3/*Get the Customer default details */
4$sql = "SELECT name,
5				salestype,
6				currcode,
7				address1,
8				address2,
9				address3,
10				address4,
11				address5,
12				address6,
13				language_id,
14				taxref,
15				typeid,
16				creditlimit,
17				area,
18				salesman,
19				holdreason,
20				paymentterms,
21				defaultlocation,
22				taxprovinceid,
23				taxgroupid,
24				defaultshipvia,
25				decimalplaces as currdecimalplaces,
26				rate,
27				contactname,
28				braddress1,
29				braddress2,
30				braddress3,
31				braddress4,
32				braddress5,
33				braddress6,
34				phoneno,
35				daysbeforedue,
36				dayinfollowingmonth,
37				deladd5 as from_postal_code,
38				deladd6 as dispatch_country
39		FROM debtorsmaster INNER JOIN custbranch
40		ON debtorsmaster.debtorno=custbranch.debtorno
41		INNER JOIN locations ON custbranch.defaultlocation=locations.loccode
42		INNER JOIN currencies ON debtorsmaster.currcode=currencies.currabrev
43		INNER JOIN paymentterms ON debtorsmaster.paymentterms=paymentterms.termsindicator
44		WHERE debtorsmaster.debtorno='" . $_SESSION['ShopDebtorNo'] . "'
45		AND custbranch.branchcode='" . $_SESSION['ShopBranchCode'] . "'";
46$ErrMsg = _('An error occurred accessing the default customer configuration');
47$ReadCustomerDefaultsResult = DB_query($sql,$ErrMsg);
49if (DB_num_rows($ReadCustomerDefaultsResult)==0) {
50	print_r($_SESSION);
51	echo '<br /><b>';
52	prnMsg( _('The customer defaults have not yet been set up') . '</b>
53			<br />' . _('From the webERP system setup tab select shop maintenance to enter the default customer and customer branch information and other shop set up preferences'),'error',_('CRITICAL PROBLEM'));
54	exit;
55} else {
56	$_SESSION['CustomerDetails'] = DB_fetch_array($ReadCustomerDefaultsResult);
57	if ($_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['dayinfollowingmonth'] >= 1 OR $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['daysbeforedue'] > 1){
58		$_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['creditcustomer'] = true;
59		$_SESSION['SelectedPaymentMethod'] = 'CreditAccount';
60	} else {
61		$_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['creditcustomer'] = false;
62	}
64$_SESSION['Language'] = $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['language_id'];
65include($PathPrefix . 'includes/LanguageSetup.php');
67/*Now get the tax details for sales to this customer */
69$SQL = "SELECT taxgrouptaxes.calculationorder,
70					taxgrouptaxes.taxontax,
71					taxauthrates.taxcatid,
72					taxauthrates.taxrate
73			FROM taxauthrates INNER JOIN taxgrouptaxes ON
74				taxauthrates.taxauthority=taxgrouptaxes.taxauthid
75			WHERE taxgrouptaxes.taxgroupid='" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['taxgroupid'] . "'
76			AND taxauthrates.dispatchtaxprovince='" . $_SESSION['CustomerDetails']['taxprovinceid'] . "'
77			ORDER BY taxauthrates.taxcatid, taxgrouptaxes.calculationorder";
79/*Figure out effective total tax rate for each tax category */
80$TaxesResult = DB_query($SQL);
81$_SESSION['TaxRates'] = array();
82while ($TaxRow = DB_fetch_array($TaxesResult)){
83	if (!isset($_SESSION['TaxRates'][$TaxRow['taxcatid']])){
84		$_SESSION['TaxRates'][$TaxRow['taxcatid']] = 0;
85	}
86	if ($TaxRow['taxontax']==1) { //if tax on tax add taxrate x current total of taxes
87		$_SESSION['TaxRates'][$TaxRow['taxcatid']] += ($TaxRow['taxrate']*$_SESSION['TaxRates'][$TaxRow['taxcatid']]);
88	}
89	$_SESSION['TaxRates'][$TaxRow['taxcatid']] += $TaxRow['taxrate'];  // add all taxes together for this taxgroup
91//We should now have an array of $TaxRates that has the total effective tax rate with the index being the tax category id of the item