2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8// this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly.
9if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) {
10	header("location: index.php");
11	exit;
14$logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs');
17 * Basic functions used by the accounting feature
18 *
19 * <p>This file contains all functions used by more than one file from the ccsg_accounting feature.
20 * This feature is a simple accounting/bookkeeping function.</p>
21 *
22 * @package	accounting
23 * @author	Joern Ott <white@ott-service.de>
24 * @version	1.2
25 * @date	2010-11-16
26 * @copyright	LGPL
27 */
29class AccountingLib extends LogsLib
31	/**
32	 *
33	 * Storing the book data if already requested once, this may save us a few queries
34	 * @var array	$_book	array with the books structure
35	 */
36	private $_book = '';
38	/**
39	 * Lists all books available to a user
40	 * @param	string	$order	sorting order
41	 * @return	array			list of books (complete table structure)
42	 */
43	function listBooks($order = 'bookId ASC')
44	{
45		$query = "SELECT * FROM tiki_acct_book ORDER BY $order";
46		return $this->fetchAll($query, []);
47	}
49	/**
50	 *
51	 * Creates a new book and gives full permissions to the creator
52	 * @param	string	$bookName			descriptive name of the book
53	 * @param	string	$bookStartDate		first permitted date for the book
54	 * @param	string	$bookEndDate		last permitted date for the book
55	 * @param	string	$bookCurrency		up to 3 letter cuurency code
56	 * @param	int		$bookCurrencyPos	where should the currency symbol appear -1=before, 1=after
57	 * @param	int		$bookDecimals		number of decimal points
58	 * @param	string	$bookDecPoint		separator for the decimal point
59	 * @param	string	$bookThousand		separator for the thousands
60	 * @param	string	$exportSeparator	separator between fields when exporting CSV
61	 * @param	string	$exportEOL			end of line definition, either CR, LF or CRLF
62	 * @param	string	$exportQuote		Quote character to enclose strings in CSV
63	 * @param	string	$bookClosed			'y' if the book is closed (no more changes), 'n' otherwise
64	 * @param	string	$bookAutoTax
65	 * @return	int/string					bookId on success, error message otherwise
66	 */
67	function createBook($bookName, $bookClosed = 'n', $bookStartDate, $bookEndDate, $bookCurrency, $bookCurrencyPos = -1, $bookDecimals, $bookDecPoint, $bookThousand, $exportSeparator, $exportEOL, $exportQuote, $bookAutoTax = 'y'
68			)
69	{
70		global $user;
71		$userlib = TikiLib::lib('user');
72		if (strlen($bookName) == 0) {
73			return "The book must have a name";
74		}
75		if (strtotime($bookStartDate) === false) {
76			return "Invalid start date";
77		}
78		if (strtotime($bookEndDate) === false) {
79			return "Invalid end date";
80		}
81		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_book`" .
82				" (`bookName`, `bookClosed`, `bookStartDate`, `bookEndDate`," .
83				"	`bookCurrency`, `bookCurrencyPos`, `bookDecimals`, `bookDecPoint`, `bookThousand`," .
84				" `exportSeparator`, `exportEOL`, `exportQuote`, `bookAutoTax`)" .
85				" VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
87		$res = $this->query(
88			$query,
89			[
90				$bookName,
91				$bookClosed,
92				$bookStartDate,
93				$bookEndDate,
94				$bookCurrency,
95				$bookCurrencyPos,
96				$bookDecimals,
97				$bookDecPoint,
98				$bookThousand,
99				$exportSeparator,
100				$exportEOL,
101				$exportQuote,
102				$bookAutoTax
103			]
104		);
105		$bookId = $this->lastInsertId();
106		$this->createTax($bookId, tra('No automated tax'), 0, 'n');
107		$groupId = $bookId;
109		do {
110			//make sure we don't have that group already
111			$groupname = "accounting_book_$groupId";
112			$groupexists = $userlib->group_exists($groupname);
113			if ($groupexists) {
114				$groupId++;
115			}
116		} while ($groupexists);
118		if ($groupId != $bookId) {
119			$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_book` SET `bookId`=? WHERE `bookId`=?";
120			$res = $this->query($query, [$groupId, $bookId]);
121			$bookId = $groupId;
122		}
124		$userlib->add_group($groupname);
125		$userlib->assign_user_to_group($user, $groupname);
126		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_view');
127		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book');
128		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_manage_accounts');
129		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book_stack');
130		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_book_import');
131		$userlib->assign_object_permission($groupname, $bookId, 'accounting book', 'tiki_p_acct_manage_template');
132		return $bookId;
133	}
135	/**
136	 *
137	 * Returns the details for a book with a given bookId
138	 * @param	int	$bookId	Id of the book to retrieve the data for
139	 * @return	array		Array with book details
140	 */
141	function getBook($bookId)
142	{
143		if (! is_array($this->_book) or $this->_book['bookId'] != $bookId) {
144			$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_book` WHERE `bookId`=?";
145			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId]);
146			$this->_book = $res->fetchRow();
147		}
148		return $this->_book;
149	}
151	/**
152	 *
153	 * This function sets a books status to closed, so transactions can no longer be used
154	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the book to close
155	 * @return	bool				true on success
156	 */
157	function closeBook($bookId)
158	{
159		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
160		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
161			return false;
162		}
163		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_book` SET `bookClosed`='y' WHERE `bookId`=?";
164		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId]);
165		if ($res === false) {
166			return false;
167		}
168		return true;
169	}
171	/**
172	 * Returns the complete journal for a given account, if none is provided, the whole journal will be fetched
173	 *
174	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
175	 * @param	int		$accountId	account for which we should display the journal, defaults to '%' (all accounts)
176	 * @param	string	$order		sorting order
177	 * @param	int		$limit		max number of records to fetch, defaults to 0 = all
178	 * @return	array|bool			journal with all posts, false on errors
179	 */
180	function getJournal($bookId, $accountId = '%', $order = '`journalId` ASC', $limit = 0)
181	{
182		$journal = [];
184		if ($limit != 0) {
185			if ($limit < 0) {
186				$order = str_replace("ASC", "DESC", $order);
187			}
188			$order .= " LIMIT " . abs($limit);
189		}
191		if ($accountId == '%') {
192			$query = "SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`" .
193								" FROM `tiki_acct_journal`" .
194								" WHERE `journalBookId`=?" .
195								" ORDER BY $order";
197			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId]);
198		} else {
199			$query = "SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`" .
200							" FROM `tiki_acct_journal` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item`" .
201							" ON (`tiki_acct_journal`.`journalBookId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemBookId` AND" .
202							" `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId`)" .
203							" WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `itemAccountId` LIKE ?" .
204							" GROUP BY `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`" .
205							" ORDER BY $order";
207			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
208		}
209		if ($res === false) {
210			return false;
211		}
212		while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
213			$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId`=? AND `itemType`=? ORDER BY `itemAccountId` ASC";
214			$row['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $row['journalId'], -1]);
215			$row['debitcount'] = count($row['debit']);
216			$row['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $row['journalId'], 1]);
217			$row['creditcount'] = count($row['credit']);
218			$row['maxcount'] = max($row['creditcount'], $row['debitcount']);
219			$journal[] = $row;
220		}
221		return $journal;
222	}
224	/**
225	 * Returns the totals for a given book and account
226	 *
227	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
228	 * @param	int		$accountId	account for which we should fetch the totals, defaults to '%' (all accounts)
229	 * @return	array	array with three elements debit, credit and the total (credit-debit)
230	 */
231	function getJournalTotals($bookId, $accountId = '%')
232	{
233		$journal = [];
235		$query = "SELECT `itemAccountId`, SUM(`itemAmount`*IF(`itemType`<0,1,0)) AS debit," .
236						" sum(`itemAmount`*IF(`itemType`>0,1,0)) AS credit" .
237						" FROM `tiki_acct_journal` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item`" .
238						" ON (`tiki_acct_journal`.`journalBookId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemBookId`" .
239						" AND `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId`)" .
240						" WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `itemAccountId` LIKE ?" .
241						" GROUP BY `itemAccountId`";
243		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
244		$totals = $res->fetchRow();
245		$totals['total'] = $totals['credit'] - $totals['debit'];
246		return $totals;
247	}
249	/**
250	 * Returns a list of accounts as defined in table tiki_acct_account
251	 *
252	 * @param	int		$bookId	id of the book to retrieve the accounts for
253	 * @param	string	$order	order of items, defaults to accountId
254	 * @param	boolean	$all	true = fetch all accounts, false = fetch only unlocked accounts
255	 * @return	array			list of accounts
256	 */
257	function getAccounts($bookId, $order = "`accountId` ASC", $all = false)
258	{
259		$query = 'SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountBookId`=? ' .
260						($all ? '' : 'AND `accountLocked`=0 ') .
261						" ORDER BY $order";
263		return $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId]);
264	} //getAccounts
266	/**
267	 * Returns an extended list of accounts with totals
268	 *
269	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the book to fetch the account list for
270	 * @param	bool	$all		true = fetch all accounts or false = only unlocked accounts, defaults to false
271	 * @return	array	list of accounts
272	 */
273	function getExtendedAccounts($bookId, $all = false)
274	{
275		$allcond = $all ? '' : ' AND accountLocked=0';
276		$query = "SELECT accountBookId, accountId, accountName, accountNotes, accountBudget, accountLocked, " .
277							" SUM(itemAmount*IF(itemType<0,1,0)) AS debit, SUM(itemAmount*IF(itemType>0,1,0)) AS credit" .
278							"	FROM tiki_acct_account" .
279							" LEFT JOIN tiki_acct_journal ON tiki_acct_account.accountBookId=tiki_acct_journal.journalBookId" .
280							" LEFT JOIN tiki_acct_item ON tiki_acct_journal.journalId=tiki_acct_item.itemJournalId" .
281							" AND tiki_acct_account.accountId=tiki_acct_item.itemAccountId" .
282							" WHERE tiki_acct_account.accountBookId=? $allcond" .
283							" GROUP BY accountId, accountName, accountNotes, accountBudget, accountLocked, accountBookId";
285		return $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId]);
286	}//getExtendedAccounts
288	/**
289	 * Returns an array with all data from the account
290	 *
291	 * @param	int		$bookId				id of the current book
292	 * @param	int		$accountId			account id to retrieve
293	 * @param	boolean	$checkChangeable	perform check, if the account is changeable
294	 * @return	array	account data or false on error
295	 */
296	function getAccount($bookId, $accountId, $checkChangeable = true)
297	{
298		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountbookId`=? AND `accountId`=?";
299		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
300		$account = $res->fetchRow();
301		if ($checkChangeable) {
302			$account['changeable'] = $this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId);
303		}
304		return $account;
305	} //getAccount
307	/**
308	 * Checks if this accountId can be changed or the account can be deleted.
309	 * This can only be done, if the account has not been used -> no posts exist for the account
310	 *
311	 * @param	int	$bookId		id of the current book
312	 * @param	int	$accountId	account id to check
313	 * @return	boolean	true, if the account can be changed/deleted
314	 */
315	function accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId)
316	{
317		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
318		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
319			return false;
320		}
321		$query = "SELECT Count(`itemAccountId`) AS posts" .
322							" FROM `tiki_acct_journal`" .
323							" INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_item` ON `tiki_acct_journal`.`journalId`=`tiki_acct_item`.`itemJournalId`" .
324							"	WHERE `journalBookId`=? and `itemAccountId`=?";
326		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
327		$posts = $res->fetchRow();
328		return ($posts['posts'] == 0);
329	} //accountChangeable
331	/**
332	 * Creates an account with the given information
333	 *
334	 * @param	int		$bookId			id of the current book
335	 * @param	int		$accountId		id of the account to create
336	 * @param	string	$accountName	name of the account to create
337	 * @param	string	$accountNotes	notes for this account
338	 * @param	float	$accountBudget	planned budget for the account
339	 * @param	boolean	$accountLocked	can this account be used, 0=unlocked, 1=locked
340	 * @param	int		$accountTax		taxId for tax automation
341	 * @return	array|bool			list of errors or true on success
342	 */
343	function createAccount(
344		$bookId,
345		$accountId,
346		$accountName,
347		$accountNotes,
348		$accountBudget,
349		$accountLocked,
350		$accountTax = 0
351	) {
353		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
354		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
355			$errors = [tra("This book has been closed. You can't create new accounts.")];
356			return $errors;
357		}
359		$errors = $this->validateId('accountId', $accountId, 'tiki_acct_account', false, 'accountBookId', $bookId);
361		if ($accountName == '') {
362			$errors[] = tra('Account name must not be empty.');
363		}
364		$cleanbudget = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $accountBudget);
366		if ($cleanbudget === '') {
367			$errors[] = tra('Budget is not a valid amount: ') . $accountBudget;
368		}
370		if ($accountLocked != 0 and $accountLocked != 1) {
371			$errors[] = tra('Locked must be either 0 or 1.');
372		}
374		if ($accountTax != 0) {
375			$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->validateId('taxId', $accountTax, 'tiki_acct_tax', true, 'taxBookId', $bookId));
376		}
378		if (! empty($errors)) {
379			return $errors;
380		}
382		$query = 'INSERT INTO tiki_acct_account' .
383						' SET accountBookId=?, accountId=?, accountName=?,' .
384						' accountNotes=?, accountBudget=?, accountLocked=?, accountTax=?';
386		$res = $this->query(
387			$query,
388			[
389				$bookId,
390				$accountId,
391				$accountName,
392				$accountNotes,
393				$cleanbudget,
394				$accountLocked,
395				$accountTax
396			]
397		);
398		if ($res === false) {
399			$errors[] = tra('Error creating account') & " $accountId: " . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
400			return $errors;
401		}
402		return true;
403	} //createAccount
405	/**
406	 * Unlocks or locks an account which means it can not be used accidentally for booking
407	 *
408	 * @param	int		$bookId		current book
409	 * @param	int		$accountId	account to lock
410	 * @return	bool				true on success
411	 */
412	function changeAccountLock($bookId, $accountId)
413	{
414		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
415		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
416			return false;
417		}
418		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_account` SET `accountLocked` = NOT `accountLocked`
419			WHERE `accountBookId`=? AND `accountId`=?";
420		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
421		if ($res === false) {
422			return false;
423		}
424		return true;
425	} //changeAccountLock
427	/**
428	 * Updates an account with the given information
429	 *
430	 * @param	int		$bookId			id of the current book
431	 * @param	int		$accountId		original id of the account
432	 * @param	int		$newAccountId	new id of the account (only if the account is changeable)
433	 * @param	string	$accountName	name of the account
434	 * @param	string	$accountNotes	notes for the account
435	 * @param	float	$accountBudget	planned yearly budget for the account
436	 * @param	boolean	$accountLocked	can this account be used 0=unlocked, 1=locked
437	 * @param	int		$accountTax		id of the auto tax type, defaults to 0
438	 * @return	array|bool			list of errors, true on success
439	 */
440	function updateAccount(
441		$bookId,
442		$accountId,
443		$newAccountId,
444		$accountName,
445		$accountNotes,
446		$accountBudget,
447		$accountLocked,
448		$accountTax = 0
449	) {
451		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
452		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
453			$errors = [tra("This book has been closed. You can't modify the account.")];
454			return $errors;
455		}
457		$errors = $this->validateId('accountId', $newAccountId, 'tiki_acct_account', true, 'accountBookId', $bookId);
458		if ($accountId != $newAccountId) {
459			if (! $this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId)) {
460				$errors[] = tra('AccountId %0 is already in use and must not be changed. Please disable it if it is no longer needed.', $args = [$accountId]);
461			}
462		}
464		if ($accountName === '') {
465			$errors[] = tra('Account name must not be empty.');
466		}
468		$cleanbudget = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $accountBudget);
470		if ($cleanbudget === '') {
471			$errors[] = tra('Budget is not a valid amount: ') . $cleanbudget;
472		}
474		if ($accountLocked != 0 and $accountLocked != 1) {
475			$errors[] = tra('Locked must be either 0 or 1.');
476		}
478		if ($accountTax != 0) {
479			$errors = array_merge($errors, $this->validateId('taxId', $accountTax, 'tiki_acct_tax', true, 'taxBookId', $bookId));
480		}
482		if (count($errors) != 0) {
483			return $errors;
484		}
486		$query = "UPDATE tiki_acct_account SET accountId=?, accountName=?,
487			accountNotes=?, accountBudget=?, accountLocked=?, accountTax=?
488			WHERE accountBookId=? AND accountId=?";
490		$res = $this->query(
491			$query,
492			[
493				$newAccountId,
494				$accountName,
495				$accountNotes,
496				$cleanbudget,
497				$accountLocked,
498				$accountTax,
499				$bookId,
500				$accountId
501			]
502		);
504		if ($res === false) {
505			$errors[] = tra('Error updating account') & " $accountId: " . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
506			return $errors;
507		}
509		return true;
510	} //updateAccount
512	/**
513	 * Delete an account (if deleteable)
514	 *
515	 * @param	int		$bookId				id of the current book
516	 * @param	int		$accountId			account id to delete
517	 * @param	bool	$checkChangeable	check, if the account is unused and can be deleted
518	 * @return	array|bool					array with errors or true, if deletion was successful
519	 */
520	function deleteAccount($bookId, $accountId, $checkChangeable = true)
521	{
522		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
523		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
524			return [tra("This book has been closed. You can't delete the account.")];
525		}
527		if (! $this->accountChangeable($bookId, $accountId)) {
528			return [tra('Account is already in use and must not be deleted. Please disable it, if it is no longer needed.')];
529		}
531		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_account` WHERE `accountBookId`=? AND `accountId`=?";
532		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
533		return true;
534	} //deleteAccount
536	/**
537	 *
538	 * Do a manual rollback, if the creation of a complete booking fails.
539	 * This is a workaround for missing transaction support
540	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
541	 * @param	int		$journalId	id of the entry to roll back
542	 * @return	string				Text messages stating the success/failure of the rollback
543	 */
544	function manualRollback($bookId, $journalId)
545	{
546		$errors = [];
547		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId`=?";
548		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId]);
549		$rollback = ($res !== false);
550		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_journal` WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `journalId`=?";
551		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId]);
552		$rollback = $rollback and ($res !== false);
554		if (! $rollback) {
555			return tra('Rollback failed, inconsistent database: Cleanup needed for journalId %0 in book %1', [$journalId, $bookId]);
556		} else {
557			return tra('successfully rolled back #') . " $journalId";
558		}
559	} //manualRollback
561	/**
562	 * Checks if the book date is within the books limits
563	 *
564	 * @param array		$book		book array
565	 * @param DateTime $Date
566	 * @retun array|bool
567	 */
568	function checkBookDates($book, $Date)
569	{
570		$StartDate = new DateTime($book['bookStartDate']);
571		if ($Date < $StartDate) {
572			return [tra("The date of the transaction is before the start date of this book.")];
573		}
575		$EndDate = new DateTime($book['bookEndDate']);
576		if ($Date > $EndDate) {
577			return [tra("The date of the transaction is after the end date of this book.")];
578		}
580		return true;
581	}
583	/**
584	 * books a simple transaction
585	 *
586	 * @param	int		$bookId				id of the current book
587	 * @param	string	$journalDate		date of the transaction
588	 * @param	string	$journalDescription	description of this transaction
589	 * @param	int		$debitAccount		account to debit
590	 * @param	int		$creditAccount		account to credit
591	 * @param	double	$amount				amount to transfer between the accounts
592	 * @param	string	$debitText			text for the debit post, defaults to an empty string
593	 * @param	string	$creditText			text for the credit post, defaults to an empty string
594	 * @return	int|array					list of errors or journalId on success
595	 */
596	function simpleBook(
597		$bookId,
598		$journalDate,
599		$journalDescription,
600		$debitAccount,
601		$creditAccount,
602		$amount,
603		$debitText = '',
604		$creditText = ''
605	) {
608		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
610		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
611			return [tra("This book has been closed. Bookings can no longer be made in it.")];
612		} try {
613			$date = new DateTime($journalDate);
614		} catch (Exception $e) {
615			return [tra("Invalid booking date.")];
616		}
618		$errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date);
620		if (is_array($errors)) {
621			return $errors;
622		}
624		$errors = [];
626		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`,
627			`journalCancelled`, `journalTs`)
628				VALUES (?,?,?,0,NOW())";
629		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $date->toString('Y-M-d'), $journalDescription]);
631		if ($res === false) {
632			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating journal entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
633			$this->rollback();
634			return $errors;
635		}
637		$journalId = $this->lastInsertId();
639		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`,
640			`itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`)
641				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())";
643		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId, $debitAccount, -1, $amount, $debitText]);
645		if ($res === false) {
646			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
647			$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId);
648			return $errors;
649		}
651		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId, $creditAccount, 1, $amount, $creditText]);
653		if ($res === false) {
654			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
655			$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId);
656			return $errors;
657		}
658		// everything ok
659		return $journalId;
660	}// simplebook
662	/**
663	 * books a complex transaction with multiple accounts on one side
664	 *
665	 * @param	int		$bookId				id of the current book
666	 * @param	DateTime	$journalDate		date of the transaction
667	 * @param	string	$journalDescription	description of this transaction
668	 * @param	mixed	$debitAccount		account(s) to debit
669	 * @param	mixed	$creditAccount		account(s) to credit
670	 * @param	mixed	$debitAmount		amount(s) on debit side
671	 * @param	mixed	$creditAmount		amount(s) on credit side
672	 * @param	mixed	$debitText			text(s) for the debit post, defaults to an empty string
673	 * @param	mixed	$creditText			text(s) for the credit post, defaults to an empty string
674	 *
675	 * @return	int|array					journalID or list of errors
676	 */
677	function book(
678		$bookId,
679		$journalDate,
680		$journalDescription,
681		$debitAccount,
682		$creditAccount,
683		$debitAmount,
684		$creditAmount,
685		$debitText = [],
686		$creditText = []
687	) {
690		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
692		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
693			$errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. Bookings can no longer be made in it.");
694		}
695		if (! ($journalDate instanceof DateTime)) {
696			return [tra("Invalid booking date.")];
697		}
699		$errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $journalDate);
701		if (is_array($errors)) {
702			return $errors;
703		}
705		$errors = [];
707		if (! is_array($debitAccount)) {
708			$debitAccount = [$debitAccount];
709		}
710		if (! is_array($creditAccount)) {
711			$creditAccount = [$creditAccount];
712		}
713		if (! is_array($debitAmount)) {
714			$debitAmount = [$debitAmount];
715		}
716		if (! is_array($creditAmount)) {
717			$creditAmount = [$creditAmount];
718		}
719		if (! is_array($debitText)) {
720			$debitText = [$debitText];
721		}
722		if (! is_array($creditText)) {
723			$creditText = [$creditText];
724		}
726		if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) {
727			$errors[] = tra('The number of debit entries differs: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText);
728		}
730		if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) {
731			$errors[] = tra('The number of credit entries differs: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText);
732		}
734		if (count($debitAccount) > 1 and count($creditAccount) > 1) {
735			$errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.');
736		}
738		$checkamount = 0;
739		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) {
740			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
741			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
742				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i];
743			} else {
744				$checkamount -= $a;
745			}
746			if (! is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) {
747				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i];
748			}
749		}
751		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i < $icount_creditAmount; $i++) {
752			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
753			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
754				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ') . $creditAmount[$i];
755			} else {
756				$checkamount += $a;
757			}
759			if (! is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) {
760				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i];
761			}
762		}
764		if ($checkamount != 0) {
765			$errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount;
766		}
768		if (count($errors) > 0) {
769			return $errors;
770		}
772		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`,
773			`journalCancelled`, `journalTs`)
774				VALUES (?,?,?,0,NOW())";
775		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, date_format($journalDate, 'Y-m-d'), $journalDescription]);
777		if ($res === false) {
778			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating journal entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
779			return $errors;
780		}
782		$journalId = $this->lastInsertId();
784		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`,
785			`itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`)
786				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())";
788		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) {
789			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
790			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i]]);
791			if ($res === false) {
792				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
793				$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId);
794				return $errors;
795			}
796		}
798		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) {
799			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
800			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i]]);
801			if ($res === false) {
802				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
803				$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId);
804				return $errors;
805			}
806		}
807		return $journalId;
808	}// book
810	/**
811	 *
812	 * Retrieves one entry from the journal
813	 *
814	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
815	 * @param	int		$journalId	id of the post in the journal
816	 * @return	array|bool			array with post, false on error
817	 */
818	function getTransaction($bookId, $journalId)
819	{
820		$query = 'SELECT `journalId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`, `journalCancelled`' .
821					' FROM `tiki_acct_journal`' .
822					' WHERE `journalBookId`=? AND `journalId`=?'
823			;
824		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId]);
825		if ($res === false) {
826			return false;
827		}
828		$entry = $res->fetchRow();
829		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_item` WHERE `itemBookId`=? AND `itemJournalId`=? AND `itemType`=? ORDER BY `itemAccountId` ASC";
830		$entry['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $entry['journalId'], -1]);
831		$entry['debitcount'] = count($entry['debit']);
832		$entry['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $entry['journalId'], 1]);
833		$entry['creditcount'] = count($entry['credit']);
834		$entry['maxcount'] = max($entry['creditcount'], $entry['debitcount']);
835		return $entry;
836	} //getTransaction
838	/**
839	 * Declares a statement in the journal as cancelled.
840	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
841	 * @param	int		$journalId	journalId of the statement to cancel
842	 */
843	function cancelTransaction($bookId, $journalId)
844	{
845		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
846		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
847			$errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. Transactions can no longer be cancelled in it.");
848		}
849		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_journal` SET `journalCancelled`=1 WHERE `journalBookId`=? and `journalId`=?";
850		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId]);
851		return true;
852	} // cancelTransaction
854	/**
855	 * Returns the complete stack
856	 *
857	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
858	 * @return	array|bool			stack with all posts, false on errors
859	 */
860	function getStack($bookId)
861	{
862		$stack = [];
863		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=?";
864		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId]);
865		if ($res === false) {
866			return false;
867		}
869		while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
870			$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=? AND `stackItemType`=? ORDER BY `stackItemAccountId` ASC";
871			$row['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $row['stackId'], -1]);
872			$row['debitcount'] = count($row['debit']);
873			$row['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $row['stackId'], 1]);
874			$row['creditcount'] = count($row['credit']);
875			$row['maxcount'] = max($row['creditcount'], $row['debitcount']);
876			$stack[] = $row;
877		}
878		return $stack;
879	}
881	/**
882	 *
883	 * Do a manual rollback, if the creation of a complete booking fails.
884	 * This is a workaround for missing transaction support
885	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
886	 * @param	int		$stackId	id of the entry to roll back
887	 * @return	string				Text messages stating the success/failure of the rollback
888	 */
889	function stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId)
890	{
891		$errors = [];
892		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackitemBookId`=? AND `stackitemJournalId`=?";
893		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
894		$rollback = ($res !== false);
895		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?";
896		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
897		$rollback = $rollback and ($res !== false);
898		if (! $rollback) {
899			return tra('Rollback failed, inconsistent database: Cleanup needed for stackId %0 in book %1', [$stackId, $bookId]);
900		} else {
901			return tra('successfully rolled back #') . " $stackId";
902		}
903	} //stackManualRollback
905	/**
906	 * books a complex transaction with multiple accounts on one side into the stack
907	 *
908	 * @param	int		$bookId				id of the current book
909	 * @param	DateTime	$stackDate			date of the transaction
910	 * @param	string	$stackDescription	description of this transaction
911	 * @param	mixed	$debitAccount		account(s) to debit
912	 * @param	mixed	$creditAccount		account(s) to credit
913	 * @param	mixed	$debitAmount		amount(s) on debit side
914	 * @param	mixed	$creditAmount		amount(s) on credit side
915	 * @param	mixed	$debitText			text(s) for the debit post, defaults to an empty string
916	 * @param	mixed	$creditText			text(s) for the credit post, defaults to an empty string
917	 *
918	 * @return	int|array					stackID or list of errors
919	 */
920	function stackBook(
921		$bookId,
922		$stackDate,
923		$stackDescription,
924		$debitAccount,
925		$creditAccount,
926		$debitAmount,
927		$creditAmount,
928		$debitText = [],
929		$creditText = []
930	) {
933		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
934		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
935			$errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. Bookings can no longer be made in it.");
936		}
938		$date = $stackDate;
939		$errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date);
940		if (is_array($errors)) {
941			return $errors;
942		}
943		$errors = [];
945		if (! is_array($debitAccount)) {
946			$debitAccount = [$debitAccount];
947		}
948		if (! is_array($creditAccount)) {
949			$creditAccount = [$creditAccount];
950		}
951		if (! is_array($debitAmount)) {
952			$debitAmount = [$debitAmount];
953		}
954		if (! is_array($creditAmount)) {
955			$creditAmount = [$creditAmount];
956		}
957		if (! is_array($debitText)) {
958			$debitText = [$debitText];
959		}
960		if (! is_array($creditText)) {
961			$creditText = [$creditText];
962		}
964		if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) {
965			$errors[] = tra('The number of debit entries differs: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText);
966		}
968		if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) {
969			$errors[] = tra('The number of credit entries differs: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText);
970		}
972		if (count($debitAccount) > 1 and count($creditAccount) > 1) {
973			$errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.');
974		}
976		$checkamount = 0;
977		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) {
978			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
979			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
980				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i];
981			} else {
982				$checkamount -= $a;
983			}
984			if (! is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) {
985				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i];
986			}
987		}
989		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i < $icount_creditAmount; $i++) {
990			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
991			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
992				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ') . $creditAmount[$i];
993			} else {
994				$checkamount += $a;
995			}
996			if (! is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) {
997				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i];
998			}
999		}
1001		if ($checkamount != 0) {
1002			$errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount;
1003		}
1005		if (count($errors) > 0) {
1006			return $errors;
1007		}
1009		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stack` (`stackBookId`, `stackDate`, `stackDescription`) VALUES (?,?,?)";
1010		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, date('Y-m-d', $date->getTimestamp()), $stackDescription]);
1012		if ($res === false) {
1013			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1014			return $errors;
1015		}
1017		$stackId = $this->lastInsertId();
1019		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stackitem` (`stackBookId`, `stackItemStackId`, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`,
1020			`stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`)
1021				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
1023		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) {
1024			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
1025			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i]]);
1026			if ($res === false) {
1027				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1028				$errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId);
1029				return $errors;
1030			}
1031		}
1033		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) {
1034			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
1035			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i]]);
1036			if ($res === false) {
1037				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1038				$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $stackId);
1039				return $errors;
1040			}
1041		}
1042		// everything ok
1043		return $stackId;
1044	}// stackBook
1046	function stackUpdate(
1047		$bookId,
1048		$stackId,
1049		$stackDate,
1050		$stackDescription,
1051		$debitAccount,
1052		$creditAccount,
1053		$debitAmount,
1054		$creditAmount,
1055		$debitText = [],
1056		$creditText = []
1057	) {
1060		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
1061		if ($book['bookClosed'] == 'y') {
1062			$errors[] = tra("This book has been closed. Bookings can no longer be made in it.");
1063		}
1065		$date = $stackDate;
1066		$errors = $this->checkBookDates($book, $date);
1067		if (is_array($errors)) {
1068			return $errors;
1069		}
1070		$errors = [];
1072		if (! is_array($debitAccount)) {
1073			$debitAccount = [$debitAccount];
1074		}
1075		if (! is_array($creditAccount)) {
1076			$creditAccount = [$creditAccount];
1077		}
1078		if (! is_array($debitAmount)) {
1079			$debitAmount = [$debitAmount];
1080		}
1081		if (! is_array($creditAmount)) {
1082			$creditAmount = [$creditAmount];
1083		}
1084		if (! is_array($debitText)) {
1085			$debitText = [$debitText];
1086		}
1087		if (! is_array($creditText)) {
1088			$creditText = [$creditText];
1089		}
1091		if (count($debitAccount) != count($debitAmount) or count($debitAccount) != count($debitText)) {
1092			$errors[] = tra('The number of debit entries differs: ') . count($debitAccount) . '/' . count($debitAmount) . '/' . count($debitText);
1093		}
1095		if (count($creditAccount) != count($creditAmount) or count($creditAccount) != count($creditText)) {
1096			$errors[] = tra('The number of credit entries differs: ') . count($creditAccount) . '/' . count($creditAmount) . '/' . count($creditText);
1097		}
1099		if (count($debitAccount) > 1 and count($creditAccount) > 1) {
1100			$errors[] = tra('Splitting is only allowed on one side.');
1101		}
1103		$checkamount = 0;
1104		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAmount = count($debitAmount); $i < $icount_debitAmount; $i++) {
1105			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
1106			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
1107				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit amount ') . $debitAmount[$i];
1108			} else {
1109				$checkamount -= $a;
1110			}
1111			if (! is_numeric($debitAccount[$i])) {
1112				$errors[] = tra('Invalid debit account number ') . $debitAccount[$i];
1113			}
1114		}
1116		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAmount = count($creditAmount); $i < $icount_creditAmount; $i++) {
1117			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
1118			if (! is_numeric($a) or $a <= 0) {
1119				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit amount ') . $creditAmount[$i];
1120			} else {
1121				$checkamount += $a;
1122			}
1123			if (! is_numeric($creditAccount[$i])) {
1124				$errors[] = tra('Invalid credit account number ') . $creditAccount[$i];
1125			}
1126		}
1128		if ($checkamount != 0) {
1129			$errors[] = tra('Difference between debit and credit amounts ') . $checkamount;
1130		}
1132		if (count($errors) > 0) {
1133			return $errors;
1134		}
1136		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_stack` SET `stackDate`=?, `stackDescription`=? WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?";
1137		$res = $this->query($query, [date('Y-m-d', $date->getTimestamp()), $stackDescription, $bookId, $stackId]);
1138		if ($res === false) {
1139			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1140			return $errors;
1141		}
1143		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?";
1144		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
1145		if ($res === false) {
1146			$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1147			$errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId);
1148			return $errors;
1149		}
1151		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_stackitem` (`stackBookId`, `stackItemStackId`, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`,
1152			`stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`)
1153				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
1155		for ($i = 0, $icount_debitAccount = count($debitAccount); $i < $icount_debitAccount; $i++) {
1156			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $debitAmount[$i]);
1157			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId, $debitAccount[$i], -1, $a, $debitText[$i]]);
1158			if ($res === false) {
1159				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack debit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1160				$errors[] = $this->stackManualRollback($bookId, $stackId);
1161				return $errors;
1162			}
1163		}
1165		for ($i = 0, $icount_creditAccount = count($creditAccount); $i < $icount_creditAccount; $i++) {
1166			$a = $this->cleanupAmount($bookId, $creditAmount[$i]);
1167			$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId, $creditAccount[$i], 1, $a, $creditText[$i]]);
1168			if ($res === false) {
1169				$errors[] = tra('Booking error creating stack credit entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1170				$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $stackId);
1171				return $errors;
1172			}
1173		}
1174		// everything ok
1175		return $stackId;
1176	}
1178	/**
1179	 * deletes an entry from the stack
1180	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1181	 * @param	int		$stackId	id of the entry to delete
1182	 * @return	bool|array			true on success, array of error messages otherwise
1183	 */
1184	function stackDelete($bookId, $stackId)
1185	{
1186		$errors = [];
1187		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?";
1188		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
1189		if ($res === false) {
1190			$errors[] = tra('Error deleting entry from stack') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1191		}
1192		$query = "DELETE FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?";
1193		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
1194		if ($res === false) {
1195			$errors[] = tra('Error deleting entry from stack') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1196		}
1197		if (count($errors) != 0) {
1198			return $errors;
1199		}
1200		return true;
1201	}
1203	/**
1204	 *
1205	 * Confirm a transaction and transfer it to the journal
1206	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1207	 * @param	int		$stackId	id of the entry in the stack
1208	 */
1209	function stackConfirm($bookId, $stackId)
1210	{
1211		$query = "INSERT into `tiki_acct_journal` (`journalBookId`, `journalDate`, `journalDescription`,
1212			`journalCancelled`, `journalTs`)
1213				SELECT ?, `stackDate`, `stackDescription` , 0, NOW() FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?";
1214		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $bookId, $stackId]);
1215		if ($res === false) {
1216			$errors[] = tra('Booking error confirming stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1217			return $errors;
1218		}
1219		$journalId = $this->lastInsertId();
1220		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_item` (`itemBookId`, `itemJournalId`, `itemAccountId`, `itemType`,
1221			`itemAmount`, `itemText`, `itemTs`)
1222				SELECT ?, ?, `stackItemAccountId`, `stackItemType`, `stackItemAmount`, `stackItemText`, NOW()
1223				FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=?";
1224		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $journalId, $bookId, $stackId]);
1225		if ($res === false) {
1226			$errors[] = tra('Booking error confirming stack entry') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1227			$errors[] = $this->manualRollback($bookId, $journalId);
1228			return $errors;
1229		}
1230		$this->stackDelete($bookId, $stackId);
1231		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementJournalId`=? WHERE `statementBookId`=? AND `statementStackId`=?";
1232		$res = $this->query($query, [$journalId, $bookId, $stackId]);
1233		return true;
1234	}
1236	/**
1237	 *
1238	 * Retrieves one entry from the stack
1239	 *
1240	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1241	 * @param	int		$journalId	id of the post in the journal
1242	 * @return	array|bool			array with post, false on error
1243	 */
1244	function getStackTransaction($bookId, $stackId)
1245	{
1246		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stack` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackId`=?";
1247		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $stackId]);
1248		if ($res === false) {
1249			return false;
1250		}
1251		$entry = $res->fetchRow();
1252		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_stackitem` WHERE `stackBookId`=? AND `stackItemStackId`=? AND `stackItemType`=? ORDER BY `stackItemAccountId` ASC";
1253		$entry['debit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $entry['stackId'], -1]);
1254		$entry['debitcount'] = count($entry['debit']);
1255		$entry['credit'] = $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $entry['stackId'], 1]);
1256		$entry['creditcount'] = count($entry['credit']);
1257		$entry['maxcount'] = max($entry['creditcount'], $entry['debitcount']);
1258		return $entry;
1259	} //getTransaction
1261	/**
1262	 * Returns a list of bankaccounts which are related to internal accounts
1263	 * @param	int		$bookId		id if the current book
1264	 *
1265	 * @return	array				list of accounts
1266	 */
1267	function getBankAccounts($bookId)
1268	{
1269		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_bankaccount` INNER JOIN `tiki_acct_account`
1270			ON `tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankBookId` = `tiki_acct_account`.`accountBookId` AND
1271			`tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankAccountId`=`tiki_acct_account`.`accountId`
1272			WHERE `tiki_acct_bankaccount`.`bankBookId`=?";
1273		return $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId]);
1274	}//getBankAccounts
1276	/**
1277	 * Returns a list of bank statements which have been uploaded but not yet been processed
1278	 *
1279	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1280	 * @param	int		$accountId	id of the account to fetch the statements for
1281	 * @return	array|bool			list of statements or false if an error occurred
1282	 */
1283	function getOpenStatements($bookId, $accountId)
1284	{
1285		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_statement`
1286			WHERE `statementJournalId`=0 AND `statementStackId`=0
1287			AND `statementBookId`=? AND `statementAccountId`=?";
1288		return $this->fetchAll($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
1289	}//getOpenStatements
1291	/**
1292	 * Returns the statement with the given Id from the list of statements
1293	 *
1294	 * @param	int	$statetmentId	id of the statement to retrieve
1295	 * @return	array|bool	statement data or false on error
1296	 */
1297	function getStatement($statementId)
1298	{
1299		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_statement` WHERE `statementId`=?";
1300		$res = $this->query($query, [$statementId]);
1301		if ($res === false) {
1302			return $res;
1303		}
1304		return $res->fetchRow();
1305	}//getStatement
1307	/**
1308	 * Returns the import specification for a given accountId
1309	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1310	 * @param	int		$accountId	id of the account we want the specs for
1311	 * @return	array|bool			list of statements or false
1312	 */
1313	function getBankAccount($bookId, $accountId)
1314	{
1315		$query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_acct_bankaccount` WHERE bankBookId=? and bankAccountId=?";
1316		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $accountId]);
1317		if ($res === false) {
1318			return $res;
1319		}
1320		return $res->fetchRow();
1321	}//getBankAccount
1323	/**
1324	 * Splits a header line into a matching array according to the specifications
1325	 *
1326	 * @param	string	$header		line containing headers
1327	 * @param	array	$defs		file definitions
1328	 * @return	array	list of statements
1329	 */
1330	function analyzeHeader($header, $defs)
1331	{
1332		$cols = explode($defs['bankDelimeter'], $header);
1333		$columns = [];
1335		for ($i = 0, $isizeof_cols = count($cols); $i < $isizeof_cols; $i++) {
1336			switch ($cols[$i]) {
1337				case $defs['fieldNameAccount']:
1338					$columns['accountId'] = $i;
1339					break;
1340				case $defs['fieldNameBookingDate']:
1341					$columns['bookingDate'] = $i;
1342					break;
1343				case $defs['fieldNameValueDate']:
1344					$columns['valueDate'] = $i;
1345					break;
1346				case $defs['fieldNameBookingText']:
1347					$columns['bookingText'] = $i;
1348					break;
1349				case $defs['fieldNameReason']:
1350					$columns['reason'] = $i;
1351					break;
1352				case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartName']:
1353					$columns['counterpartName'] = $i;
1354					break;
1355				case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartAccount']:
1356					$columns['counterpartAccount'] = $i;
1357					break;
1358				case $defs['fieldNameCounterpartBankcode']:
1359					$columns['counterpartBankcode'] = $i;
1360					break;
1361				case $defs['fieldNameAmount']:
1362					$columns['amount'] = $i;
1363					break;
1364				case $defs['fieldNameAmountSign']:
1365					$columns['amountSign'] = $i;
1366					break;
1367			}
1368		}
1369		return $columns;
1370	}//analyzeHeader
1372	/**
1373	 * updates journalId in the given statement
1374	 *
1375	 * @param	int		$statementId	id of the statement to update
1376	 * @param	int		$journalId		id of the entry in the journal which was caused by this statement
1377	 * @return	array|boolean			list of errors, empty if no errors were found
1378	 */
1379	function updateStatement($statementId, $journalId)
1380	{
1381		$errors = [];
1383		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementJournalId`=? WHERE `statementId`=?";
1384		$res = $this->query($query, [$journalId, $statementId]);
1385		if ($res === false) {
1386			$errors[] = tra('Error while updating statement:') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1387			return $errors;
1388		}
1389		return true;
1390	}//updateStatement
1392	/**
1393	 * updates journalId in the given statement
1394	 *
1395	 * @param	int		$statementId	id of the statement to update
1396	 * @param	int		$journalId		id of the entry in the journal which was caused by this statement
1397	 * @return	array|bool			list of errors, empty if no errors were found
1398	 */
1399	function updateStatementStack($statementId, $stackId)
1400	{
1401		$errors = [];
1403		$query = "UPDATE `tiki_acct_statement` SET `statementStackId`=? WHERE `statementId`=?";
1404		$res = $this->query($query, [$stackId, $statementId]);
1405		if ($res === false) {
1406			$errors[] = tra('Error while updating statement:') . $this->ErrorNo() . ": " . $this->ErrorMsg() . "<br /><pre>$query</pre>";
1407			return $errors;
1408		}
1409		return true;
1410	}//updateStatementStack
1412	/**
1413	 *
1414	 * Creates a tax setting for automated tax deduction/splitting
1415	 * @param int		$bookId
1416	 * @param string	$taxText
1417	 * @param double	$taxAmount
1418	 * @param string	$taxIsFix
1419	 * @return int		id of the newly created tax
1420	 */
1421	function createTax($bookId, $taxText, $taxAmount, $taxIsFix = 'n')
1422	{
1423		$query = "INSERT INTO `tiki_acct_tax` (`taxBookId`, `taxText`, `taxAmount`, `taxIsFix`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
1424		$res = $this->query($query, [$bookId, $taxText, $taxAmount, $taxIsFix]);
1425		return $this->lastInsertId();
1426	}
1428	/**
1429	 * removes all unnecessary thousand markers and replaces local decimal characters with "." to enable handling as numbers.
1430	 *
1431	 * @param	int		$bookId		id of the current book
1432	 * @param	string	$amount		date of the transaction
1433	 * @return	string/float		Returns a float or an empty string if the source is not numeric
1434	 */
1435	function cleanupAmount($bookId, $amount)
1436	{
1437		$book = $this->getBook($bookId);
1438		$a = str_replace($book['bookDecPoint'], '.', str_replace($book['bookThousand'], '', $amount));
1439		if (! is_numeric($a)) {
1440			return '';
1441		}
1442		return (float)$a;
1443	}//cleanupAmount
1445	/**
1446	 * Checks the existence/non-existence of a numerical id in the given table
1447	 *
1448	 * @param	string	$idname		name of the id field in the table
1449	 * @param	int	$id		the id to check
1450	 * @param	string	$table		the table to search
1451	 * @param	boolean	$exists		true if a record must exist, false if it must not
1452	 *
1453	 * @return	array	Returns aa array of errors (empty if none occurred)
1454	 */
1455	function validateId($idname, $id, $table, $exists = true, $bookIdName = '', $bookId = 0)
1456	{
1457		$errors = [];
1458		if (! is_numeric($id)) {
1459			$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($idname) . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($id) . ')'
1460				. tra('is not a number.');
1461		} elseif ($id <= 0) {
1462			$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($idname) . ' ' . tra('must be greater than 0.');
1463		} else {
1464			//static whitelist based on usage of the validateId function in accountinglib.php
1465			$tablesWhitelist = [
1466				'tiki_acct_tax' => [
1467					'idname'     => 'taxId',
1468					'bookIdName' => 'taxBookId'
1469				],
1470				'tiki_acct_account' => [
1471					'idname'     => 'accountId',
1472					'bookIdName' => 'accountBookId'
1473				]
1474			];
1475			if (! array_key_exists($table, $tablesWhitelist)) {
1476				$errors[] = tra('Invalid transaction - please contact administrator.');
1477			} elseif ($idname !== $tablesWhitelist[$table]['idname']) {
1478				$errors[] = tra('Invalid transaction - please contact administrator.');
1479			} else {
1480				$query = "SELECT $idname FROM $table WHERE $idname = ?";
1481				$bindvars = [$id];
1482				if ($bookIdName === $tablesWhitelist[$table]['bookIdName']) {
1483					$query .= " AND $bookIdName = ?";
1484					array_push($bindvars, $bookId);
1485				}
1487				$res = $this->query($query, $bindvars);
1488				if ($res === false) {
1489					$errors[] = tra('Error checking') . htmlspecialchars($idname) . ': ' . $this->ErrorNo() . ': '
1490						. $this->ErrorMsg() . '<br /><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</pre>';
1491				} else {
1492					if ($exists) {
1493						if ($res->numRows() == 0) {
1494							$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($idname) . ' ' . tra('does not exist.');
1495						}
1496					} else {
1497						if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
1498							$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($idname) . ' ' . tra('already exists');
1499						}
1500					} //existence
1501				} // query
1502			}
1503		} // numeric
1504		return $errors;
1505	} // validateId