1 //=============================================================================
2 //  MuseScore
3 //  Music Composition & Notation
4 //
5 //  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Werner Schweer and others
6 //
7 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
9 //  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
10 //  the file LICENCE.GPL
11 //=============================================================================
16 #include "libmscore/fraction.h"
17 #include "libmscore/interval.h"
18 #include "musicxmlsupport.h"
20 namespace Ms {
22 typedef QMap<QString, VoiceDesc> VoiceList;
23 //using Intervals = std::map<Fraction, Interval>;
25 class MusicXmlIntervalList : public std::map<Fraction, Interval> {
26 public:
MusicXmlIntervalList()27       MusicXmlIntervalList() {}
28       Interval interval(const Fraction f) const;
29       };
31 class MusicXmlInstrList : public std::map<Fraction, QString> {
32 public:
MusicXmlInstrList()33       MusicXmlInstrList() {}
34       const QString instrument(const Fraction f) const;
35       void setInstrument(const QString instr, const Fraction f);
36       };
38 class MusicXmlOctaveShiftList : public std::map<Fraction, int> {
39 public:
MusicXmlOctaveShiftList()40       MusicXmlOctaveShiftList() {}
41       int octaveShift(const Fraction f) const;
42       void addOctaveShift(const int shift, const Fraction f);
43       void calcOctaveShiftShifts();
44       };
46 class LyricNumberHandler {
47 public:
LyricNumberHandler()48       LyricNumberHandler() {}
49       void addNumber(const QString number);
50       QString toString() const;
51       int getLyricNo(const QString& number) const;
52       void determineLyricNos();
53 private:
54       std::map<QString, int> _numberToNo;
55       };
57 class MusicXmlPart {
58 public:
59       MusicXmlPart(QString id = "", QString name = "");
60       void addMeasureNumberAndDuration(QString measureNumber, Fraction measureDuration);
getId()61       QString getId() const { return id; }
62       QString toString() const;
63       VoiceList voicelist;         // the voice map information TODO: make private
64       Fraction measureDuration(int i) const;
nMeasures()65       int nMeasures() const { return measureDurations.size(); }
66       MusicXmlInstrList _instrList; // TODO: make private
67       MusicXmlIntervalList _intervals;                     ///< Transpositions
68       Interval interval(const Fraction f) const;
69       int octaveShift(const int staff, const Fraction f) const;
70       void addOctaveShift(const int staff, const int shift, const Fraction f);
71       void calcOctaveShifts();
setName(QString nm)72       void setName(QString nm) { name = nm; }
getName()73       QString getName() const { return name; }
setPrintName(bool b)74       void setPrintName(bool b) { printName = b; }
getPrintName()75       bool getPrintName() const { return printName; }
setAbbr(QString ab)76       void setAbbr(QString ab) { abbr = ab; }
getAbbr()77       QString getAbbr() const { return abbr; }
setPrintAbbr(bool b)78       void setPrintAbbr(bool b) { printAbbr = b; }
getPrintAbbr()79       bool getPrintAbbr() const { return printAbbr; }
lyricNumberHandler()80       LyricNumberHandler& lyricNumberHandler() { return _lyricNumberHandler; }
lyricNumberHandler()81       const LyricNumberHandler& lyricNumberHandler() const { return _lyricNumberHandler; }
82       void setMaxStaff(const int staff);
maxStaff()83       int maxStaff() const { return _maxStaff; }
84 private:
85       QString id;
86       QString name;
87       bool printName = true;
88       QString abbr;
89       bool printAbbr = true;
90       QStringList measureNumbers;             // MusicXML measure number attribute
91       QList<Fraction> measureDurations;       // duration in fraction for every measure
92       QVector<MusicXmlOctaveShiftList> octaveShifts; // octave shift list for every staff
93       LyricNumberHandler _lyricNumberHandler;
94       int _maxStaff = 0;                      // maximum staff value found (1 based), 0 = none
95       };
97 } // namespace Ms
98 #endif