2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
7// Typographic adjustments are applied to text everywhere on in Tiki. It provides:
8// - smart quotes, replacing " with “” or other smart quotes
9// - typographic elipsis and dash
10// - smart no-break spacing automatically finding cases where spaces should become unbreakable.
12// This is the language-specific configuration.
13// You can uncomment settings and change values as desired for a particular language.
14// For the settings to take effect, this configuration file must be named typography.php
16$typography = array(
18 // quotation marks to use for replacing " and '
19//  "smart_doublequote_open" => "&#8220;",
20//  "smart_doublequote_close" => "&#8221;",
21//  "smart_singlequote_open" => "&#8216;",
22//  "smart_singlequote_close" => "&#8216;", // also apostrophe
24 // spacing options:
25 //   1: to change space existing space (if present) to no-break space
26 //   2: to force-insert a space
27 //  -1: to force-remove the space
28//  "do_space_colon" => 1, // space before a colon_:
29//  "do_space_semicolon" => 1, // space before a semicolon_;
30//  "do_space_marks" => 1, // space before (or inside) question marks and exlamation marks (like ¡_this_!)
31//  "do_space_emdash" => 1, // space around an em dash
32//  "do_space_endash" => 1, // space around an em dash
33//  "do_space_frenchquote" => 1, // space inside «_french quotes_»
34//  "do_space_thousand" => 1, // space as a thousand separator: 10_000 (cannot force insert)
35//  "do_space_unit" => 1, // space preceding common unit abbreviations: 1_kg
37 // replacement space character to use for each spacing rule above
38//  "space_emdash" => " ",
39//  "space_endash" => " ",
40//  "space_colon" => "&#160;",
41//  "space_semicolon" => "&#160;",
42//  "space_marks" => "&#160;",
43//  "space_frenchquote" => "&#160;",
44//  "space_thousand" => "&#160;",
45//  "space_unit" => "&#160;",