1 /*
2     kopeteaccountmanager.h - Kopete Account Manager
4     Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens      <klingens@kde.org>
5     Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Olivier Goffart       <ogoffart@kde.org>
7     Kopete    (c) 2002-2007 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>
9     *************************************************************************
10     *                                                                       *
11     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
12     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
13     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
14     * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
15     *                                                                       *
16     *************************************************************************
17 */
22 #include <QObject>
23 #include <QColor>
25 #include "libkopete_export.h"
26 #include "libkopete_debug.h"
27 #include "kopetestatusmessage.h"
29 namespace Kopete {
30 class Account;
31 class Plugin;
32 class Protocol;
33 class Contact;
34 class OnlineStatus;
35 class StatusMessage;
37 /**
38  * AccountManager manages all defined accounts in Kopete. You can
39  * query them and globally set them all online or offline from here.
40  *
41  * AccountManager is a singleton, you may uses it with @ref AccountManager::self()
42  *
43  * @author Martijn Klingens <klingens@kde.org>
44  * @author Olivier Goffart <ogoffart\@kde.org>
45  */
46 class LIBKOPETE_EXPORT AccountManager : public QObject
47 {
48     Q_OBJECT
50 public:
51     /**
52      * \brief Retrieve the instance of AccountManager.
53      *
54      * The account manager is a singleton class of which only a single
55      * instance will exist. If no manager exists yet this function will
56      * create one for you.
57      *
58      * \return the instance of the AccountManager
59      */
60     static AccountManager *self();
62     ~AccountManager();
64     /**
65      * \brief Retrieve the list of accounts
66      * \return a list of all the accounts
67      */
68     const QList<Account *> &accounts() const;
70     /**
71      * \brief Retrieve a list of accounts per protocol
72      *
73      * Provides a list of accounts for a certain protocol. If there are
74      * no accounts for that protocol then the list is empty.
75      * \param protocol the protocol to get accounts for
76      * \return the list of accounts that belong to the @p protocol protocol
77      */
78     QList<Account *> accounts(Kopete::Protocol *protocol) const;
80     /**
81      * \brief Return the account asked
82      * \param protocolId is the ID for the protocol
83      * \param accountId is the ID for the account you want
84      * \return the Account object found or NULL if no account was found
85      */
86     Account *findAccount(const QString &protocolId, const QString &accountId);
88     /**
89      * \brief Delete the account and clean the config data
90      *
91      * This is praticaly called by the account config page when you remove the account.
92      */
93     void removeAccount(Account *account);
95     /**
96      * \brief Guess the color for a new account
97      *
98      * Guesses a color for the next account of a given protocol based on the already registered colors
99      * \return the color guessed for the account
100      */
101     QColor guessColor(Protocol *protocol) const;
103     /**
104      * @brief Register the account.
105      *
106      * This adds the account in the manager's account list.
107      * It will check no accounts already exist with the same ID, if any, the account is deleted. and not added
108      *
109      * @return @p account, or 0L if the account was deleted because id collision
110      */
111     Account *registerAccount(Account *account);
113     /**
114      * \brief Check if there is at least one account connected.
115      * \return true if there at least one account connected, false otherwise.
116      */
117     bool isAnyAccountConnected() const;
119     /**
120      * Flag to be used in setOnlineStatus
121      *
122      * @c ConnectIfOffline : if set, this will connect offlines account with the status.
123      */
124     enum SetOnlineStatusFlag {
125         ConnectIfOffline = 0x01
126     };
128 public Q_SLOTS:
129     /**
130      * @brief Set all accounts a status in the specified category
131      *
132      * Account that are offline will not be connected, unless the ConnectIfOffline flag is set.
133      *
134      * @param category is one of the Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Categories
135      * @param statusMessage is the new status message
136      * @param flags is a bitmask of SetOnlineStatusFlag
137      * @param forced is a boolean indicating that all accounts are required to change status
138      *
139      * @note KDE5: Merge these two setOnlineStatus functions (default value for forced is false)
140      */
141     void setOnlineStatus(/*Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Categories*/ uint category, const Kopete::StatusMessage &statusMessage, uint flags, bool forced);
143     void setOnlineStatus(/*Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Categories*/ uint category, const Kopete::StatusMessage &statusMessage = Kopete::StatusMessage(), uint flags = 0);
145     /**
146      * @brief Set the given status message for all online accounts
147      *
148      * @param message Status message to set
149      */
150     void setStatusMessage(const QString &message);
152     /**
153      * Suspends all accounts.
154      */
155     void suspend();
157     /**
158      * Resumes all accounts.
159      * Returns false if network is not available.
160      */
161     bool resume();
163     /**
164      * \internal
165      * Save the account data to KConfig
166      */
167     void save();
169     /**
170      * \internal
171      * Load the account data from KConfig
172      */
173     void load();
176     /**
177      * \brief Signals when an account is ready for use
178      */
179     void accountRegistered(Kopete::Account *account);
181     /**
182      * \brief Signals when an account has been unregistered
183      *
184      * At this state, we are already in the Account destructor.
185      */
186     void accountUnregistered(const Kopete::Account *account);
188     /**
189      * \brief An account has changed its onlinestatus
190      * Technically this monitors Account::myself() onlinestatus changes
191      * \param account Account which changed its onlinestatus
192      * \param oldStatus The online status before the change
193      * \param newStatus The new online status
194      */
195     void accountOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Account *account, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &oldStatus, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &newStatus);
197 private:
198     /**
199      * Private constructor, because we're a singleton
200      */
201     AccountManager();
203 private Q_SLOTS:
204     /**
205      * Try to connect every account that should be connected automatically
206      */
207     void networkConnected();
208     /**
209      * Disconnect everything
210      */
211     void networkDisconnected();
213     void slotPluginLoaded(Kopete::Plugin *plugin);
214     void slotAccountOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact *c, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &oldStatus, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &newStatus);
216     /**
217      * \internal
218      * Unregister the account.
219      */
220     void unregisterAccount(const Kopete::Account *account);
222     void removeAccountConnectedChanged();
224     /**
225      * Remove account and its contacts.
226      */
227     void removeAccountInternal();
229 private:
230     static AccountManager *s_self;
231     class Private;
232     Private *const d;
233 };
234 } //END namespace Kopete
236 #endif