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6// $Id$
8//this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly.
9if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) {
10	header('location: index.php');
11	exit;
15 * Class Table_Settings_TikiAdminusers
16 *
17 * Tablesorter settings for the table listing users at tiki-adminusers.php
18 *
19 * @package Tiki
20 * @subpackage Table
21 * @uses Table_Settings_Standard
22 */
23class Table_Settings_TikiAdminusers extends Table_Settings_Standard
25	protected $ts = [
26		'filters' => [
27			'external' => [
28				0 => [
29					'type' => 'dropdown',
30					'options' => [
31						'All users (no filter)' => '',
32						'Email not confirmed' => 'filterEmailNotConfirmed=on',
33						'User not validated' => 'filterNotValidated=on',
34						'Never logged in' => 'filterNeverLoggedIn=on',
35					],
36				],
37			],
38		],
39		'ajax' => [
40			'url' => [
41				'file' => 'tiki-adminusers.php',
42			],
43		],
44		'columns' => [
45			'#checkbox' => [
46				'sort' => [
47					'type' => false,
48				],
49				'filter' => [
50					'type' => false,
51				],
52				'resizable' => false,
53				'priority' => 'critical',
54			],
55			'#user' => [
56				'sort' => [
57					'type' => true,
58					'dir' => 'asc',
59					'ajax' => 'login',
60				],
61				'filter' => [
62					'type' => 'text',
63					'ajax' => 'find',
64				],
65				'priority' => 'critical',
66			],
67			'#email' => [					//only if $prefs.login_is_email != 'y'
68				'sort' => [
69					'type' => true,
70					'ajax' => 'email',
71				],
72				'filter' => [
73					'type' => 'text',
74					'placeholder' => 'Enter valid email...',
75					'ajax' => 'filterEmail',
76				],
77				'priority' => 1,
78			],
79			'#openid' => [					//only if $prefs.auth_method == 'openid'
80				'sort' => [
81					'type' => true,
82					'ajax' => 'openid_url',
83				],
84				'filter' => [
85					'type' => false,	//no filter since $userlib->get_users doesn't have it
86				],
87				'priority' => 6,
88			],
89			'#lastlogin' => [
90				'sort' => [
91					'type' => 'text',
92					'ajax' => 'currentLogin',
93				],
94				'filter' => [
95					'type' => false,
96				],
97				'priority' => 4,
98			],
99			'#registered' => [
100				'sort' => [
101					'type' => 'isoDate',
102					'ajax' => 'registrationDate',
103				],
104				'filter' => [
105					'type' => false,	//no filter since $userlib->get_users doesn't have it
106				],
107				'priority' => 5,
108			],
109			'#groups' => [
110				'sort' => [
111					'type' => false,
112				],
113				'filter' => [
114					'placeholder' => 'Select group',
115					'type' => 'dropdown',
116					'ajax' => 'filterGroup',
117				],
118				'priority' => 3,
119			],
120			'#actions' => [
121				'sort' => [
122					'type' => false,
123				],
124				'filter' => [
125					'type' => false,
126				],
127				'priority' => 1,
128			],
129		],
130	];