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8function prefs_captcha_list()
10	return  [
11		'captcha_wordLen' => [
12			'name' => tra('CAPTCHA image word length'),
13			'description' => tra('Number of characters the CAPTCHA will display.'),
14			'type' => 'text',
15			'default' => 6,
16			'units' => tra('characters'),
17		],
18		'captcha_width' => [
19			'name' => tra('CAPTCHA image width'),
20			'description' => tra('Width of the CAPTCHA image in pixels.'),
21			'type' => 'text',
22			'units' => tra('pixels'),
23			'default' => 180,
24		],
25		'captcha_noise' => [
26			'name' => tra('CAPTCHA image noise'),
27			'description' => tra('Level of noise of the CAPTCHA image.'),
28			'hint' => tra('Choose a smaller number for less noise and easier reading.'),
29			'type' => 'text',
30			'default' => 100,
31		],
32		'captcha_questions_active' => [
33			'name' => tra('CAPTCHA questions'),
34			'description' => tra('Requires anonymous visitors to enter the answer to a question.'),
35			'type' => 'flag',
36			'dependencies' => [
37				'feature_antibot',
38			],
39			'default' => 'n',
40		],
41		'captcha_questions' => [
42			'name' => tra('CAPTCHA questions and answers'),
43			'description' => tra('Add some simple questions that only humans should be able to answer, in the format: "Question?: Answer" with one per line'),
44			'hint' => tra('One question per line with a colon separating the question and answer'),
45			'type' => 'textarea',
46			'size' => 6,
47			'dependencies' => [
48				'captcha_questions_active',
49			],
50			'default' => '',
51		],
52	];