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6"None" => "Brak",
7"Tag already exists" => "Tag already exists",
8"Re:" => "Re:",
9"No page indicated" => "No page indicated",
10"You must supply all the information, including title and year." => "You must supply all the information, including title and year.",
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25"Source" => "Źródło",
26"Path" => "Ścieżka",
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29"The file has incorrect syntax or is not a CSV file" => "The file has incorrect syntax or is not a CSV file",
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36"Wednesday" => "Środa",
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44"New Item in Tracker" => "New item in tracker",
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71"Permission denied" => "Brak dostępu",
72"Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)" => "Invalid filename (using filters for filenames)",
73"Cannot upload this file - maximum upload size exceeded" => "Cannot upload this file - maximum upload size exceeded",
74"Cannot write to this file" => "Cannot write to this file",
75"Anonymous" => "Anonymous",
76"Wrong password. Cannot post comment" => "Wrong password. Cannot post comment",
77"Page cannot be found" => "Nie można znaleźć strony",
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97"You don't have permission to upload zipped file packages" => "You don't have permission to upload zipped file packages",
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160"Invalid imagename (using filters for filenames)" => "Invalid imagename (using filters for filenames)",
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178"Set" => "Set",
179"WikiDiff::apply: line count mismatch: %s != %s" => "WikiDiff::apply: line count mismatch: %s != %s",
180"WikiDiff::_check: failed" => "WikiDiff::_check: failed",
181"WikiDiff::_check: edit sequence is non-optimal" => "WikiDiff::_check: edit sequence is non-optimal",
182"WikiDiff Okay: LCS = %s" => "WikiDiff Okay: LCS = %s",
183"My Files" => "Moje pliki",
184"You do not have permission to remove files from this gallery" => "You do not have permission to remove files from this gallery",
185"Upload was not successful" => "Upload was not successful",
186"Errors detected" => "Wykryto błędy",
187"No image yet, sorry." => "No image yet, sorry.",
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192"A user registers" => "A user registers",
193"A user submits an article" => "A user submits an article",
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205"Creation Date (desc)" => "Data utworzenia (mal.)",
206"Last modification date (desc)" => "Data ostaniej zmiany (mal.)",
207"Blog title (asc)" => "Tytuł blogu (rosn.)",
208"Number of posts (desc)" => "Liczba wiadomości (mal.)",
209"Visits (desc)" => "Odwiedziny (mal.)",
210"Activity (desc)" => "Aktywność (mal.)",
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212"Link to user information" => "Odsyłacz do danych użytkownika",
213"User profile picture" => "Emblemat użytkownika",
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215"Visits" => "Odwiedziny",
216"Activity" => "Aktywność",
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219"Month" => "Miesiąc",
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222"Year" => "Rok",
223"none" => "brak",
224"minute" => "minuta",
225"hour" => "godzina",
226"Users can change theme" => "Zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą zmienić motyw",
227"hours" => "godzin",
228"Contact user" => "Użytkownik do kontaktu",
229"days" => "dni",
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231"rows" => "wiersze",
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233"Validate URLs" => "Sprawdzaj URL",
234"Links per page" => "Odsyłacze na stronie",
235"The linked-to website can be opened in various ways" => "Sposób otwierania odsyłaczy w katalogu",
236"Replace the current window" => "zastąp bieżące okno",
237"Open a new window" => "nowe okno",
238"Open an iframe" => "ramka wewnętrz strony",
239"Default number of comments per page" => "Domyślna liczba komentarzy na stronie",
240"Default order of comments" => "Domyślne kryterium sortowania komentarzy",
241"Rankings" => "Rankingi",
242"Polls" => "Sondaże",
243"Newsletters" => "Biuletyny",
244"Calendar" => "Kalendarz",
245"Banners" => "Banery",
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247"Surveys" => "Ankiety",
248"Copyright" => "Copyright",
249"Wiki references" => "Odsyłacze Wiki",
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254"Mail-in" => "Mail-in",
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256"Banning system" => "System banowania",
257"Stats" => "Statystyki",
258"Referrer stats" => "Statystyki stron odsyłających",
259"Communications (send/receive objects)" => "Komunikacja (wyślij/odbierz obiekty)",
260"User messages" => "Wiadomości użytkownika",
262"Debugger console" => "Konsola debuggera",
263"Smileys" => "Buźki",
264"Use folder icons for menu section (parent) items" => "Wyświetlaj pozycje menu jako foldery",
265"Perspectives" => "Widoki",
266"Submissions" => "Zgłoszenia",
267"List pages" => "Pokaż strony",
268"Orphan pages" => "Strony osierocone",
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271"Accept wiki syntax" => "Przyjmij składnię wiki",
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273"Theme Control" => "Kontrola motywów",
274"Edit templates" => "Edytuj szablony",
275"Left column" => "Lewa kolumna",
276"Right column" => "Prawa kolumna",
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282"Sandbox" => "Brudnopis",
283"History" => "Historia",
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288"Automonospaced text" => "Automonospaced text",
289"Tables syntax" => "Składnia tabel",
290"|| for rows" => "|| dla wierszy",
291"<return> for rows" => "\n dla wierszy",
292"Hotwords" => "Gorące słowa",
293"Country" => "Kraj",
294"Last login" => "Ostatnie zalogowanie",
295"Upcoming Events" => "Upcoming Events",
296"Show in popup box" => "Pokaż w oknie popup",
297"Last modification date" => "Data ostatniej zmiany",
298"Owner" => "Owner",
299"Name-filename" => "Name-filename",
300"Filename only" => "Filename only",
301"Uploaded filenames must match regex" => "Nazwy ładowanych plików muszą być zgodne z regex",
302"posts" => "wiadomości",
303"Title (desc)" => "Tytuł (mal.)",
304"Title (asc)" => "Tytuł (rosn.)",
305"Topics" => "Tematy",
306"Posts per day" => "Wiadomości dziennie",
307"Last post" => "Ostatnia wiadomość",
308"Topics (desc)" => "Tematy (mal.)",
309"Threads (desc)" => "Wątki (mal.)",
310"Latest post (desc)" => "Ostatnia wiadomość (mal.)",
311"Name (desc)" => "Nazwa (mal.)",
312"Name (asc)" => "Nazwa (rosn.)",
313"Parent" => "Nadrzędna",
314"Uploaded image names must match regex" => "Nazwy ładowanych obrazów muszą być zgodne z regex",
315"Uploaded image names cannot match regex" => "UNazwy ładowanych obrazów nie mogą być zgodne z regex",
316"Directory path" => "Ścieżka do katalogu",
317"Browser title" => "Tytuł w przeglądarce",
318"Temporary directory" => "Katalog tymczasowy",
319"Open external links in new window" => "Zewnętrzne odsyłacze otwieraj w nowym oknie",
320"Always display modules to all groups" => "Zawsze wyświetlaj moduły wszystkim grupom",
321"Maximum number of records in listings" => "Największa liczba rekordów w wykazie",
322"Users can register" => "Użytkownicy mogą się rejestrować",
323"Remember me" => "Zapamiętaj mnie",
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325"day" => "dzień",
326"week" => "tydzień",
327"month" => "miesiąc",
328"Images per row" => "Images per row",
329"Last update" => "Last update",
330"Home blog (main blog)" => "Blog główny",
331"Home forum (main forum)" => "Strona startowa forum (forum główne)",
332"Home gallery (main gallery)" => "Strona startowa galerii (galeria główna)",
333"HTTP port" => "Port HTTP",
334"HTTPS port" => "Port HTTPS",
335"Allow secure (HTTPS) login" => "Pozwalaj na bezbieczne (https) logowanie",
336"Require secure (HTTPS) login" => "Wymagaj bezpiecznego (https) logowania",
337"Normal" => "Normalny",
338"Up" => "Wyżej",
339"Down" => "Niżej",
340"Blue" => "Niebieski",
341"Use database for translation" => "Używaj bazy danych do tłumaczenia",
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343"Long time format" => "Długi format czasu",
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349"Record untranslated strings" => "Rekord nieprzetłumaczony",
350"Wiki Pages" => "Strony Wiki",
351"Spreadsheets" => "Arkusze kalkulacyjne",
352"Database" => "Baza danych",
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354"Short time format" => "Krótki format czasu",
355"Message" => "Wiadomość",
356"Publish" => "Opublikuj",
357"Modified" => "Zmodyfikowane",
358"Original" => "Original",
359"Users can configure modules" => "Użytkownicy mogą konfigurować moduły",
360"users" => "użytkownicy",
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362"Displayed time zone" => "Wyświetlana strefa czasowa",
363"Number of visited pages to remember" => "Liczba zapamiętywanych odwiedzanych stron",
364"User information" => "Dane użytkownika",
365"Tasks per page" => "Zadania na stronie",
366"Messages per page" => "Wiadomości na stronie",
367"Allow messages from other users" => "Pozwalaj na wiadomości od innych użytkowników",
368"Send me an email for messages with priority equal to or greater than" => "Powiadom mnie pocztą elektroniczną w przypadku wiadomości o priorytecie większym lub równym",
369"My pages" => "Moje strony",
370"My blogs" => "Moje blogi",
371"My galleries" => "Moje galerie",
372"My messages" => "Moje wiadomości",
373"My tasks" => "Moje zadania",
374"My items" => "Moje pozycje",
375"Complete" => "Complete",
376"Page last modified on" => "Ostatnio zmieniona ",
377"no cache" => "brak cache",
378"Page creators are administrators of their pages" => "Page creators are administrators of their pages",
379"Versions" => "Wersje",
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390"Forums best topics" => "Najlepsze tematy",
391"Most-visited forums" => "Najczęściej odwiedzane fora",
392"Forums with most posts" => "Fora z większością wiadomości",
393"Wiki top galleries" => "Najlepsze galerie",
394"Wiki top file galleries" => "Najlepsze galerie plików",
395"Wiki top images" => "Najlepsze obrazy",
396"Wiki top files" => "Najlepsze pliki",
397"Downloads" => "Pobrania",
398"Wiki most-recent images" => "Ostatnie obrazy",
399"Upload date" => "Data załadowania",
400"Wiki most-recent files" => "Ostatnie pliki",
401"Top Articles" => "Najlepsze artykuły",
402"Most-visited blogs" => "Najczęściej odwiedzane blogi",
403"Most-active blogs" => "Najaktywniejsze blogi",
404"Blogs last posts" => "Ostatnie wiadomości w blogach",
405"Post date" => "Datawiadomości",
406"Wiki top authors" => "Najlepsi autorzy",
407"Pages" => "Strony",
408"Top article authors" => "Najlepsi autorzy artykułów",
409"Password is required" => "Hasło jest konieczne",
410"User already exists" => "User already exists",
411"Invalid username" => "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika",
412"Username is too long" => "Nazwa użytkownika jest zbyt długa",
413"Wrong passcode. You need to know the passcode to register at this site" => "Nieprawidłowy kod, musisz znać poprawny kod, aby zarejestrować sięna witrynie",
414"Log In" => "Logowanie",
415"Send a message" => "Wyślij wiadomość",
416"Attach a file" => "Dołącz plik",
417"Gallery" => "Galeria",
418"Blog post" => "Blog post",
419"comment" => "dodaj komentarz",
420"new" => "new",
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422"current" => "bieżąca",
423"Next" => "Następna",
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425"No Tabs" => "Bez zakładek",
426"click here" => "kliknij tutaj",
427"at" => "o",
428"to" => "do",
429"No records found" => "Nie znaleziono rekordów",
430"You do not have the permission that is needed to use this feature" => "Nie masz uprawnień do korzystania z tego składnika",
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433"password" => "hasło",
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437"Start date" => "Data rozpoczęcia",
438"Today" => "Dziś",
439"pvs" => "wyśw.",
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441"Multiple choices" => "Wiele wyborów",
442"Short text" => "Krótki tekst",
443"Rate (1 to 5)" => "Oceń (1..5)",
444"Rate (1 to 10)" => "Oceń (1..10)",
445"Heading" => "Nagłówek",
446"You are not logged in" => "Musisz się zalogować",
447"You do not have permission to view this section" => "Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień do oglądania tej sekcji",
448"You are banned from" => "You are banned from",
449"wiki" => "wiki",
450"quizzes" => "quizzes",
451"blogs" => "blogach",
452"forums" => "forach",
453"Code" => "Kod",
454"Title bar" => "Pasek tytułu",
455"Wiki Help" => "Pomoc wiki",
456"Find" => "Szukaj",
457"Cancel" => "Anuluj",
458"Close" => "Zamknij",
459"Item" => "Item",
460"Subject" => "Temat",
461"High" => "Wysoki",
462"Low" => "Niski",
463"User Information" => "User Information",
464"Password must contain both letters and numbers" => "Password must contain both letters and numbers",
465"Page already exists" => "Taka strona już istnieje",
466"(AT)" => "(AT)",
467"(DOT)" => "(DOT)",
468"No version indicated" => "No version indicated",
469"Center" => "Wyśrodkowanie",
470"File" => "File",
471"Profile picture" => "Emblemat",
472"Back" => "Powróć",
473"Zone" => "Strefa",
474"Clear" => "Wyczyść",
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476"Calendars" => "Kalendarze",
477"Chart" => "Chart",
478"This feature is disabled" => "This feature is disabled",
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483"Insert copyright notices" => "Insert copyright notices",
484"Days" => "Dni",
485"Hours" => "Hours",
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497"Blog Posts" => "Wiadomości blogów",
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507"List Pages" => "Pokaż strony",
508"Map" => "Map",
509"Module" => "Moduł",
510"Module Name" => "Nazwa modułu",
511"Please choose a module" => "Please choose a module",
512"to be used as argument" => "to be used as argument",
513"Sorry, no such module" => "Sorry, no such module",
514"Sticky" => "Sticky",
515"Total" => "Razem",
516"Smaller" => "Smaller",
517"Options" => "Opcje",
518"Since" => "Od",
519"Poll" => "Ankieta",
520"User Preferences" => "Preferencje użytkownika",
521"admin" => "zarządzaj",
522"Preferences" => "Ustawienia",
523"Submit" => "Prześlij",
524"Tip" => "Podpowiedź",
525"Chat" => "Czat",
526"yes" => "tak",
527"Order" => "Kolejność",
528"Missing db param" => "Missing db param",
529"Added" => "Dodano",
530"Subscribe" => "Subskrybuj",
531"Tag Name" => "Nazwa znacznika",
532"Admin" => "Zarządzaj",
533"Translate" => "Przetłumacz",
534"Fields" => "Pola",
535"Overwrite" => "Nadpisz",
536"reset" => "resetuj",
537"or" => "lub",
538"Tracker was modified at " => "Tracker was modified at ",
539"Filters" => "Filtry",
540"Flag" => "Flaga",
541"User List" => "Lista użytkowników",
542"Real Name" => "Prawdziwe imię",
543"Vote" => "Głosuj",
544"From" => "Od",
545"valid" => "poprawny",
546"Use HTML" => "Use HTML",
547"Related" => "Pokrewne",
548"Articles Home" => "Artykuły",
549"No more messages" => "Nie ma więcej wiadomości",
550"Custom URL" => "Własny URL",
551"Categorize" => "Kategorie",
552"Received Objects" => "Otrzymane obiekty",
553"Contributors" => "Twórcy",
554"Show description" => "Pokaż opis",
555"Featured Links" => "Featured Links",
556"Topics only" => "Tylko tematy",
557"Most Commented Forums" => "Najbardziej komentowane forum",
558"Google Search" => "Szukaj z Google",
559"Newest Blog Posts" => "Ostatnie wiadomości blogów",
560"Newest Blogs" => "Ostatnio utworzone blogi",
561"Newest FAQs" => "Ostatnio utworzone CZP",
562"Newest Quizzes" => "Ostatnio utworzone quizy",
563"Newest Files" => "Ostatnie pliki",
564"Latest Changes" => "Ostatnie zmiany",
565"Last-Modified Blogs" => "Ostatnio zmienione blogi",
566"Newest Article Submissions" => "Ostatnie zgłoszenia",
567"Last Items" => "Ostatnie pozycje",
568"Last modified Items" => "Ostatnio zmienione pozycje",
569"Last Visitors" => "Ostatnio zalogowani",
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571"Live Support" => "Live Support",
572"Menu" => "Menu",
573"Structure" => "Struktura",
574"Messages" => "Wiadomości",
575"Pending Article Submissions" => "Oczekujące zgłoszenia",
576"Old Articles" => "Starsze artykuły",
577"Create/Edit" => "Utwórz/edytuj",
578"Quick Edit a Wiki Page" => "Szybka edycja strony Wiki",
579"Random Pages" => "Wylosowana strona",
580"Go" => "Pokaż",
581"Share this page" => "Podziel się tą stroną",
582"Email this page" => "Wyślij linka do strony",
583"Since your last visit" => "Od Twojej ostatniej wizyty",
584"Changes since" => "Zmiany od",
585"Since your last visit.." => "Od Twojej ostatniej wizyty...",
586"new comments" => "nowe komentarze",
587"wiki pages changed" => "zmienione strony wiki",
588"new images" => "nowe obrazy",
589"new files" => "nowe pliki",
590"new users" => "nowi użytkownicy",
591"Most Active blogs" => "Najbardziej aktywne blogi",
592"Top File Galleries" => "Najlepsze galerie plików",
593"Top Images" => "Najlepsze obrazy",
594"Top Pages" => "Najlepsze strony",
595"Top Quizzes" => "Najlepsze quizy",
596"Top Visited Blogs" => "Najczęściej odwiedzane blogi",
597"Show end date and time" => "Pokaż datę i czas zakończenia",
598"My Bookmarks" => "Zakładki użytkownika",
599"User Pages" => "Strony użytkownika",
600"My Pages" => "Moje strony",
601"My Tasks" => "Zadania użytkownika",
602"Most Active Users" => "Najbardziej aktywni użytkownicy",
603"Invalid username or password" => "Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło",
604"Use" => "Użyj",
605"Configuration search" => "Szukaj w konfiguracji",
606"Users" => "Użytkownicy",
607"HTML Pages" => "Strony HTML",
608"Mail Notifications" => "Powiadomienia mailowe",
609"Menus" => "Menu",
610"Cookies" => "Ciasteczka",
611"External Pages Cache" => "Cache stron zewnętrznych",
612"External Wikis" => "Zewnętrzne wiki",
613"Cancel Edit" => "Anuluj edycję",
614"General Settings" => "Ustawienia ogólne",
615"Features" => "Składniki",
616"Import CSV file" => "Import CSV file",
617"Batch upload (CSV file)" => "Załaduj wsadowo (plik CSV)",
618"List articles" => "Pokaż artykuły",
619"Performance" => "Wydajność",
620"Community" => "Społeczność",
621"Watches" => "Obserwowane",
622"Searches" => "Wyszukiwania",
623"Click Here" => "Kliknij tutaj",
624"Galleries features" => "Składniki galerii",
625"Gallery listing configuration" => "Konfiguracja wykazu galerii",
626"All galleries" => "Wszystkie galerie",
627"System Gallery" => "Galeria systemowa",
628"General Preferences" => "Preferencje ogólne",
629"Contact" => "Kontakt",
630"Date and Time Format Help" => "Pomoc dot. formatu daty i czasu",
631"Edit languages" => "Edytuj języki",
632"Enable/disable Tiki features in " => "Włącz/wyłącz składniki używając ",
633", but configure them elsewhere" => ", ale konfiguruj je w innych miejscach.",
634"Log in" => "Zaloguj się",
635"Edit Templates" => "Edytuj szablony",
636"Refresh" => "Odświerz",
637"Create new" => "Utwórz nową",
638"View page" => "Zobacz stronę",
639"Admin groups" => "Zarządzaj grupami",
640"Admin users" => "Zarządzaj użytkownikami",
641"Search results" => "Wyniki poszukiwania",
642"dls" => "dls",
643"User information display" => "User information display",
644"User Files" => "Pliki użytkownika",
645"Export Wiki Pages" => "Eksportuj strony Wiki",
646"Remove unused pictures" => "Usuń nieużywane obrazki",
647"Wiki attachments" => "Załączniki Wiki",
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654"Last page" => "Ostatnia strona",
655"bytes" => "bajtów",
656"Upload file" => "Załaduj plik",
657"Attach" => "Dołącz",
658"Attach a file to this item" => "Attach a file to this item",
659"No attachments for this item" => "No attachments for this item",
660"Monitor" => "Monitor",
661"Group Monitor" => "Monitorowanie przez grupę",
662"RSS" => "RSS",
663"Save to notepad" => "Zapisz w notatniku",
664"Publish Date" => "Data publikacji",
665"More..." => "Więcej,,,",
666"Last" => "Ostatnie",
667"private" => "prywatne",
668"permanent link" => "permanent link",
669"Select Categories" => "Wybierz kategorie",
670"Admin Categories" => "Zarządzaj kategoriami",
671"Select/deselect all categories" => "Zaznacz/odznacz wszystkie kategorie",
672"Post new comment" => "Dodaj nowy komentarz",
673"Add Comment" => "Dodaj komentarz",
674"Approve" => "Zatwierdź",
675"Reject" => "Odrzuć",
676"private message" => "wiadomość prywatna",
677"Threshold" => "Próg",
678"Replies" => "Odpowiedzi",
679"1 comment" => "1 komentarz",
680"Go back" => "Powróć",
681"Return to home page" => "Powróć do strony startowej",
682"Copyrights" => "Prawa autorskie",
683"Current URL" => "Obecny URL",
684"Command" => "Polecenie",
685"exec" => "exec",
686"Type <code>help</code> to get list of available commands" => "Type <code>help</code> to get list of available commands",
687"Page generation debugging log" => "Page generation debugging log",
688"Features state" => "Features state",
689"features matched" => "features matched",
690"Watchlist" => "Watchlist",
691"There are individual permissions set for this file gallery" => "There are individual permissions set for this file gallery",
692"Properties" => "Właściwości",
693"Mb" => "MB",
694"Allows each user to be selected for small groups" => "Pozwala na włączenie każdego uzytkownika do małej grupy",
695"Max description display size" => "Max description display size",
696"Upload" => "Załaduj",
697"Upload File" => "Dodaj plik",
698"any language" => "dowolny język",
699"not in" => "nie w",
700"Operator" => "Operator",
701"Edit this page" => "Edytuj tę stronę",
702"Translation" => "Tłumaczenie",
703"Move to" => "Przenieś do",
704"Blog post:" => "Blog post:",
705"at:" => "at:",
706"Description:" => "Description:",
707"To the newsletter:" => "To the newsletter:",
708"User:" => "Użytkownik:",
709"Title:" => "Tytuł:",
710"Hi" => "Hi",
711"Enjoy the site!" => "Enjoy the site!",
712"The user" => "Użytkownik",
713"Published" => "Opublikowano",
714"By:" => "Autor:",
715"Bye bye!" => "Bye bye!",
716"Newsletter:" => "Newsletter:",
717"Welcome to our newsletter!" => "Welcome to our newsletter!",
718"You can always cancel your subscription using:" => "You can always cancel your subscription using:",
719"Site" => "Witryna",
720"You can edit the submission following this link:" => "You can edit the submission following this link:",
721"Heading:" => "Heading:",
722"Body:" => "Body:",
723"item" => "item",
724"You or someone registered this email address at" => "you or someone registered this email address at",
725"If you don't want to receive these notifications follow this link:" => "If you don't want to receive these notifications follow this link:",
726"View the blog at:" => "View the blog at:",
727"changed" => "changed",
728"Created by" => "Utworzył(a)",
729"created" => "utworzono",
730"Comment:" => "Comment:",
731"File Description" => "Opis pliku",
732"New name" => "Nowy tytuł",
733"You may log in now." => "Teraz możesz się już zalogować.",
734"Active" => "Active",
735"Account name" => "Nazwa konta",
736"POP server" => "Serwer POP",
737"Admin Topics" => "Zarządzaj tematami",
738"Admin Types" => "Zarządzaj typami",
739"Event" => "Wydarzenie",
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741"dynamic extended" => "dynamiczne rozwinięte",
742"fixed" => "stałe",
743"Sections" => "Sekcje",
744"Some useful URLs" => "Kilka pożytecznych URL-i",
745"Home" => "Start",
746"Home Page" => "Strona startowa",
747"Home Blog" => "Blog",
748"Home Image Gal" => "Galeria obrazów",
749"Home Image Gallery" => "Galeria obrazów",
750"Home File Gal" => "Skład plików",
751"Home File Gallery" => "Skład plików",
752"User preferences" => "Preferencje użytkownka",
753"User prefs" => "Pref. użytkownka",
754"Wiki Home" => "Strona startowa Wiki",
755"List galleries" => "Pokaż galerie",
756"List image galleries" => "Pokaż galerie obrazów",
757"Upload image" => "Załaduj obraz",
758"Gallery Rankings" => "Rankingi galerii",
759"Browse a gallery" => "Przeglądaj galerię",
760"Articles home" => "Artykuły",
761"All articles" => "Wszystkie artykuły",
762"List Blogs" => "Pokaż blogi",
763"Create Blog" => "Utwórz bloga",
764"View a forum" => "Zobacz forum",
765"View a thread" => "Zobacz wątek",
766"View a FAQ" => "Zobacz CZP",
767"Take a quiz" => "Take a quiz",
768"Quiz stats" => "Statystyki quizu",
769"Stats for a Quiz" => "Statystyki quizu",
770"Unread" => "Nieprzeczytane",
771"Flagged" => "Oznaczone",
772"Unflagged" => "Odznaczone",
773"Containing" => "Zawierające",
774"Sender" => "sender",
775"No messages to display" => "Brak wiadomości do wyświetlenia",
776"Broadcast message" => "Wyślij wiadomość",
777"All users" => "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
778"Lowest" => "Najniższy",
779"Very High" => "Bardzo wysoki",
780"Body" => "Treść",
781"Send" => "Wyślij",
782"Compose message" => "Zredaguj wiadomość",
783"CC" => "CC",
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785"1" => "1",
786"2" => "2",
787"3" => "3",
788"4" => "4",
789"5" => "5",
790"Perform action with checked:" => "Zastosuj dla zaznaczonych",
791"Mark as read" => "Oznacz jako przeczytane",
792"Mark as unread" => "Oznacz jako nieprzeczytane",
793"Mark as flagged" => "Oznacz jako zaznaczone",
794"Mark as unflagged" => "Oznacz jako niezaznaczone",
795"Mark" => "oznacz",
796"Mailbox" => "Skrzynka odbiorcza",
797"Compose" => "Utwórz",
798"Broadcast" => "Roześlij",
799"Read message" => "Czytaj wiadomość",
800"replyall" => "odpowiedz na wszystkie",
801"From:" => "From:",
802"Cc" => "Cc",
803"Admin Modules" => "Zarządzaj modułami",
804"Admin Menus" => "Zarządzaj menu",
805"login" => "zaloguj się",
806"Add Event" => "Dodaj zdarzenie",
807"Pages:" => "Strony:",
808"Sites" => "Witryny",
809"Sites to validate" => "Witryny do sprawdzenia",
810"Visited links" => "Odwiedzone witryny",
811"Pass" => "Hasło",
812"Last updated" => "Last updated",
813"All Groups" => "Wszystkie grupy",
814"Your Groups" => "Twoje grupy",
815"Switch to Groups" => "Przełącz do grup",
816"Simulate" => "Symulacja",
817"more" => "więcej",
818"You" => "Ty",
819"Open operator console" => "Open operator console",
820"Logged in as" => "Zalogowany jako",
821"Log out" => "Wyloguj się",
822"Switch" => "Przełącz",
823"Email:" => "Email:",
824"My Account" => "MojaTiki",
825"I forgot my password" => "Nie pamiętam hasła",
826"Standard" => "Standard",
827"Secure" => "Bezpieczny",
828"Stay in SSL mode" => "Pozostań w trybie ssl",
829"You have" => "You have",
830"new messages" => "nowe wiadomości",
831"new message" => "nowa wiadomość",
832"You have 0 new messages" => "Masz 0 nowych wiadomości",
833"We have" => "Jest",
834"submissions waiting to be examined" => "zgłoszeń oczekujących na rozpatrzenie",
835"Image Galleries" => "Galerie obrazów",
836"Entire Site" => "Cała witryna",
837"Image Gals" => "Galerie obrazów",
838"Read More" => "Czytaj dalej",
839"Since your last visit on" => "Od Twojej ostatniej wizyty",
840"New Images" => "Nowe obrazy",
841"Wiki Pages Changed" => "Zmienione strony wiki",
842"New Files" => "Nowe pliki",
843"New Comments" => "Nowe komentarze",
844"New Users" => "Nowi użytkownicy",
845"click to edit" => "click to edit",
846"Nothing has changed" => "Nie było zmian",
847"Tracker Items" => "Tracker Items",
848"Top galleries" => "Najlepsze galerie",
849"Bookmarks" => "Zakładki",
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852"Del" => "Usuń",
853"view" => "zobacz",
854"online users" => "użytkowników online",
855"online user" => "użytkownik online",
856"Send a message to" => "Wyślij wiadomość do",
857"No individual permissions. Global permissions apply." => "Brak indywidalnego przydziału uprawnień, obowiązują uprawnienia globalne",
858"Current" => "Bieżąca",
859"Versions are identical" => "Versions are identical",
860"vote" => "vote",
861"Confirm password" => "Powtórz hasło",
862"Generate a password" => "Generuj hasło",
863"version" => "wersja",
864"Valid" => "Valid",
865"Create New" => "Utwórz nową",
866"To edit the copyright notices" => "To edit the copyright notices",
867"Tasks" => "Zadania",
868"Notes" => "Notatki",
869"Export as CSV" => "Eksportuj jako CSV",
870"Do not group by item" => "Nie grupuj",
871"Group by item" => "Grupuj",
872"Tools Calendars" => "Tools Calendars",
873"Check / Uncheck All" => "Zaznacz / odznacz wszystko",
874"End" => "Koniec",
875"Misc" => "Różne",
876"Statistics" => "Statystyki",
877"Weeks" => "tygodnie",
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880"IP regex matching" => "IP regex matching",
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883"Rule active from" => "Rule active from",
884"Rule active until" => "Rule active until",
885"Custom message to the user" => "Custom message to the user",
886"Find:" => "Szukaj:",
887"x" => "x",
888"User/IP" => "Użytkownik/IP",
889"Admin Calendars" => "Zarządzaj kalendarzami",
890"Create Calendar" => "Utwórz kalendarz",
891"View Calendars" => "Pokaż kalendarze",
892"Participants" => "Uczestnicy",
893"Custom location" => "Własne miejsca",
894"Custom participants" => "Właśni uczestnicy",
895"Edit Calendar" => "Edytuj kalendarz",
896"Custom classification" => "Własne klasyfikacje",
897"Custom language" => "Własne języki",
898"Custom priority" => "Własne priorytety",
899"Personal Calendar" => "Kalendarz osobisty",
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901"End of day" => "Koniec dnia",
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906"Yellow" => "Żółty",
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908"Custom background color" => "Własny kolor tła",
909"Default event status" => "Domyślny status zdarzenia",
910"Show in calendar view" => "Pokaż w widoku kalendarza",
911"Group of users alerted when calendar event is modified" => "Grupa użytkowników powiadamiana, kiedy zdarzenie jest modyfikowane",
912"Delete events older than:" => "Usuń zdarzenia starsze niż",
913"Edit this category:" => "Edytuj tę kategorię:",
914"Add new category" => "Dodaj nową kategorię",
915"Objects in category" => "Obiekty w kategorii",
916"Current category" => "Bieżąca kategoria",
917"Add objects to category" => "Dodaj obiekty do kategorii",
918"Objects" => "Objects",
919"Quiz" => "Quiz",
920"Batch upload" => "Batch upload",
921"Templates" => "Szablony",
922"Admin cookies" => "Admin cookies",
923"Create/edit cookies" => "Create/edit cookies",
924"Upload Cookies from textfile" => "Upload Cookies from textfile",
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928"URL (use \$page to be replaced by the page name in the URL example: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=\$page)" => "URL (use \$page to be replaced by the page name in the URL example: http://www.example.com/tiki-index.php?page=\$page)",
929"ExtWiki" => "Extwiki",
930"Admin Forums" => "Zarządzaj forami",
931"Age" => "Wiek",
932"PPD" => "Ppd",
933"Edit this Forum:" => "Edytuj to forum:",
934"Create New Forum" => "Utwórz nowe forum",
935"Moderator user" => "Moderator user",
936"Moderator group" => "Moderator group",
937"Password protected" => "Password protected",
938"Forum password" => "Hasło forum",
939"Prevent flooding" => "Prevent flooding",
940"Minimum time between posts" => "Minimum time between posts",
941"Send the posts of this forum to this email address" => "Send the posts of this forum to this email address",
942"Prune unreplied-to messages after" => "Prune unreplied-to messages after",
943"Prune old messages after" => "Prune old messages after",
944"Add messages from this email to the forum" => "Add messages from this email to the forum",
945"POP3 server" => "Serwer POP3",
946"Default order of topics" => "Default order of topics",
947"Topics per page" => "Tematów na stronie",
948"Topic list configuration" => "Topic list configuration",
949"Use topic smileys" => "Use topic smileys",
950"Show topic summary" => "Pokaż streszczenie tematu",
951"Approval type" => "Typ zatwierdzania",
952"User Level" => "Poziom użytkownika",
953"eMail" => "Email",
954"Online" => "Online",
955"Permission" => "Uprawnienia",
956"Max attachment size (bytes)" => "Max attachment size (bytes)",
957"Admin Hotwords" => "Admin Hotwords",
958"Add Hotword" => "Add Hotword",
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960"Admin HTML pages" => "Admin HTML pages",
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965"Mass update" => "Mass update",
966"Create new HTML page" => "Create new HTML page",
967"Edit this HTML page:" => "Edit this HTML page:",
968"Apply template" => "Użyj szablonu",
969"Dynamic" => "Dynamic",
970"Static" => "Static",
971"Last Modif" => "Ost. zmiana",
972"No pages found" => "Nie znaleziono stron",
973"Generate positions by hits" => "Generate positions by hits",
974"List of featured links" => "List of featured links",
975"Add Featured Link" => "Add Featured Link",
976"Edit this Featured Link:" => "Edit this Featured Link:",
977"Create new Featured Link" => "Create new Featured Link",
978"disables the link" => "disables the link",
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984"Menu options" => "Opcje menu",
985"Preview menu" => "Podgląd menu",
986"Clear Cache" => "Wyczyść cache",
987"Assigned Modules" => "Przydzielone moduły",
988"Assign new module" => "Przydziel nowy moduł",
989"Edit this assigned module:" => "Edytuj ten przydzielony moduł:",
990"Objects that can be included" => "Obiekty, które można dołączyć",
991"Available polls" => "Dostępne sondaże",
992"Random image from" => "Wylosowany obrazek z",
993"Dynamic content blocks" => "Bloki z dynamiczną zawartością",
994"Banner zones" => "Strefy bannerów",
995"Admin newsletter subscriptions" => "Zarządzaj subskrypcjami biuletynu",
996"Subscriptions" => "Subskrypcje",
997"Subscribed" => "subscribed",
998"Wiki page" => "Wiki",
999"Admin newsletters" => "Zarządzaj biuletynami",
1000"List Newsletters" => "Pokaż biuletyny",
1001"Send Newsletters" => "Wyślij biuletyn",
1002"Editions" => "Editions",
1003"Last Sent" => "Last sent",
1004"Create/Edit Newsletters" => "Utwórz/edytuj biuletyny",
1005"There are individual permissions set for this newsletter" => "Ten biuletyn ma indywidualnie nadane uprawnienia",
1006"Add notification" => "Add notification",
1007"Admin Polls" => "Zarządzaj sondażami",
1008"Preview poll" => "Podgląd sondażu",
1009"Poll options" => "Opcje sondażu",
1010"Votes" => "Głosów",
1011"Set last poll as current" => "Ustaw ostatni sondaż bieżącym",
1012"Close all polls but last" => "Zamknij wszystkie sondaże oprócz ostatniego",
1013"Activate all polls" => "Uaktywnij wszystkie sondaże",
1014"active" => "active",
1015"object" => "obiekt",
1016"Results" => "Results",
1017"Content for the feed" => "Content for the feed",
1018"Refresh rate" => "Refresh rate",
1019"sticky" => "sticky",
1020"Destroy the structure leaving the wiki pages" => "Destroy the structure leaving the wiki pages",
1021"Destroy the structure and remove the pages" => "Destroy the structure and remove the pages",
1022"Tree" => "Drzewo",
1023"Use single spaces to indent structure levels" => "Używaj pojedyńczych spacji do wcięcia poziomów struktury",
1024"Edit survey questions" => "Edytuj pytania ankiety",
1025"List Surveys" => "Pokaż ankiety",
1026"Survey Stats" => "Statystyki ankiet",
1027"Edit this Survey" => "Edytuj tę ankietę",
1028"Admin Surveys" => "Zarządzaj ankietami",
1029"Questions" => "Pytania",
1030"Question" => "Pytanie",
1031"Options (if apply)" => "Opcje (jeśli potrzebne)",
1032"Admin surveys" => "Zarządzaj ankietami",
1033"Edit this Survey:" => "Edytuj tę ankietę:",
1034"There are individual permissions set for this survey" => "Dla tej ankiety ustanowione są indywidualne uprawnienia",
1035"Local" => "Lokalna",
1036"List Articles" => "Lista artykułów",
1037"topic image" => "topic image",
1038"Activate" => "Aktywuj",
1039"Admin Tracker" => "Admin tracker",
1040"Operation" => "Operation",
1041"List of existing groups" => "Istniejące grupy",
1042"Add a New User" => "Dodaj nowego użytkownika",
1043"Number of displayed rows" => "Liczba wyświetlanych wierszy",
1044"New password" => "Nowe hasło",
1045"Confirm new password" => "Powtórz nowe hasło",
1046"backlinks to" => "backlinks to",
1047"No backlinks to this page" => "No backlinks to this page",
1048"Browse Gallery" => "Przeglądaj galerię",
1049"Upload From Disk" => "Załaduj z dysku",
1050"Filesize" => "Filesize",
1051"Process" => "Przetwórz",
1052"Edit Post" => "Edit Post",
1053"View Blog" => "View blog",
1054"Image galleries" => "Galerie obrazów",
1055"Browsing Gallery" => "Browsing Gallery",
1056"List Galleries" => "Lista galerii",
1057"Edit Gallery" => "Edit gallery",
1058"Upload Image" => "Załaduj obrazek",
1059"List Gallery" => "List gallery",
1060"Rebuild Thumbnails" => "Rebuild thumbnails",
1061"Sort Images by" => "Sort Images by",
1062"rotate right" => "rotate right",
1063"Browsing Image" => "Browsing Image",
1064"Return to Gallery" => "Return to gallery",
1065"Edit Image" => "Edit Image",
1066"Bigger" => "Bigger",
1067"Image Name" => "Image Name",
1068"Image size" => "Image size",
1069"Image Scale" => "Imagescale",
1070"Original Size" => "Original size",
1071"Move image" => "Move image",
1072"Visible Calendars" => "Widoczne kalendarze",
1073"Group Calendars" => "Grupuj kalendarze",
1074"Export calendars" => "Eksportuj kalendarze",
1075"advanced parameters" => "parametry zaawansowane",
1076"Export as iCal" => "Eksportuj jako iCal",
1077"January" => "Styczeń",
1078"February" => "Luty",
1079"March" => "Marzec",
1080"April" => "Kwiecień",
1081"May" => "Maj",
1082"June" => "Czerwiec",
1083"July" => "Lipiec",
1084"August" => "Sierpień",
1085"September" => "Wrzesień",
1086"October" => "Październik",
1087"November" => "Listopad",
1088"December" => "Grudzień",
1089"Sun" => "Sun",
1090"Mon" => "Mon",
1091"Tue" => "Tue",
1092"Wed" => "Wed",
1093"Thu" => "Thu",
1094"Fri" => "Fri",
1095"Sat" => "Sat",
1096"today" => "today",
1097"Organized by" => "Zorganizowane przez",
1098"Classification" => "Klasyfikacja",
1099"Change Focus" => "Przejdź do",
1100"View this Day" => "Zobacz ten dzień",
1101"Edit Calendar Item" => "Edit Calendar Item",
1102"Recurrence" => "Powtórz",
1103"This event depends on a recurrence rule" => "To zdarzenie jest powtarzane",
1104"On a weekly basis" => "Co tydzień",
1105"Each" => "W każdy",
1106"of the week" => "w tygodniu",
1107"On a monthly basis" => "Co miesiąc",
1108"of the month" => "w miesiącu",
1109"On a yearly basis" => "Co rok",
1110"of" => "z",
1111"Start period" => "Zacznij od",
1112"End after" => "Zakończ po",
1113"occurrences" => "wystąpieniach",
1114"End before" => "Zakończ przed",
1115"times" => "times",
1116"Show duration" => "Pokaż czas trwania",
1117"import" => "import",
1118"Send a message to us" => "Napisz do nas",
1119"Your email" => "Twój adres mailowy",
1120"Contact us by email" => "Napisz do nas email",
1121"Contacts" => "Kontakty",
1122"Create/edit contacts" => "Create/edit contacts",
1123"First Name" => "Imię",
1124"Last Name" => "Nazwisko",
1125"Nickname" => "Nickname",
1126"Add a new site" => "Dodaj nową witrynę",
1127"Site added" => "Witryna została dodana",
1128"Add a site" => "Dodaj witrynę",
1129"Admin Directory" => "Zarządzaj katalogiem",
1130"There are" => "There are",
1131"invalid sites" => "witryny niepoprawne",
1132"valid sites" => "valid sites",
1133"Users have visited" => "Użytkownicy odwiedzili",
1134"sites from the directory" => "witryn z katalogu",
1135"Users have searched" => "Użytkownicy wyszukiwali",
1136"times from the directory" => "razy z katalogu",
1137"Validate" => "Sprawdź",
1138"Admin directory categories" => "Zarządzaj kategoriami katalogu",
1139"Add a directory category" => "Dodaj kategorię katalogu",
1140"Edit this directory category" => "Edytuj tę kategorię katalogu",
1141"Child type" => "Child type",
1142"Maximum number of child directory categories to show" => "Maximum number of child directory categories to show",
1143"Editor group" => "Grupa uprawniona do edycji",
1144"cType" => "cType",
1145"allow" => "allow",
1146"count" => "count",
1147"editor" => "editor",
1148"Mutual" => "Mutual",
1149"Admin sites" => "Zarządzaj witrynami",
1150"Is valid" => "Jest poprawna",
1151"New Sites" => "Nowe witryny",
1152"Popular Sites" => "Dobre witryny",
1153"any" => "dowolne",
1154"in entire directory" => "w całym katalogu",
1155"Sort by" => "Sortuj wg",
1156"sort" => "sortuj",
1157"Total links" => "Ogółem odsyłaczy",
1158"Links to validate" => "Odsyłacze do sprawdzenia",
1159"Searches performed" => "Wykonane wyszukiwania",
1160"Total links visited" => "Ogółem odwiedzonych odsyłaczy",
1161"Directory ranking" => "Ranking ktalogu",
1162"Validate sites" => "Sprawdź witryny",
1163"country" => "kraj",
1164"Edit article" => "Edytuj artykuł",
1165"View Articles" => "Zobacz artykuły",
1166"Time" => "Time",
1167"Own Image" => "Własny obrazek",
1168"Current Image" => "Current Image",
1169"Use own image" => "Użyj własnego obrazka",
1170"Float text around image" => "Tekst opływa obrazek",
1171"List banners" => "Pokaż bannery",
1172"URL to link the banner" => "URL to link the banner",
1173"Client" => "Klient",
1174"Maximum impressions" => "Maximum impressions",
1175"Create a new Zone" => "Utwórz",
1176"Show the banner only between these dates" => "Show the banner only between these dates",
1177"From date" => "From date",
1178"To date" => "To date",
1179"Use dates" => "Używaj dat",
1180"Show the banner only on" => "Show the banner only on",
1181"Select ONE method for the banner" => "Select ONE method for the banner",
1182"Use Image" => "Use Image",
1183"Save the Banner" => "Save the banner",
1184"Edit Blog" => "Edit Blog",
1185"Individual permissions are set for this blog" => "Individual permissions are set for this blog",
1186"Allow search" => "Allow search",
1187"Allow comments" => "Allow comments",
1188"Blog heading" => "Blog heading",
1189"Try" => "Spróbuj",
1190"Rename" => "Zmień nazwę",
1191"Colored text" => "Tekst kolorowy",
1192"Box content" => "Zawartość ramki",
1193"External links" => "Odsyłacze zewnętrzne",
1194"JoinCapitalizedWords or use" => "ZlepWyrazyRozpoczynaneWielkimiLiterami lub użyj",
1195"page|description" => "strona|opis",
1196"for wiki references" => "dla odsyłaczy wiki",
1197"SomeName" => "PewnaNazwa",
1198"prevents referencing" => "zapobiega tworzeniu odsyłacza",
1199"Lists" => "Listy",
1200"for bullet lists" => "dla list wypunktowanych",
1201"for numbered lists" => "dla list numerowanych",
1202"definition" => "definicja",
1203"for definiton lists" => "dla list definicyjnych",
1204"Tables" => "Tabele",
1205"Multi-page pages" => "Strony wielostronicowe",
1206"Non-parsed sections" => "Non-parsed sections",
1207"data" => "dane",
1208"No description available" => "No description available",
1209"Edit successful!" => "Edit successful!",
1210"The following image was successfully edited" => "The following image was successfully edited",
1211"Image Description" => "Image Description",
1212"Add a translation" => "Add a translation",
1213"Edit translations" => "Edit translations",
1214"Compare" => "Porównaj",
1215"Program dynamic content for block" => "Program dynamic content for block",
1216"Create New Block" => "Create new block",
1217"Return to block listing" => "Return to block listing",
1218"Block description: " => "Block description: ",
1219"You are editing block:" => "You are editing block:",
1220"Publishing Date" => "Data publikacji",
1221"Edit question options" => "Edit question options",
1222"List Quizzes" => "Pokaż quizy",
1223"Quiz Stats" => "Statystyki quizów",
1224"This Quiz Stats" => "This quiz stats",
1225"Edit this Quiz" => "Edit this quiz",
1226"Admin Quizzes" => "Zarządzaj quizami",
1227"Create/edit options for question" => "Create/edit options for question",
1228"points" => "points",
1229"Quiz can be repeated" => "Quiz can be repeated",
1230"Create/edit quizzes" => "Create/edit quizzes",
1231"There are individual permissions set for this quiz" => "There are individual permissions set for this quiz",
1232"Store quiz results" => "Store quiz results",
1233"Quiz is time-limited" => "Quiz is time-limited",
1234"Maximum time" => "Maximum time",
1235"Edit quiz questions" => "Edit quiz questions",
1236"Create/edit questions for quiz" => "Create/edit questions for quiz",
1237"Maximum score" => "Maximum score",
1238"From Points" => "From Points",
1239"To Points" => "To Points",
1240"You will remove" => "You will remove",
1241"and its subpages from the structure, now you have two options:" => "and its subpages from the structure, now you have two options:",
1242"Submit article" => "Dodaj artykuł",
1243"List submissions" => "List submissions",
1244"Use ...page... to separate pages in a multi-page post" => "Use ...page... to separate pages in a multi-page post",
1245"Author Name" => "Imię autora",
1246"Own image size x" => "Własny rozmiar obrazka x",
1247"Own image size y" => "Własny rozmiar obrazka y",
1248"Template listing" => "Template listing",
1249"Available templates" => "Dostępne szablony",
1250"Important" => "Ważne",
1251"The Sandbox is a page where you can practice editing, etc. and use the preview feature to check the appearance of the page. No versions are stored for this page." => "Brudnopis to miejsce, gdzie można ćwiczyć umiejętność edycji stron i obserwować wygląd strony na podglądzie. Wersje tej strony nie są rejestrowane.",
1252"Upload picture" => "Załaduj obraz",
1253"Import page" => "Importuj stronę",
1254"List Sheets" => "Lista arkuszy",
1255"Admin FAQ" => "Zarządzaj CZP",
1256"List FAQs" => "Pokaż CZP",
1257"View FAQ" => "Zobacz CZP",
1258"Edit this FAQ" => "Edytuj to CZP",
1259"New Question" => "Nowe pytanie",
1260"Use a question from another FAQ" => "Użyj pytania z innego CZP",
1261"FAQ questions" => "Pytania CZP",
1262"Suggested questions" => "Proponowane pytania",
1263"No suggested questions" => "Brak propozycji pytań",
1264"Edit queued message" => "Edit queued message",
1265"None, this is a thread message" => "None, this is a thread message",
1266"summary" => "summary",
1267"Announce" => "Announce",
1268"Hot" => "Hot",
1269"no feeling" => "no feeling",
1270"frown" => "frown",
1271"exclaim" => "exclaim",
1272"idea" => "idea",
1273"mad" => "mad",
1274"neutral" => "neutral",
1275"question" => "pytanie",
1276"sad" => "sad",
1277"happy" => "happy",
1278"wink" => "wink",
1279"Save and Approve" => "Zapisz i zatwierdź",
1280"New Topic" => "Nowy temat",
1281"no summary" => "brak streszczenia",
1282"No messages queued yet" => "No messages queued yet",
1283"Search by name" => "Szukaj po nazwie",
1284"Last Post" => "Ostatnia wiadomość",
1285"Reported by" => "Reported by",
1286"Friendship Network" => "Osoby zaprzyjaźnione",
1287"Galleries" => "Galerie",
1288"Create New Gallery" => "Utwórz nową galerię",
1289"Create a gallery" => "Utwórz galerie",
1290"Edit this gallery:" => "Edytuj tę galerię:",
1291"There are individual permissions set for this gallery" => "There are individual permissions set for this gallery",
1292"Gallery is visible to non-admin users?" => "Gallery is visible to non-admin users?",
1293"Max Rows per page" => "Max Rows per page",
1294"Thumbnails size X" => "Thumbnails size X",
1295"Thumbnails size Y" => "Thumbnails size Y",
1296"Available scales" => "Available scales",
1297"No scales available" => "No scales available",
1298"Other users can upload images to this gallery" => "Other users can upload images to this gallery",
1299"You can access the gallery using the following URL" => "You can access the gallery using the following URL",
1300"Available Galleries" => "Dostępne galerie",
1301"Imgs" => "Imgs",
1302"Roll back" => "Wycofaj",
1303"Overwrite existing pages if the name is the same" => "Overwrite existing pages if the name is the same",
1304"excerpt" => "excerpt",
1305"Result" => "Wynik",
1306"Configure General Settings" => "Ustawienia ogólne",
1307"Method" => "Method",
1308"Last Changes" => "Ostatnie zmiany",
1309"Last 2 days" => "Ostatnie 2 dni",
1310"Last 3 days" => "Ostatnie 3 dni",
1311"Last 5 days" => "Ostatnie 5 dni",
1312"Last week" => "Ostatni tydzień",
1313"Last 2 weeks" => "Ostatnie 2 tygodnie",
1314"Last month" => "Ostatni miesiąc",
1315"Search by Date" => "Szukaj wg daty",
1316"Found" => "Znaleziono",
1317"LastChanges" => "OstatnieZmiany",
1318"Ip" => "Ip",
1319"Diff" => "Różnice",
1320"Pages like" => "Strony podobne do",
1321"New Article" => "Nowy artykuł",
1322"View Submissions" => "Zobacz zgłoszenia",
1323"Create banner" => "Utwórz banner",
1324"Use Dates?" => "Use Dates?",
1325"Max Impressions" => "Max Impressions",
1326"Impressions" => "Impressions",
1327"Clicks" => "Clicks",
1328"Available content blocks" => "Available content blocks",
1329"Current ver" => "Obecna wersja",
1330"Next ver" => "Next ver",
1331"Program" => "Program",
1332"Available FAQs" => "Dostępne CZP",
1333"Edit this FAQ:" => "Edytuj to CZP:",
1334"Create New FAQ:" => "Utwórz nowe CZP:",
1335"Users can suggest questions" => "Użytkownicy mogą proponować pytania",
1336"Create a File Gallery" => "Utwórz galerię plików",
1337"RSS feed" => "RSS feed",
1338"You can access the file gallery using the following URL" => "You can access the file gallery using the following URL",
1339"Gallery Images" => "Gallery Images",
1340"Reason" => "Powód",
1341"Blog Title" => "Tytuł blogu",
1342"Survey stats" => "Statystyki ankiety",
1343"Items" => "Items",
1344"like" => "like",
1345"List Wiki Pages" => "Lista stron Wiki",
1346"Create a Wiki Page" => "Utwórz stronę Wiki",
1347"Insert name of the page you wish to create" => "Wpisz nazwę strony, jaką chcesz utworzyć",
1348"Last author" => "Ostatni autor",
1349"Last version" => "Ostatnia wersja",
1350"Lang" => "Język",
1351"Open client window" => "Open client window",
1352"Generate HTML" => "Generate HTML",
1353"Transcripts" => "Transcripts",
1354"Online operators" => "Online operators",
1355"Accepted requests" => "Accepted requests",
1356"transcripts" => "transcripts",
1357"Offline operators" => "Offline operators",
1358"Add an operator to the system" => "Add an operator to the system",
1359"Operators must be tiki users" => "Operators must be tiki users",
1360"Set as Operator" => "Set as operator",
1361"Chat started" => "Chat started",
1362"Operator:" => "Operator:",
1363"Request live support" => "Request live support",
1364"Request support" => "Request support",
1365"Your request is being processed" => "Your request is being processed",
1366"cancel request and exit" => "cancel request and exit",
1367"cancel request and leave a message" => "cancel request and leave a message",
1368"Live support:Console" => "Live support:Console",
1369"be online" => "be online",
1370"be offline" => "be offline",
1371"Support requests" => "Support requests",
1372"Requested" => "Requested",
1373"Accept" => "Accept",
1374"Join" => "Join",
1375"Support chat transcripts" => "Support chat transcripts",
1376"started" => "started",
1377"reason" => "reason",
1378"msgs" => "msgs",
1379"Transcript" => "Transcript",
1380"Mini Calendar" => "Mini Kalendarz",
1381"Prefs" => "Prefs",
1382"Daily" => "Daily",
1383"Weekly" => "Weekly",
1384"Remove old events" => "Remove old events",
1385"h" => "h",
1386"mins" => "min.",
1387"Mini Calendar: Preferences" => "Mini Calendar: Preferences",
1388"Calendar Interval in daily view" => "Calendar Interval in daily view",
1389"Start hour for days" => "Start hour for days",
1390"End hour for days" => "End hour for days",
1391"Reminders" => "Przypomnienia",
1392"no reminders" => "brak przypomnie",
1393"min" => "minut",
1394"Or enter path or URL" => "lub podaj ścieżkę albo URL",
1395"Add Topic" => "Dodaj temat",
1396"User Galleries" => "User Galleries",
1397"Unread Messages" => "Unread Messages",
1398"User Blogs" => "User Blogs",
1399"My Info" => "Moje info",
1400"My Watches" => "Obserwowane",
1401"Notepad" => "Notatnik",
1402"MyFiles" => "MojePliki",
1403"Sent editions" => "Sent editions",
1404"Admin Newsletters" => "Zarządzaj biuletynami",
1405"The newsletter was sent to {\$sent} email addresses" => "The newsletter was sent to {\$sent} email addresses",
1406"Subscribe to Newsletter" => "Subskrybuj biuletyn",
1407"Subscribe to this Newsletter" => "Subskrybuj",
1408"Write a note" => "Napisz natatkę",
1409"quota" => "pojemność",
1410"No notes yet" => "Nie ma notatek",
1411"Merge selected notes into" => "merge selected notes into",
1412"Reading note:" => "Reading note:",
1413"List notes" => "Pokaż notatki",
1414"Write note" => "Napisz natatkę",
1415"Wiki Create" => "Wiki create",
1416"Wiki Overwrite" => "Wiki overwrite",
1417"Assign permissions to " => "Przydziel uprawnienia do ",
1418"Assign permissions to this object" => "Przydziel uprawnienia do tego obiektu",
1419"Orphan Pages" => "Strony osierocone",
1420"Browser not supported" => "Browser not supported",
1421"Discuss" => "Dyskutuj",
1422"Pick user profile picture" => "Wybierz własny emblemat",
1423"Other Polls" => "Other Polls",
1424"The original document is available at" => "The original document is available at",
1425"Print multiple pages" => "Drukuj wiele stron",
1426"Remove Page" => "Usuń stronę",
1427"Quiz result stats" => "Quiz result stats",
1428"User answers" => "User answers",
1429"Stats for quizzes" => "Stats for quizzes",
1430"taken" => "wybrane",
1431"Av score" => "Śr. wynik",
1432"Av time" => "Śr. czas",
1433"Stats for quiz" => "Statystyki quizu",
1434"Clear Stats" => "Wyczyść statystyki",
1435"Stats for this quiz Questions " => "Stats for this quiz Questions ",
1436"Top 10" => "Top 10",
1437"Top 20" => "Top 20",
1438"Top 50" => "Top 50",
1439"Top 100" => "Top 100",
1440"Received articles" => "Otrzymane artykuły",
1441"Edit received article" => "Edytuj otrzymany artykuł",
1442"Image x size" => "Image x size",
1443"Image y size" => "Image y size",
1444"Image name" => "Image name",
1445"Image:" => "Image:",
1446"Publishing date" => "Data publikacji",
1447"Accept Article" => "Zaakceptuj artykuł",
1448"Received Pages" => "Strony do zatwierdzenia",
1449"Referer stats" => "Statystyki stron odsyłających",
1450"Register as a new user" => "Zarejestruj się jako nowy użytkownik",
1451"The following site was added and validation by admin may be needed before appearing on the lists" => "Następujące witryny zostały dodane, lecz mogą wymagać sprawdzenia przez administratora przed zamieszczeniem w katalogu",
1452"Rename page" => "Zmień nazwę strony",
1453"Searched" => "Szukano",
1454"Search in" => "Szukaj w",
1455"No pages matched the search criteria" => "Nie znaleziono stron odpowiadających kryteriom wyszukiwania",
1456"This newsletter will be sent to {\$subscribers} email addresses." => "This newsletter will be sent to {\$subscribers} email addresses.",
1457"Prepare a newsletter to be sent" => "Prepare a newsletter to be sent",
1458"Admin templates" => "Zarządzaj szablonami",
1459"remove" => "usuń",
1460"Send objects" => "Wyślij obiekty",
1461"Transmission results" => "Wyniki transmisji",
1462"Send Wiki Pages" => "Wyślij strony Wiki",
1463"Send Articles" => "Wyślij artykuły",
1464"Add Article" => "Dodaj artykuł",
1465"Send objects to this site" => "Wyślij obiekty na tę witrynę",
1466"Short link" => "Link skrócony",
1467"Recipient(s)" => "Adresat",
1468"Separate multiple email addresses with a comma and a space" => "Wiecej adresów oddziel przecinkami.",
1469"Separate multiple email addresses with a comma." => "Wiecej adresów oddziel przecinkami.",
1470"Your name" => "Twoje imię",
1471"Share access rights" => "Podziel się prawami dostępu",
1472"Post on forum" => "Dodaj wpis na forum",
1473"Post or edit a message" => "Prześlij lub edytuj wiadomość",
1474"Contributors to this page:" => "Zmiany na tej stronie wprowadzali:",
1475"Save changes" => "Zapisz zmiany",
1476"Site Stats" => "Statystyki witryny",
1477"Total pageviews" => "Liczba wyświetlonych stron",
1478"Average pageviews per day" => "Średnia liczba wyświetleń stron dziennie",
1479"Wiki Stats" => "Statystyki Wiki",
1480"Size of Wiki Pages" => "Objętość stron Wiki",
1481"Average page length" => "Średnia wielkość strony",
1482"Average versions per page" => "Średnia liczba wersji strony",
1483"Visits to wiki pages" => "Odwiedziny stron wiki",
1484"Average links per page" => "Średnia liczba odsyłaczy na stronie",
1485"Image galleries Stats" => "Statystyki galerii obrazów",
1486"Average images per gallery" => "Średnia liczba obrazów w galerii",
1487"Total size of images" => "Ogólna wielkość obrazów",
1488"Average image size" => "Średnia wielkość obrazu",
1489"Visits to image galleries" => "Odwiedziny galerii obrazów",
1490"File galleries Stats" => "Statystyki galerii plików",
1491"Average files per gallery" => "Średnia liczba plików w galerii",
1492"Total size of files" => "Ogólna wielkość plików",
1493"Average file size" => "Średnia wielkość pliku",
1494"Visits to file galleries" => "Odwiedziny galerii plików",
1495"Total reads" => "Całkowita liczba wyświetleń",
1496"Average reads per article" => "Średnia liczba wyświetleń artykułów",
1497"Total articles size" => "Ogólem wielkość artykułów",
1498"Average article size" => "Średnia wielkość artykułu",
1499"Forum Stats" => "Statystyki forum",
1500"Total topics" => "Liczba tematów ogółem",
1501"Average topics per forums" => "Średnia liczba tematów na forum",
1502"Visits to forums" => "Odwiedziny forum",
1503"Blog Stats" => "Statystyki blogów",
1504"Weblogs" => "Weblogi",
1505"Total posts" => "Ogółem wiadomości",
1506"Average posts per weblog" => "Średnia liczba wiadomości w weblogu",
1507"Total size of blog posts" => "Ogółem wielkość wiadomości w blogach",
1508"Average posts size" => "Średnia wielkość wiadomości",
1509"Visits to weblogs" => "Odwiedziny weblogów",
1510"Poll Stats" => "Statystyki sondaży",
1511"Total votes" => "Ogółem głosów",
1512"Average votes per poll" => "Średnia liczba głosów w sondażu",
1513"Total questions" => "Liczba pytań ogółem",
1514"Average questions per FAQ" => "Średnia liczba pytań w CZP",
1515"User Stats" => "Statystyki użytkowników",
1516"Average bookmarks per user" => "Średnia liczba zakładek użytkownika",
1517"Average questions per quiz" => "Średnia liczba pytań w quizie",
1518"Quizzes taken" => "Wybrane quizy",
1519"Average quiz score" => "Średni wynik quizu",
1520"Average time per quiz" => "Średni czas quizu",
1521"Usage chart" => "Wykres użytkowania",
1522"Stats for surveys" => "Statystyki ankiet",
1523"Last taken" => "Ostatnio wybrane",
1524"Stats for survey" => "Statystyki ankiet",
1525"Time Left" => "Pozostały czas",
1526"Send Answers" => "Prześlij odpowiedzi",
1527"Control by Sections" => "Control by Sections",
1528"Assign themes to categories" => "Assign themes to categories",
1529"Assigned categories" => "Assigned categories",
1530"Control by Categories" => "Control by Categories",
1531"Assign themes to objects" => "Assign themes to objects",
1532"Assigned objects" => "Assigned objects",
1533"Assign themes to sections" => "Assign themes to sections",
1534"Assigned sections" => "Assigned sections",
1535"Summary" => "Streszczenie",
1536"Batch Upload Results" => "Batch Upload Results",
1537"Upload successful!" => "Upload successful!",
1538"The following image was successfully uploaded" => "The following image was successfully uploaded",
1539"You can view this image in your browser using" => "You can view this image in your browser using",
1540"Now enter the image URL" => "Now enter the image URL",
1541"or upload a local image from your disk" => "or upload a local image from your disk",
1542"Batch Upload" => "Batch upload",
1543"Thumbnail (optional, overrides automatic thumbnail generation)" => "Thumbnail (optional, overrides automatic thumbnail generation)",
1544"You have to create a gallery first!" => "You have to create a gallery first!",
1545"User assigned modules" => "Moduły przypisane użytkownikowi",
1546"Restore defaults" => "Przywróć domyślne",
1547"#" => "#",
1548"Assign module" => "Przypisz moduł",
1549"top" => "góra",
1550"Current folder" => "Bieżący folder",
1551"Folders" => "Foldery",
1552"Admin folders and bookmarks" => "Zarządzaj folderami i zakładkami",
1553"Change preferences" => "Zmień preferencje",
1554"Send me a message" => "Przyślij mi wiadomość",
1555"Assign Group" => "Przypisz grupę",
1556"The user has chosen to make his information private" => "The user has chosen to make his information private",
1557"User Messages" => "Wiadomości użytkownika",
1558"User Tasks" => "Zadania użytkownika",
1559"Account Information" => "Dane konta",
1560"Percentage completed" => "Stopień ukończenia",
1561"No tasks entered" => "Nie ma zadań",
1562"Monthly" => "Monthly",
1563"Add Watch" => "Dodaj do obserwowanych",
1564"Select event type" => "Wybierz rodzaj zdarzenia",
1565"All watched events" => "Wszystkie obserwowane zdarzenia",
1566"User Menu" => "Menu użytkownika",
1567"May need to refresh twice to see changes" => "May need to refresh twice to see changes",
1568"Add top level bookmarks to menu" => "Dodaj zakładki najwyższego poziomu do menu",
1569"Add or edit an item" => "Dodaj lub edytuj pozycję",
1570"New Window" => "Nowe okno",
1571"replace window" => "zastąp okno",
1572"Delete Selected" => "Usuń zaznaczone",
1573"Pos" => "Pozycja",
1574"User_versions_for" => "User_versions_for",
1575"Banner stats" => "Banner stats",
1576"Create new banner" => "Create new banner",
1577"Banner Information" => "Banner Information",
1578"Click ratio" => "Click ratio",
1579"Weekdays" => "Weekdays",
1580"mon" => "pn",
1581"tue" => "wt",
1582"wed" => "śr",
1583"thu" => "cz",
1584"fri" => "pt",
1585"sat" => "sb",
1586"sun" => "nd",
1587"Banner raw data" => "Banner raw data",
1588"Cached" => "Przechowywane w cache",
1589"This is a cached version of the page." => "To jest wersja strony przechowywana w cache.",
1590"Click here to view the Google cache of the page instead." => "Click here to view the Google cache of the page instead.",
1591"Edit Forum" => "Edytuj forum",
1592"Forum List" => "Lista for",
1593"pts" => "pkt",
1594"All posts" => "Wszystkie wiadomości",
1595"Last hour" => "Last hour",
1596"Last 24 hours" => "Last 24 hours",
1597"Last 48 hours" => "Last 48 hours",
1598"normal" => "normal",
1599"announce" => "announce",
1600"hot" => "hot",
1601"Show posts" => "Pokaż wiadomości",
1602"Jump to forum" => "Jump to forum",
1603"Insert New Item" => "Insert new item",
1604"Insert new item" => "Insert new item",
1605"Fields Export" => "Eksportuj",
1606"with" => "z",
1607"List Trackers" => "List Trackers",
1608"Message sent to" => "Wiadomość wysłana do",
1609"Subscription confirmed!" => "Subskrypcja potwierdzona!",
1610"Save Minor Edit" => "Mała",
1611"Profiles" => "Profile",
1612"Your personal Wiki Page" => "Twoja osobista strona Wiki",
1613"Is email public? (uses scrambling to prevent spam)" => "Adres email widoczny publicznie? (uses scrambling to prevent spam)",
1614"Look & Feel" => "Wygląd",
1615"Editing and Plugins" => "Edycja i wtyczki",
1616"Upload failed" => "Upload failed",
1617"All posted" => "Wszystkie nadesłane",
1618"Queue anonymous posts" => "Anonimowe wiadomości oczekują w kolejce",
1619"Queue all posts" => "Wszystkie wiadomości oczekują w kolejce",
1620"No attachments" => "Brak załączników",
1621"Everybody can attach" => "Everybody can attach",
1622"Only users with attach permission" => "Only users with attach permission",
1623"Moderators and admin can attach" => "Moderators and admin can attach",
1624"Date (desc)" => "Data (mal.)",
1625"Date (asc)" => "Data (rosn.)",
1626"Score (desc)" => "Wynik (mal.)",
1627"Replies (desc)" => "Odpowiedzi (mal.)",
1628"Reads (desc)" => "Wyświetlenia (mal.)",
1629"No menu indicated" => "No menu indicated",
1630"No newsletter indicated" => "No newsletter indicated",
1631"No poll indicated" => "No poll indicated",
1632"You do not have permission to view this page." => "Brak uprawnień, nie możesz zobaczyć tej strony",
1633"You do not have permission to edit this page." => "You do not have permission to edit this page.",
1634"You must specify a page name, it will be created if it doesn't exist." => "Musisz podać nazwę strony, strona jeśli nie istnieje zostanie utworzona",
1635"page not added (Exists)" => "page not added (Exists)",
1636"No survey indicated" => "No survey indicated",
1637"No tracker indicated" => "No tracker indicated",
1638"No records were found. Check the file please!" => "No records were found. Check the file please!",
1639"User login is required" => "User login is required",
1640"Email is required" => "Adres email jest konieczny",
1641"User is duplicated" => "User is duplicated",
1642"email" => "email",
1643"Review" => "Review",
1644"User doesn't exist" => "User doesnt exist",
1645"The page cannot be found" => "The page cannot be found",
1646"You do not have permission to edit this post" => "You do not have permission to edit this post",
1647"Top visited blogs" => "Top visited blogs",
1648"Last posts" => "Last posts",
1649"Top active blogs" => "Top active blogs",
1650"You do not have permission to access this gallery" => "Dostęp zabroniony do tej galerii",
1651"No gallery indicated" => "No gallery indicated",
1652"You do not have permission to remove images from this gallery" => "Dostęp zabroniony, nie możesz usunąć obrazów z tej galerii",
1653"You do not have permission to rebuild thumbnails in this gallery" => "Dostęp zabroniony, nie możesz przebudować miniatur w tej galerii",
1654"You do not have permission to rotate images in this gallery" => "Dostęp zabroniony, nie możesz obracać obrazów w tej galerii",
1655"No image indicated" => "No image indicated",
1656"picture not found" => "picture not found",
1657"You do not have permission to move images from this gallery" => "Dostęp zabroniony, nie możesz przesuwać obrazów z tej galerii",
1658"You do not have permission to view the calendar" => "Dostęp zabroniony, nie możesz zobaczyć kalendarza",
1659"event without name" => "event without name",
1660"You can not use the same password again" => "You can not use the same password again",
1661"Invalid old password" => "Nieprawidłowe stare hasło",
1662"Top authors" => "Najlepsi autorzy",
1663"Invalid" => "Invalid",
1664"Submit a new link" => "Dodaj nowy odnośnik",
1665"Must enter a name to add a site" => "Must enter a name to add a site",
1666"Must enter a url to add a site" => "Must enter a url to add a site",
1667"URL already added to the directory. Duplicate site?" => "URL already added to the directory. Duplicate site?",
1668"Must select a category" => "Musisz zaznaczyć kategorię",
1669"Browse Directory" => "Przeglądaj katalog",
1670"No site indicated" => "No site indicated",
1671"Article not found" => "Artykuł nie znaleziony",
1672"You do not have permission to edit this article" => "You do not have permission to edit this article",
1673"Banner not found" => "Banner not found",
1674"You do not have permission to edit this banner" => "You do not have permission to edit this banner",
1675"You do not have permission to edit this blog" => "You do not have permission to edit this blog",
1676"Invalid request to edit an image" => "Invalid request to edit an image",
1677"You have permission to edit images but not in this gallery" => "You have permission to edit images but not in this gallery",
1678"Failed to edit the image" => "Failed to edit the image",
1679"No content id indicated" => "No content id indicated",
1680"No question indicated" => "No question indicated",
1681"No quiz indicated" => "No quiz indicated",
1682"No structure indicated" => "No structure indicated",
1683"You do not have permission to edit submissions" => "You do not have permission to edit submissions",
1684"You have to create a topic first" => "You have to create a topic first",
1685"You do not have permission to do that" => "You do not have permission to do that",
1686"You do not have permission to write the template" => "You do not have permission to write the template",
1687"You do not have permission to read the template" => "You do not have permission to read the template",
1688"page imported" => "page imported",
1689"created from import" => "created from import",
1690"The Sandbox is disabled" => "Brudnopis nie jest uaktywniony",
1691"The page cannot be edited because it is locked" => "Strony nie można edytować, ponieważ jest zablokowana",
1692"You do not have permission to edit this file" => "You do not have permission to edit this file",
1693"Most-visited file galleries" => "Most-visited file galleries",
1694"Most downloaded files" => "Most downloaded files",
1695"Last files" => "Ostatnie pliki",
1696"No forum indicated" => "No forum indicated",
1697"Last forum topics" => "Ostatnie tematy na forum",
1698"Most-Read Forum Topics" => "Najczęściej czytane tematy",
1699"Top topics" => "Najlepsze tematy",
1700"Forum posts" => "Forum posts",
1701"Most-Visited Forums" => "Najczęściej odwiedzane fora",
1702"List Forums" => "Lista for",
1703"id" => "id",
1704"first image" => "first image",
1705"last image" => "last image",
1706"You do not have permission to create galleries and so you cannot edit them" => "You do not have permission to create galleries and so you cannot edit them",
1707"You do not have permission to edit this gallery" => "You do not have permission to edit this gallery",
1708"You do not have permission to remove this gallery" => "You do not have permission to remove this gallery",
1709"Top images" => "Najlepsze obrazy",
1710"Last images" => "Ostatnie obrazy",
1711"overwriting old page" => "overwriting old page",
1712"page created" => "page created",
1713"You do not have permission to remove articles" => "Brak dostępu, nie możesz usuwać artykułów",
1714"You do not have permission to remove banners" => "Brak dostępu, nie możesz usuwać bannerów",
1715"You do not have permission to remove this blog" => "Brak dostępu, nie możesz usuwać this blog",
1716"Non-existent gallery" => "Non-existent gallery",
1717"You must log in to use this feature" => "You must log in to use this feature",
1718"You do not have permission to view other users data" => "Nie masz uprawnień, aby zobaczyć dane innych użytkowników",
1719"You must be logged in to subscribe to newsletters" => "Musisz zalogować się, aby dokonać subskrypcji biuletynów",
1720"No note indicated" => "No note indicated",
1721"merged note:" => "merged note:",
1722"The file is too large" => "Plik jest zbyt duży",
1723"No item indicated" => "No item indicated",
1724"created from notepad" => "utworzono z notatnika",
1725"No name indicated for wiki page" => "Nie podano tytułu strony wiki",
1726"Not enough information to display this page" => "Brak dostatecznych informacji do wyświetlenia tej strony",
1727"No article indicated" => "Nie wskazano artykułu",
1728"Article is not published yet" => "Artykuł jeszcze nie został opublikowany",
1729"No post indicated" => "Nie wskazano wiadomości",
1730"Blog not found" => "Blog nie znaleziony",
1731"No pages indicated" => "Nie wskazano strony",
1732"No result indicated" => "Nie wskazano wyniku",
1733"Invalid or unknown username" => "Invalid or unknown username",
1734"to the registered email address for" => "to the registered email address for",
1735"Non-existent version" => "Non-existent version",
1736"successfully sent" => "successfully sent",
1737"not sent" => "not sent",
1738"Send Pages" => "Strony wysłane",
1739"You cannot take this quiz twice" => "You cannot take this quiz twice",
1740"The quiz time limit was exceeded. The quiz score cannot be computed" => "The quiz time limit was exceeded. The quiz score cannot be computed",
1741"You cannot take this survey twice" => "You cannot take this survey twice",
1742"Please create a category first" => "Please create a category first",
1743"Error processing zipped image package" => "Error processing zipped image package",
1744"No permission to upload zipped image packages" => "No permission to upload zipped image packages",
1745"You do not have permission to upload images" => "You do not have permission to upload images",
1746"You have permission to upload images but not to this gallery" => "You have permission to upload images but not to this gallery",
1747"Cannot get image from URL" => "Cannot get image from URL",
1748"TOP" => "TOP",
1749"No URL indicated" => "No URL indicated",
1750"ERROR: Either the subject or body must be non-empty" => "ERROR: Either the subject or body must be non-empty",
1751"Unknown user" => "Unknown user",
1752"The passwords did not match" => "The passwords didn't match",
1753"Cannot upload this file. The storage quota would be exceeded" => "Cannot upload this file. The storage quota would be exceeded",
1754"No user indicated" => "No user indicated",
1755"Non-existent user" => "Non-existent user",
1756"No banner indicated" => "No banner indicated",
1757"No blog indicated" => "No blog indicated",
1758"No cache information available" => "No cache information available",
1759"No FAQ indicated" => "No faq indicated",
1760"No thread indicated" => "No thread indicated",
1761"Address book" => "Książka adresowa",
1762"Top pages" => "Najlepsze strony",
1763"Last pages" => "Ostatnie strony",