1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //         Color Quantization Demo
3 //
4 // Author: Roman Podobedov
5 // Email: romka@ut.ee
6 // Romka Graphics: www.ut.ee/~romka
7 //
8 // Also in this file implemented Wu's Color Quantizer algorithm (v. 2)
9 // For details see Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133
10 //
11 // Wu's Color Quantizer Algorithm:
12 // Author: Xiaolin Wu
13 //			Dept. of Computer Science
14 //			Univ. of Western Ontario
15 //			London, Ontario N6A 5B7
16 //			wu@csd.uwo.ca
17 //			http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/wu/
18 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 //
22 // ImageLib Sources
23 // by Denton Woods
24 // Last modified: 01/04/2009
25 //
26 // Filename: src-IL/src/il_quantizer.c
27 //
28 // Description:  Heavily modified by Denton Woods.
29 //
30 // 20040223 XIX : Modified so it works better with color requests < 256
31 // pallete always has memory space for 256 entries
32 // used so we can quant down to 255 colors then add a transparent color in there.
33 //
34 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 #include "il_internal.h"
38 #define MAXCOLOR	256
39 #define	RED			2
40 #define	GREEN		1
41 #define BLUE		0
43 typedef struct Box
44 {
45     ILint r0;  // min value, exclusive
46     ILint r1;  // max value, inclusive
47     ILint g0;
48     ILint g1;
49     ILint b0;
50     ILint b1;
51     ILint vol;
52 } Box;
54 /* Histogram is in elements 1..HISTSIZE along each axis,
55  * element 0 is for base or marginal value
56  * NB: these must start out 0!
57  */
59 ILfloat		gm2[33][33][33];
60 ILint		wt[33][33][33], mr[33][33][33],	mg[33][33][33],	mb[33][33][33];
61 ILuint		size; //image size
62 ILint		K;    //colour look-up table size
63 ILushort	*Qadd;
66 ILint	WindW, WindH, WindD;
67 ILint	i;
68 ILubyte	*buffer;
69 static ILint	Width, Height, Depth, Comp;
70 /*ILint	TotalColors;
71 ILint	a, b;
72 ILubyte	*buf1, *buf2;*/
n2(ILint s)74 ILuint n2(ILint s)
75 {
76 	ILint	i;
77 	ILint	res;
79 	res = 1;
80 	for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {
81 		res = res*2;
82 	}
84 	return res;
85 }
88 // Build 3-D color histogram of counts, r/g/b, c^2
Hist3d(ILubyte * Ir,ILubyte * Ig,ILubyte * Ib,ILint * vwt,ILint * vmr,ILint * vmg,ILint * vmb,ILfloat * m2)89 ILboolean Hist3d(ILubyte *Ir, ILubyte *Ig, ILubyte *Ib, ILint *vwt, ILint *vmr, ILint *vmg, ILint *vmb, ILfloat *m2)
90 {
91 	ILint	ind, r, g, b;
92 	ILint	inr, ing, inb, table[2560];
93 	ILuint	i;
95 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
96 	{
97 		table[i] = i * i;
98 	}
99 	Qadd = (ILushort*)ialloc(sizeof(ILushort) * size);
100 	if (Qadd == NULL)
101 	{
102 		return IL_FALSE;
103 	}
105         imemclear(Qadd, sizeof(ILushort) * size);
107 	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
108 	{
109 	    r = Ir[i]; g = Ig[i]; b = Ib[i];
110 	    inr = (r>>3) + 1;
111 	    ing = (g>>3) + 1;
112 	    inb = (b>>3) + 1;
113 	    Qadd[i] = ind = (inr<<10)+(inr<<6)+inr+(ing<<5)+ing+inb;
114 	    //[inr][ing][inb]
115 	    vwt[ind]++;
116 	    vmr[ind] += r;
117 	    vmg[ind] += g;
118 	    vmb[ind] += b;
119 		m2[ind] += (ILfloat)(table[r]+table[g]+table[b]);
120 	}
121 	return IL_TRUE;
122 }
124 /* At conclusion of the histogram step, we can interpret
125  *   wt[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of P(c)
126  *   mr[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of r*P(c)  ,  similarly for mg, mb
127  *   m2[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of c^2*P(c)
128  * Actually each of these should be divided by 'size' to give the usual
129  * interpretation of P() as ranging from 0 to 1, but we needn't do that here.
130  */
132 /* We now convert histogram into moments so that we can rapidly calculate
133  * the sums of the above quantities over any desired Box.
134  */
137 // Compute cumulative moments
M3d(ILint * vwt,ILint * vmr,ILint * vmg,ILint * vmb,ILfloat * m2)138 void M3d(ILint *vwt, ILint *vmr, ILint *vmg, ILint *vmb, ILfloat *m2)
139 {
140 	ILushort	ind1, ind2;
141 	ILubyte		i, r, g, b;
142 	ILint		line, line_r, line_g, line_b, area[33], area_r[33], area_g[33], area_b[33];
143 	ILfloat		line2, area2[33];
145 	for (r = 1; r <= 32; r++) {
146 		for (i = 0; i <= 32; i++) {
147 			area2[i] = 0.0f;
148 			area[i]=area_r[i]=area_g[i]=area_b[i]=0;
149 		}
150 		for (g = 1; g <= 32; g++) {
151 			line2 = 0.0f;
152 			line = line_r = line_g = line_b = 0;
153 			for (b = 1; b <= 32; b++) {
154 				ind1 = (r<<10) + (r<<6) + r + (g<<5) + g + b; // [r][g][b]
155 				line += vwt[ind1];
156 				line_r += vmr[ind1];
157 				line_g += vmg[ind1];
158 				line_b += vmb[ind1];
159 				line2 += m2[ind1];
160 				area[b] += line;
161 				area_r[b] += line_r;
162 				area_g[b] += line_g;
163 				area_b[b] += line_b;
164 				area2[b] += line2;
165 				ind2 = ind1 - 1089; // [r-1][g][b]
166 				vwt[ind1] = vwt[ind2] + area[b];
167 				vmr[ind1] = vmr[ind2] + area_r[b];
168 				vmg[ind1] = vmg[ind2] + area_g[b];
169 				vmb[ind1] = vmb[ind2] + area_b[b];
170 				m2[ind1] = m2[ind2] + area2[b];
171 			}
172 		}
173     }
175 	return;
176 }
179 // Compute sum over a Box of any given statistic
Vol(Box * cube,ILint mmt[33][33][33])180 ILint Vol(Box *cube, ILint mmt[33][33][33])
181 {
182     return( mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1]
183 	   -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0]
184 	   -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1]
185 	   +mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0]
186 	   -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
187 	   +mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0]
188 	   +mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1]
189 	   -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
190 }
192 /* The next two routines allow a slightly more efficient calculation
193  * of Vol() for a proposed subBox of a given Box.  The sum of Top()
194  * and Bottom() is the Vol() of a subBox split in the given direction
195  * and with the specified new upper bound.
196  */
198 // Compute part of Vol(cube, mmt) that doesn't depend on r1, g1, or b1
199 //	(depending on dir)
Bottom(Box * cube,ILubyte dir,ILint mmt[33][33][33])200 ILint Bottom(Box *cube, ILubyte dir, ILint mmt[33][33][33])
201 {
202     switch(dir)
203     {
204 		case RED:
205 			return( -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
206 				+mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0]
207 				+mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1]
208 				-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
209 			break;
210 		case GREEN:
211 			return( -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1]
212 				+mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0]
213 				+mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1]
214 				-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
215 			break;
216 		case BLUE:
217 			return( -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0]
218 				+mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0]
219 				+mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0]
220 				-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
221 			break;
222     }
223     return 0;
224 }
227 // Compute remainder of Vol(cube, mmt), substituting pos for
228 //	r1, g1, or b1 (depending on dir)
Top(Box * cube,ILubyte dir,ILint pos,ILint mmt[33][33][33])229 ILint Top(Box *cube, ILubyte dir, ILint pos, ILint mmt[33][33][33])
230 {
231     switch (dir)
232     {
233 		case RED:
234 			return( mmt[pos][cube->g1][cube->b1]
235 			   -mmt[pos][cube->g1][cube->b0]
236 			   -mmt[pos][cube->g0][cube->b1]
237 			   +mmt[pos][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
238 			break;
239 		case GREEN:
240 			return( mmt[cube->r1][pos][cube->b1]
241 			   -mmt[cube->r1][pos][cube->b0]
242 			   -mmt[cube->r0][pos][cube->b1]
243 			   +mmt[cube->r0][pos][cube->b0] );
244 			break;
245 		case BLUE:
246 			return( mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][pos]
247 			   -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][pos]
248 			   -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][pos]
249 			   +mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][pos] );
250 			break;
251     }
253     return 0;
254 }
257 // Compute the weighted variance of a Box
258 //	NB: as with the raw statistics, this is really the variance * size
Var(Box * cube)259 ILfloat Var(Box *cube)
260 {
261 	ILfloat dr, dg, db, xx;
263 	dr = (ILfloat)Vol(cube, mr);
264 	dg = (ILfloat)Vol(cube, mg);
265 	db = (ILfloat)Vol(cube, mb);
266 	xx = gm2[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1]
267 		-gm2[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0]
268 		-gm2[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1]
269 		+gm2[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0]
270 		-gm2[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
271 		+gm2[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0]
272 		+gm2[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1]
273 		-gm2[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0];
275 	return xx - (dr*dr+dg*dg+db*db) / (ILfloat)Vol(cube, wt);
276 }
278 /* We want to minimize the sum of the variances of two subBoxes.
279  * The sum(c^2) terms can be ignored since their sum over both subBoxes
280  * is the same (the sum for the whole Box) no matter where we split.
281  * The remaining terms have a minus sign in the variance formula,
282  * so we drop the minus sign and MAXIMIZE the sum of the two terms.
283  */
Maximize(Box * cube,ILubyte dir,ILint first,ILint last,ILint * cut,ILint whole_r,ILint whole_g,ILint whole_b,ILint whole_w)285 ILfloat Maximize(Box *cube, ILubyte dir, ILint first, ILint last, ILint *cut,
286 				 ILint whole_r, ILint whole_g, ILint whole_b, ILint whole_w)
287 {
288 	ILint	half_r, half_g, half_b, half_w;
289 	ILint	base_r, base_g, base_b, base_w;
290 	ILint	i;
291 	ILfloat	temp, max;
293 	base_r = Bottom(cube, dir, mr);
294 	base_g = Bottom(cube, dir, mg);
295 	base_b = Bottom(cube, dir, mb);
296 	base_w = Bottom(cube, dir, wt);
297 	max = 0.0;
298 	*cut = -1;
300 	for (i = first; i < last; ++i) {
301 		half_r = base_r + Top(cube, dir, i, mr);
302 		half_g = base_g + Top(cube, dir, i, mg);
303 		half_b = base_b + Top(cube, dir, i, mb);
304 		half_w = base_w + Top(cube, dir, i, wt);
305 		// Now half_x is sum over lower half of Box, if split at i
306 		if (half_w == 0) {  // subBox could be empty of pixels!
307 			continue;       // never split into an empty Box
308 		}
309 		else {
310 			temp = ((ILfloat)half_r*half_r + (ILfloat)half_g * half_g +
311 					(ILfloat)half_b*half_b) / half_w;
312 		}
314 		half_r = whole_r - half_r;
315 		half_g = whole_g - half_g;
316 		half_b = whole_b - half_b;
317 		half_w = whole_w - half_w;
318 		if (half_w == 0) {  // subBox could be empty of pixels!
319 			continue;       // never split into an empty Box
320 		}
321 		else {
322 			temp += ((ILfloat)half_r*half_r + (ILfloat)half_g * half_g +
323 					(ILfloat)half_b*half_b) / half_w;
324 		}
326 		if (temp > max) {
327 			max = temp;
328 			*cut = i;
329 		}
330 	}
332 	return max;
333 }
Cut(Box * set1,Box * set2)336 ILint Cut(Box *set1, Box *set2)
337 {
338 	ILubyte dir;
339 	ILint cutr, cutg, cutb;
340 	ILfloat maxr, maxg, maxb;
341 	ILint whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w;
343 	whole_r = Vol(set1, mr);
344 	whole_g = Vol(set1, mg);
345 	whole_b = Vol(set1, mb);
346 	whole_w = Vol(set1, wt);
348 	maxr = Maximize(set1, RED, set1->r0+1, set1->r1, &cutr, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
349 	maxg = Maximize(set1, GREEN, set1->g0+1, set1->g1, &cutg, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
350 	maxb = Maximize(set1, BLUE, set1->b0+1, set1->b1, &cutb, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
352 	if ((maxr >= maxg) && (maxr >= maxb)) {
353 		dir = RED;
354 		if (cutr < 0)
355 			return 0; // can't split the Box
356 	}
357 	else if ((maxg >= maxr) && (maxg >= maxb))
358 		dir = GREEN;
359 	else
360 		dir = BLUE;
362 	set2->r1 = set1->r1;
363 	set2->g1 = set1->g1;
364 	set2->b1 = set1->b1;
366 	switch (dir)
367 	{
368 		case RED:
369 			set2->r0 = set1->r1 = cutr;
370 			set2->g0 = set1->g0;
371 			set2->b0 = set1->b0;
372 			break;
373 		case GREEN:
374 			set2->g0 = set1->g1 = cutg;
375 			set2->r0 = set1->r0;
376 			set2->b0 = set1->b0;
377 			break;
378 		case BLUE:
379 			set2->b0 = set1->b1 = cutb;
380 			set2->r0 = set1->r0;
381 			set2->g0 = set1->g0;
382 			break;
383 	}
385 	set1->vol = (set1->r1-set1->r0) * (set1->g1-set1->g0) * (set1->b1-set1->b0);
386 	set2->vol = (set2->r1-set2->r0) * (set2->g1-set2->g0) * (set2->b1-set2->b0);
388 	return 1;
389 }
Mark(struct Box * cube,int label,unsigned char * tag)392 void Mark(struct Box *cube, int label, unsigned char *tag)
393 {
394 	ILint r, g, b;
396 	for (r = cube->r0 + 1; r <= cube->r1; r++) {
397 		for (g = cube->g0 + 1; g <= cube->g1; g++) {
398 			for (b = cube->b0 + 1; b <= cube->b1; b++) {
399 				tag[(r<<10) + (r<<6) + r + (g<<5) + g + b] = label;
400 			}
401 		}
402 	}
403 	return;
404 }
iQuantizeImage(ILimage * Image,ILuint NumCols)407 ILimage *iQuantizeImage(ILimage *Image, ILuint NumCols)
408 {
409 	Box		cube[MAXCOLOR];
410 	ILubyte	*tag = NULL;
411 	ILubyte	lut_r[MAXCOLOR], lut_g[MAXCOLOR], lut_b[MAXCOLOR];
412 	ILint	next;
413 	ILint	weight;
414 	ILuint	k;
415 	ILfloat	vv[MAXCOLOR], temp;
416 	//ILint	color_num;
417 	ILubyte	*NewData = NULL, *Palette = NULL;
418 	ILimage	*TempImage = NULL, *NewImage = NULL;
419 	ILubyte	*Ir = NULL, *Ig = NULL, *Ib = NULL;
421 	ILint num_alloced_colors; // number of colors we allocated space for in palette, as NumCols but will not be less than 256
423 	num_alloced_colors=NumCols;
424 	if(num_alloced_colors<256) { num_alloced_colors=256; }
427 	NewImage = iCurImage;
428 	iCurImage = Image;
429 	TempImage = iConvertImage(iCurImage, IL_RGB, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
430 	iCurImage = NewImage;
434 	if (TempImage == NULL)
435 		return NULL;
437 	buffer = Image->Data;
438 	WindW = Width = Image->Width;
439 	WindH = Height = Image->Height;
440 	WindD = Depth = Image->Depth;
441 	Comp = Image->Bpp;
442 	Qadd = NULL;
444 	//color_num = ImagePrecalculate(Image);
446 	NewData = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Image->Width * Image->Height * Image->Depth);
447 	Palette = (ILubyte*)ialloc(3 * num_alloced_colors);
448 	if (!NewData || !Palette) {
449 		ifree(NewData);
450 		ifree(Palette);
451 		return NULL;
452 	}
454 	Ir = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Width * Height * Depth);
455 	Ig = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Width * Height * Depth);
456 	Ib = (ILubyte*)ialloc(Width * Height * Depth);
457 	if (!Ir || !Ig || !Ib) {
458 		ifree(Ir);
459 		ifree(Ig);
460 		ifree(Ib);
461 		ifree(NewData);
462 		ifree(Palette);
463 		return NULL;
464 	}
466 	size = Width * Height * Depth;
468         #ifdef ALTIVEC_GCC
469             register ILuint v_size = size>>4;
470             register ILuint pos = 0;
471             v_size = v_size /3;
472             register vector unsigned char d0,d1,d2;
473             register vector unsigned char red[3],blu[3],green[3];
475             register union{
476                 vector unsigned char vec;
477                 vector unsigned int load;
478             } mask_1, mask_2, mask_3;
480             mask_1.load = (vector unsigned int){0xFF0000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF0000FF};
481             mask_2.load = (vector unsigned int){0x00FF0000,0xFF0000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000};
482             mask_2.load = (vector unsigned int){0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF0000FF,0x0000FF00};
484             while( v_size >= 0 ) {
485                 d0 = vec_ld(pos,TempImage->Data);
486                 d1 = vec_ld(pos+16,TempImage->Data);
487                 d2 = vec_ld(pos+32,TempImage->Data);
489                 red[0] =   vec_and(d0,mask_1.vec);
490                 green[0] = vec_and(d0,mask_2.vec);
491                 blu[0] =   vec_and(d0,mask_3.vec);
493                 red[1] =   vec_and(d1,mask_3.vec);
494                 green[1] = vec_and(d1,mask_1.vec);
495                 blu[1] =   vec_and(d1,mask_2.vec);
497                 red[2] =   vec_and(d2,mask_2.vec);
498                 green[2] = vec_and(d2,mask_3.vec);
499                 blu[2] =   vec_and(d2,mask_1.vec);
501                 vec_st(red[0],pos,Ir);
502                 vec_st(red[1],pos+16,Ir);
503                 vec_st(red[2],pos+32,Ir);
505                 vec_st(blu[0],pos,Ib);
506                 vec_st(blu[1],pos+16,Ib);
507                 vec_st(blu[2],pos+32,Ib);
509                 vec_st(green[0],pos,Ig);
510                 vec_st(green[1],pos+16,Ig);
511                 vec_st(green[2],pos+32,Ig);
513                 pos += 48;
514             }
515             size -= pos;
516         #endif
518 	for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
519                 Ir[k] = TempImage->Data[k * 3];
520 		Ig[k] = TempImage->Data[k * 3 + 1];
521 		Ib[k] = TempImage->Data[k * 3 + 2];
522 	}
524         #ifdef ALTIVEC_GCC
525            size = Width * Height * Depth;
526         #endif
528 	// Set new colors number
529 	K = NumCols;
531 	if (K <= 256) {
532 		// Begin Wu's color quantization algorithm
534 		// May have "leftovers" from a previous run.
536                 imemclear(gm2, 33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILfloat));
537                 imemclear(wt, 33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILint));
538                 imemclear(mr, 33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILint));
539                 imemclear(mg, 33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILint));
540                 imemclear(mb, 33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILint));
542 		if (!Hist3d(Ir, Ig, Ib, (ILint*)wt, (ILint*)mr, (ILint*)mg, (ILint*)mb, (ILfloat*)gm2))
543 			goto error_label;
545 		M3d((ILint*)wt, (ILint*)mr, (ILint*)mg, (ILint*)mb, (ILfloat*)gm2);
547 		cube[0].r0 = cube[0].g0 = cube[0].b0 = 0;
548 		cube[0].r1 = cube[0].g1 = cube[0].b1 = 32;
549 		next = 0;
550 		for (i = 1; i < K; ++i) {
551 			if (Cut(&cube[next], &cube[i])) { // volume test ensures we won't try to cut one-cell Box */
552 				vv[next] = (cube[next].vol>1) ? Var(&cube[next]) : 0.0f;
553 				vv[i] = (cube[i].vol>1) ? Var(&cube[i]) : 0.0f;
554 			}
555 			else {
556 				vv[next] = 0.0;   // don't try to split this Box again
557 				i--;              // didn't create Box i
558 			}
559 			next = 0;
560 			temp = vv[0];
561 			for (k = 1; (ILint)k <= i; ++k) {
562 				if (vv[k] > temp) {
563 					temp = vv[k]; next = k;
564 				}
565 			}
567 			if (temp <= 0.0) {
568 				K = i+1;
569 				// Only got K Boxes
570 				break;
571 			}
572 		}
574 		tag = (ILubyte*)ialloc(33 * 33 * 33 * sizeof(ILubyte));
575 		if (tag == NULL)
576 			goto error_label;
577 		for (k = 0; (ILint)k < K; k++) {
578 			Mark(&cube[k], k, tag);
579 			weight = Vol(&cube[k], wt);
580 			if (weight) {
581 				lut_r[k] = (ILubyte)(Vol(&cube[k], mr) / weight);
582 				lut_g[k] = (ILubyte)(Vol(&cube[k], mg) / weight);
583 				lut_b[k] = (ILubyte)(Vol(&cube[k], mb) / weight);
584 			}
585 			else {
586 				// Bogus Box
587 				lut_r[k] = lut_g[k] = lut_b[k] = 0;
588 			}
589 		}
591 		for (i = 0; i < (ILint)size; i++) {
592 			NewData[i] = tag[Qadd[i]];
593 		}
594 		ifree(tag);
595 		ifree(Qadd);
597 		for (k = 0; k < NumCols; k++) {
598 			Palette[k * 3]     = lut_b[k];
599 			Palette[k * 3 + 1] = lut_g[k];
600 			Palette[k * 3 + 2] = lut_r[k];
601 		}
602 	}
603 	else { // If colors more than 256
604 		// Begin Octree quantization
605 		//Quant_Octree(Image->Width, Image->Height, Image->Bpp, buffer2, NewData, Palette, K);
606 		ilSetError(IL_INTERNAL_ERROR);  // Can't get much more specific than this.
607 		goto error_label;
608 	}
610 	ifree(Ig);
611 	ifree(Ib);
612 	ifree(Ir);
613 	ilCloseImage(TempImage);
615 	NewImage = (ILimage*)icalloc(sizeof(ILimage), 1);
616 	if (NewImage == NULL) {
617 		return NULL;
618 	}
619 	ilCopyImageAttr(NewImage, Image);
620 	NewImage->Bpp = 1;
621 	NewImage->Bps = Image->Width;
622 	NewImage->SizeOfPlane = NewImage->Bps * Image->Height;
623 	NewImage->SizeOfData = NewImage->SizeOfPlane;
624 	NewImage->Format = IL_COLOUR_INDEX;
625 	NewImage->Type = IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
627 	NewImage->Pal.Palette = Palette;
628 	NewImage->Pal.PalSize = 256 * 3;
629 	NewImage->Pal.PalType = IL_PAL_BGR24;
630 	NewImage->Data = NewData;
632 	return NewImage;
634 error_label:
635 	ifree(NewData);
636 	ifree(Palette);
637 	ifree(Ig);
638 	ifree(Ib);
639 	ifree(Ir);
640 	ifree(tag);
641 	ifree(Qadd);
642 	return NULL;
643 }