2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8function prefs_sitelogo_list()
10	return [
11		'sitelogo_src' => [
12			'name' => tra('Logo source (image path)'),
13			'type' => 'text',
14			'description' => 'This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery.',
15			'default' => 'img/tiki/Tiki_WCG.png',
16			'tags' => ['basic'],
17			'fgal_picker' => 'y',
18		],
19		'sitelogo_bgcolor' => [
20			'name' => tra('Logo background color'),
21			'description' => tr('A legacy option to add a background color to the div that contains the logo image.'),
22			'hint' => tra('Examples:') . ' ' . '1) silver - 2) #fff',
23			'type' => 'text',
24			'size' => '15',
25			'default' => 'transparent',
26			'tags' => ['basic'],
27		],
28		'sitelogo_title' => [
29			'name' => tra('Logo title (on mouseover)'),
30			'description' => tr('This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page).'),
31			'type' => 'text',
32			'size' => '50',
33			'default' => 'Tiki powered site',
34			'tags' => ['basic'],
35		],
36		'sitelogo_alt' => [
37			'name' => tra('HTML "alt" tag description'),
38			'type' => 'text',
39			'size' => '50',
40			'description' => tr('Normally a description of the image, such as "Example.com logo"'),
41			'default' => 'Site Logo',
42			'tags' => ['basic'],
43			'hint' => tr('Used by text browsers, screen readers, etc.'),
44		],
45		'sitelogo_icon' => [
46			'name' => tra('Site icon'),
47			'description' => tr('This is used in narrow (top to bottom) page headers. In some layouts, the image is scaled down to fit in the available space.'),
48			'hint' => tra('Recommended image height: 32 pixel'),
49			'type' => 'text',
50			'default' => 'img/tiki/tikilogo_icon.png',
51			'tags' => ['basic'],
52		],
53	];