2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8function prefs_zend_list()
10	return [
11		'zend_mail_smtp_server' => [
12			'name' => tra('SMTP server'),
13			'type' => 'text',
14			'size' => '20',
15			'perspective' => false,
16			'default' => '',
17		],
18		'zend_mail_smtp_user' => [
19			'name' => tra('Username'),
20			'type' => 'text',
21			'size' => '20',
22			'perspective' => false,
23			'autocomplete' => 'off',
24			'default' => '',
25		],
26		'zend_mail_smtp_pass' => [
27			'name' => tra('Password'),
28			'type' => 'password',
29			'size' => '20',
30			'perspective' => false,
31			'autocomplete' => 'off',
32			'default' => '',
33		],
34		'zend_mail_smtp_port' => [
35			'name' => tra('Port'),
36			'type' => 'text',
37			'size' => '5',
38			'perspective' => false,
39			'default' => 25,
40		],
41		'zend_mail_smtp_security' => [
42			'name' => tra('Security'),
43			'type' => 'list',
44			'perspective' => false,
45			'options' => [
46				'' => tra('None'),
47				'ssl' => tra('SSL'),
48				'tls' => tra('TLS'),
49			],
50			'default' => '',
51		],
52		'zend_mail_handler' => [
53			'name' => tra('Mail sender'),
54			'description' => tra('Specify if Tiki should use Sendmail(the PHP mail() function), SMTP or File (Debug) (to debug email sending by means of storing emails as files on disk at ./temp/Mail_yyyymmddhhmmss_randomstring.tmp ) to send mail notifications.'),
55			'type' => 'list',
56			'options' => [
57				'sendmail' => tra('Sendmail'),
58				'smtp' => tra('SMTP'),
59				'file' => tra('File (debug)'),
60			],
61			'default' => 'sendmail',
62		],
63		'zend_mail_smtp_auth' => [
64			'name' => tra('Authentication'),
65			'description' => tra('Mail server authentication'),
66			'type' => 'list',
67			'options' => [
68				'' => tra('None'),
69				'login' => tra('LOGIN'),
70				'plain' => tra('PLAIN'),
71				'crammd5' => tra('CRAM-MD5'),
72			],
73			'default' => '',
74		],
75		'zend_mail_smtp_helo' => [
76			'name' => tra('Local server name'),
77			'description' => tra('Name of the local server. Will be reported to SMTP relay on the HELO/EHLO line.'),
78			'type' => 'text',
79			'size' => '20',
80			'perspective' => false,
81			'default' => 'localhost',
82		],
83		'zend_mail_queue'         => [
84			'name' => tra('Mail delivery'),
85			'description' => tr(
86				'When set to Queue, messages will be stored in the database. Requires using the shell script %0 to be run for actual delivery. Only works with SMTP mail.',
87				'<code>php console.php mail-queue:send</code>'
88			),
89			'type' => 'list',
90			'options' => [
91				'' => tra('Send immediately'),
92				'y' => tra('Queue'),
93			],
94			'default' => '',
95		],
96		'zend_http_sslverifypeer' => [
97			'name' => tra('Verify HTTPS certificates of remote servers'),
98			'description' => tra('When set to enforce, the server will fail to connect over HTTPS to a remote server that do not have a SSL certificate that is valid and can be verified against the local list of Certificate Authority (CA)'),
99			'type' => 'list',
100			'options' => [
101				'' => tra('Do not enforce verification'),
102				'y' => tra('Enforce verification'),
103			],
104			'default' => '',
105		],
106		'zend_http_use_curl'      => [
107			'name'        => tra('Use CURL for HTTP connections'),
108			'description' => tra(
109				'Use CURL instead of sockets for server to server HTTP connections, when sockets are not available.'
110			),
111			'type'        => 'flag',
112			'default'     => 'n',
113			'extensions'  => ['curl'],
114		],
115	];