2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8interface Search_Type_Factory_Interface
10	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
11	function plaintext($value);
12	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
13	function plainmediumtext($value);
14	// wiki parsed before indexed - tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
15	function wikitext($value);
16	// not tokenized - indexed - stored in database
17	function timestamp($value, $dateOnly = false);
18	// not tokenized - indexed - stored in database
19	function identifier($value);
20	// not tokenized - indexed - stored in database
21	function numeric($value);
22	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
23	function multivalue($values);
24	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
25	function object($values);
26	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database
27	function nested($values);
28	// tokenized - indexed - stored in database
29	function sortable($value);
30	// tokenized - using Elasticsearch simple analyzer without stemming etc.
31	// useful in wildcard searches or when stemming is not desired. e.g. *leslie* doesn't match leslie.
32	function simpletext($value);
33	// tokenized - indexed - unstored in database (?)
34	function geopoint($value);
35	// like object but - not indexed - not mapped
36	function json($value);