2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8namespace Tiki\Composer;
10use Composer\Script\Event;
11use Composer\Util\FileSystem;
12use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
15 * After Migrate the vendors to vendors_bundled, we should clean the vendor folder
16 * We don't want to that by deleting all files in the vendor folder, instead we will try
17 * to do sensitive decisions about what to delete
18 *
19 * All the process is skipped exists a file called "do_not_clean.txt" in the vendor folder
20 *
21 * Class CleanVendorAfterVendorBundledMigration
22 * @package Tiki\Composer
23 */
24class CleanVendorAfterVendorBundledMigration
27	// To calculate the md5 hash for the old vendor folder, on a linux server, you can use (inside the old vendor folder):
28	//
29	// $ STRING=$(ls -d */* | grep -v "^composer/" | grep -v "^bin/" | LC_COLLATE=C sort -fu | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//')
30	// $ echo -n $STRING | md5sum
31	//
32	const PRE_MIGRATION_OLD_VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH = '6997e3dc0e3ad453ab8ea9798653a0fa'; // version 17 before change
33	const VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_16_X = '40473ceff65c1045ccd10ebd5e5e3110'; // version 16.3
34	const VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_15_X = '273278571219f62e2d658e510684d763'; // version 15.6
35	const VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_14_X = 'fbf3913809c5575aee178a1c2437a48a'; // version 14.4
36	const VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_13_X = '507a38862ece4a36a6787850e7e732be'; // version 13.2
37	const VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_12_X = '466948d920571e4065b5ddde9b0d72da'; // version 12.13
39	/**
40	 * @param Event $event
41	 */
42	public static function cleanLinks(Event $event)
43	{
44		self::cleanBinLinks();
45	}
47	/**
48	 * @param Event $event
49	 */
50	public static function clean(Event $event)
51	{
53		/*
54		 * 0) Make sure old bin links are removed so they can be created by composer
55		 * 1) If a file called do_not_clean.txt exists in the vendor folder stop
56		 * 2) If there is a vendor/autoload.php, check the hash of the folder structure, if different from at the time
57		 *    of the vendor_bundle migration, ignore
58		 * 2.1) Even if the hash do not match, check if 3 of the tiki bundled packages are installed, if that is the
59		 *    case warn the user as it might be a problem and disable autoload
60		 * 3) If we arrive here, clean all folders and autoload.php in the old (pre migration) vendor folder
61		 */
63		$io = $event->getIO();
64		$fs = new FileSystem();
66		$rootFolder = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../');
67		$oldVendorFolder = realpath($rootFolder . '/vendor');
69		// 0) Make sure we can install known bin files (they might be still linked to the old vendor folder
70		self::cleanBinLinks();
72		// if we cant find the vendor dir no sense in progressing
73		if ($oldVendorFolder === false || ! is_dir($oldVendorFolder)) {
74			return;
75		}
77		// 1) If a file called do_not_clean.txt exists in the vendor folder stop
78		if (file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/do_not_clean.txt')) {
79			$io->write('');
80			$io->write('File vendor/do_not_clean.txt is present, no attempt to clean the vendor folder will be done!');
81			$io->write('');
83			return;
84		}
86		// 2) If there is a vendor/autoload.php, check the hash of the folder structure, if different from at the time
87		//    of the vendor_bundle migration, ignore
88		if (file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/autoload.php')) {
89			$finder = new Finder();
90			$finder->in($oldVendorFolder)->exclude(['composer', 'bin'])->depth(2);
92			$packages = [];
93			foreach ($finder as $file) {
94				$packages[] = $file->getRelativePath();
95			}
97			$packages = array_unique($packages);
98			natcasesort($packages);
99			$packagesString = implode(':', array_values($packages));
101			$md5checksum = md5($packagesString);
103			if (! in_array(
104				$md5checksum,
105				[
107					self::VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_16_X,
108					self::VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_15_X,
109					self::VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_14_X,
110					self::VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_13_X,
111					self::VENDOR_FOLDER_MD5_HASH_12_X,
112				]
113			)) {
114				// * 2.1) Even if the hash do not match, check if 3 of the tiki bundled packages are installed, if that is the
115				//        case warn the user as it might be a problem and disable autoload
116				if ((file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/zendframework/zend-config/src/Config.php') //ZF2
117						|| file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/bombayworks/zendframework1/library/Zend/Config.php')) //ZF1
118					&& (file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/smarty/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php') //Smarty
119						|| file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/smarty/smarty/distribution/libs/Smarty.class.php')) //Smarty
120					&& file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/adodb/adodb/adodb.inc.php') //Adodb
121				) {
122					rename($oldVendorFolder . '/autoload.php', $oldVendorFolder . '/autoload-disabled.php');
123					self::cleanTemplates($rootFolder, $fs);
125					$message = <<<'EOD'
126Your vendor folder contains multiple packages that were normally bundled with Tiki. Since version 17 those libraries
127were migrated from the folder "vendor" to the folder "vendor_bundled".
129It looks like your instance still has these libraries in the vendor folder, to avoid issues your "vendor/autoload.php"
130was renamed to "vendor/autoload-disabled.php".
132If you are sure that you want to use the libraries in addition to the ones bundled with tiki, please rename
133"vendor/autoload-disabled.php" back to "vendor/autoload.php" and place a file with the name "do_not_clean.txt" in the vendor folder.
135Tiki will not load your "vendor/autoload.php" when is detected as being a stale folder unless a file called
136"vendor/do_not_clean.txt" exists. A "vendor/do_not_clean.txt" will prevent, in future runs of composer, the automatic disabling of
139Most probably you did not add your own custom libraries in addition to the ones bundled with tiki, so you can empty your "vendor" directory
140with: "rm -rf vendor/*".
141If you have your own custom libraries, you should remove all the other ones from the "vendor" directory.
144					file_put_contents($oldVendorFolder . '/autoload-disabled-README.txt', $message . "\n");
146					$io->write('');
147					$io->write('!!!! Warning !!!!');
148					$io->write('');
149					$io->write($message);
150					$io->write('');
151					$io->write('A copy of this information was written also into "vendor/autoload-disabled-README.txt"');
152					$io->write('');
153				}
154				return;
155			}
156		} elseif (file_exists($oldVendorFolder . '/autoload-disabled.php')) {
157			// we already disabled autoload, in previous runs, do nothing.
158			return;
159		}
161		// 3) If we arrive here, clean all folders and autoload.php in the old (pre migration) vendor folder
163		$fs->remove($oldVendorFolder . '/autoload.php');
165		$vendorDirsCleaned = false;
166		$vendorDirs = glob($oldVendorFolder . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
167		foreach ($vendorDirs as $dir) {
168			if (is_dir($dir)) {
169				$fs->remove($dir);
170				$vendorDirsCleaned = true;
171			}
172		}
174		if ($vendorDirsCleaned) {
175			self::cleanTemplates($rootFolder, $fs);
176		}
177	}
179	/**
180	 * Cleans links from the bin folder to the legacy vendor folder
181	 */
182	protected static function cleanBinLinks()
183	{
184		$fs = new FileSystem();
186		$rootFolder = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../');
187		$oldVendorFolder = realpath($rootFolder . '/vendor');
189		// 0) Make sure we can install known bin files (they might be still linked to the old vendor folder
190		$binFiles = ['lessc', 'minifycss', 'minifyjs', 'dbunit', 'phpunit'];
192		foreach ($binFiles as $file) {
193			$filePath = $rootFolder . '/bin/' . $file;
194			if (is_link($filePath)) {
195				$linkDestination = readlink($filePath);
196				$fileRealPath = realpath($filePath);
197				if (strncmp($linkDestination, '../vendor/', strlen('../vendor/')) === 0 // relative link to vendor folder
198					|| $filePath === false // target don't exists, so link is broken
199					|| strncmp(
200						$fileRealPath,
201						$oldVendorFolder,
202						strlen($oldVendorFolder)
203					) === 0 // still pointing to old vendor folder
204				) {
205					$fs->unlink($filePath);
206				}
207			}
208		}
209	}
211	/**
212	 * Clean templates, if there was a change to the vendors
213	 * @param string $rootFolder
214	 * @param FileSystem $fs
215	 */
216	protected static function cleanTemplates($rootFolder, $fs)
217	{
218		// there are some cached templates that will stop tiki to work after the migration
219		$loopDirs = array_merge(
220			[$rootFolder . '/temp/templates_c'],
221			glob($rootFolder . '/temp/templates_c/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR)
222		);
223		foreach ($loopDirs as $dir) {
224			$cachedTemplates = glob($dir . '/*.tpl.php');
225			foreach ($cachedTemplates as $template) {
226				$fs->remove($template);
227			}
228		}
229	}