1 /* libhpojip -- HP OfficeJet image-processing library. */
3 /* Copyright (C) 1995-2002 HP Company
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
8  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * is provided AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
13  * NON-INFRINGEMENT.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
18  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
19  *
20  * In addition, as a special exception, HP Company
21  * gives permission to link the code of this program with any
22  * version of the OpenSSL library which is distributed under a
23  * license identical to that listed in the included LICENSE.OpenSSL
24  * file, and distribute linked combinations including the two.
25  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
26  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
27  * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the
28  * file, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to
29  * do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
30  */
32 /* Original author: Mark Overton and others.
33  *
34  * Ported to Linux by David Paschal.
35  */
37 /* xform.h - Interface into the transform drivers
38  *
39  * Mark Overton, Jan 2000 - Extracted from hpojip.h
40  */
42 #if ! defined XFORM_H_INC
43 #define XFORM_H_INC
46 /*****************************************************************************\
47  *****************************************************************************
48  *
49  * TRANSFORM DRIVER interface
50  *
51  *****************************************************************************
52 \*****************************************************************************/
55 /* In some ways, this driver interface is very similar to the main ip
56  * interface.  Please don't get them confused.
57  *
58  * One of the parameters of the ipOpen function is an array of structures.
59  * Each such structure defines a transform, and contains, among other things,
60  * a pointer to a jump-table for the transform-driver.  The jump-table is
61  * a structure containing function-pointers for all the driver's functions.
62  * These functions and the jump-table are defined below.
63  *
64  * Function Call Order
65  *
66  *     openXform;
67  *     setDefaultInputTraits, setXformSpec, getHeaderBufSize (any order);
68  *     getActualTraits (possibly multiple calls);
69  *     getActualBufSizes;
70  *     convert, insertedData, newPage (usually multiple calls);
71  *     closeXform.
72  *
73  * Raw Data Format
74  *
75  * A decoder outputs raw data, an encoder inputs raw data, and all data passed
76  * between xforms consists of raw data.
77  * Such raw raster data consists of fixed-length raster rows of packed pixels.
78  * The pixels are packed as follows:
79  *
80  *     bi-level:   8 pixels/byte, left pixel in msb, 0=white, 1=black.
81  *     4-bit gray: 2 pixels/byte, left pixel in hi nibble, 0=black, 15=white.
82  *     8-bit gray: 1 pixel/byte, 0=black, 255=white.
83  *     color:      three bytes per pixel, in some color space.
84  *
85  * Driver Documentation
86  *
87  * The .c file for an xform driver starts with a comment-section documenting
88  * the following items:
89  *
90  *     - the capabilities of the driver, and its limitations.
91  *     - the name of the global jump-table (of type IP_XFORM_TBL).
92  *     - what should be put in the aXformInfo array passed to setXformSpec.
93  *     - which items in default input traits are ignored versus used.
94  *     - what the output image traits are.
95  *
96  * Note that image traits, such as pixels per row, should *not* be put in
97  * aXformInfo because such info is provided by setDefaultInputTraits.
98  * Things like the JPEG quality-factor should be in aXformInfo.
99  *
100  * An xform driver is allowed to overrun its input or output buffer by
101  * up to 12 bytes.  This is allowed because some image processing algorithms
102  * are faster if they operate on multiple pixels at a time, which will cause
103  * them to read or write a little past the end of the buffer.  Reading or
104  * writing before the beginning of a buffer is not allowed.
105  */
108 typedef void* IP_XFORM_HANDLE;  /* handle for an xform driver */
111 /* IP_XFORM_TBL - Jump-table for a transform driver (all the entry points)
112  */
113 typedef struct IP_XFORM_TBL_s {
115     /* openXform - Creates a new instance of the transformer
116      *
117      * This returns a handle for the new instance to be passed into
118      * all subsequent calls.
119      *
120      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
121      */
122     WORD (*openXform) (
123         IP_XFORM_HANDLE *pXform);  /* out: returned handle */
126     /* setDefaultInputTraits - Specifies default input image traits
127      *
128      * The header of the file-type handled by the transform probably does
129      * not include *all* the image traits we'd like to know.  Those not
130      * specified in the file-header are filled in from info provided by
131      * this routine.
132      *
133      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
134      */
135     WORD (*setDefaultInputTraits) (
136         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,     /* in: handle for xform */
137         PIP_IMAGE_TRAITS pTraits);   /* in: default image traits */
140     /* setXformSpec - Provides xform-specific information
141      *
142      * The aXformInfo array provides the transform-specific info.
143      * For example, for a scaling transform, this array would contain
144      * the horizontal and vertical scaling factors and possibly additional
145      * info about whether to scale quickly by simple pixel-replication.
146      * For a JPEG-encode transform, the array would contain the quality
147      * factor and subsampling information.
148      *
149      * Each transform documents what it needs in aXformInfo.
150      *
151      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
152      */
153     WORD (*setXformSpec) (
154         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,         /* in: handle for xform */
155         DWORD_OR_PVOID   aXformInfo[]);  /* in: xform information */
158     /* getHeaderBufSize- Returns size of input buf needed to hold header
159      *
160      * Returns size of input buffer that's guaranteed to hold the file
161      * header.  If that's too big, the xform code will have to parse the
162      * header across several calls, and return a suitable buffer size.
163      * If there is no header, this function returns 0 in pwInBufLen.
164      *
165      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
166      */
167     WORD (*getHeaderBufSize) (
168         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,       /* in:  handle for xform */
169         DWORD           *pdwInBufLen); /* out: buf size for parsing header */
172     /* getActualTraits - Parses header, and returns input & output traits
173      *
174      * This function may need to be called multiple times to parse the
175      * file header.  And it can consume input in each call.
176      * Once the header has been parsed, it returns IP_DONE, meaning that
177      * it is not to be called again and that the in-traits and out-traits
178      * structures have been filled in.  The output traits are computed based
179      * on the input traits and the xform information provided by setXformSpec.
180      *
181      * See the description of 'convert' below for how the input-buffer
182      * parameters are used.  The final value returned in pdwInputNextPos
183      * (where this returns IP_DONE) is the one that applies to the
184      * 'convert' function.  This function MUST be called even if there is
185      * no header because you need that pdwInputNextPos value.
186      *
187      * NOTE:  In addition to IP_DONE, the IP_READY_FOR_DATA bit must also
188      * be set if the xform will want data on the first call to 'convert'.
189      *
190      * Return value:
191      *    0              = call again with more input,
192      *    IP_DONE        = normal end (IP_READY_FOR_DATA set if data needed)
193      *    IP_INPUT_ERROR = error in input data,
194      *    IP_FATAL_ERROR = misc error.
195      */
196     WORD (*getActualTraits) (
197         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,          /* in:  handle for xform */
198         DWORD             dwInputAvail,   /* in:  # avail bytes in input buf */
199         PBYTE             pbInputBuf,     /* in:  ptr to input buffer */
200         PDWORD            pdwInputUsed,   /* out: # bytes used from input buf */
201         PDWORD            pdwInputNextPos,/* out: file-pos to read from next */
202         PIP_IMAGE_TRAITS pInTraits,       /* out: input image traits */
203         PIP_IMAGE_TRAITS pOutTraits);     /* out: output image traits */
206     /* getActualBufSizes - Returns buf sizes needed for remainder of session
207      *
208      * Since the input and output row-lengths are now known because
209      * getActualTraits has parsed the header, and actual buffer sizes needed
210      * for the remainder of the conversion session can now be fetched.
211      *
212      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
213      */
214     WORD (*getActualBufSizes) (
215         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,          /* in:  handle for xform */
216         PDWORD           pwMinInBufLen,   /* out: min input buf size */
217         PDWORD           pwMinOutBufLen); /* out: min output buf size */
220     /* convert - The work-horse conversion routine
221      *
222      * This function consumes input data and produces output data via the
223      * input- and output-buffer parameters.  And it tells you what's happening
224      * via its function return value.
225      *
226      * On entry, pbInputBuf and wInputAvail specify the location and number of
227      * data-bytes in the input buffer.  On return, pwInputUsed tells you how
228      * many of those input bytes were consumed.  pdwInputNextPos tells you
229      * where in the input file you should read next for the following call;
230      * 0 is the beginning of the file.  This is almost always the current file
231      * position plus pwInputUsed; if not, a file-seek is being requested.
232      *
233      * The output buffer parameters are analogous to the input parameters,
234      * except that pdwOutputThisPos tells you where the bytes just output
235      * should be written in the output file.  That is, it applies to *this*
236      * write, not the *next* write, unlike the input arrangement.
237      *
238      * The function return value is a bit-mask that tells you if anything
239      * interesting happened.  Multiple bits can be set.  This information
240      * should be treated as independent of the data-transfers occuring via
241      * the parameters.  The IP_CONSUMED_ROW and IP_PRODUCED_ROW bits can
242      * be used to count how many rows have been input and output.
243      *
244      * The IP_READY_FOR_DATA bit indicates that the next call to 'convert'
245      * definitely will consume data.  If this bit is 0, the next call
246      * definitely will NOT consume data.  The main converter code that calls
247      * these xform functions uses this ready-for-data info to control the
248      * order of xform calls.  The IP_READY_FOR_DATA bit must be set correctly.
249      *
250      * The IP_NEW_INPUT_PAGE bit is set when or after the last row of the
251      * input page has been parsed.  It may be a few rows before you get the
252      * corresponding IP_NEW_OUTPUT_PAGE bit.
253      *
254      * The IP_NEW_OUTPUT_PAGE bit is set when or after the last row of the
255      * page has been sent, and before the first row of the following page (if
256      * any) is sent.
257      *
258      * You may wish to insert secret data, such as thumbnails, into the
259      * output stream.  When 'convert' returns the IP_WRITE_INSERT_OK bit,
260      * it is giving you permission to write stuff AFTER you write the output
261      * buffer it gave you.  After adding your secret data, you must call
262      * insertedData to tell us how many bytes were added.
263      *
264      * When there is no more input data, 'convert' must be called repeatedly
265      * with a NULL pbInputBuf parameter, which tells the xform to flush out
266      * any buffered rows.  Keep calling it until it returns the IP_DONE bit.
267      *
268      * Do not call 'convert' again after it has returned either error bit or
269      * IP_DONE.
270      *
271      * If the input or output data consists of fixed-length uncompressed rows,
272      * then it is permissible for the xform to read up to 8 bytes past the
273      * end of the (fixed-length) input row, or to write up to 8 bytes past the
274      * end of the (fixed-length) output row.  The caller of the xform routines
275      * allocates at least this many extra overrun-zone bytes so that algorithms
276      * can process pixels multiple-bytes at a time without worrying about
277      * running past the end of the row.  These overrun-zone bytes must NOT be
278      * reported by getActualBufSizes, which should report only what's needed
279      * for the actual row-data.
280      *
281      * Return value:  Zero or more of these bits may be set:
282      *
283      *     IP_CONSUMED_ROW     = an input row was parsed
284      *     IP_PRODUCED_ROW     = an output row was produced
285      *     IP_INPUT_ERROR      = syntax error in input data
286      *     IP_FATAL_ERROR      = misc error (internal error or bad param)
287      *     IP_NEW_INPUT_PAGE   = just finished parsing the input page
288      *     IP_NEW_OUTPUT_PAGE  = just finished outputting a page
289      *     IP_WRITE_INSERT_OK  = okay to insert data in output file
290      *     IP_DONE             = conversion is completed.
291      */
292     WORD (*convert) (
293         IP_XFORM_HANDLE hXform,
294         DWORD            dwInputAvail,      /* in:  # avail bytes in in-buf */
295         PBYTE            pbInputBuf,        /* in:  ptr to in-buffer */
296         PDWORD           pdwInputUsed,      /* out: # bytes used from in-buf */
297         PDWORD           pdwInputNextPos,   /* out: file-pos to read from next */
298         DWORD            dwOutputAvail,     /* in:  # avail bytes in out-buf */
299         PBYTE            pbOutputBuf,       /* in:  ptr to out-buffer */
300         PDWORD           pdwOutputUsed,     /* out: # bytes written in out-buf */
301         PDWORD           pdwOutputThisPos); /* out: file-pos to write the data */
304     /* newPage - Tells xform to flush rest of this page, and start a new page
305      *
306      * Uncompressed input-data formats do not have page-boundary info, so
307      * calling this function between rows fed into 'convert' is how you tell
308      * xform to output a page-boundary.  After this is called, 'convert' will
309      * first flush any buffered rows, then return the IP_NEW_OUTPUT_PAGE bit,
310      * and finally start a new page.
311      *
312      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
313      */
314     WORD (*newPage) (IP_XFORM_HANDLE hXform);
317     /* insertedData - Tells us that bytes were inserted into output stream
318      *
319      * See IP_WRITE_INSERT_OK discussion above. You call this routine to tell
320      * the xform code how many bytes were secretly added to the output stream.
321      *
322      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
323      */
324     WORD (*insertedData) (
325         IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,
326         DWORD            dwNumBytes);
329     /* closeXform - destroys instance of xform
330      *
331      * This may be called at any time to remove an instance of the xform.
332      * It deallocates all dynamic memory associated with the xform.
333      *
334      * Return value: IP_DONE=success; IP_FATAL_ERROR=misc error.
335      */
336     WORD (*closeXform)(IP_XFORM_HANDLE hXform);
340 #endif