1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <string>
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/observer_list.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
16 #include "ios/web/public/deprecated/url_verification_constants.h"
17 #import "ios/web/public/navigation/navigation_manager.h"
18 #import "ios/web/public/navigation/web_state_policy_decider.h"
19 #import "ios/web/public/web_state.h"
20 #include "ios/web/public/web_state_observer.h"
21 #include "url/gurl.h"
23 @class NSURLRequest;
24 @class NSURLResponse;
26 namespace web {
28 // Minimal implementation of WebState, to be used in tests.
29 class TestWebState : public WebState {
30  public:
31   TestWebState();
32   ~TestWebState() override;
34   // WebState implementation.
35   Getter CreateDefaultGetter() override;
36   OnceGetter CreateDefaultOnceGetter() override;
37   WebStateDelegate* GetDelegate() override;
38   void SetDelegate(WebStateDelegate* delegate) override;
39   bool IsWebUsageEnabled() const override;
40   void SetWebUsageEnabled(bool enabled) override;
41   UIView* GetView() override;
42   void DidCoverWebContent() override;
43   void DidRevealWebContent() override;
44   void WasShown() override;
45   void WasHidden() override;
46   void SetKeepRenderProcessAlive(bool keep_alive) override;
47   BrowserState* GetBrowserState() const override;
OpenURL(const OpenURLParams & params)48   void OpenURL(const OpenURLParams& params) override {}
Stop()49   void Stop() override {}
50   const NavigationManager* GetNavigationManager() const override;
51   NavigationManager* GetNavigationManager() override;
52   const WebFramesManager* GetWebFramesManager() const override;
53   WebFramesManager* GetWebFramesManager() override;
54   const SessionCertificatePolicyCache* GetSessionCertificatePolicyCache()
55       const override;
56   SessionCertificatePolicyCache* GetSessionCertificatePolicyCache() override;
57   CRWSessionStorage* BuildSessionStorage() override;
58   CRWJSInjectionReceiver* GetJSInjectionReceiver() const override;
59   void LoadData(NSData* data, NSString* mime_type, const GURL& url) override;
60   void ExecuteJavaScript(const base::string16& javascript) override;
61   void ExecuteJavaScript(const base::string16& javascript,
62                          JavaScriptResultCallback callback) override;
63   void ExecuteUserJavaScript(NSString* javaScript) override;
64   const std::string& GetContentsMimeType() const override;
65   bool ContentIsHTML() const override;
66   const base::string16& GetTitle() const override;
67   bool IsLoading() const override;
68   double GetLoadingProgress() const override;
69   bool IsVisible() const override;
70   bool IsCrashed() const override;
71   bool IsEvicted() const override;
72   bool IsBeingDestroyed() const override;
73   const GURL& GetVisibleURL() const override;
74   const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() const override;
75   GURL GetCurrentURL(URLVerificationTrustLevel* trust_level) const override;
76   std::unique_ptr<ScriptCommandSubscription> AddScriptCommandCallback(
77       const ScriptCommandCallback& callback,
78       const std::string& command_prefix) override;
79   CRWWebViewProxyType GetWebViewProxy() const override;
80   bool IsShowingWebInterstitial() const override;
81   WebInterstitial* GetWebInterstitial() const override;
83   void AddObserver(WebStateObserver* observer) override;
85   void RemoveObserver(WebStateObserver* observer) override;
87   void CloseWebState() override;
89   void AddPolicyDecider(WebStatePolicyDecider* decider) override;
90   void RemovePolicyDecider(WebStatePolicyDecider* decider) override;
91   void DidChangeVisibleSecurityState() override;
92   bool HasOpener() const override;
93   void SetHasOpener(bool has_opener) override;
94   bool CanTakeSnapshot() const override;
95   void TakeSnapshot(const gfx::RectF& rect, SnapshotCallback callback) override;
96   void CreateFullPagePdf(base::OnceCallback<void(NSData*)> callback) override;
98   // Setters for test data.
99   void SetBrowserState(BrowserState* browser_state);
100   void SetJSInjectionReceiver(CRWJSInjectionReceiver* injection_receiver);
101   void SetTitle(const base::string16& title);
102   void SetContentIsHTML(bool content_is_html);
103   void SetContentsMimeType(const std::string& mime_type);
104   void SetLoading(bool is_loading);
105   void SetCurrentURL(const GURL& url);
106   void SetVisibleURL(const GURL& url);
107   void SetTrustLevel(URLVerificationTrustLevel trust_level);
108   void SetNavigationManager(
109       std::unique_ptr<NavigationManager> navigation_manager);
110   void SetWebFramesManager(
111       std::unique_ptr<WebFramesManager> web_frames_manager);
112   void SetView(UIView* view);
113   void SetIsCrashed(bool value);
114   void SetIsEvicted(bool value);
115   void SetWebViewProxy(CRWWebViewProxyType web_view_proxy);
116   void ClearLastExecutedJavascript();
117   void SetCanTakeSnapshot(bool can_take_snapshot);
119   // Getters for test data.
120   // Uses |policy_deciders| to return whether the navigation corresponding to
121   // |request| should be allowed. Defaults to PolicyDecision::Allow().
122   WebStatePolicyDecider::PolicyDecision ShouldAllowRequest(
123       NSURLRequest* request,
124       const WebStatePolicyDecider::RequestInfo& request_info);
125   // Uses |policy_deciders| to determine whether the navigation corresponding to
126   // |response| should be allowed. Calls |callback| with the decision. Defaults
127   // to PolicyDecision::Allow().
128   void ShouldAllowResponse(
129       NSURLResponse* response,
130       bool for_main_frame,
131       base::OnceCallback<void(WebStatePolicyDecider::PolicyDecision)> callback);
132   base::string16 GetLastExecutedJavascript() const;
133   NSData* GetLastLoadedData() const;
134   bool IsClosed() const;
136   // Notifier for tests.
137   void OnPageLoaded(PageLoadCompletionStatus load_completion_status);
138   void OnNavigationStarted(NavigationContext* navigation_context);
139   void OnNavigationRedirected(NavigationContext* context);
140   void OnNavigationFinished(NavigationContext* navigation_context);
141   void OnRenderProcessGone();
142   void OnBackForwardStateChanged();
143   void OnVisibleSecurityStateChanged();
144   void OnWebFrameDidBecomeAvailable(WebFrame* frame);
145   void OnWebFrameWillBecomeUnavailable(WebFrame* frame);
147  private:
148   BrowserState* browser_state_;
149   CRWJSInjectionReceiver* injection_receiver_;
150   bool web_usage_enabled_;
151   bool is_loading_;
152   bool is_visible_;
153   bool is_crashed_;
154   bool is_evicted_;
155   bool has_opener_;
156   bool can_take_snapshot_;
157   bool is_closed_;
158   GURL url_;
159   base::string16 title_;
160   base::string16 last_executed_javascript_;
161   URLVerificationTrustLevel trust_level_;
162   bool content_is_html_;
163   std::string mime_type_;
164   std::unique_ptr<NavigationManager> navigation_manager_;
165   std::unique_ptr<WebFramesManager> web_frames_manager_;
166   UIView* view_;
167   CRWWebViewProxyType web_view_proxy_;
168   NSData* last_loaded_data_;
169   base::RepeatingCallbackList<ScriptCommandCallbackSignature> callback_list_;
171   // A list of observers notified when page state changes. Weak references.
172   base::ObserverList<WebStateObserver, true>::Unchecked observers_;
173   // All the WebStatePolicyDeciders asked for navigation decision. Weak
174   // references.
175   base::ObserverList<WebStatePolicyDecider, true>::Unchecked policy_deciders_;
177   base::WeakPtrFactory<TestWebState> weak_factory_{this};
178 };
180 }  // namespace web