1#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
3# BackupPC::PoolWrite package
7#   This library defines a BackupPC::PoolWrite class for writing
8#   files to disk that are candidates for pooling.  One instance
9#   of this class is used to write each file.  The following steps
10#   are executed:
12#     - As the incoming data arrives, the first 1MB is buffered
13#       in memory so the MD5 digest can be computed.
15#     - A running comparison against all the candidate pool files
16#       (ie: those with the same MD5 digest, usually at most a single
17#       file) is done as new incoming data arrives.  Up to $MaxFiles
18#       simultaneous files can be compared in parallel.  This
19#       involves reading and uncompressing one or more pool files.
21#     - When a pool file no longer matches it is discarded from
22#       the search.  If there are more than $MaxFiles candidates, one of
23#       the new candidates is added to the search, first checking
24#       that it matches up to the current point (this requires
25#       re-reading one of the other pool files).
27#     - When or if no pool files match then the new file is written
28#       to disk.  This could occur many MB into the file.  We don't
29#       need to buffer all this data in memory since we can copy it
30#       from the last matching pool file, up to the point where it
31#       fully matched.
33#     - When all the new data is complete, if a pool file exactly
34#       matches then the file is simply created as a hardlink to
35#       the pool file.
38#   Craig Barratt  <cbarratt@users.sourceforge.net>
41#   Copyright (C) 2001-2017  Craig Barratt
43#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
44#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
45#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
46#   (at your option) any later version.
48#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
49#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
51#   GNU General Public License for more details.
53#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
54#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
55#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
59# Version 3.3.2, released 25 Jan 2017.
61# See http://backuppc.sourceforge.net.
65package BackupPC::PoolWrite;
67use strict;
69use File::Path;
70use Digest::MD5;
71use BackupPC::FileZIO;
73sub new
75    my($class, $bpc, $fileName, $fileSize, $compress) = @_;
77    my $self = bless {
78        fileName => $fileName,
79        fileSize => $fileSize,
80        bpc      => $bpc,
81        compress => $compress,
82        nWrite   => 0,
83        digest   => undef,
84        files    => [],
85        fileCnt  => -1,
86        fhOut    => undef,
87        errors   => [],
88        data     => "",
89        eof      => undef,
90    }, $class;
92    $self->{hardLinkMax} = $bpc->ConfValue("HardLinkMax");
94    #
95    # Always unlink any current file in case it is already linked
96    #
97    unlink($fileName) if ( -f $fileName );
98    if ( $fileName =~ m{(.*)/.+} && !-d $1 ) {
99        my $newDir = $1;
100        eval { mkpath($newDir, 0, 0777) };
101        if ( $@ ) {
102            push(@{$self->{errors}}, "Unable to create directory $newDir for $self->{fileName}");
103        }
104    }
105    return $self;
108my $BufSize  = 1048576;  # 1MB or 2^20
109my $MaxFiles = 20;       # max number of compare files open at one time
111sub write
113    my($a, $dataRef) = @_;
115    return if ( $a->{eof} );
116    $a->{data} .= $$dataRef if ( defined($dataRef) );
117    return if ( length($a->{data}) < $BufSize && defined($dataRef) );
119    #
120    # Correct the fileSize if it is wrong (rsync might transfer
121    # a file whose length is different to the length sent with the
122    # file list if the file changes between the file list sending
123    # and the file sending).  Here we only catch the case where
124    # we haven't computed the digest (ie: we have written no more
125    # than $BufSize).  We catch the big file case below.
126    #
127    if ( !defined($dataRef) && !defined($a->{digest})
128		&& $a->{fileSize} != length($a->{data}) ) {
129	#my $newSize = length($a->{data});
130	#print("Fixing file size from $a->{fileSize} to $newSize\n");
131	$a->{fileSize} = length($a->{data});
132    }
134    if ( !defined($a->{digest}) && length($a->{data}) > 0 ) {
135        #
136        # build a list of all the candidate matching files
137        #
138        my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
139	$a->{fileSize} = length($a->{data})
140			    if ( $a->{fileSize} < length($a->{data}) );
141        $a->{digest} = $a->{bpc}->Buffer2MD5($md5, $a->{fileSize}, \$a->{data});
142        if ( !defined($a->{base} = $a->{bpc}->MD52Path($a->{digest},
143                                                       $a->{compress})) ) {
144            push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Unable to get path from '$a->{digest}'"
145                                . " for $a->{fileName}");
146        } else {
147            while ( @{$a->{files}} < $MaxFiles ) {
148                my $fh;
149                my $fileName = $a->{fileCnt} < 0 ? $a->{base}
150                                        : "$a->{base}_$a->{fileCnt}";
151                last if ( !-f $fileName );
152                #
153                # Don't attempt to match pool files that already
154                # have too many hardlinks.  Also, don't match pool
155                # files with only one link since starting in
156                # BackupPC v3.0, BackupPC_nightly could be running
157                # in parallel (and removing those files).  This doesn't
158                # eliminate all possible race conditions, but just
159                # reduces the odds.  Other design steps eliminate
160                # the remaining race conditions of linking vs
161                # removing.
162                #
163                if ( (stat(_))[3] >= $a->{hardLinkMax}
164                    || (stat(_))[3] <= 1
165		    || !defined($fh = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($fileName, 0,
166                                                     $a->{compress})) ) {
167                    $a->{fileCnt}++;
168                    next;
169                }
170                push(@{$a->{files}}, {
171                        name => $fileName,
172                        fh   => $fh,
173                     });
174                $a->{fileCnt}++;
175            }
176        }
177        #
178        # if there are no candidate files then we must write
179        # the new file to disk
180        #
181        if ( !@{$a->{files}} ) {
182            $a->{fhOut} = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($a->{fileName},
183                                              1, $a->{compress});
184            if ( !defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
185                push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Unable to open $a->{fileName}"
186                                    . " for writing");
187            }
188        }
189    }
190    my $dataLen = length($a->{data});
191    if ( !defined($a->{fhOut}) && length($a->{data}) > 0 ) {
192        #
193        # See if the new chunk of data continues to match the
194        # candidate files.
195        #
196        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{$a->{files}} ; $i++ ) {
197            my($d, $match);
198            my $fileName = $a->{fileCnt} < 0 ? $a->{base}
199                                             : "$a->{base}_$a->{fileCnt}";
200            if ( $dataLen > 0 ) {
201                # verify next $dataLen bytes from candidate file
202                my $n = $a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->read(\$d, $dataLen);
203                next if ( $n == $dataLen && $d eq $a->{data} );
204            } else {
205                # verify candidate file is at EOF
206                my $n = $a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->read(\$d, 100);
207                next if ( $n == 0 );
208            }
209            #print("   File $a->{files}[$i]->{name} doesn't match\n");
210            #
211            # this candidate file didn't match.  Replace it
212            # with a new candidate file.  We have to qualify
213            # any new candidate file by making sure that its
214            # first $a->{nWrite} bytes match, plus the next $dataLen
215            # bytes match $a->{data}.
216            #
217            while ( -f $fileName ) {
218                my $fh;
219                if ( (stat(_))[3] >= $a->{hardLinkMax}
220		    || !defined($fh = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($fileName, 0,
221                                                     $a->{compress})) ) {
222                    $a->{fileCnt}++;
223                    #print("   Discarding $fileName (open failed)\n");
224                    $fileName = "$a->{base}_$a->{fileCnt}";
225                    next;
226                }
227                if ( !$a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->rewind() ) {
228                    push(@{$a->{errors}},
229                            "Unable to rewind $a->{files}[$i]->{name}"
230                          . " for compare");
231                }
232                $match = $a->filePartialCompare($a->{files}[$i]->{fh}, $fh,
233                                          $a->{nWrite}, $dataLen, \$a->{data});
234                if ( $match ) {
235                    $a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->close();
236                    $a->{files}[$i]->{fh} = $fh,
237                    $a->{files}[$i]->{name} = $fileName;
238                    #print("   Found new candidate $fileName\n");
239                    $a->{fileCnt}++;
240                    last;
241                } else {
242                    #print("   Discarding $fileName (no match)\n");
243                }
244                $fh->close();
245                $a->{fileCnt}++;
246                $fileName = "$a->{base}_$a->{fileCnt}";
247            }
248            if ( !$match ) {
249                #
250                # We couldn't find another candidate file
251                #
252                if ( @{$a->{files}} == 1 ) {
253                    #print("   Exhausted matches, now writing\n");
254                    $a->{fhOut} = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($a->{fileName},
255                                                    1, $a->{compress});
256                    if ( !defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
257                        push(@{$a->{errors}},
258                                "Unable to open $a->{fileName}"
259                              . " for writing");
260                    } else {
261                        if ( !$a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->rewind() ) {
262                            push(@{$a->{errors}},
263                                     "Unable to rewind"
264                                   . " $a->{files}[$i]->{name} for copy");
265                        }
266                        $a->filePartialCopy($a->{files}[$i]->{fh}, $a->{fhOut},
267                                        $a->{nWrite});
268                    }
269                }
270                $a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->close();
271                splice(@{$a->{files}}, $i, 1);
272                $i--;
273            }
274        }
275    }
276    if ( defined($a->{fhOut}) && $dataLen > 0 ) {
277        #
278        # if we are in writing mode then just write the data
279        #
280        my $n = $a->{fhOut}->write(\$a->{data});
281        if ( $n != $dataLen ) {
282            push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Unable to write $dataLen bytes to"
283                                . " $a->{fileName} (got $n)");
284        }
285    }
286    $a->{nWrite} += $dataLen;
287    $a->{data} = "";
288    return if ( defined($dataRef) );
290    #
291    # We are at EOF, so finish up
292    #
293    $a->{eof} = 1;
295    #
296    # Make sure the fileSize was correct.  See above for comments about
297    # rsync.
298    #
299    if ( $a->{nWrite} != $a->{fileSize} ) {
300	#
301	# Oops, fileSize was wrong, so our MD5 digest was wrong and our
302	# effort to match files likely failed.  This is ugly, but our
303	# only choice at this point is to re-write the entire file with
304	# the correct length.  We need to rename the file, open it for
305	# reading, and then re-write the file with the correct length.
306	#
308	#print("Doing big file fixup ($a->{fileSize} != $a->{nWrite})\n");
310	my($fh, $fileName);
311	$a->{fileSize} = $a->{nWrite};
313	if ( defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
314	    if ( $a->{fileName} =~ /(.*)\// ) {
315		$fileName = $1;
316	    } else {
317		$fileName = ".";
318	    }
319	    #
320	    # Find a unique target temporary file name
321	    #
322	    my $i = 0;
323	    while ( -f "$fileName/t$$.$i" ) {
324		$i++;
325	    }
326	    $fileName = "$fileName/t$$.$i";
327	    $a->{fhOut}->close();
328	    if ( !rename($a->{fileName}, $fileName)
329	      || !defined($fh = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($fileName, 0,
330						 $a->{compress})) ) {
331		push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Can't rename $a->{fileName} -> $fileName"
332				    . " or open during size fixup");
333	    }
334	    #print("Using temporary name $fileName\n");
335	} elsif ( defined($a->{files}) && defined($a->{files}[0]) ) {
336	    #
337	    # We haven't written anything yet, so just use the
338	    # compare file to copy from.
339	    #
340	    $fh = $a->{files}[0]->{fh};
341	    $fh->rewind;
342	    #print("Using compare file $a->{files}[0]->{name}\n");
343	}
344	if ( defined($fh) ) {
345	    my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($a->{bpc}, $a->{fileName},
346					$a->{fileSize}, $a->{compress});
347	    my $nRead = 0;
349	    while ( $nRead < $a->{fileSize} ) {
350		my $thisRead = $a->{fileSize} - $nRead < $BufSize
351		 	     ? $a->{fileSize} - $nRead : $BufSize;
352		my $data;
353		my $n = $fh->read(\$data, $thisRead);
354		if ( $n != $thisRead ) {
355		    push(@{$a->{errors}},
356				"Unable to read $thisRead bytes during resize"
357			       . " from temp $fileName (got $n)");
358		    last;
359		}
360		$poolWrite->write(\$data);
361		$nRead += $thisRead;
362	    }
363	    $fh->close;
364	    unlink($fileName) if ( defined($fileName) );
365	    if ( @{$a->{errors}} ) {
366		$poolWrite->close;
367		return (0, $a->{digest}, -s $a->{fileName}, $a->{errors});
368	    } else {
369		return $poolWrite->close;
370	    }
371	}
372    }
374    if ( $a->{fileSize} == 0 ) {
375        #
376        # Simply create an empty file
377        #
378        local(*OUT);
379        if ( !open(OUT, ">", $a->{fileName}) ) {
380            push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Can't open $a->{fileName} for empty"
381                                . " output");
382        } else {
383            close(OUT);
384        }
385        #
386        # Close the compare files
387        #
388        foreach my $f ( @{$a->{files}} ) {
389            $f->{fh}->close();
390        }
391        return (1, $a->{digest}, -s $a->{fileName}, $a->{errors});
392    } elsif ( defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
393        $a->{fhOut}->close();
394        #
395        # Close the compare files
396        #
397        foreach my $f ( @{$a->{files}} ) {
398            $f->{fh}->close();
399        }
400        return (0, $a->{digest}, -s $a->{fileName}, $a->{errors});
401    } else {
402        if ( @{$a->{files}} == 0 ) {
403            push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Botch, no matches on $a->{fileName}"
404                                . " ($a->{digest})");
405        } elsif ( @{$a->{files}} > 1 ) {
406	    #
407	    # This is no longer a real error because $Conf{HardLinkMax}
408	    # could be hit, thereby creating identical pool files
409	    #
410            #my $str = "Unexpected multiple matches on"
411            #       . " $a->{fileName} ($a->{digest})\n";
412            #for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{$a->{files}} ; $i++ ) {
413            #    $str .= "     -> $a->{files}[$i]->{name}\n";
414            #}
415            #push(@{$a->{errors}}, $str);
416        }
417        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{$a->{files}} ; $i++ ) {
418            if ( link($a->{files}[$i]->{name}, $a->{fileName}) ) {
419                #print("  Linked $a->{fileName} to $a->{files}[$i]->{name}\n");
420                #
421                # Close the compare files
422                #
423                foreach my $f ( @{$a->{files}} ) {
424                    $f->{fh}->close();
425                }
426                return (1, $a->{digest}, -s $a->{fileName}, $a->{errors});
427            }
428        }
429        #
430        # We were unable to link to the pool.  Either we're at the
431        # hardlink max, or the pool file got deleted.  Recover by
432        # writing the matching file, since we still have an open
433        # handle.
434        #
435        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{$a->{files}} ; $i++ ) {
436            if ( !$a->{files}[$i]->{fh}->rewind() ) {
437                push(@{$a->{errors}},
438                         "Unable to rewind $a->{files}[$i]->{name}"
439                       . " for copy after link fail");
440                next;
441            }
442            $a->{fhOut} = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($a->{fileName},
443                                            1, $a->{compress});
444            if ( !defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
445                push(@{$a->{errors}},
446                        "Unable to open $a->{fileName}"
447                      . " for writing after link fail");
448            } else {
449                $a->filePartialCopy($a->{files}[$i]->{fh}, $a->{fhOut},
450                                    $a->{nWrite});
451                $a->{fhOut}->close;
452            }
453            last;
454        }
455        #
456        # Close the compare files
457        #
458        foreach my $f ( @{$a->{files}} ) {
459            $f->{fh}->close();
460        }
461        return (0, $a->{digest}, -s $a->{fileName}, $a->{errors});
462    }
466# Finish writing: pass undef dataRef to write so it can do all
467# the work.  Returns a 4 element array:
469#   (existingFlag, digestString, outputFileLength, errorList)
471sub close
473    my($a) = @_;
475    return $a->write(undef);
479# Abort a pool write
481sub abort
483    my($a) = @_;
485    if ( defined($a->{fhOut}) ) {
486	$a->{fhOut}->close();
487	unlink($a->{fileName});
488    }
489    foreach my $f ( @{$a->{files}} ) {
490        $f->{fh}->close();
491    }
492    $a->{files} = [];
496# Copy $nBytes from files $fhIn to $fhOut.
498sub filePartialCopy
500    my($a, $fhIn, $fhOut, $nBytes) = @_;
501    my($nRead);
503    while ( $nRead < $nBytes ) {
504        my $thisRead = $nBytes - $nRead < $BufSize
505                            ? $nBytes - $nRead : $BufSize;
506        my $data;
507        my $n = $fhIn->read(\$data, $thisRead);
508        if ( $n != $thisRead ) {
509            push(@{$a->{errors}},
510                        "Unable to read $thisRead bytes from "
511                       . $fhIn->name . " (got $n)");
512            return;
513        }
514        $n = $fhOut->write(\$data, $thisRead);
515        if ( $n != $thisRead ) {
516            push(@{$a->{errors}},
517                        "Unable to write $thisRead bytes to "
518                       . $fhOut->name . " (got $n)");
519            return;
520        }
521        $nRead += $thisRead;
522    }
526# Compare $nBytes from files $fh0 and $fh1, and also compare additional
527# $extra bytes from $fh1 to $$extraData.
529sub filePartialCompare
531    my($a, $fh0, $fh1, $nBytes, $extra, $extraData) = @_;
532    my($nRead, $n);
533    my($data0, $data1);
535    while ( $nRead < $nBytes ) {
536        my $thisRead = $nBytes - $nRead < $BufSize
537                            ? $nBytes - $nRead : $BufSize;
538        $n = $fh0->read(\$data0, $thisRead);
539        if ( $n != $thisRead ) {
540            push(@{$a->{errors}}, "Unable to read $thisRead bytes from "
541                                 . $fh0->name . " (got $n)");
542            return;
543        }
544        $n = $fh1->read(\$data1, $thisRead);
545        return 0 if ( $n < $thisRead || $data0 ne $data1 );
546        $nRead += $thisRead;
547    }
548    if ( $extra > 0 ) {
549        # verify additional bytes
550        $n = $fh1->read(\$data1, $extra);
551        return 0 if ( $n != $extra || $data1 ne $$extraData );
552    } else {
553        # verify EOF
554        $n = $fh1->read(\$data1, 100);
555        return 0 if ( $n != 0 );
556    }
557    return 1;
561# LinkOrCopy() does a hardlink from oldFile to newFile.
563# If that fails (because there are too many links on oldFile)
564# then oldFile is copied to newFile, and the pool stats are
565# returned to be added to the new file list.  That allows
566# BackupPC_link to try again, and to create a new pool file
567# if necessary.
569sub LinkOrCopy
571    my($bpc, $oldFile, $oldFileComp, $newFile, $newFileComp) = @_;
572    my($nRead, $data);
574    unlink($newFile)  if ( -f $newFile );
575    #
576    # Try to link if hardlink limit is ok, and compression types
577    # are the same
578    #
579    return (1, undef) if ( (stat($oldFile))[3] < $bpc->{Conf}{HardLinkMax}
580                            && !$oldFileComp == !$newFileComp
581                            && link($oldFile, $newFile) );
582    #
583    # There are too many links on oldFile, or compression
584    # type if different, so now we have to copy it.
585    #
586    # We need to compute the file size, which is expensive
587    # since we need to read the file twice.  That's probably
588    # ok since the hardlink limit is rarely hit.
589    #
590    my $readFd = BackupPC::FileZIO->open($oldFile, 0, $oldFileComp);
591    if ( !defined($readFd) ) {
592        return (0, undef, undef, undef, ["LinkOrCopy: can't open $oldFile"]);
593    }
594    while ( $readFd->read(\$data, $BufSize) > 0 ) {
595        $nRead += length($data);
596    }
597    $readFd->rewind();
599    my $poolWrite = BackupPC::PoolWrite->new($bpc, $newFile,
600                                             $nRead, $newFileComp);
601    while ( $readFd->read(\$data, $BufSize) > 0 ) {
602        $poolWrite->write(\$data);
603    }
604    my($exists, $digest, $outSize, $errs) = $poolWrite->close;
606    return ($exists, $digest, $nRead, $outSize, $errs);