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8function prefs_unsuccessful_list()
10	return [
11		'unsuccessful_logins' => [
12			'name' => tra('Re-validate user by email after'),
13			'type' => 'text',
14			'size' => 5,
15			'filter' => 'int',
16			'units' => tra('unsuccessful login attempts'),
17			'hint' => tra('Use "-1" for never'),
18			'description' => tra('After a certain number of consecutive unsuccessful log-in attempts, the user will receive an email with instruction to validate his or her account. However, the user can still log in with the old password.'),
19			'default' => 20,
20			'keywords' => tra('brute force, brute-force, login failure, login-failure, failed logins'),
21		],
22		'unsuccessful_logins_invalid' => [
23			'name' => tra('Suspend account after'),
24			'type' => 'text',
25			'size' => 5,
26			'filter' => 'int',
27			'description' => tra('After a certain number of consecutive unsuccessful login attempts, the account is suspended. An admin must revalidate the account before the user can use it again.'),
28			'units' => tra('unsuccessful login attempts'),
29			'hint' => tra('Use "-1" for never'),
30			'default' => 50,
31			'keywords' => tra('brute force, brute-force, login failure, login-failure, failed logins'),
32		],
33	];