sint32 iNestLevel, bool & bStartedList,  bool &bIsListBlock,
191 													 UT_uint32 &iCurrID);
193 	UT_sint32			_findFont(const s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter * apa) const;
194 	UT_sint32			_findFont(const _rtf_font_info * pfi) const;
195 	void				_addFont(const _rtf_font_info * pfi);
197  private:
198 	static bool s_escapeString(UT_UTF8String &sOutStr, UT_UCS4String &sInStr,
199 	                           UT_uint32 iAltChars);
200 	static bool s_escapeString(UT_UTF8String &sOutStr, const char * szInStr,
201                                UT_uint32 iSize, UT_uint32 iAltChars);
202 	static bool s_escapeString( std::string& outStr, const std::string& inStr,
203 	                           UT_uint32 iAltChars = 1 );
204 	static std::string s_escapeString( const std::string& inStr, UT_uint32 iAltChars = 1 );
205     static std::string s_escapeXMLString( const std::string& inStr );
207 	s_RTF_ListenerWriteDoc *	m_pListenerWriteDoc;
208 	UT_Vector					m_vecColors;			/* vector of "const char * szColor" */
209 	UT_Vector					m_vecFonts;				/* vector of struct _font */
210 	bool						m_bNeedUnicodeText;		/* doc has unicode chars */
211 	UT_sint32					m_braceLevel;			/* nesting depth of {} braces */
212 	bool						m_bLastWasKeyword;		/* just wrote a keyword, so need space before text data */
213 	bool						m_atticFormat; 		/* whether to use unicode for all characters >0xff or convert to native windows encoding*/
214 	UT_GenericStringMap<NumberedStyle*> m_hashStyles;
215 	/* Hash containing styles to be exported. The key is the
216 	   AbiWord style name. The value is a NumberedStyle object
217 	   (see the cpp file). */
218 	UT_Vector                   m_vecMultiLevel;
219 	UT_Vector                   m_vecSimpleList;
220 	UT_Vector                   m_vecOverides;
222 	UT_BidiCharType             m_CharRTL;
223 	UT_iconv_t                  m_conv;
224 };
226 /*****************************************************************/
227 /*****************************************************************/
229 /* This struct contains the RTF font info as needed for the
230    font table. */
231 class ABI_EXPORT _rtf_font_info
232 {
233 public:
234     _rtf_font_info();
235 	bool init(const s_RTF_AttrPropAdapter & apa, bool bDoFieldFont = false);
236     bool init(const char * szfontName);
237 	virtual ~_rtf_font_info(void);
238     bool _is_same(const _rtf_font_info & fi) const;
getFontFamily(void)239 	const char * getFontFamily(void) const { return szFamily;}
getFontName(void)240 	const char * getFontName(void) const { return m_szName.c_str();}
getFontCharset(void)241 	int getFontCharset(void) const { return nCharset;}
getFontPitch(void)242 	int getFontPitch(void) const { return nPitch;}
isTrueType(void)243 	bool isTrueType(void) const { return fTrueType;}
244 private:
245     const gchar * szFamily;
246     int nCharset;
247     int nPitch;
248     UT_String m_szName;
249     bool fTrueType;
250 };
252 class ABI_EXPORT ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List
253 {
254  public:
255 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List(fl_AutoNum * pAuto);
256 	virtual ~ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List(void);
getAuto(void)257 	fl_AutoNum * getAuto(void) const { return m_pAutoNum;}
getID(void)258 	UT_uint32 getID(void) const {return m_Id;}
259  private:
260 	fl_AutoNum * m_pAutoNum;
261 	UT_uint32 m_Id;
262 };
264 class ABI_EXPORT ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple : public ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List
265 {
266  public:
267 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple(fl_AutoNum * pAuto);
268 	~ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListSimple(void);
isSimple(void)269 	bool isSimple(void) const { return true;}
isMulti(void)270 	bool isMulti(void) const { return false;}
271  private:
272 };
274 class ABI_EXPORT ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti : public ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List
275 {
276  public:
277 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti(fl_AutoNum * pAuto);
278 	~ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97ListMulti(void);
isSimple(void)279 	bool isSimple(void) const { return false;}
isMulti(void)280 	bool isMulti(void) const { return true;}
281 	void addLevel(UT_uint32 iLevel, ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List * pMsWord97List);
282 	ie_exp_RTF_MsWord97List * getListAtLevel(UT_uint32 iLevel, UT_uint32 nthList);
283 	UT_uint32 getMatchingID(UT_uint32 listID);
284  private:
285 	UT_Vector * m_vLevels[9];
286 };
288 class ABI_EXPORT ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride
289 {
290 public:
291 	ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride(fl_AutoNum * pAuto);
292 	~ie_exp_RTF_ListOveride(void);
setOverideID(UT_uint32 ID)293 	void setOverideID(UT_uint32 ID) {m_OverideID = ID;}
getOverideID(void)294 	UT_uint32 getOverideID(void) const { return m_OverideID;}
getAutoNum(void)295 	fl_AutoNum * getAutoNum(void) const { return m_pAutoNum;}
doesOverideMatch(UT_uint32 ID)296 	bool doesOverideMatch(UT_uint32 ID) const { return (ID == m_AbiListID);}
getAbiListID(void)297 	UT_uint32 getAbiListID(void) const { return m_AbiListID;}
298 private:
299 	UT_uint32 m_AbiListID;
300 	UT_uint32 m_OverideID;
301 	fl_AutoNum * m_pAutoNum;
302 };
303 #endif /* IE_EXP_RTF_H */