1 // *****************************************************************************
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Copyright 2012 - 2014, Cadence Design Systems
4 //
5 // This  file  is  part  of  the  Cadence  LEF/DEF  Open   Source
6 // Distribution,  Product Version 5.8.
7 //
8 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 //    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 //    You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 //
12 //        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 //
14 //    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 //    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17 //    implied. See the License for the specific language governing
18 //    permissions and limitations under the License.
19 //
20 // For updates, support, or to become part of the LEF/DEF Community,
21 // check www.openeda.org for details.
22 //
23 //  $Author: arakhman $
24 //  $Revision: #11 $
25 //  $Date: 2013/04/23 $
26 //  $State:  $
27 // *****************************************************************************
28 // *****************************************************************************
30 #ifndef lefrData_h
31 #define lefrData_h
33 #include <cstring>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <vector>
36 #include <map>
38 #include "lefiDefs.hpp"
39 #include "lefiUser.hpp"
40 #include "lefiLayer.hpp"
41 #include "lefiArray.hpp"
42 #include "lefiUtil.hpp"
43 #include "lefiMacro.hpp"
44 #include "lefiPropType.hpp"
45 #include "lefiCrossTalk.hpp"
46 #include "lefiProp.hpp"
47 #include "lefiNonDefault.hpp"
48 #include "lefiVia.hpp"
49 #include "lefiViaRule.hpp"
50 #include "lefiUnits.hpp"
51 #include "lefrReader.hpp"
53 #define CURRENT_VERSION 5.8
54 #define RING_SIZE 10
55 #define IN_BUF_SIZE 16384
56 #define TOKEN_SIZE 4096
60 struct lefCompareStrings
61 {
operator ()lefCompareStrings62     bool operator()(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs) const {
63         return std::strcmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str()) < 0;
64     }
65 };
67 typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, lefCompareStrings> lefAliasMap;
69 typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, lefCompareStrings> lefStringMap;
71 typedef std::map<std::string, int, lefCompareStrings> lefIntMap;
73 typedef std::map<std::string, double, lefCompareStrings> lefDoubleMap;
76 class lefrData {
77 public:
78     lefrData();
79     ~lefrData();
81     static void reset();
82 	void		initRead();
83     void		doubleBuffer();
85     FILE*  lefrFile;
86     FILE*  lefrLog;
88     char   lefPropDefType;
90     char*  arrayName;
91     char*  last;
92     char*  layerName;
93     char*  lefch;
94     char*  lefrFileName;
95     char*  macroName;
96     char*  ndName;
97     char*  next;
98     char*  nonDefaultRuleName;
99     char*  outMsg;
100     char*  pinName;
101     char*  shiftBuf;
102     char*  siteName;
103     char*  viaName;
104     char*  viaRuleName;
106     double  layerCutSpacing;
107     double  lef_save_x;
108     double  lef_save_y; // for interpreting (*) notation of LEF/DEF
109     double  leflVal;
110     double  lefrVal;
111     double  versionNum;
113     int  antennaInoutWarnings;
114     int  antennaInputWarnings;
115     int  antennaOutputWarnings;
116     int  arrayCutsVal;
117     int  arrayCutsWar;
118     int  arrayWarnings;
119     int  caseSensitiveWarnings;
120     int  correctionTableWarnings;
121     int  dielectricWarnings;
122     int  doneLib; // keep track if the library is done parsing
123     int  edgeRateScaleFactorWarnings;
124     int  edgeRateThreshold1Warnings;
125     int  edgeRateThreshold2Warnings;
126     int  encrypted;
127     int  first;
128     int  first_buffer;
129     int  ge56almostDone; // have reached the EXTENSION SECTION
130     int  ge56done; // a 5.6 and it has END LIBRARY statement
131     int  hasBusBit;
132     int  hasDirection;
133     int  hasDivChar;
134     int  hasFixedMask;
135     int  hasGeoLayer;
136     int  hasInfluence;
137     int  hasLayerMincut;
138     int  hasManufactur;
139     int  hasMask;
140     int  hasMinfeature;
141     int  hasNameCase;
142     int  hasOpenedLogFile;
143     int  hasPRP;
144     int  hasParallel;
145     int  hasPitch;
146     int  hasSamenet;
147     int  hasSite;
148     int  hasSiteClass;
149     int  hasSiteSize;
150     int  hasSpCenter;
151     int  hasSpLayer;
152     int  hasSpParallel;
153     int  hasSpSamenet;
154     int  hasTwoWidths;
155     int  hasType;
156     int  hasVer;
157     int  hasViaRule_layer;
158     int  hasWidth;
159     int  hasFatalError; // don't report errors after the file end.
160     int  iRDropWarnings;
161     int  ignoreVersion; // ignore checking version number
162     int  inDefine;
163     int  inoutAntennaWarnings;
164     int  inputAntennaWarnings;
165     int  input_level;
166     int  isGenerate;
167     int  layerCut;
168     int  layerDir;
169     int  layerMastOver;
170     int  layerRout;
171     int  layerWarnings;
172     int  lefDefIf;
173     int  lefDumbMode;
174     int  lefErrMsgPrinted;
175     int  lefFixedMask; //All the LEF MACRO PIN MASK assignments can be
176     int  lefInfoMsgPrinted;
177     int  lefInvalidChar;
178     int  lefNdRule;
179     int  lefNewIsKeyword;
180     int  lefNlToken;
181     int  lefNoNum;
182     int  lefRetVal;
183     int  lefWRetVal;
184     int  lefWarnMsgPrinted;
185     int  lef_errors;
186     int  lef_nlines;
187     int  lef_ntokens;
188     int  lef_warnings;
189     int  lefrDoGcell;
190     int  lefrDoGeometries;
191     int  lefrDoSite;
192     int  lefrDoTrack;
193     int  lefrHasLayer; // 5.5 this & lefrHasMaxVS is to keep track that
194     int  lefrHasMaxVS; // MAXVIASTACK has to be after all layers
195     int  lefrHasSpacing; // keep track of spacing in a layer
196     int  lefrHasSpacingTbl; // keep track of spacing table in a layer
198     int  macroWarnings;
199     int  maxStackViaWarnings;
200     int  minFeatureWarnings;
201     int  msgCnt;
202     int  namesCaseSensitive; // always true in 5.6
203     int  ndLayer;
204     int  ndLayerSpace;
205     int  ndLayerWidth;
206     int  ndRule;
207     int  needGeometry;
208     int  noWireExtensionWarnings;
209     int  noiseMarginWarnings;
210     int  noiseTableWarnings;
211     int  nonDefaultWarnings;
212     int  numVia;
213     int  obsDef;
214     int  origDef;
215     int  outputAntennaWarnings;
216     int  pinDef;
217     int  pinWarnings;
218     int  prtNewLine; // sometimes need to print a new line
219     int  prtSemiColon; // sometimes ; is not printed yet
220     int  ringPlace;
221     int  shiftBufLength;
222     int  siteDef;
223     int  siteWarnings;
224     int  sizeDef;
225     int  spParallelLength;
226     int  spaceMissing;
227     int  spacingWarnings;
228     int  symDef;
229     int  timingWarnings;
230     int  unitsWarnings;
231     int  use5_3;
232     int  use5_4;
233     int  useLenThr;
234     int  useMinSpacingWarnings;
235     int  viaLayer;
236     int  viaRuleHasDir;
237     int  viaRuleHasEnc;
238     int  viaRuleLayer;
239     int  viaRuleWarnings;
240     int  viaWarnings;
242     lefiAntennaEnum  antennaType;
243     lefiAntennaPWL*  lefrAntennaPWLPtr;
244     lefiArray  lefrArray;
245     lefiCorrectionTable  lefrCorrectionTable;
246     lefiDensity  lefrDensity;
247     lefiGcellPattern*  lefrGcellPatternPtr;
248     lefiGeometries*  lefrGeometriesPtr;
249     lefiIRDrop  lefrIRDrop;
250     lefiLayer  lefrLayer;
251     lefiMacro  lefrMacro;
252     lefiMaxStackVia  lefrMaxStackVia; // 5.5
253     lefiMinFeature  lefrMinFeature;
254     lefiNoiseMargin  lefrNoiseMargin;
255     lefiNoiseTable  lefrNoiseTable;
256     lefiNonDefault  lefrNonDefault;
257     lefiNonDefault*  nd; // PCR 909010 - For VIA in the nondefaultrule
258     lefiNum  macroNum;
259     lefiObstruction  lefrObstruction;
260     lefiPin  lefrPin;
261     lefiProp  lefrProp;
262     lefiSite  lefrSite;
263     lefiSitePattern*  lefrSitePatternPtr;
264     lefiSpacing  lefrSpacing;
265     lefiTiming  lefrTiming;
266     lefiTrackPattern*  lefrTrackPatternPtr;
267     lefiUnits  lefrUnits;
268     lefiUseMinSpacing  lefrUseMinSpacing;
269     lefiVia  lefrVia;
270     lefiViaRule  lefrViaRule;
272     lefStringMap        alias_set;
273     lefDoubleMap        define_set;
274     lefIntMap           defineb_set;
275     lefStringMap        defines_set;
276     int                 tokenSize;
278     //ARRAYS
279     // Ring buffer storage
280     char       *ring[RING_SIZE];
281     int         ringSizes[RING_SIZE];
282     char        lefDebug[100];
284     char       *current_token;
285     char       *pv_token;
286     char       *uc_token;
288     char       current_buffer[IN_BUF_SIZE];
289     const char *current_stack[20];  // the stack itself
291     char       lefrErrMsg[1024];
292     char       temp_name[258];
294     std::vector<char>  Hist_text;
296     // to hold the msg limit, 0 - num of limit
297     // 1 - num of message printed, 4701 = 4700 + 1, message starts on 1
298     // 2 - warning printed
299     int msgLimit[2][MAX_LEF_MSGS];
300 };
302 extern lefrData *lefData;
306 #endif