1# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! 2# This file is machine-generated by lib/unicore/mktables from the Unicode 3# database, Version 15.0.0. Any changes made here will be lost! 4 5# !!!!!!! INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY !!!!!!! 6# This file is for internal use by core Perl only. The format and even the 7# name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice. Don't 8# use it directly. Use Unicode::UCD to access the Unicode character data 9# base. 10 11 12return <<'END'; 13V226 1464337 1564338 1664339 1764340 1864343 1964344 2064347 2164348 2264351 2364352 2464355 2564356 2664359 2764360 2864363 2964364 3064367 3164368 3264371 3364372 3464375 3564376 3664379 3764380 3864383 3964384 4064387 4164388 4264389 4364390 4464391 4564392 4664393 4764394 4864395 4964396 5064397 5164398 5264399 5364400 5464403 5564404 5664407 5764408 5864411 5964412 6064415 6164416 6264417 6364418 6464421 6564422 6664423 6764424 6864427 6964428 7064431 7164432 7264433 7364434 7464468 7564469 7664472 7764473 7864474 7964475 8064476 8164477 8264479 8364480 8464481 8564482 8664483 8764484 8864485 8964486 9064491 9164492 9264493 9364494 9464495 9564496 9664497 9764498 9864499 9964500 10064501 10164502 10264503 10364504 10464506 10564507 10664509 10764510 10864612 10964663 11064785 11164813 11264828 11364829 11464849 11564850 11664856 11764857 11864858 11964860 12064862 12164864 12264866 12364867 12464868 12564869 12664870 12764872 12864873 12964875 13064876 13164877 13264878 13364880 13464881 13564882 13664884 13764887 13864888 13964893 14064894 14164899 14264900 14364902 14464903 14564904 14664907 14764908 14864918 14964920 15064921 15164925 15264926 15364948 15464950 15564952 15664953 15764954 15864955 15964963 16064966 16164968 16265154 16365155 16465156 16565157 16665158 16765159 16865160 16965161 17065162 17165163 17265166 17365167 17465168 17565169 17665172 17765173 17865174 17965175 18065178 18165179 18265182 18365183 18465186 18565187 18665190 18765191 18865194 18965195 19065196 19165197 19265198 19365199 19465200 19565201 19665202 19765203 19865206 19965207 20065210 20165211 20265214 20365215 20465218 20565219 20665222 20765223 20865226 20965227 21065230 21165231 21265234 21365235 21465238 21565239 21665242 21765243 21865246 21965247 22065250 22165251 22265254 22365255 22465258 22565259 22665262 22765263 22865264 22965265 23065266 23165267 23265270 23365271 23465272 23565273 23665274 23765275 23865276 23965277 240END 241